Leaving A Libra Man Alone

Leaving A Libra Man Alone


Leaving A Libra Man Alone
by Denise March 31, 2019, 6:57 pm
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Libra men are fair people, just like the symbol that represents them stands for justice and balance. They think love should be exchanged all the time for the world to become a better place, and when in a romantic relationship, they’re always trying to make sure there’s an equal give-and-take between them and their partner.
Those who want to break up with them could easily do it by not taking action for their relationship with them to improve and by acting rude. Being great communicators, Libras won’t hesitate to tell their partner something is wrong and that they want to end things, so they can be pretty fair about the situation.
Top 5 things to know about the breakup with a Libra man:
Men in Libra get to be very disappointed when rejected, but being upset won’t take them too long because they seem to easily bounce back. After a breakup, they’re calm and dignified, so many of their exes are very happy to have had it so easy.
The Libra man is not difficult to break up with, especially if things between him and his partner aren’t going as smoothly as possible.
He’s a little bit scary when angry, so it would be better to not agitate him because he can become unpredictable and may start breaking things or punching the walls, just to act like nothing has happened after only a few seconds.
Try not to upset him in any way, so when trying to break up with this man, it would be better to do it somewhere pleasant. Since natives of this sign don’t like making a scene in public, the man who’s about to be dumped should be taken to his favorite restaurant for the big discussion.
It would be a good idea to start with a relaxed conversation and you could be talking about what you want to do on your own in the future.
He’ll pay more attention when noticing he’s not included in your plans, so from here, you can take the conversation to why you should both look for happiness with other people.
If he suggests couple counseling, you should simply refuse talking about it, as well you must avoid telling him what he can do better when he’s asking this question.
Not matter the situation, he shouldn’t be blamed for what’s happening because this will only make him become defensive in his unique passive-aggressive way, not to mention he’ll start a long conversation about the subject, a sort of debate at which only a Gemini could perhaps win him over with.
His partner should tell him she can never feel in any way bad towards him and that she wants to keep being friends because he really needs to hear this.
The Libra partner is refined and doesn’t mind contemplating about perfection, so when being told he has made many mistakes, he starts plotting his way on making the person who said that suffer, situation in which he may hook up with the first incredibly beautiful and smart woman he meets or even worse, his ex’s best friend, and start a new before the one who left him has walked out the door.
Even the more independent Libra man hates being alone and doing things on his own. Therefore, a good way to make him want to break up is to just leave him alone for long periods of time and to be out as much as possible.
This could definitely have him walk out on his lover, but only after he has carefully planned the breakup. Those who want to be more subtle could just mess with his order and balance.
For example, he could be treated with pizza and Netflix instead of the romantic dinners in the dining room. And this should be done to him every night.
At the same time, the woman who’s trying all this should make a mess into his closet saying she’s looking for something, while not forgetting to leave his favorite sweater on the floor.
Also, she could pick on the way he looks. If criticized too much about a wrinkle, he may do something about it and go for some Botox injections with her credit card, after which he’ll go out and hook up with someone who’s younger than her.
He can be really turned off when not appreciated for his romantic side and the way he’s showing his love and affection, by being a gentleman and being cuddly.
He’ll look for a person who can value him as soon as he’s feeling unappreciated by others. Furthermore, he doesn’t like to be pushed into a commitment because he has a problem making decisions, which can drive his partner crazy.
He shouldn’t be given ultimatums and it would be better to let him think all of the good ideas are his. Being refined and appreciative of high-quality, he would hate to see his wife or girlfriend being cheap or too practical.
He also doesn’t like loud women because he’s very sensitive, in the ears especially. When the music has its volume up or someone is talking too loudly around him, he starts to become irritated.
Furthermore, he doesn’t like a lady who’s needy and wants to be all the time being paid attention to because he’s a charmer who’s spinning around and doesn’t want to feel needed.
The woman who drinks too much and doesn’t take good care of herself will never seem attractive to him because he wants someone classy and who smells good. He very much likes to show off his partner to everyone, so he won’t be with a woman who doesn’t always look good.
Crazy about elegant ladies who know how to act in public, he won’t fall in love for the woman who arrives at the first date dressed in a t-shirt and with her nail polish chipped.
Therefore, it’s easy to make him want to go away when truly wanting for this to happen. If asked to end things with his partner, the Libra man will try his best to convince her to change her mind.
He wants to please as much as he can, so he’ll probably mention many compromises he’ll make in order to get things fixed. He’s so diplomatic and persuasive that he may convince any lady to change her mind. However, if she really wants to do this, she should be firm on her position.
Looking at all the signs in the Western zodiac, it can be said Libras are the least likely to take the first step towards a breakup because they simply hate confronting other people, so it’s pretty difficult for them to end relationships.
When irritated and annoyed, they just prefer to not think about the problem and to hide their unhappiness under a smile. These natives are also known as great procrastinators and very indecisive, which means it may take them a long time to make up their mind about a breakup.
