Latin Culture Dating

Latin Culture Dating


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13 Things You Need to Know About Dating a Latino
Are you dating a Latino? You probably find the accent sexy, their sense of style appealing and the whole situation wildly exotic. It’s fun to try different foods, listen to new music and stumble across the dancefloor to a salsa beat. Learning about their political beliefs, family values and how they view your country is an eye-opener as well. Until they start attacking it.
I don’t want to burst your love bubble but if you’re dating a Latino, here’s at least 13 things you need to know:
OK, so this is true of most relationships. You might find it cute that he gets all insecure in front of your friends or speaks to his Mother every day. But trust me. These are the little things that will drive you to the edge of insanity later on. What kind of a mother still buys underwear for their 30-year-old son anyway?
On that note. What kind of a mother has to be involved in every single decision about absolutely everything? From the color of your couch to the cut of your suit? And since when was being independent a bad thing? In what kind of a world was your ability to make empanadas more important than your ability to make dollars? And what do you mean she’s coming over again? Gaww!
If you’ve spent your life getting excited about waking up to presents under the tree on Christmas morning, forget it. Dating a Latino means having a Christmas feast around the table the night before. You will celebrate Christmas at night. You will hand out presents and chink glasses at midnight. And you will have to do it all over again on Christmas Day. Eating the leftovers with a hangover and feigning enthusiasm for Christmas when your relatives call.
When your parents come to visit, expect mutterings under their breath about how famished they are. When you’re dating a Latino, your whole sense of time is adjusted. It will feel normal to you to have dinner at 10 pm and to go out to a bar at midnight. But it won’t feel normal to anyone else.
I remember asking a tour guide in Guatemala once what time the bus arrived. And she spurted out a schedule based on GMT – “Guatemala Maybe Time”. Latinos have no sense of urgency and zero sense of punctuality, so forget trying to instil this in them. You’d have more luck dancing in clogs in a bog.
You will. Believe me. And after a while it will seem normal. Latinos take their offspring absolutely everywhere. My parents left my sister and me in a hotel room in Thailand in the 80s while they went to watch a show. I’m not condoning that either, but just occasionally it would be nice to go out without sleepy children draped over the table or a baby crying in the corner.
No naming and shaming here. But once I was driving in a car with my Latin boyfriend. I looked out the window a couple of times to see if the traffic light had turned green yet. On the third look the car exploded with insults. I had no idea what was going on.
It turns out my boyfriend had been watching me “checking out” the 60+ year-old street sweeper on the sidewalk outside. Nothing against street sweepers or mature men, but it’s just not really my style. Irrational jealousy is the one of the things Latinos do best, so if you haven’t had your first fight for looking at someone else yet – then prepare yourself. You will.
See point 7. You’ll end up covering yourself up to avoid these outbursts. Or to keep your MIL happy. We’re not talking burkini here, but don’t even think of going topless on a beach in Europe… it’s just not worth the hassle.
Whether you’re the one who has to speak in Spanish, or they talk in English, there will come a time when communication breaks down due to the language barrier. You’ll be tired and unable to find the right word when you need it. Or unwittingly say something with completely the wrong meaning. Don’t even think about using the language card. It won’t be accepted and you won’t take it as an excuse either. You’ll wish you were dating a translator instead.
There will come a point where taking your kids to a bar, dining at midnight and celebrating Christmas on the 24th will get on your nerves. It will also profoundly irritate you that you arrive late everywhere at all times. That they forget your anniversary or Valentine’s Day, or you have to be present at every single family member’s birthday party. Even distant cousins and friends of distant cousins.
Once you’ve got a few family gatherings under your belt and struggled to get your opinion across, one of two things will happen. You’ll either give up and sit muted in the corner (but that won’t go down well with the MIL) or you’ll get louder. So if your own family and friends ask you to pipe down when you’re having a conversation don’t be surprised. When you have to fight to be heard, you’ll naturally crank up the volume.
Travel broadens the mind. Learning a language broadens the mind and finding out about new cultures broadens the mind. But nothing has the power to split your mind wide open and turn your universe upside down like dating a Latino. If you used to have right-wing views get ready to become a democrat. If you thought life was all about work, it’s time to think again. You’ll see the world through different eyes.
