Leasing the apartment: visit of a candidate

Leasing the apartment: visit of a candidate

Glamour Apartments Agency - Paris | www.glamourapartments.com

Your property is available for rent, and you're ready to show it in order to choose a future tenant among a great number of candidates. After your advertising publication you have already done a preliminary selection of the received requests to choose profiles only those candidates who correspond to all conditions of safety and solvency, and visit of the apartment is the final step before you will make your choice of the tenant. The meeting has to be organized with a maximum care to interest the people who want to rent your property, as well as to help you to make a final decision.

Optimal planning

Individual meetings are more preferable than collective visits. During the group visits it's rather difficult to carry on a dialogue with the candidates and remember each of them to the moment when the best one has to be chosen.

We advise you to set meetings every half an hour, it is desirable at the end of the day or at the weekend, to meet with prospective tenants separately and in the time convenient for them. You'll have a chance to tell them in details about the merits of your apartment, communicate in a free atmosphere and form an opinion about a person. All of these will make your decision more easy.

Of course, it's possible if your property is free at the moment. In the case if it's still occupied by a present tenant you must get his(her) permission for such visits in his(her) presence and follow certain terms established by law.

Important: the law forbids organizing visits of rental apartments occupied by a tenant on Sundays, official holidays and longer two hours on weekdays (Article 4, the law № 89-462 from the 6th of July, 1989 | article 4 de la loi n° 89-462 du 6 juillet 1989).

Presentation of the accommodation in the best manner

Find the time to prepare for the visit. You need to estimate the rooms before potential tenants will come. The first impressions of the visitors usually influence on their final decision. Be sure that the apartment is in perfect condition, taking into account the following moments:

  • cleanness: clean and air the rooms;
  • brightness: if possible, chose the most light and sunny hours for the visits. Switch on the light during the hours of darkness;
  • comfort: in a case of cold outdoors, turn on heating to welcome the candidates in a warm atmosphere;
  • space: if the apartment is furnished, optimize the rooms space by a competent layout of furniture;
  • maintenance: check condition of all home equipment. If needed, eliminate defects, keeping in mind small details like installing new sockets, old gaskets replacement and so on;

if the property is occupied, ask the present tenant to do the cleaning and put things in order. It'll help the visitors to see all merits of the apartment.

Organizing the tour

Start the visit from the best room to arouse positive emotions of a candidate. Step by step demonstrating the rooms, don't be shy to point out their functionality and merits, comfortable equipment (light, storage facilities, balcony, two-glass cover, Internet access...). Underline the presence of new equipment, note the rates of power efficiency. At last, don't finish the tour in a bedroom or another small room - come back to the most beautiful room where the visit has been started. As a rule, it's the living room, but it also may be the terrace or the courtyard with garden. You should also underline all advantages of infrastructure of the area where the apartment is located. Describe remarkable features of the district, the places that can be interesting for a potential tenant.

Advise by Glamour Apartments:
to attract the potential tenants, they have to see the strengths of the apartment in the ad, what can force them to contact the lessor. That's why you should to make a detailed description of your property and quality photos for placing the advertising at the site of Glamour Apartments.

Informative answers to all questions

A potential tenant, interested in your accommodation, will definitely ask you a chain of questions to make his(her) decision. Give the answers sincerely, don't hide shortcomings that can be detected by a visitor. Offer all possible options of their correction. As well, give concrete answers for all financial questions, paying attention to the size of rental fee and real estate tax.

Following these advices, you can prepare for visits of your potential tenants.

Good luck!  

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