League Of Angels 2 Sex Scene

League Of Angels 2 Sex Scene


League Of Angels 2 Sex Scene

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GTArcade offers the best online game League of angels, it is a free to play mmorpg game.

The Services and this Site are offered and made available only to users 16 years of age or older. YOU MUST BE 16 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO USE THE SERVICES AND THIS SITE. By accessing and using this Site, you represent that you are 16 years old or older; and if you are between the ages of 16 and 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these Terms.

With your prior consent and your confirmation of the opt-in link sent to the e-mail address mentioned in your application form, we may occasionally email you with offers, promotions, and/or information of interest. To opt out of emails from us, please follow the unsubscribe instructions contained in the relevant emails or contact us at cs@youzu.com.

This Terms of Use Agreement (these "Terms") is a legally binding agreement that governs your access and use of the games, content, applications, activities, purchases and other services (the "Services") offered by YOUZU GROUP, including but not limited to YOUZU GAMES HONGKONG LIMITED, YOUZU GAMES LIMITED, YOUZU (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD, BIGPOINT HOLDCO GMBH and their Affiliates. Affiliates shall mean any corporation, partnership, or other entity that, directly or indirectly, owns, is owned by, or is under common ownership with, such party hereto, for so long as such ownership exists. For the purposes of the foregoing, “ own”, ”owned”, or “ownership” shall mean ownership of more than fifty percent(50%) of the stock or other equity interests entitled to vote for the election of directors or an equivalent governing body. The Services may be made available through our website, third party social networking websites, or mobile versions thereof (this “Site”). By accessing and using any Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be legally bound by these Terms.

With your prior consent and your confirmation of the opt-in link sent to the e-mail address mentioned in your registration form, our applications may also deliver notifications to your phone. You can disable these notifications in your phone’s settings or by deleting the relevant application.

You may be required to open an Account directly with YOUZU GROUP by completing the registration process and providing true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself. YOUZU GROUP do not knowingly solicit any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 16. If we determine, in our sole discretion, that a person is under the age of 16, based on the information provided during the registration process, that person will not be permitted to register.

This Site may include hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties, including advertisers, sponsors, and other content providers that require registration. Any website links are provided to you as a convenience only. These websites may collect data or solicit personal information from children under the age of 16 to register for features in accordance with their own privacy policies. We do not control these websites and we are not responsible for their privacy policies, or for the collection, use or disclosure of any information those sites may collect. For more information, please review the privacy policies of each respective third party website.

Subject to your acceptance of and full compliance with these Terms, YOUZU GROUP grant to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use this Site, the Services and related software (excluding source and object code) (“Software”), for your non-commercial personal entertainment use only, by accessing the Services through your web browser or other application provided by YOUZU GROUP, authorized social networking websites, service providers or partners. You agree that you may not use the Services for any other purpose, or copy or distribute the Services except as specifically allowed in these Terms. You may download and install the Software onto one or more computers owned by you or under your legitimate control for your non-commercial personal entertainment use only, which must include copyright and trademark notices as required by these Terms.

Right to Terminate or Change Services

Your use of the Services and this Site is conditioned upon your continued full compliance with these Terms. Any use of the Services in violation of these Terms will be treated as an infringement of YOUZU GAMES HONGKONG LIMITED’s or its Affiliates’ copyrights in and to the Services. We reserve the right to change or modify the Services, or limit the features or services on this Site at any time to the extent this is in view of any remuneration paid for a Service or feature by you just and reasonable, without or without notice to you, without liability.

We reserve the right to terminate your access and use of the Services without notice for cause if you materially violate these Terms. In such event, we also reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently discontinue the Services, any portion of the Services, or the Site at any time, with or without notice to you, without liability. In such events, you must immediately and permanently destroy all copies of the Software in your possession and remove the Software from your hard drive. In such events, you will lose access to your Account, password, user name, persona, and you will forfeit all related entitlements, including Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods (including virtual vehicles, equipment, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other digital items appearing in, originating from or associated with this Site). You agree that these Terms will survive the termination of the Services or your Account for any reason.

