Lazy Libra

Lazy Libra


Lazy Libra
The Laziest Thing Each Zodiac Sign Does
By Christine Schoenwald — Written on Jan 24, 2019
There are times when you just have to let yourself be lazy. You can think of it as self-care because, in many ways, it is. Life is hectic, and we all spend a lot of time working and being busy.
Each sign of the Zodiac has their own way of doing everything, and that includes how lazy they are. The laziest thing the zodiac signs do is all dependent on what astrology reveals about their personality traits and how they act in certain situations. So, who are the lazy zodiac signs?
Well, w e all have our own ways of being lazy, and often times it’s just shutting the world out and sleeping. If you are the kind of person who is always overscheduled and feels weird if you’re not being active and productive, your laziness will be different than someone who is a sloth and has no problem doing nothing. 
It can be difficult for some people to recognize that there is a place in our lives for laziness. These kinds of people may beat themselves up for being lazy and not recognize that we all need to recharge our batteries sometimes. If you always keep going and going, you could wind up exhausted and spent.
It’s important to take breaks and allow yourself to do nothing. It’s great if you can be lazy outdoors or in a beautiful place, but that’s not always practical.
Aries aren't known for being lazy. In fact, they're usually so overscheduled and overbooked that they have to get to a place of boredom before they'll get lazy. The laziest thing that Aries does is text, message, or call someone who is only a room away. 
Taurus can be very hard workers, but they also have a gift for laziness and try not to feel guilty about being lazy. The laziest thing they'll do is order food from an app. That way, they don't have to cook, clean up afterward, or even set the table. 
Geminis are a healthy mix of energy and laziness. They don't handle boredom so well , but they know enough that if they're feeling burnt out, they need to chill a bit. The laziest thing they do is procrastinating and putting off things. Sometimes they just don't want to have to deal.
Cancers aren't especially lazy, but since they tend to be homebodies, they will work around the house a lot. The laziest thing Cancers do is insist that their friends and family come to their house to hang out, or for social gatherings.
They don't mind cooking and cleaning, they're just too lazy to get to the location by car or public transportation.
Leos have a lot of energy and do a lot of things, but sometimes they need to relax and do nothing so they can recharge. The laziest thing Leos will do is delegate and make others do tasks that Leo is too lazy to do themselves.
Virgos aren't a traditionally lazy sign — they'd judge themselves too harshly if they were. The laziest thing a Virgo might do is not make their bed (usually because their cat or dog is there and comfortable), or not do some household chore right away.
The thing is, a sink full of dishes or not throwing out flowers that had wilted right away would probably make Virgo feel very anxious.
Libras revel in laziness and they can give 10 reasons why everybody should indulge in laziness from time to time. The laziest thing that Libra does is stay in their pajamas all day. That's not to say that they aren't productive and don't do any work — they just don't get dressed.
Scorpios are extremely focused and may sometimes appear lazy, but looks can be deceiving and there's usually more going on than it appears. The laziest thing that Scorpio does is ignore their social media and not post anything or comment. 
Sagittarians will go and go until they're forced to be lazy. The laziest thing that Sagittarius does is sleep a lot, and while this may seem lazy, they probably didn't get much sleep leading up to the massive sleep day.
Laziness isn't Capricorn's thing. They work hard and it's no surprise that many of them work too much. The laziest thing that Capricorn will do is binge-watch a series, but they tend to look at it as a task that must be completed. Capricorns aren't going to half-ass anything, even a series on Amazon.
Aquarians can be lazy, and they can also be workaholics, it just depends on where they're at. They love to find time-saving apps , but that's not the laziest thing they do. They won't do simple programming like setting the clock on their coffee-maker.
Pisces are good at laziness, but they don't really see it as laziness per se; they see it as a time to daydream and think of ideas. The laziest thing they do is not decide on something for themselves and just follow what someone else is doing. "I'll just have what their having," a Pisces might say at a restaurant.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, and is a contributing writer to Ravishly , I AM & CO, and YourTango . Check out her website , her Facebook writer's page , and her Instagram .
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If there’s one thing that we know to be true, it’s that everyone’s different — including how we work, play, and, yes, even slack off.
Astrology has been a guide to deeper self-exploration and understanding long before we stepped foot onto this planet, and it equally can be a helpful guide in seeing how our styles of work differ from one another.
Today we’ll deep dive into the zodiac signs that may have a harder time pulling together the strength necessary to get that pesky responsibility done or balk at the sight of a long to-do list.
As much as we like to simplify, nothing is black-and-white or as easy-breezy as a simple “lazy” or “not lazy” label, even in astrology (where we do love a good category).
