Latin Goddess

Latin Goddess


Latin Goddess
Discover the names of the star Goddesses and the regions that they came from.
The Roman Goddess list contains names and attributes of over fifty Roman Goddesses.
A guide to the Goddesses. Discover the meaning of the goddess names and archetypes by exploring their myths and symbolism.
Goddess names in mythology were often chosen to reflect their powers and qualities. Goddess names appear across all ancient cultures and continue to influence girl's name choices for girls today. Currently some of the most popular Goddess names for girls include those that are linked with the sun, like Aurora Goddess of the dawn and Phebe. The moon Goddesses are also popular including Luna and Selena. In the UK Iris has also in popularity as Goddess of the rainbow her name signifies hope. In countries like Greece it is very common to name children after the ancient goods and Goddesses.
In choosing a name, you may want to consider the meanings behind these names, the goddesses main attributes and character.
I have found researching and producing this list of female Goddess names a useful reminder of the similar themes and reoccurring archetypal figures that are incorporated across the word's myths and legends.
A list of Goddess names from around the world
Aetna (Roman) - Mount Etna is named after this Volcano Goddess.
Agneya (Hindu) – She is the daughter of the sun God Agni, when setting-up magical space she is worshipped as the guardian of the South East.
Aine (Celtic) – Goddess of love, growth, cattle and light. Her name means bright. She is linked to Midsummer’s Eve. The name Anya comes from this Goddess name.
Aja (Sumerian) - Her name means "the bride." She was associated with the eastern mountains where she helped the sun into the sky at the beginning of the new day.
Amphitrite (Greek) - Ancient Goddess of the sea and consort of the God Poseidon.
Aphrodite (Greek) - The beautiful Goddess of love and fertility. No man could resist Aphrodite when she wore her magic girdle. Her name means foam born or raised from foam as she was birthed from the churning sea.
Arianrhod (Celtic) - Goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. The last aspect of her nature is contained within her name which means “silver wheel” or “round wheel,” suggesting her importance in the cycles of life. Other common spellings of her name are Aranhod and Arianrod.
Artemis (Greek) - An independent spirit, she is Goddess is of the hunt, nature and birth. There are several different theories about the origin of her name, one school of thought says it comes from an ancient word for “safe” and another argues that it means “strong limbed.” Either way the suggestion is that this maiden Goddess has the strength and ability to protect herself from any unwanted attention.
Asteria (Greek) - Goddess of the stars, she escaped the advances of Zeus by changing into a quail. She is also mother of Hecate the Goddess associated with witches and magic.
Atalanta (Greek) - A very competitive warrior Goddess, adventurous and amazing runner who could not be beaten by a man. She was turned into a lion by the jealous Aphrodite. Other spellings of this name also include Atlanta.
Athena (Greek) - Goddess of war and wisdom and domestic crafts. Plato believed her name meant "mind of God" whilst others suggest it comes an ancient word meaning “sharp.” Both these words point to Athena's great intellectual ability to see the true nature of a situation and to develop successful strategies.
Aurora (Roman) - Her name means "light". She is the personification of the dawn as this is the first light of day.
Averna (Roman) - The Queen of the Dead, her name comes from an underworld river called the Avernus.
Badb (Celtic) - A shape-shifting, warrior goddess who symbolizes life
and death, wisdom and inspiration. She represents an aspect of Morrigan. Her name is pronounced "beeve."
Bast (Egyptian) - The famous cat Goddess, she protected pregnant woman and children. Bast was a very sensual Goddess who enjoyed music, dance and perfume. Her name comes from the bas jars used to store perfumes and ointments. Other versions of this Goddess names include: Bastet, Baset, Ubasti and Pasht.
Baubo (Greek) - A bawdy, crone Goddess who lifted her skirt in front of Demeter.
Bellona (Roman) - A serpent -haired goddess and feminine aspect of Mars. The Latin word for war "bellum," is a derivative of her name.  
Blodeewedd (Celtic) – She was created by magic, from nine blossoms to
break a curse that prevented Llew Llaw from a human wife.
Branwen (Celtic) – The Welsh goddess of love. Her name means “blessed
raven.” Bronwyn is a modern day version of this name.
Cailleach Bheur (Celtic) – The hag, destroyer goddess who ruled over disease,
death, wisdom, seasonal rites and weather magic. She was known as Cally Berry
in Ireland which means “old gloomy woman” in Irish
