Latin Dictionary

Latin Dictionary


Latin Dictionary

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• Perseus : Latin-English dictionary, by Charlton Lewis & Charles Short (1879)
• Collatinus-Biblissima : online search in Latin dictionaries: Lewis & Short (Latin-English), Gaffiot (Latin-French), Calonghi (Latin-Italian, 1898), De Miguel (1867) & Valbuena (1819) (Latin-Spanish), Georges (Latin-German, 1913)
• Lsj .gr : online search in Greek, Latin, English, French, German (Lewis & Short, Gaffiot, Georges…)
• Logeion : online search in Latin, Greek (Lewis & Short, Gaffiot, Du Cange…) & examples from the corpus
• Whitaker's words online : Latin-English dictionary (with words formed by declension and conjugation) NEW
• LatDict : Latin-English dictionary
• Chinese University of Hong Kong : Latin-English Dictionary
• AlbertMartin : Latin-German dictionary
• Auxilium : Latin-German dictionary
• Navigium : Latin-German dictionary
• LatijnNederlands : Latin-Dutch dictionary
• A Latin dictionary founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary , by Charlton Lewis & Charles Short (1879)
• A copious and critical Latin-English lexicon , founded on the Latin-German Lexicon of William Freund , by Ethan Allen Andrews (1857)
• Latin dictionary for schools by Charlton Lewis (1916)
• Latin-English dictionary for the use of junior students , by John White (1904)
• A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary by William Smith & Theophilus Hall (1871)
• A copious and critical English-Latin lexicon , founded on the Latin-German Lexicon of Charles Ernest Georges , by Joseph Riddle, Thomas Arnold & Charles Anthon (1864)
• English-Latin dictionary for the use of colleges and schools , by Joseph Riddle (1838)
• A copious lexicon of the Latin language , compiled chiefly from the Magnum Totius Latinitatis Lexicon of Facciolati and Forcellini , by Frederick Leverett (1838)
• Ainsworth's Latin dictionary , revised by Alexander Jamieson (1847)
• Thesaurus linguæ latinæ compendiarius , Ainsworth's Latin dictionary , revised by Benjamin Beatson & William Ellis (1843)
• Dictionary, English and Latin by Robert Ainsworth, revised by Thomas Morell (1773): I & II
• Thesaurus linguæ latinæ compendarius or A compendious dictionary of the Latin tongue , by Robert Ainsworth, revised by Samuel Patrick (1751)
• Latin phrase-book by Carl Meissner & Henry William Auden (1894)
• Discernenda , phrases and idioms in Latin , by J. S. Howell (1901)
• Dictionary of Latin phrases by William Robertson (1824)
→ Dictionnaire latin-français : Latin-French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot (1934)
• Dictionnaire latin-français [PDF] Latin-French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot, revised and published by Gérard Gréco (2016)
• : -French dictionary, by Félix Gaffiot, online search & links to the Latin texts quoted
• Dizionario latino-italiano : Latin-Italian dictionary, by Ferruccio Calonghi, based on Karl Ernst Georges' dictionary (1898)
• Diccionario auxiliar espanol-latino para el uso moderno del latin , by Jose Juan del Col (2007)
• Diccionario latino-español etimológico : etymological Latin-Spanish dictionary, by Raimundo de Miguel & Marqués de Morante (1867)
• Diccionario latino-español (Valbuena reformado) : Latin-Spanish dictionary, by Manuel de Valbuena, revised by Martinez Lopez (1862)
• Diccionario español-latino by Manuel de Valbuena (1866)
• Dicionario escolar latino-portugues : Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Ernesto Faria (1975): A-J & K-Z
• Dicionário latino-português : Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Francisco Torrinha (1937)
• Diccionario latino-portuguez : Latin-Portuguese dictionary, by Francisco dos Santos Saraiva, founded on Quicherat's dictionary (1910)
• Diccionario portuguez-latino : Portuguese-Latin dictionary Pedro José da Fonseca (1879)
• Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch : Latin-German dictionary, by Karl Ernst Georges (1918) + 1843 edition: A-J & K-Z
• Wörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache : Latin-German dictionary, by William Freund (1834)
• Handbuch der lateinischen Etymologie : Latin etymology by Ludwig Doederlein (1841)
• Dictionary of Latin synonymes for the use of schools and private students by Ludwig Ramshorn (1841)