Those who want to end things up with a Libra man should not be committed to their relationship together. This can make Libras want to pack their bags and leave because they need someone with whom they can be together for a long time, so they’re looking for a partner who’s ready to invest a lot in the connection with them, a person who’s putting them first.
Those who aren’t enjoying what Libras are offering them in terms of fun and partnering up won’t last for too long next to these natives.
Furthermore, they don’t like being taken advantage of and when their love is not treating them well because this can really turn their passion off.
While not minding to make compromises, they couldn’t tolerate a person without a sense of justice.
The scales is their symbol, so they’ll always try to balance things, to mediate arguments and to bring peace around them.
When dumped, they may take with them all of the friends they had in common with their partner, which means many of their exes have winded up without too many buddies. They’ll do this on purpose, to make their former lover feel isolated, this being their revenge.
However, underneath they wouldn’t be this cruel, perhaps even scared that they may have done something wrong, even if they’ll never show the way they’re feeling to others and wear a mask that’s saying everything is okay with them.
They take a long time to recover after a break up, but not because they were too attached or hurt, more because a separation is forcing them to reveal some of their ugly parts and not be as they used to be in front of others.
The man in Libra may become a little bit paranoid when seeing his ex free and doing what she wants to. He’ll spend hours thinking about what she’s doing or if she’s talking about him, in either a positive or a negative way.
She’ll surely miss the way he used to look into her eyes and say the perfect thing, in the perfect moment. However, she won’t want to remember how manipulative he can be and how he could lie without a muscle twitching on his face.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

© 2022 Astrologify . All rights reserved. Content on this website is for informational and entertainment purpose only. This website is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a professional. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This website also participates in partner programs with Shareasale, Clickbank, CJ, and a number of other networks.
If you want to avoid a Libra man breakup, you’ve got to know how to keep your relationship balanced. You’ve got to know what to do when a Libra man pulls away.
This will keep you from overwhelming him with too much emotion.
Will a Libra man come back after a breakup? Usually, yes. He’ll waver back and forth before fully committing. It’s better to avoid a breakup altogether if you can.
If you know how to get a Libra man to stop ignoring you without chasing him or pushing too far, you’ll be able to avoid a breakup. Don’t come on too strong. Give him space.
Even if you see signs a Libra man lost interest, it may not be too late. The key is to get his attention without being demanding or clingy.
Leaving a Libra man alone from time to time is one of the best ways to get his attention and renew his interest in you. When he’s paying attention to you, make sure you pay attention to your appearance.
The biggest dealbreaker for a Libra man in a relationship is if you stop caring about your appearance. You may think he’s being shallow, but like it or not a Libra man is image conscious.
He has a strong sense of beauty and loves to see you flaunt your natural strengths and attractiveness. If you stop caring about your appearance, he’ll start to lose interest. Yet this can easily be reversed.
Spend a little extra time picking the right outfit when you plan to see him. He’ll assume that if you dress well and take care of your appearance, you’re showing you respect yourself.
Also, as an artist, a Libra man loves it when a woman treats her body like a canvas to be accentuated with beautiful clothing and accessories or makeup. He is drawn to anyone or anything beautiful because it is like viewing a work of art.
If you want to know how to get a Libra man back after a breakup, the key is to look your best and pay attention to your appearance. Treat yourself to a makeover or upgrade your look. This will get his attention.
If you’re wondering how to know when a Libra man is done with you, take time to review your recent interactions. Have you done anything to cause a scandal or embarrass him? If you want to keep a Libra man, you’ve got to have a good reputation.
Being a woman of high integrity is important. A Libra man can celebrate eccentricity and loves a free spirit, but he won’t stick around for drama or chaos. If you damage your own reputation, he’ll assume you’ll damage his as well.
Yet if you stand out as the kind of woman who naturally commands the respect of others or as a woman who is fair, compassionate, honest and respectable, you’ll be able to breakup proof your relationship. Your reputation will speak for you.
When you see signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings for you, you may be confused at first. You may think he is avoiding your or that you don’t have a chance. Be patient so he can become comfortable with you.
Why does a Libra man keep coming back? If he sees that you are compassionate and fair minded, he’ll want to try to work things out in the relationship. He needs to feel like you are conscientious.
If you only care about promoting your own opinions, or if you are critical of other people, a Libra man will back off. Don’t just show you’re fair with him. He’s watching to see how you treat everyone. Even complete strangers.
If you are compassionate and generous with strangers, kind to the servers at the restaurant or strangers on the street, your Libra man will take note. He will want to stay with you because he sees that you as having similar values.
If you want to prevent a Libra man from breaking up with you, challenge yourself to see both sides of every story. Try to consider every perspective before coming to a conclusion.
When a Libra man wants you back, he will want try to be tolerant and accommodating. But there are some lines he won’t cross. He’ll want you to know that you support him. If you criticize him, he’ll be turned off.
No contact rules with a Libra man are important to respect. If he asks for space, honor this request. Don’t accuse him of being cold. He will take this as a personal criticism. What you may see as his being “cold” may be his self-care .