You’ll spend many a long hour teasing each other for watching the novela or being addicted to Jeopardy. And you’ll suffer moments when all you want to do is go back to being normal. Have a normal conversation with a normal person who understands why children should have a curfew. But, in spite of it all. You’ll secretly love being the one in the family with the El Salvadorian boyfriend. Being different is interesting. And dating a Latino is certainly that.
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Christina Comben is Content Manager at Day Translations. Qualified to MBA level and motivated by challenge, change, and continued learning, Christina has lived and worked her way around the world, garnering in-depth knowledge of diverse office environments and varying industries, from media and entertainment to education, health, and information technology.
I would like to add: You will taste the best food in the world.
Everything. We are fearless with spice and vegetables 🙂
Ah cierto! Not so much in Argentina. But give me Mexican jalapeños anytime!
I would also add: you will learn how to dance!
Awesome post! Although, I was the “latina girlfriend” once, and no salsa dancing here, haha!
I enjoyed reading this article. It was fun and easy to identify the 13 things 🙂
But I would also add: you will learn to drink, hehe.
There were many things I could have added! Haha. But it would have been 113 things you need to know!
I loved #2 You Will Dread Your Mother-in-Law HAHAHA
Like seriously! May be it is time I started… I love point
well, guess all of that is true, what comes interesting is with multiracial and world movers where the background is blurry. Living now in south Korea, cultural differences between women and men are even bigger. Lucky the couples in the same continent.
As a Hispanic man, my white midwestern American wife likes the fact I take charge of the household and want every decision, especially concerning our 12-year-old son, to get through me. I’m different from most Hispanic in that I absolutely don’t tolerate being late for anything — and my wife & son get that very clearly. Also, I don’t go to bars, much less will I allow my son to be near one. I loved my late mother, but I was never a mama’s boy. My father, thankfully, prevented that from happening.
Hey there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be okay. I’m definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.
I’m Hispanic from Texas, raised in the military, lived abroad almost all my life. Here in US I met a Venezuelan divorced man with 2 teenage daughters. I hate when my fiance and his ex call each other with words of carino/caringlike; Mi Rey, mi amor, mi vida.
He tells me it’s a expression but I don’t like it. And since I’ve never dated a latino before, they’re culture confuses me, as a Mexican American we don’t talk like that with our ex. Or friends. Not in my family. Anyways, just a rant feeling jealous.,
Timing and walking quickly – two things that my latino 1:1 quickly adjusted to in an impressive way – add more people in (family and friends) and i am the foreign irrational person that needs to relax. Irrational jealousy… some things run too deep. Salsa – something i have desperately tried to adjust to- the only opposite comparison is asking a latino to try and robot dance – not possible. Christmas… wrong day, wrong food…but same sentiment. Accepting that on both side closest friends and families will struggle with language and cultural barrier too between each other – but see how happy you both are and be excited that they need to make a different sort of effort (often acting). My mother has been known to talk loudly about her daughters latino in the hairdressers…
Christiana, you seem to be a weak minded author. Sounds like you went by personal experience, rather than gather accurate facts.
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The Top Websites For Latino Dating
Best 10 Hispanic Dating Site Reviews
Are you a Latin looking for another adult with your same cultural background to enjoy a relationship with? Perhaps you are not Latin, but you would like to find a guy or girl with that ethnic background to date and get to know better. Skip the bar scene and start looking online.
You will find hundreds of thousands of possible men or women to chat with online and possibly meet up with in real life. You just have to know where to look.
Then, you can post your profile, look through other Latins who are ready to meet up, and then go from there.
To help you get started, take a look at the following list of the 10 best Latin dating sites available online today that we have put together for you.
#1 Best Latin Dating Site - eHarmony Hispanic Dating
It seems like eHarmony has always been around. As a result, they have really perfected the online dating scene for you. There is no guesswork involved here. Let others on the site know that you are interested in meeting other Latinos and then watch as the matches start to come your way.
