Latina adore son outil

Latina adore son outil


Latina adore son outil

Posted on May 13, 2016
- By
MommyNoire Editor

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There is no visual more horrifying for me than catching my child in the middle of a sexual act in our home.
My son has a beautiful girlfriend who I adore. They have been dating for a while, and I understand how it is to be a 21-year-old with raging hormones. But the rule in this house is NO SEX AT ALL…and that includes me (unless I’m married). There is another rule: no drugs under this roof. This is the second time I caught my son and his girlfriend in the act. I lost my mind and threatened to throw everyone out for not obeying the rules. I was so upset at the blatant disrespect of his actions that I needed to leave my house and cool off, so I wouldn’t end up doing bodily harm to someone!
Sexual behavior can be animalistic and reckless or done with feelings of love, longevity and respect. I realized that I didn’t have a conversation with my son about which way he views sex and felt a conversation was in order. I am not the “cool mom.” I am not going to put condoms in a jar and allow girls to come “hang out” with him in his room. I am more of the if-you-have-time-to-hang-out-then-you-have-time-for-work-and-school mom. I am not comfortable knowing that my son is having sex in his room. Nope…can’t do it.
I called him into my room the next day to find out why he made this poor decision once again. This is how the conversation went:
“First off, I wanted to apologize for the way I behaved yesterday towards you and your girlfriend. I said many things I meant, but I shouldn’t have said them out loud. As a parent I have to show restraint even in difficult times, because I would want you to think before you speak. Ok?” I said. He looked shocked and slowly shook his head
“Is this a joke? You are apologizing to me because I broke the rules?” he said.
“No I am apologizing for the way I behaved regardless of the situation. I can’t allow you to take me to a place where I am out of control. Speaking of control, are you in love with your girlfriend?”
“I don’t know, I guess so, maybe,” he responded.
“Let me explain something to you about the responsibility of having sex. I understand that you want to get it on and be very physical due to your hormones raging out of control. But most women see sex differently than men. Your girlfriend loves you; she was still googly-eyed yesterday while I was cussing you both out. She traveled over here to see you and displayed every action indicating she is very interested in you. If you are having sex with her without your heart in it, then do her a favor and stop immediately.”
“What do you mean my heart, Mom? What are you talking about?” he said.
“Women take men “IN” we hold you FIRM and try not to let you go. Do you understand that statement? Women are sensitive creatures who, for the most part, have a direct connection between the vagina and their heart. It is your responsibility as a man to spend your time with those you want to really spend your time with. I don’t want you being a man just slinging your thing at every hole that comes your way. It is irresponsible and it hurts women. It hurts us to know that we have let you “IN” yet, you never wanted to be there for more than that moment. Sex should couple emotion and love; it should be done with thought. I hope you are thinking about her heart, or anyone else’s for that matter, before you give them your penis.”
His attitude during the conversation went from laughing nervously to being pensive. Then he said, “I love her, but I didn’t tell her yet.”
“Ok, well, if you love her, treat her with kindness and use thought. Please don’t be a man whore. I will be disappointed if I spent all this time acting like Mother Teresa around you to find out you are an ultimate whore.”
“Mom, OKAY. I understand; I got you. I am not all over the place; it’s not my way, Not everyone can get this.” He said as he walked away
It was the first conversation I had with him about feelings and what to do with them and how to manage them with sex. He is 21. After I spoke to him, I felt like this should have been something I spoke about all along as I do with my daughter. Raising thoughtful young men who are sexually responsible creates men who have a slimmer chance of treating women like a pieces of meat. In a perfect world, he would take that information and be the best boyfriend/husband the world has ever seen, full of compassion and romantic gestures, sweetly in love with his partner. That is what I wish for him.