However, there are multiple ways that you can identify how you work within your natal chart, like seeing what signs or planets are inhabiting your 6th house , for example. Or, you could also take a look at your Mars sign to see how you express things like drive, motivation, and ambition.
In other words, there’s clearly a lot to unpack when it comes to understanding how you work. At the end of the day, however, some zodiac signs are more equipped than others to handle something like a standard 9-5 or fit into the routines, systems, and structures that we abide by in the 21st century.
And yes, we may perceive that as laziness… or, depending on your perspective, perhaps a unique quality of rebellion!
Not sure what planets are most prominent in your birth chart? Try this free birth chart calculator!
While all zodiac signs share their own strengths and weaknesses, some do not tend to shine in the midst of a heavy workload (or at least, could use a different motivator).
Here are the zodiac signs ranked from most to least “lazy.”
Before the bright-minded Sagittarian spirits out there protest, the wild archer being at the top of the list comes with one caveat: Sagittarius does not work unless they truly wish to.
It’s not that Sagittarius lacks the backbone to persevere through a difficult task, but they often will roll their eyes at a lengthy to-do list or overly complicated process that gets boring quickly. If it’s not interesting, they’re not interest ed .
Sagittarius loves to learn and wander and roam, but they don’t love being tied down unnecessarily. If you want them to work for you, make the job spark their curiosity — or watch it go unfinished.
There are a variety of positive claims to the Pisces name. But “slow and steady hard worker?” Not usually one of them.
Unpredictable and flexible, Pisces adheres well to the Mutable quality. In the element of Water , this flexibility is more emotional and intuitive in nature and less focused on what’s right in front of them.
While Pisces can rush to your aid in a time of emotional need at the drop of a hat, they may be less inclined to sit in one spot and file through a block of paperwork… and without daydreaming? That’s a hefty goal.
Taurus often gets quite the reputation for being lazy or stubborn, but why is that?
Although Taurus is a Fixed sign and an Earth sign and can readily keep its eye on just one goal of interest for a long period of time, the steady bull does not rush on its way there.
Like Sagittarius, a Taurus is also prone to reject doing work they see as unnecessary. However, unlike Sagittarius, it’s more likely that this is due to already having an established routine that they don’t wish to interrupt.
Plus, being Venus -ruled, a Taurus knows how to stop, smell the roses, and enjoy the finer things in life. You want them to halt their luxurious skincare routine for a last-minute project? Better call on a spontaneous Fire sign instead.
Like Taurus, Libra is Venus-ruled and appreciates the finer things that life has to offer.
Now, does this mean Libra is ready to kick back, relax, and fully let work pass them by? Not quite — as a Cardinal sign, Libra does know that there is a time and a place to take the lead.
But as a charismatic and bubbly personality, Libra is more than capable of using charm and wit to get someone else to do the dirtier work for them. And if they don’t have to get their hands dirty to enjoy the garden, there may be little stopping them from taking advantage.
Aquarius , the humanitarian of the zodiac, usually has big plans and ideas that they’d like to see take place in the world.
As big as those plans are, however, sometimes this idealistic Air sign is more prone to biting off more than they can chew.
Rebellious and progressive, they may also go against the grain from time to time and dislike the current methods of the moment, leading to perceived laziness to the outside eye.
Gemini is a bit of a hit or a miss when it comes to their desire to put pen to paper or charge ahead at a heavy workload.
Curious and intellectual, it’s no doubt that this sign has a knack for problem-solving, being an integral part of a brainstorming team, or asking the right questions to get an important job done.
On the other hand, Geminis are also known for their Mutability, or, in other words, unpredictability. They may just catch sight of something shinier and more interesting, and their once-loved work project is already out of sight, left in the dust.
Ruled by Mars itself, you would certainly expect some drive from the competitive ram.
While Aries is loyal once they’ve really committed to someone or something, determined to see the path through, they are also prone to moving too fast too soon — and quickly burning themselves out in the process.
Although the ram may love devoting their energy to work that they care about, they’ll also have to remember to balance out that excitable spirit in order to make it last.
Born to take center-stage, Leo has a bit of a reputation for not being as much of a team player — but you’d be surprised at their work ethic once you hook them on the right project!
Leo is a Fixed sign like Taurus, usually keeping their eye on one goal or idea at a time. But as a fire sign, they also contain the spark, passion, and enthusiasm that can be necessary to give them the right amount of fuel.
Should you get a lion to put their eye on your job or project, you’ll have a loyal companion who desires just as much to put their work onto the map.
Whether in work or in love, Cancer knows how to do one thing very well: care deeply .
