Laura Earnesty

Laura Earnesty


Laura Earnesty
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I dislike wasted effort. Typing the same thing over and over again is wasted effort. Breevy saves me that effort.
I think there is a difference between burnout and the need to step back and reassess choices. I’ve been burnt crispy at multiple times during my adult life, usually as the result of constant (self-inflicted) pressure and a FOMO attitude that drove me to take on too many (and ill-fitting) things. As a result of my recent hiatus, I really sat down and looked at my life. Today I talk about 5 lessons I learned while on hiatus.
I really dislike being asked what my life purpose is. Here's now I approach a lack of a singular over-arching driving goal.
I’ve never been a rabid social media user, but I have gotten caught in endless scrolling loops. But even if you want to get away from it, the companies make it difficult. Today I will talk about why - and how - I left social media.
Thanks everyone for being so supportive as I took a few months off to grapple with some big stuff. The blog is back and the podcast will restart in September. There are some changes around the blog, hopefully not too earth-shaking. :)
So many people seeking inner peace and simplicity also mention that they are seeking a balance between work and life. I was greatly encouraged by Adrian Savage's article "Slow Leadership: The Plain Truth About Work/Life Balance" (sadly, no longer on the web). It really struck a chord with me. His five truths are:
Do you have people on your task list? My then-five-year-old spotted her name at the top of my task list. She wanted to know what it meant, and I explained to her that it was there so I would make sure to play with her.
Software abuse is when you take a program and make it do things it was never intended to do. This often results in slow computers, incomplete data, and bad analysis. It also means poor productivity.
As often happens when I realize I have overloaded myself again, I recently began to think about things I could say no to in my life. Saying NO is essential if I want to keep going on the things I want to say YES to. I need to be very clear on what I want and be able to keep all else out.
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