• Lateinische Synonymik by Ludwig Ramshorn (1831): A-G & H-Z
• Latin synonyms , with their different significations , by Jean-Baptiste Gardin-Dumesnil, translated & revised by J. M. Gosset (1819)
• Synonymes latins by Jean-Baptiste Gardin-Dumesnil & J.-A. Auvray (1845)
• Traité des synonymes de la langue latine by Émile Barrault & Ernest Grégoire (1853)
• Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane , usate nelle carte e codici : dictionary of Latin and Italian abbreviations, by Adriano Cappelli (1929)
• Yuni : Latin quotations & locutions translated into English
• Latin maxims translated into English
• Ab nihilo : Latin quotations & locutions, translated into French
• : Latin quotations translated into Spanish
• Dictionary of quotations Latin , by Thomas Benfield Harbottle (1909)
• Dictionary of Latin quotations , proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediæval, including law terms and phrases , by Henry Thomas Riley (1866)
• Glossarium anglico-latinum : philosophical English-Latin glossary, by Gualterius Redmond
• Conversational Latin (extracts) by John Traupman (2007)
→ Latin keyboard to type the diacritic signs (long & short vowels)
• Dizionario-latino : noun declension & verb conjugation
• Verbix : conjugation of the Latin verbs
• Roman numbers : conversion & calculator
• University of Texas : Latin grammar
• Latin for beginners (with illustrations) (2001)
• A junior Latin reader by Frederick Sanford & Harry Scott (1922)
• Latin grammar by Charles Bennett (1918)
• Essentials of Latin for beginners by Henry Carr Pearson (1915)
• Gildersleeve's Latin grammar by Basil Gildersleeve & Gonzalez Lodge (1903)
• Allen and Greenough's Latin grammar for schools and colleges , by Joseph Allen & James Greenough (1903)
• Latin grammar for schools and colleges , by George Lane (1903)
• First year Latin by William Collar (1901)
• A grammar of the Latin language for the use of schools and colleges , by Ethan Allen Andrews & Solomon Stoddard (1870)
• The public school Latin grammar by Benjamin Hall Kennedy (1879)
• Outlines of Latin phonetics by Max Niedermann (1910)
• The Latin language : a historical outline of its sounds inflections and syntax , by Charles Bennett (1907)
• The Latin language : an historical account of Latin sounds, stems and flexions , by Wallace Lindsay (1894)
• Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache : morphology of the Latin language, by Friedrich Neue (1902): I & II - III
- IV
• Handbuch der lateinischen Laut- und Formenlehre : Latin phonetics and morphology, by Ferdinand Sommer (1902)
• On the Latin language ( De latina lingua ) by Varro, Latin text & English translation (1938): I & II
• Perseus : Latin texts & translation into English
• Bibliotheca augustana : classical & medieval
• Latin library : classical & medieval
• Intratext : classical & medieval
• The Philological Museum : Latin texts of the 16 th -17 th centuries
• Weblettres : Latin texts & translations in French
• Remacle : Latin texts & translations in French
• Bibliotheca classica selecta : Latin texts & translations in French
• Hypertexte with a table of concordance
• Juxta : Latin texts & translations in French
• Roman law : texts in Latin & translations in English & French
• History of Latin literature by Marcus Southwell Dimsdale (1915)
• Latin literature by John William Mackail (1895)
• Latin literature of the Empire by Alfred Gudeman (1898): prose & poetry
• Easy Latin stories for beginners with notes & Latin-English vocabulary , by George Bennett (1892)
• Latin selections , being specimens of the Latin language and literature , by Edmund Smith (1882)
• Fragments and specimens of early Latin , with introductions & notes, by John Wordsworth (1874)
• Moriæ Encomium by Erasmus (16 th century)
• Radiobremen : Nuntii latini , monthly news in Latin (+ audio)
Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque juribus nascuntur.
Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent.
→ First article in different languages
→ Universal Declaration of Human Rights : bilingual text, in Latin & other languages
• books about the Latin language: Google books
| Internet archive
• books about the Latin literature: Google books
| Internet archive

