Learning to Delegate Tasks as a Small Business Owner

Learning to Delegate Tasks as a Small Business Owner

Evan Hydon
Business Funding for Manufacturing

When you’re just starting out as a small business owner, your operation may be small enough that you can do every job yourself. While some entrepreneurs may appreciate having that level of control, if they ever hope to grow their business, they’ll have to learn how to let go and leave some tasks to their employees. If you’re experiencing growing pains as your small business levels up, here are a few tips from the small business experts at REIL Capital to help you delegate effectively, just like America’s top CEOs.

Choose the Right Tasks to Delegate

As a small business owner, you have two types of jobs: those that absolutely must be done by you yourself, and those that could conceivably be performed just as well by someone else. Step one of delegating is learning the difference. With menial jobs like facilities maintenance, it can be easy to tell; for other jobs like keeping the books, doing payroll, and other administrative tasks, you might have a difficult time deciding which ones actually need your personal touch. Just remember to find the jobs that make up the core aspects of your business and focus on those yourself; anything else is secondary.

Choose the Right Person for the Job

The next thing you’ll need to do is select a person to whom you will delegate. Remember that your employees are human resources, and they must be allocated effectively to get the job done right. If you’ve got a top-notch business manager on your staff, don’t let them waste time cleaning up around the shop. On the same coin, don’t assign complex tasks to someone who’s in over their head. In the early stages of your growth as a business, it may take some time to get things sorted out but remember not to micromanage; when you place your trust in your best people, you’ll find they have a tendency to rise to meet your expectations.

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Communicate Effectively

You can’t expect someone to get the job done right if you haven’t sufficiently explained what you want. While it can be difficult to strike a balance between micromanagement and laissez-faire” leadership, be confident that you’ve got the right tools to administer effectively. When you assign a job, be sure to articulate exactly what you expect the outcome to be and outline the best way to achieve it. Be clear and concise in your explanation and be sure to politely address any concerns or objections before you walk away. When the job is done, give a fair assessment of the results, giving your employee encouragement for their successes and constructive criticism for their failures. While they may not do everything perfectly right away, know that they’ll fall into a groove over time, meaning you can expect more consistent results in the future.

Relinquishing control can be a Herculean task for many small business owners; after all, your business is your life. If you ever expect to find yourself among the business world’s elite, you’ll need to learn how to let go and let your employees take over the little things while you focus on the big picture. Remember that you hired them for a reason, and trust that they’ll find a way to get the job done right. Follow the tips above, and you’ll have more time to take care of the core aspects of your business, and when you see your year-on-year growth skyrocketing, you’ll know exactly why!

REIL Capital provides short term funding for small businesses. Request more info on short term business loans by visiting our website or call us today!

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