Lebanese Maronite Coast

Lebanese Maronite Coast

Lydia Crist

You should book a car rental in Lebanon once you have arrived. This will allow you to take a day trip to the Great Rift Valley for some incredible photography opportunities.


Lebanon MOPH Pass - also known as Lebanese Pass - is among the most popular international routes to take in order to explore Lebanon. It's well-known for being an unforgettable route and gives you a breathtaking view of this fascinating ancient civilization. In addition, it also offers you an opportunity to get a great holiday break which is neither only relaxing but also extremely enjoyable. The country is absolutely beautiful and offers everything from the wildest deserts to the lively beaches. No matter what your interests may be, the Lebanese Pass is a must-see spot in this part.

This is among the most popular routes for all visitors to explore the fascinating country of Lebanon. The car rental from Beirut takes you directly into the heart of Lebanon, where you can enjoy all the cultural highlights. The best thing about exploring the Lebanese Pass by renting a car is the freedom to go where you want to. That means whether you'd prefer to head towards the old part of town or down towards the beach areas. You only need to decide how long you want to stay. Then you can drive around the area and enjoy all this beautiful country has to offer.

This is also a great way to see the magnificent Pyramids of Giza without having to rent a car. Start by visiting the Quseir, where you can walk to a cliff edge and gaze down at the Pyramids. This is a particularly popular activity during the summer months when there are many tourists that come to visit the area. Other than the Pyramids, this city also has many other stunning sites which you can see from the comfort of a car hire.

To reach Sayulita, you will need to go to the Maronite Mountains. From there you can enjoy a stunning view of the Pyramids from the highway. There are many activities available once you reach the resort town. You'll be able to go trekking up to the Dolomites just to the north of Sayulita. Other than the trekking you can also take a ride along the beach and explore the sights that this amazing resort town has to offer. There are many water activities to choose from. You can swim for as long as you like in the waters lined with beautiful villas and gardens.

If you're looking for driving pleasure, you might want to consider hiring a car in Lebanon and drive to the Dinar el Bahri area to experience the sights up close. The landscape is stunning and you'll be able to take a boat ride to the top of Mount Lebanon where you can admire the crystal waters and mountains that make up the country. Sidra, a popular tourist destination, is located in Dinar el Bahri. You should book a car rental in Lebanon once you have arrived. This will allow you to take a day trip to the Great Rift Valley for some incredible photography opportunities.

For an even more stunning drive, rent a four-wheel drive and head southwest out of Sayulita towards the Pelayous Mountains. You'll find Zafar, a charming town halfway between Sayulita's and the Pelayous. You'll find both rustic and modern architecture in this charming mountain community. When you're done with your driving, you'll find that you're in the midst of one the most beautiful and varied cities in all of Lebanon. This hotel is a great place to stay. When you are ready to return to your car rental in Lebanon, you can simply find Sidra.

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