As a Cardinal sign, the crab is actually the leader of the Water signs, which may seem surprising given their soft-spoken and sometimes shy presence.
However, they’re often the ones facilitating a lot of the work you never see behind the scenes, and they’re easily the puppetmaster pulling strings behind the curtain when you’re busy enjoying the show.
This sweet sign will put their everything into something that they care about, especially if their work environment is full of people that they adore.
If there’s one stereotype you’ve heard about Virgo , it’s that they’re hard-working sometimes to a fault, earning them the “perfectionist” title.
Virgos are Mutable like Sagittarius and Gemini, making them adaptable and appreciative of having multiple angles to one problem or several hands to juggle different projects.
At the same time, they’re an Earth sign, placing their adaptability in all things tangible and physical — so, yes, they’re a fantastic detail-oriented set of eyes to have on any workforce.
Mars-ruled with a Fixed modality , Scorpio is a sign to be reckoned with when their eyes are set on a goal.
This fierce and passionate sign doesn’t just work hard, but they’ll be working hard with a ferocity and intensity that you will never quite see be matched by anyone else.
And especially if you’re witnessing their work in a field that they love, expect them to go to depths that weren’t even asked of them.
It is perhaps unsurprising that Capricorn , the wise old goat, has landed themselves as the least lazy of the zodiac.
Sometimes to a fault, Capricorn is known for their serious and steadfast gaze, always with their mind on the responsible choice and their hands already on deck to solve the next issue.
Capricorn is Saturn -ruled, so they’ve had to learn how to be responsible throughout the course of their life thanks to the planet of karma and discipline.
So, unsurprisingly, “lazy” is not one word you could use to describe them.
Remember: even if you don’t adhere to the definition of “hard-working” we’ve set in our present time, there may come a day where your other unique qualities, gifts, and attributes associated with your zodiac sign come to shine in the spotlight.
Perhaps in our modern-day, your working style is considered laziness, but we may be decades away from seeing your sign as the next pioneer or leader of how we should be operating!
Astrology reminds us that those unique qualities can be areas of difficulty but that sometimes our struggles are also what makes us shine!

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If there’s one thing that we know to be true, it’s that everyone’s different — including how we work, play, and, yes, even slack off.
Astrology has been a guide to deeper self-exploration and understanding long before we stepped foot onto this planet, and it equally can be a helpful guide in seeing how our styles of work differ from one another.
Today we’ll deep dive into the zodiac signs that may have a harder time pulling together the strength necessary to get that pesky responsibility done or balk at the sight of a long to-do list.
As much as we like to simplify, nothing is black-and-white or as easy-breezy as a simple “lazy” or “not lazy” label, even in astrology (where we do love a good category).
However, there are multiple ways that you can identify how you work within your natal chart, like seeing what signs or planets are inhabiting your 6th house , for example. Or, you could also take a look at your Mars sign to see how you express things like drive, motivation, and ambition.
In other words, there’s clearly a lot to unpack when it comes to understanding how you work. At the end of the day, however, some zodiac signs are more equipped than others to handle something like a standard 9-5 or fit into the routines, systems, and structures that we abide by in the 21st century.
And yes, we may perceive that as laziness… or, depending on your perspective, perhaps a unique quality of rebellion!
Not sure what planets are most prominent in your birth chart? Try this free birth chart calculator!
While all zodiac signs share their own strengths and weaknesses, some do not tend to shine in the midst of a heavy workload (or at least, could use a different motivator).
Here are the zodiac signs ranked from most to least “lazy.”
Before the bright-minded Sagittarian spirits out there protest, the wild archer being at the top of the list comes with one caveat: Sagittarius does not work unless they truly wish to.
It’s not that Sagittarius lacks the backbone to persevere through a difficult task, but they often will roll their eyes at a lengthy to-do list or overly complicated process that gets boring quickly. If it’s not interesting, they’re not interest ed .
Sagittarius loves to learn and wander and roam, but they don’t love being tied down unnecessarily. If you want them to work for you, make the job spark their curiosity — or watch it go unfinished.
There are a variety of positive claims to the Pisces name. But “slow and steady hard worker?” Not usually one of them.
Unpredictable and flexible, Pisces adheres well to the Mutable quality. In the element of Water , this flexibility is more emotional and intuitive in nature and less focused on what’s right in front of them.
While Pisces can rush to your aid in a time of emotional need at the drop of a hat, they may be less inclined to sit in one spot and file through a block of paperwork… and without daydreaming? That’s a hefty goal.
Taurus often gets quite the reputation for being lazy or stubborn, but why is that?
Although Taurus is a Fixed sign and an Earth sign and can readily keep its eye on just one goal of intere
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