Ceres (Roman) - This Goddess of agriculture and grains name comes from the Indo European word root, “ker” meaning “to grow.” In turn her name has become the origin of our modern word cereal.
Cerridwen (Celtic) - Goddess of moon, magic, agriculture, nature, poetry language, music, art, science and astrology. She was also keeper of the cauldron. Her name means “chiding love.” Ceridwen, Caridwen, Kerritwen, Keridwen, Kyrridwen are other variations of her name.
Clemencia (Roman) – Goddess of forgiveness and mercy.
Our modern word clemency stems from the ideals this Goddess represents. Names related
to this include Clementine and Clemence.
Coventina (Celtic) – Goddess of the sacred waters and springs. One of her shrines is a well at Bricolita Fort by Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland.
Danu (Celtic) – Her name means “knowledge.” From her flowed all of
life. She is also linked to fairy hills and a tribe of ancient deities known as
Tuatha de Danaan.
Demeter (Greek) - Goddess of the harvest who possessed great knowledge of the best way to grow, preserve and harvest grain. She was also the devoted mother of Persephone. Her name reflects her nurturing personality as it means “earth mother” in Greek.
Diana (Roman) - Goddess of the hunt and wild animals. She later took over from Luna as the Roman Goddess of the moon, responsible for fertility and childbirth. The name Diana means "heavenly divine," reflecting her celestial role.
Dike (Greek) - Goddess of judgement and justice.
Discordia (Roman) – Goddess of discord and strife. This
word is still used in modern Italian to signify a quarrel or disagreement. Discordia (Roman) – Goddess of discord and strife. This
word is still used in modern Italian to signify a quarrel or disagreement.
Eirene (Greek) - This Greek Goddess name means peace in her native language, expressing her diplomatic nature. Her name also often appears as Irene.
Elen (Celtic) – Known as Elen of the ways she appears in the the
Mabinogion. Here she magically built highways for her soldiers to protect the
country against invaders.
E os (Greek) - A sunny natured Goddess whose name means "dawn." She is also known for her numerous relationships with mortals.
Elli (Nordic) - This Goddess name means "old age." she reminds us that we can not defeat ageing, as she beat Thor in a wrestling contest. The name
Epona (Celtic) - Protector of horses, donkeys, and mules. She was also an ancient fertility Goddess. Epona's Goddess name comes from the Gaullist word “epos” meaning "great mare."
Ereshkigal (Sumerian) - Goddess of Attalu, the land of the dead and ancestral memories. Her name translates as "great lady under the earth." Irkalla is an alternative name by which this Goddess is identified.
Eris (Greek) - This Goddess personifies the energies of strife, discord, contention and rivalry.
Feronia (Roman) –Her fiery energy was linked to reproduction and the fire beneath the earth’s crust. She was associated with granting freedom to slaves, who walked across hot coals in her honour.
Flidais (Celtic) – The woodland goddess, protectress of wild animals and cattle. 
Flora (Roman) – Goddess of flowers. Today the word "flora" is used to indicate all plant life.
Fortuna (Roman)- "Lady Luck," this blind Goddess controlled the fortunes of mankind. Our word fortune comes from this deity.
Freya (Nordic) - Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination and magic. Her name comes from the ancient Norse word for lady or mistress. There are several variations of the spellings of this Goddess name including: Freyja, Freyr and Freyja.
Frigg (Nordic) - Goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, wisdom, household management and weaving and spinning. Her name means "beloved" in ancient Norse and is derived from “fri” meaning “to love." She is also known as Frige, Friia, Frija and Frea.
Gaia (Greek) - Goddess of the Earth and prophecy. She is the primordial mother and a personification of Mother Earth. She gave birth to the Titans. Her name is also spelt Gaeo.
Hanwi - (Sioux) She was originally the Moon Goddess, her name means "night sun," but she made a mistake and was later demoted to Goddess of the dawn and twilight.
Hathor Egyptian) - This heavenly cow's areas of influence included music, dancing, joy and fertility. Her name translates as "house of Horus". Alternative names for this Goddess are Het-Hert, Hetheru, Mehturt, Mehurt, Mehet-Weret, and Mehet-uret.
Hebe (Greek) – Hebe’s name literally means youth or in the prime of life. She was one of the daughters of Zeus and Hera. Her role was to serve the nectar and ambrosia to the Gods and Goddesses that prevented them from aging.
Hekate (Greek) - Goddess of the wild places, childbirth and the crossroads. She is closely associated with magic and witchcraft. Her name is said to be derived from the Greek word hekas, meaning "far off" describing her unworldly, shamanic nature. This Goddess’s name is also spelt, Hecate.
