Latin Quarter

Latin Quarter


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Посетили Париж осенью 2019 года.Латинский квортал поразил грязными забегаловками с едой сомнительног...Подробнее
Отзыв оставлен: 15 сентября 2020 г.
Много кафе, интресно,но ничего особенного. Есть места и интереснее .но в целом не плохо. пообедать в...Подробнее
Еще 194 достопримечательностив радиусе 0 км
Lora написал(а) отзыв сент. 2020 г.
Сардиния, Италия1 публикация1 благодарность
Посетили Париж осенью 2019 года.Латинский квортал поразил грязными забегаловками с едой сомнительного качества.никому не рекомендую.ужасная антисанитария.
Anna K написал(а) отзыв дек. 2019 г.
Много кафе, интресно,но ничего особенного. Есть места и интереснее .но в целом не плохо. пообедать вкусно
Rufina A написал(а) отзыв окт. 2019 г.
Отличный район. Все рядом и прекрасные различные ресторанчики , особенно для молодежи . Очень понравился Люксембуский парк и оркестром и флористикой .
Pima_travel написал(а) отзыв окт. 2019 г.
Россия289 публикации209 благодарности
Латинский квартал - динамичный, яркий и живой исторический центр Парижа. Невероятное количество кафе, пекарен, ресторанчиков, сидя в которых ощущаешь очарование этого города. Очень советую посетить квартал, т. к именно здесь расположено много колоритных магазинчиков, интересных достопримечательностей и просто для того, чтобы проникнуться атмосферой города!…
vadimk962 написал(а) отзыв март 2019 г.
Москва, Россия5675 публикации1689 благодарности
Здесь просто пахнет историей....Отличное место что бы познавать такой исторически значимый город как Париж. Здесь все здания "дышат стариной". Прогуляйтесь по старым мостовым, зайдите в небольшие кафе или бистро, выпейте вина. Передохните и ...снова гуляйте. Кстати я во время прогулки зашёл в Сорбонну. Да, оказывается туда свободно можно зайти, посмотреть учебный процесс, аудитории, постоять у памятника Ришелье...Зайти в часовню Святой Урсулы. Одним словом - Латинский квартал знаковое место для Парижа. Рекомендую однозначно!…
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Latin Quarter: часто задаваемые вопросы
Latin Quarter: какие отели есть поблизости?
Latin Quarter: какие рестораны есть поблизости?
Latin Quarter: какие достопримечательности есть поблизости?
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This famous Left Bank neighborhood, so named because the numerous university students in the area spoke only Latin to their professors until the French Revolution, preserves an authentic Parisian atmosphere of old.
Suggested Duration:More than 3 hours
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The Saint-Michel Neighborhood, Shakespeare & Company Bookshop, Soak in Medieval Art at the Musée Cluny, the Pantheon, Art-House Cinema, Old Sorbonne University...thanks for everything...Ramona rorvik
Situated on the left bank of the Seine, the Latin Quarter is lively, with so many attractions that will let you astonished. Cluny Museum, Luxembourg Gardens, Jardin des Plants, Panthéon, Place Saint-M...
We enjoyed wandering the Latin Quarter. Don't miss the view of Notre Dame from the garden behind Eglise Saint Julien-le-Pauvre. It was tricky to find, but you are rewarded with a nice break sitting i...
Cluny – La SorbonneParis Metro2 min
144 Other Attractionswithin 0.3 miles
See the highlights at the Louvre with a guide, and gain a depth of understanding for famous works such as the 'Mona Lisa' and 'Venus de Milo.' This tour includes a skip-the-line admission ticket, which should save hours of waiting in line. Plus, you have the option of a morning or afternoon departure time to suit your schedule, or upgrade to a private tour.
All reviewsnotre damesorbonne universityfun arealuxembourg gardensneighborhoodtouristsmetro
Vienna, Virginia3342 contributions1054 helpful votes
Centered on the Sorbonne's main university campus, the area is graced with beautiful fountains and trees. International students no longer speak Latin here, but it remains lively and has outstanding museums and churches.
Malatya, Turkey1 contribution1 helpful vote
The Saint-Michel Neighborhood, Shakespeare & Company Bookshop, Soak in Medieval Art at the Musée Cluny, the Pantheon, Art-House Cinema, Old Sorbonne University...thanks for everything...Ramona rorvik
Sydney, Australia25399 contributions62762 helpful votes
We love the Latin Quarter and visit it whenever we go to Paris. It's a microcosm of society and the food choices are literally endless. The name comes, apparently from the fact university people used to communicate in Latin, in older days, like medieval times, so it has stuck. But today it probably owes more to its multiculturalism than anything else. While most of Paris went through a radical transformation and was modernised with wider streets and so on, the Latin Quarter with its narrow alleyways, remained as it essentially was. For that we are probably lucky. It definitely is the place to go to.…
Calgary, Canada1066 contributions483 helpful votes
Several little alley and streets filled with restaurant from all other the world. Life happens at the Latin. Specially during the night. It is a bit crowded, but is a crowd that is there looking for good food and great drinks. Make sure to stop by at the century old book stores. Also, it is possible to access the Ile de la Cite, where Notre Dame Cathedral is and if you walk the opposite side you will end the up at the Sorbonne a bit more the Luxembourg garden. Is that amazing that Paris is all very connected? #liveifeasy Metro stations to access the Latin are: Odeon, Maubert and Jussieu Enjoy Paris!…
Hobart, Australia7892 contributions640 helpful votes
We did a bus tour that went through the area and just loved the streets, there were plenty of statues and a few churches we passed. It felt like a non touristy place and quite relaxed.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Latin Quarter
Latin Quarter is open:

Sun - Sat 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
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Do you need to book in advance to visit Latin Quarter?
We recommend booking Latin Quarter tours ahead of time to secure your spot. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. See all 91 Latin Quarter tours on Tripadvisor
What's the best way to see Latin Quarter?
What hotels are near Latin Quarter?
What restaurants are near Latin Quarter?
What attractions are near Latin Quarter?
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Latin Quarter | Official Music Site
Latin Quarter (nightclub) - Wikipedia
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Latin Quarter (band) - Wikipedia
Latin Quarter

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