YOUZU GROUP and its related and affiliated companies are the sole and exclusive owners of all right, title and interest, including without limitation, copyright, patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights, in the Services and this Site, including without limitation, all games, programs, tools, source codes, object codes, HTML, content, files, patches, updates, modifications, derivative works, printed or electronic documentation, instructions and other materials, design, text, data, sounds, photographs, audio clips, audiovisual, video, artwork, graphics, logos, names, button icons, images of vehicles, accessories and equipment, user Accounts, passwords, Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, concepts, technology, architecture, logic, structure, sequence, organization, themes, symbols, methods of operation, and other materials, all of which are protected by international copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, displayed, performed, rented, altered, stored for subsequent use, republished or used in any manner without our prior written consent. Any use of the materials appearing in the Services or this Site not expressly authorized by these Terms is a violation of copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws, and may result in criminal prosecution or civil penalties.

Except for the limited right to access and use the Services and this Site, we do not grant or transfer to you any other rights of any kind, including any rights in any Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods (including virtual vehicles, equipment, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other digital items appearing in, originating from or associated with this Site), or any other attributes appearing in, originating from or associated with the Services or this Site. No ownership rights of any kind, including any patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, are assigned or transferred to you, by accessing or using the Services or this Site, downloading material from or uploading material to this Site, or by purchasing any Virtual Goods.

You agree not to copy, redistribute, publish or otherwise exploit material from the Services or this Site, except as expressly permitted herein, without our prior written permission. All comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed, submitted, or offered to us in connection with the use of the Services is the exclusive property of YOUZU GROUP. You agree that we may use, sell, exploit and disclose any of your comments in any manner, without restriction and without compensation to you.

Intellectual Property Rights of Others

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names associated with the products or services that appear on or are referenced in this Site are the exclusive property of their respective owners.

All other product names and logos are the trademarks of their respective owners. In addition, other images, logos, pictures or other material may be trade names or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and may be protected by international copyright laws. We grant no right to copy or use any of these materials.

The Services may include virtual game currency (“Virtual Currency”), including, but not limited to currency, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other attributes appearing in, originating from or associated with this Site, that may be acquired for real world money if you are a legal adult in your country of residence. The Services may also include virtual vehicles, equipment, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other digital items appearing in, originating from or associated with this Site (“Virtual Goods”) that may be purchased from YOUZU GROUP for real world money or exchanged for Virtual Currency.

YOUZU GROUP have the absolute right to administer, control, modify, adjust, and eliminate any Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods, or any other attributes associated with use of our Services or this Site in its sole discretion, with or without notice, and without liability to you or anyone else. You have a limited, personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable license to use the Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency in our Services and this Site. However, you have no intellectual property right or license right or title in or to any Virtual Currency, Virtual Goods or any other attributes associated with use of the Services or this Site; your right to buy a certain volume of Services or Virtual Goods by paying with Virtual Currency shall remain unaffected.

Regardless of the means of transfer, the direct or indirect redemption or transfer of Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency for real world money, goods or other items of value by or from any party is strictly prohibited except where expressly authorized within the Services. Any attempt to do so is in violation of these Terms and may result in an immediate termination of your user Account and access to the Services, as well as possible legal action.

Any purchases of Virtual Goods or Virtual Currency by you from YOUZU GROUP are final. No refunds will be given, except in the sole discretion of YOUZU GROUP. If your user Account or your use of this Site is terminated or suspended for any reason, or if we permanently discontinue the Services or this Site for any reason, then those amounts all of your Virtual Goods and Virtual Currency for which you have not paid in real money will be immediately forfeited.

The Services may allow or invite you to chat or participate in blogs, message boards, online forums and other functionality and may provide you with the opportunity to create, submit, post, display, transmit, perform, publish, distribute or broadcast content and materials to YOUZU GROUP to or through this Site, including, without limitation, text, writings, graphics, comments, forum posts, chat posts, communications, messages, profiles, personally identifiable information, suggestions, links, e-mails, music, sound, graphics, images, pictures, video, software, technology, code and other material and information perceived, made available, or emanating to and/or from the Services (collectively, “Content”). Content may be provided by you or third parties, and also includes any feedback, comments, or suggestions you may provide regarding the Services, other Content, or this Site, including any responses provided through user surveys.