What do you think about your children having sex in your house? What message are you sending to them while allowing them freedom to express and grow? I would love to know!
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Quand j’ai reçu le DVD du film « Crossdresser », dont Rue69 est partenaire, au mois de décembre, j’avoue que j’ai eu un a priori positif. Ce documentaire sur le travestissement, réalisé par Chantal Poupaud (qui sort ce 24 mars), traite des questions de genre à sa façon...
Sous l’angle de ces hommes, plutôt hétérosexuels, qui se transforment à l’occasion en femmes. Très « mauvais genre » donc. (Voir la bande-annonce)
Comment le projet a-t-il été initié ? La réalisatrice raconte :
Ces petites réunions ont été rendues possibles par Internet. C’est grâce à cet outil qu’elles ont pu prendre contact, se rencontrer et se parler de leurs expériences. Pour autant, il n’est pas encore question de vivre le travestissement au grand jour, comme l’explique Chantal Poupaud :
Le parti pris du film : montrer quatre personnages et les filmer durant leur transformation en laissant apparaître la diversité des situations. Le cross dressing est parfois une activité dont la famille est au courant, mais pas toujours. Les hommes peuvent être mariés ou non, hétérosexuels ou non.
Cependant, tou(te)s partagent une coquetterie et une certaine sophistication :
Ainsi, chaque scène se déroule selon le même procédé : un homme arrive dans un appartement avec ses bagages. On ne voit pas son visage d’homme, par un jeu de cadrage et de miroirs. Et petit à petit, on découvre la femme qu’il devient au bout de la transformation.
Au cours du procédé, ils/elles parlent de leur vécu et de ce qui les amène à devenir une autre. Pour certains, le travestissement leur permet d’exprimer leur part de féminité ou de transgresser les codes de genre. « Pourquoi ce ne serait pas admis de se maquiller pour un homme ? » proteste l’un d’eux.
Pour d’autres, c’est l’inverse, le seul moyen d’accepter des pulsions vécues comme féminines est ce travestissement et l’adoption d’une forme un peu caricaturale de ce qui est pour eux le genre féminin. Ainsi, un homme éprouve le besoin de s’habiller en femme pour s’offrir des bijoux, un autre insiste sur son hétérosexualité mais quand il est en femme, il peut réaliser des fellations...
Finalement, cette expérience interroge sur ce qui « fait femme » pour ces hommes et jusqu’où vont les codes de genre : vivre avec des talons ? Vivre avec un certain regard sur soi ? La sensation d’une jupe qui tombe sur les cuisses ? Qu’est-ce qui est autorisé pour les femmes et qui ne l’est pas pour les hommes ?
Ce qui dérange peut-être le plus chez ces hommes : un besoin de se sentir femme certains jours, mais de vouloir rester un homme et finalement de ne pas « choisir son camp », ainsi que l’explique la réalisatrice :
« Aucune d’entre elles ne veut devenir une femme à plein temps. “ J’aime être Auxane, mais j’aime aussi être Christian ”, c’est la citation qu’on retrouve sur l’affiche.
Aucune ne veut abandonner l’homme qu’elles sont. Et via ces rencontres, j’ai pu me rendre compte que les crossdressers sont loin du cliché du travesti homosexuel à paillettes que je pouvais avoir. »
Mes a priori se sont confirmés : j’ai beaucoup aimé le film qui donne à voir sans juger et laisse la place au débat et à la réflexion. Nous avons très vite réalisé un partenariat qui me permet de vous faire gagner des places pour assister à une projection du film.
Je vous propose donc 20 invitations (10 pass valables pour 2 personnes) pour la projection au cinéma le Reflet Médicis (3 rue Champollion - 75005 PARIS) le jeudi 25 mars à 21h10 . Suivie d’un débat avec la réalisatrice et une association de crossdresser, l’ABC . Merci aux candidat-e-s de m’envoyer un mail avant dimanche 21 mars à 20h37 (avec des coordonnées postales, sinon je vous fesse).
Pour le reste, je dois avouer que retrouver le logo de Rue69 en bas de l’affiche de « Crossdresser » a été quelque chose de très émouvant. C’est donc avec un enthousiasme non dissimulé que je vous encourage, si vous le pouvez, à vous ruer dans les salles qui diffusent le film.
?Edit : Le film sort dans plusieurs salles en France (et pas qu’à Paris !). La programmation complète est disponible sur le site officiel du film .
Vous oubliez les écossais en kilt, pourtant les jours de match de rugby, on en vois dans les rues à Paris.