Hella (Nordic) - The fearsome Goddess of the Nordic realm of the dead. Her name is derived from the word kel, meaning "to conceal." There are numerous spellings of her name including Halje Hell, Hel, Helle, Hela and Holle.
Hemera (Greek) - The Primordial Goddess of daylight.
Henwen (Celtic) – A fertility goddess whilst in the form of a magical
sow, birthed strange litters. Her name translates as “old white.”
Hekt (Egyptian) - A frog-headed Goddess, she is midwife to the sun each morning. The name Hekt is said to come from the word "heqa," meaning ruler.
Hera (Greek) - Queen of the Olympians and Goddess of marriage and birth. The meaning of her Goddess name has been lost. One historian claims her name could be connected to the Greek word for seasons “hora,” suggesting she is ripe for marriage.
Hestia (Greek) - The domestic Goddess of the Greek Pantheon, she rules over the hearth and home. Her name comes from the Greek word “estia” meaning "she that dwells or tarries." This reflects the importance of the role that the ancient Greeks attributed to this Goddess in sacrificing her position as an Olympian to guard the fire and maintain a happy home.
Hygieia (Greek) - Goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. There are beautiful statues of this Goddess in Kos, the home of Hippocrates who is considered the “father of modern medicine. Her name also forms part of the word, hygiene.
Inanna (Sumerian) - Goddess of love, war, and fertility. Inanna was the personification of the morning and evening star. Her beautiful name means "lady of the sky." This Goddess is closely linked to Ishtar and Nin-anna.
Indunn (Nordic) - Goddess of youth and springtime. Her name means she who renews and has several alternative spellings of this Goddess name includes Indun, Iduna and Idhunna.
Iris (Greek) - Goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the Gods. Her name means rainbow in her native language.
Ishtar (Sumerian)- Ruler of the morning star this Goddess. A complex Goddess who also represented the fierce and creative aspects of womanhood.
Isis (Egyptian) - This famous Goddess has so many different aspects, her most important roles are as Goddess of life and magic. Isis’s name comes from the Egyptian word “asset” which means "she of throne" in other words the Queen of the Goddesses. Many other Goddess names have been lost as Isis took over their roles and titles.
Juno (Roman) - Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. She protected the finances of the citizens of Rome. Her name is a mystery; it speaks of a contradictory role for this Goddess, before her alignment to the matronly, Greek Goddess, Hera. Juno's name is derived from the root “yeu” meaning "vital force" indicating a more youthful, maiden Goddess.
Juventas (Roman) – She is the maiden Goddess associated
with rejuvenation and the protection of young men during their rites of passage
into adulthood. Her name derives from the Latin word iuventas meaning youth.
Kali (Hindu) - The fearsome demon destroying Goddess who represents death and rebirth. Her name means the "black one."
Lakshmi (Hindu) - Goddess of abundance of material and spiritual wealth. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit word “laksya” meaning aim or goal.
Leto (Greek) - Mother of the twin Olympians, Apollo and Artemis.
Luna (Roman) – A beautiful Goddess of the moon, her
name still has links to this celestial body today, we need only think of the
word lunar. J.K Rowling named one of Harry Potter’s friends after this Goddess.
Maat (Egyptian) - Goddess of truth, justice and balance. She prevented the creation from reverting to chaos and judged the deeds of the dead with her feather. This Goddess name stems from the word Mayet meaning “straight.” This reflects her unbending nature, upholding what is right and just.
Mabb (Celtic) – As Queen Mabb, she was midwife to the
fey folk.
Macha (Celtic) – A wild goddess who battles on behalf of woman and
children against injustice.
Maeve (Celtic) – A great, Irish, warrior queen.
Maia (Greek) - Spring Goddess and the eldest and considered the most beautiful of Atlas's seven daughters. She is also the name of one of the stars that make-up the constellation known as the Pleiades.
Metis (Greek) - Ancient, Goddess of wisdom and prudence. 
Minerva (Roman) - Goddess of wisdom, medicine and crafts. Her name is linked to the Latin word “mens” which means "intellect," suggesting the intelligence and inventiveness of this ancient Goddess.
Mnemosyne (Greek) - The Goddess linked to memory and the mother of the Muses.
Morrigan (Celtic) - The terrifying crow Goddess associated with war and death on the battlefield. She was queen of phantoms, demons, shape-shifters and patroness of priestesses and Witches. Her name means "great queen" in the old Irish language. Morrigan was also known as Morgane, Morrigu, Morrighan, Mor-Rioghain and Morrigna.