You can create unintended damage in your relationship with a Libra man if you are too critical of him or others. If you criticize him, he’ll feel personally attacked. He may try to soften your perspective but eventually he’ll retreat altogether.
When a Libra man wants you back, he’ll go out of his way to try to be agreeable with you. Though he likes some occasional friendly debate, a Libra man doesn’t like confrontation.
He needs to feel like he can have a doorway out if a discussion gets too heated. Committing the phrase “Let’s agree to disagree” to memory can save your relationship with a Libra man.
It could be his preferred way to tie up loose ends in a conversation and move on so that he doesn’t get sucked in to negativity. You may need to know when to tone down an argument. This can make or break your relationship.
When you agree to disagree with a Libra man, you’re respecting his difference of opinion without being insulting or dominating. He may also need to drop a topic before it becomes too much of a power struggle.
You can get a Libra man to keep his interest in you by showing that you care about society and not just your own ambitions and goals. When you act like a humanitarian, you increase a Libra man’s attraction to you.
He’ll have more faith in you when he sees that you are concerned about the welfare of others and are willing to become part of the process of change to help others. Your compassion toward others can make a Libra man fall in love with you.
You can show your humanitarian side by following your ideals. Don’t just tell him you feel bad for homeless people, become active in a group that prevents evictions. Show your concern for animals and the environment as well.
You don’t have to have the solution to every problem. Often, a Libra man will be just as thrilled to see that you are idealistic and care about important causes. He doesn’t always think in practical terms.
A Libra man loves idealism. He wants to know that you have a dream and aren’t afraid to aim high. Show your Libra man that you are creative and innovative. Your ideals will attract him more than any part of your personality.
If you want to keep a Libra man from breaking up with you, emphasize your ideals. Show him that you have high aspirations and don’t settle for the status quo if it violates your integrity.
This works both ways as well. Show your Libra love interest that you value his idealism. Don’t interrogate him to get to the practical details. He doesn’t usually have a plan. He has dreams and faith and that works out well for him.
It comes as a surprise to many women to know that even a Libra man madly in love still needs a fair amount of space. This is because he needs to balance his time with you with time alone.
He needs to know that you aren’t going to become clingy or dependent on him. He doesn’t like to be overwhelmed by emotions or intensity in a relationship. Show your Libra man that you are fine on your own.
The more independent you are, the more he’ll admire you. When you have a busy schedule and lots of engagements with friends and when you aren’t always available when he calls, he’ll take it as a good sign.
He will think you’re popular, ambitious and independent and this will make him want to stay with you. A Libra man will want to be with you because he will see that you respect his freedom and won’t smother him.
You can keep a Libra man happy in a relationship with you when you keep the flirtation alive and show him your romantic side. Yet if you misread his friendliness and assume he is flirting with his other female friends, it will cause trouble.
Libra men are extremely friendly. They can’t help being social butterflies and sometimes their friendly attitude comes across as being flirty. He likely has a many friends. He may even be friends with his ex. Don’t show jealousy.
If you act insecure or jealous or try to get him to stop spending time with his female friends, he’ll shut down. It’s a major turn off for a Libra man when a woman tries to control him. Especially if you try to limit his friendships.
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© 2022 Astrologify . All rights reserved. Content on this website is for informational and entertainment purpose only. This website is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a professional. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This website also participates in partner programs with Shareasale, Clickbank, CJ, and a number of other networks.
If you have recently dumped or been dumped by a Libra guy, you are probably wondering what happens to a Libra man after a breakup.
Will he move on to another girl quickly, or is he pining after you?
The way that a Libra man reacts to a breakup depends on whether or not he broke up with you and how much thought he put into it beforehand.
You may wonder what he does to get over a breakup and if you have a shot at getting him back.
By looking at his zodiac sign’s typical personality traits and psychological characteristics, you can get a better sense of what happens after a Libra man breaks up with you.
For a Libra man, emotional distance after a breakup is key. You won’t catch him crying or feeling sorry for himself after a breakup, no matter how torn up he is inside.
Don’t be surprised or offended by how unemotional your Libra guy seems after you separate. It’s not in his nature to mope or look for sympathy.
Leaving a Libra man alone and giving him emotional distance after a breakup could either work for or against you, depending on the reasons why you broke up.
If he dumped you amid a heated argument, you should contact him to see how he’s feeling and try to reconcile. But if he dumped you after long and thoughtful consideration, appealing to his emotions won’t work.
Either way, don’t expect a big emotional display from this stoic sign after a breakup. He is putting on a front because he doesn’t want other people to see how hurt he truly is.
Libras are very rational and analytical. After a breakup, a Libra man will review the relationship in his mind to try to figure out where things went wrong.
If you want to know how to make a Libra man obsessed with you after a breakup, approach him calmly and point out the problems that made the two of you separate.
Instead of crying, throwing yourself at his feet, and begging him to come back, show him what you’ve learned from the past and how things will be be
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