Ce racisme anti Vogons est inacceptable.

Доступ к информационному ресурсу ограничен на основании Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 г. № 149-ФЗ «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации».

He's half my age but I've yearned for my daughter's man since I first met him three years ago - I'm so ashamed
Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning
© 2022 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. (modern)
My husband and I are 57, our daughter is 28. I am very attracted to my son-in-law, 31, and have been since I met him three years ago. My heart races when I am near him, I want to look at him constantly and feel weak when I hear his voice on the telephone.
I have been keeping a tight grip on myself and am sure no one has guessed. I had hoped my infatuation would fade over time.
Other older women have said how attractive they find him so maybe there is something about him that triggers these feelings and it is not entirely my fault. I find it particularly shameful as my behaviour is of the sort I would have condemned had I been told about a man with sexual feelings for his pretty daughter-in-law.
I am 58 and heartened to know other women my age are capable of these infatuations. I am currently suffering from one myself. He's a teacher of mine, who is about 10-15 years younger than me and the crush first occurred many years ago. When the lessons had run their course, it was forgotten and life went on as usual, but I recently resumed lessons with him. I expected to feel nothing given my older age and my relationships in the intervening years, but once again I am victim to all the symptoms you describe.
I believe your infatuation has arisen because the young man obviously has charm and the capacity to give you genuine attention; mid-life produces feelings of invisibility. You have not indulged in any shameful behaviour - you haven't revealed your feelings to your family and you mustn't.
Ageing is bittersweet - we can never be the nubile young women we once were. You may be infatuated precisely because you know the situation is "safe" and can never become reality. The best strategy is to look in the mirror, laugh at yourself and resolve to do 10 exciting new things with your husband. Enjoy your harmless fantasy until it fades away, which it will. Name and address withheld
I have been faithfully married for 20 years but I am attracted to other men quite regularly. I see it as a sign that I need to pay more attention to my spiritual life. Sexuality in its pure form is rooted in the spirit, not the body. Sexual energy is behind every spiritual search, every creative outpouring and every urge for intercourse.
If pursued on a purely physical level, the human being turns into an animal, but if you use this energy to find and explore further depths within yourself, and express what you find there, in whatever way comes naturally to you, it will give you more pleasure than an ill-advised affair with your son-in-law ever could. Name and address withheld
Why are you so hard on yourself? Your son-in-law is not a blood relative and your feelings are not at all shameful or taboo. Just because you are in late middle-age and happily married, it doesn't preclude you from finding members of the opposite sex attractive.
The fact that your friends also fancy him shows he has sex appeal - perhaps you might have more cause for worry if you weren't attracted to him.
You have your feelings well under control and are unlikely to give expression to them - though a little mild flirting wouldn't harm anyone - so please stop feeling so guilty. HN, Ilford
I am a woman in my late 30s, married with three children. All my life I have had an uneasy relationship with my adoptive mother. In my early teens she switched off from me and I was treated with indifference and some cruelty.
When I had children, she was aloof and strangely uninvolved, choosing not to visit until the babies were older. Even now, if we did not make the effort to visit her, she would not see her grandchildren. I have learned to live with it, but the problem is my aunt, my mother's sister. I am very fond of her but she keeps trying to build bridges between my mother and me. She will not accept the situation and I have to endure long, painful conversations on the matter. She invariably finds reasons for her sister's behaviour and suggests I have a duty towards her.
How can I stop this? I simply want to leave the past behind but my aunt seems to enjoy discussing it.
· Private Lives appears every Thursday. Each week we publish a letter to which readers are invited to respond. Replies should reach us by Tuesday. Readers are also welcome to propose other problems, of around 250 words in length. Write to: Private Lives, The Guardian, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. Alternatively, fax 020-7239 9935 or email (please do not send attachments).

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