You agree that your Content is wholly original to you and you exclusively own the rights to your Content, including the right to grant the rights and licenses described in these Terms, without YOUZU GROUP incurring any obligations or liability to third parties arising out of its exercise of the rights granted by you. You have sole legal responsibility for your Content. We do not pre-screen any Content posted by anyone and we are not responsible for your Content. We have no obligation to monitor or enforce any intellectual property rights that may be associated with your Content.

You agree that you will only upload to, distribute, transmit, publish or post through this Site or through our Services Content that does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third parties; is not indecent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, harassing, sexually explicit, or otherwise offensive or objectionable; does not contain expressions of hatred, bigotry, or racism; does not constitute or encourage a criminal offense; is not embarrassing, unwanted, or invasive of another’s right of privacy or right of publicity; and does not violate the rights of any party or violate any laws.

YOUZU GROUP have no obligation to accept, display, review, monitor, distribute, store, maintain or delete any Content that you submit or post. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse to post, delete or remove any Content that you posted to this Site without notice for any reason at any time. We may also move, re-format, distort, obscure, edit, modify or alter any Content without notice to you and without liability.

You grant to YOUZU GAMES HONGKONG LIMITED and its affiliates the unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, sublicensable, transferable, perpetual, fully-paid, and royalty-free right and license to host, use, copy, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, transfer, sublicense, display, perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, modify, make derivative works from, retitle, reformat, translate, archive, store, cache, use, practice or otherwise exploit in any manner and for any purpose, all or any portion of your Content to which you have contributed, in any and all formats, on, with or through any websites or other media, software, formula, technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and in any advertising, marketing or promotional materials produced by us, our sponsors or affiliates. To the greatest extent permitted by law, you waive any moral rights or rights of publicity or privacy you may have in and to your Content.

If, for any reason, you are deemed to have retained, under applicable law, any right, title or interest in or to any portion of your Content, you agree to and hereby do assign to YOUZU GROUP all of your right, title and interest in and to your Content, without additional consideration, under applicable patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark and other similar laws or rights, in perpetuity.

Subject to your acceptance of and full compliance with these Terms, YOUZU GROUP grant to you a limited revocable license to post an image of your own virtual vehicle, game character, screen shot from your Account, or any other Content that we specifically authorize to be posted on other websites, including your own personal website, so long as the website complies with all applicable laws, does not obtain any rights to such Content other than a non-exclusive license to post it at your direction, and does not in any way infringe the rights of a third party (“Authorized Web Site”). An Authorized Web Site may not be competitive with, and may not criticize, ridicule or disparage in any manner the Services, this Site, YOUZU GROUP, or its sponsors or affiliates, their products, services, or web sites; may not charge a fee for access to such Content; may not post, publish, distribute, disseminate or facilitate any content that infringes the intellectual property rights of any third parties; is indecent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, harassing, sexually explicit, or otherwise offensive or objectionable; contains expressions of hatred, bigotry, or racism; constitutes or encourages a criminal offense; is embarrassing, unwanted, or invasive of another’s right of privacy or right of publicity; or violates the rights of any party or violates any laws.

This Site may include hyperlinks to the websites operated by third parties, including sponsors, advertisers, and content providers. These websites may collect data or solicit personal information from you. Any website links are provided to you as a convenience only. YOUZU GROUP make no representations or warranties, and do not endorse any content, goods or services provided by any other party’s website that may be linked from this Site, whether or not they are sponsors. We do not control these websites and we are not responsible for their content, any claims relating to their goods, services, privacy policies, or for the collection, use or disclosure of any information those websites may collect.

The Services may be offered to you through a social networking website through which you may access this Site, provided that you are in compliance with the policies or terms of use/service of the social networking website. You may be able to use your user account or user ID of the website through which the Services are made available. Alternatively, you may be required to open an account (“Account”) directly with YOUZU GROUP by completing the registration process and providing true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself ( “Registration Data”). You agree to promptly update the Registration Data, which may include a current email address. If you have more than one Account on a social networking website, you may not access the Services from more than a single Account. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your current or fut
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