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4 free searchable online Latin dictionaries.
What we believe in and what we offer.
A thrilling crime story in easy Latin set in Augustan Rome.
A novel in Latin relating the journey of a Roman family to the Alps.
Charles Perrault's classic fairytales in Latin.
The fol­low­ing dic­tio­nar­ies are cur­rent­ly avail­able here on
Smith, William & Hall, Theophilus D. (1871). A Copi­ous and Crit­i­cal Eng­lish-Latin Dictionary.
The Eng­lish-Latin dic­tio­nary of Smith & Hall, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 1871 under the title A Copi­ous and Crit­i­cal Eng­lish-Latin Dic­tio­nary , is wide­ly regard­ed as the best and, with 29 000 head­words, most exten­sive lex­i­con for trans­lat­ing from Eng­lish into Latin ever writ­ten. Thanks to the effort of Johan Winge, it is now, for the first time, avail­able online in a ful­ly dig­i­tized and search­able form, exlu­sive­ly here on Latinitium!
One fea­ture of this dig­i­tal edi­tion that we hope that our read­ers will par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy is the abil­i­ty to click on any Latin word and be redi­rect­ed to the cor­re­spond­ing arti­cle in Lewis & Short. Sim­i­lar­ly, most of the ref­er­ences are linked to the orig­i­nal text in the Perseus Dig­i­tal Library .
What pri­mar­i­ly sets this dic­tio­nary apart from oth­er Eng­lish dic­tio­nar­ies of the same mag­ni­tude (notably A Copi­ous and Crit­i­cal Eng­lish-Latin Lex­i­con by Rid­dle & Arnold, 1864) is the fact that Smith & Hall spent con­sid­er­able effort on going back to the clas­si­cal texts and reeval­u­at­ing the mean­ing of the Latin words and phras­es in their orig­i­nal con­text. The pro­posed Latin trans­la­tions are sup­port­ed by ref­er­ences to the sources, and com­mon­ly illus­trat­ed with quo­ta­tions, both in Eng­lish trans­la­tion and in the orig­i­nal Latin.
A more in-depth account of the labour that was spent by the authors on this mon­u­men­tal work can be read in the orig­i­nal pref­ace . There they also give an overview of the struc­ture of the dic­tio­nary arti­cles. See also the list of abbre­vi­a­tions of names of authors and their works and a sep­a­rate list of gen­er­al abbre­vi­a­tions .
Lewis, Charl­ton T. & Short, Charles. (1849). Harpers’ Latin Dic­tio­nary: A New Latin Dic­tio­nary Found­ed on the Trans­la­tion of Freund’s Latin-Ger­man Lexicon.
The Latin-Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary of Lewis & Short hard­ly needs an intro­duc­tion, for any­one who speaks Eng­lish and stud­ies Latin is like­ly to have con­sult­ed it on sev­er­al occa­sions, either in print, or, per­haps more like­ly these days, using a web site or a smart-phone app.
In order to eas­i­er inves­ti­gate the mean­ing of quot­ed Latin sen­tences, each Latin word is a link to the cor­re­spond­ing dic­tio­nary article.
Ogilvie, Robert. (1901). Horae Lati­nae: Stud­ies in Syn­onyms and Syntax.
Here you will find almost 500 Eng­lish words and expres­sions with detailed descrip­tions of how to best ren­der them in Latin, and with copi­ous quotes from clas­si­cal authors illus­trat­ing the usage.
The pro­posed Latin trans­la­tions are linked to the cor­re­spond­ing arti­cles in Lewis & Short.
DÜder­lein, Lud­wig. (1874). Hand­book of Latin Synonyms.
This is the Eng­lish ver­sion of Lud­wig Döderlein’s Hand­buch der Lateinis­chen Syn­onymik, which is an abridged ver­sion of his mon­u­men­tal 6‑volume Lateinis­che Syn­onyme und Ety­molo­gieen (1826–1838). In 550 arti­cles, the fin­er nuances in mean­ing of near­ly 2 400 Latin words are dis­cussed. The hand­book briefly states the dif­fer­ences between the Latin words while leav­ing out the rea­son­ing and argu­ments for estab­lish­ing them, which are present in the full work. Fre­quent­ly, the arti­cles will end with a link to the full orig­i­nal Ger­man text, for those who are curi­ous to inves­ti­gate the issue further.
Used in con­junc­tion with the oth­er dic­tio­nar­ies here, this is an invalu­able resource for deter­min­ing the dif­fer­ence between appar­ent syn­onyms in Latin. As in the oth­er dic­tio­nar­ies, the Latin words are linked to their cor­re­spond­ing arti­cles in Lewis & Short.
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darshu en

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he sees en

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tourist en

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Tenun en

Region: Worldwide
Official language in: 67 countries 27 non-sovereign entities Various organisations United Nations European Union Commonwealth of Nations Council of Europe ICC IMF IOC ISO NATO WTO NAFTA OAS OECD OIC OPEC GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development PIF UKUSA Agreement ASEAN ASEAN Economic Community SAARC CARICOM Turkic Council ECO
Native to: Latium Roman Kingdom / Republic / Empire Early modern Europe Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (lingua franca) Vatican City
Official language in: Holy See Sovereign Military Order of Malta

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