Nephthys (Egyptian) - Goddess of death, decay and the unseen. Her name speaks of her priestess role as it means "lady of the temple enclosure." Other variations of her title include Nebet-het and Nebt-het.
Nike (Greek) - This Greek Goddess name means victory, she represented success especially in the sporting arena which is why her name was chosen for a famous brand of sportswear. 
Olwen (Celtic) – The golden sun goddess who survived thirteen different
trials to win her true love. Her name translates as “white footprint” as white
clovers spring-up wherever she treads.
Ostara (Germanic) - The spring Goddess whose name is linked to the East and the dawn. The early Christians took her fertility symbols of eggs and hares and incorporated them into the Easter celebrations.
Parvarti (Hindu) – Goddess of love and devotion, her name means “she of the mountain.”
Pax (Roman) – Her name means “peace” in Latin she is often
depicted with an olive branch. We still use the metaphor “offering an olive
branch,” today. 
Pele (Hawaiian) – Offerings are still made to this famous Volcano Goddess. Her name means "she who shapes the sacred land."
Persephone (Greek) - Daughter of Demeter and Queen of the Underworld. She was also none as Kore reflecting the Maiden aspect of this Goddess. Other variations of her name include Persephoneia, Persephassa, Persephatta and Pherepapha
Phoebe (Greek) - her name means “bright” or “shining one.” Phoebe is linked to the oracle of Delphi. This has become one of the most popular goddess names after it was used as a name for a character in the sitcom, “Friends.”
Pomona (Roman) –Protected fruiting trees and gardens. Her name is derived from the Latin word pomus, meaning “fruit tree.”
Rhea (Greek) - The ancient Titan Earth Goddess, responsible for the fertility of the soil and women. The name is most likely a form of the word era meaning "earth", although it has also been linked to “rheos” the Greek term for “stream.”
Rhiannon (Celtic) –A Celtic Goddesses of fertility, linked with the
moon, night and death. Her name means “night queen.” This is one of the Goddess
names that are experiencing a resurgence in popularity.
Saraswati (Hindu) - The Goddess of knowledge, language and the arts. She is the one who through wisdom, brings order out of chaos.
Selene (Greek) – Selene was the Titan personification of the moon, unsurprising then that her name means moon in Greek.  
Seshat (Egyptian) - The great scribe and librarian Goddess who was responsible for accounting, architecture, astronomy, historical records and mathematics. Her name means "she who scribes." It is also one of the Goddess names that has numerous different spellings including: Safkhet, Sashet, Seshata, Sesat, Sesheta and Sheshat. 
Sophia (Greek) - Her name comes from the Greek word "Sophas" which means "wisdom." Alternative spellings include Sofia, Sofija and Sofie.
Tara (Hindu/Tibetan)- Her name means "star." She is the Goddess of compassion and healing. She is often divided into two separate deities Green Tara and White Tara.
Tefnut (Egyptian) - Goddess of morning dew, linked to the East where the sun begins its travels across the skies.
Theia (Greek) - Ancient Goddess of sight and the bright sky. She was mother Helios, Selene and Eos. Her name itself means Goddess. Thea is the anglicised version of this name.
Themis (Greek) - Goddess of divine justice, order and customs. She also had the gift of prophecy. This name simply means "law of nature" or "divine nature."
Tiamat (Babylonian) A primordial, dragon Goddess of the sea who created many monsters that were banished to the world of our unconscious and dreams. Her name is said to come from "tiamtum," a word that means "sea."
Ushas (Hindu) - Also known as Urvasi. This dawn goddess was the remover of darkness and the bringer of light. It is also the sanskrit word for dawn.
Venus (Roman) - Goddess and love and beauty. Her Goddess name has become synonymous with her role as the woman who all men desire.
Vesta (Roman) - Guardian of the sacred Flame. Vesta’s name and function is derived from the Greek Goddess Hestia.
Zorya (Slavic) - This is the word that describes three different Slavic deities: the morning star, evening star and midnight. 
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Agriculture and Fertility: Demeter, Ceres

Greek: Tyche (goddess)
Latin: Fortuna (goddess)

Changing Seasons and Growing Flowers and Fruits: Vertumnus

Greek: (no equivalent)
Latin: Vertumnus (goddess)

Circe (s) ( a proper noun ) (no plural)
—Compiled from information located in

Greek: Eos (goddess)
Latin: Aurora (goddess)

Greek: Thanatos (god)
Latin: Mors (god)

Greek: Morpheus (god)
Latin: (no equivalent)

Greek: Gaea (goddess)
Latin: Tellus (goddess)

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