With eHarmony, you will be asked a number of questions when you first develop your profile. Regardless if you are Latino yourself, this is where you make your preferences known, You will then be matched with other adults who have similar interests to yours. Enjoy the process! Here are some interesting facts about eHarmony:
#2 Best Latin Dating Site - Elite Singles
Elite Singles is one of the top dating sites for professionals. The matchmaking services use financial and personality criteria to help find the best matches, although you’re free to browse any profile or contact any member of interest. Elite Singles doesn't cost a dime to join, but paid memberships give you access to all the site’s features.
Although not specifically geared towards hispanic dating, there are so many people on this site that they have one of the largest base of hispanic singles. Even better, a majority of the user base is successful! Can't beat hispanic and successful!
The Elite Singles app is available for your smartphone. The free app gives members access to the site’s features wherever life takes them. Best of all, both the website and the app are easy-to-use.
#3 Best Latin Dating Site - AmoLatina
The purpose of AmoLatina is to connect adults together from around the world. It has become one of the more popular dating sites for men and women who are from Latin countries. You can use a filtering system to locate adults with similar interests as your own and from locations that you are interested in.
There are many safety features built into AmoLatina. They have a verification system in place to make sure a member is who they say they are. Fraud and scammers are kept to a minimum. This is a great way to spend your evenings and weekends looking for someone new and exciting to meet. Here are some interesting facts about AmoLatina:
#4 Latin Dating Site: Latin Love Search
This is a Latin dating site that started in Peru in 2003 and now has users from across the region. It is geared specifically for the Latin population and you can search for people by age and gender. A nice feature with this site is that you can actually see who is online at the same time that you are.
With Latin Love Search, you post your profile online for other members to see. You can then look for people who might be a match by conducting your own advanced search. You can narrow down prospects by religious affiliation, habits, and many more criteria. Here are some interesting facts about Latin Love Search:
#5 Latin Dating Website: LatinoLicious
Perhaps it is the name, but this has quickly become one of the most popular dating sites catering exclusively to the Latin population. This site promotes interracial dating as well, so you will find a home here even if you are of a different ethnicity. Just make it known in your profile what kind of man or woman you are looking for.
Most of the users at LatinoLicious are looking for a serious relationship. The basic account here is free. You will be able to create your profile, post your photos, and begin looking for matches within minutes of setting up a profile. Here are some interesting facts about LatinoLicious:
As its name implies, is where you want to go to find new friends. Here, you will find more than one million Latinos and Latinas looking to have a good time. The site is free, which is another major advantage that it has going for it.
With this site, you will browse through other profiles and pictures to find adults you want to chat with. There is an advanced instant messaging feature that allows you to communicate with other users in real-time. There are also a number of group forums that you can join. Here are some interesting facts about
With a name like, you know that love is in the air. You will have many opportunities to set up a date other Lain men and women. You can look through the pictures and information posted by other members and strike up a conversation right on the site itself.
It does not matter where you are in the world with this site, as it will work anywhere. You might just find another interesting person located right down the street from you. From casual friendships to long term relationships, you can find it all on Here are some interesting facts about the site:
If you are looking for a bit of romance to enter your life, then this is the site for you. LatinaRomance caters exclusively to those from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries. The men and women on this site are confident and know exactly what they are looking for.
You can join this site in a matter of minutes. There is not much to it, and you do not even need a credit card. You can search through the profiles using a filtering system, or take a gamble and be randomly connected to someone just to see if you click. You never know who you will meet online! Here are some interesting facts about LatinaRomance:
This is a dating site that resembles social media in many ways. It is for much more than just relationships, so you might find yourself visiting this site many times a day. You can use it to find a job, locate another interesting Latin to date, or pursue marriage. The choice is up to you.
With DateLatinAmerica, you will not pay anything to use any of the services on the site. There is even a translation feature if you need help communicating with another member you are interested in. Instant messaging is always available online as well. Here are some interesting facts about DateLatinAmerica:
Here is a culturally and ethnically diverse site that is growing in popularity. While it caters to Latins, you will find people from all ethnic backgrounds here. This is a place where you can start an interracial relationship and be among other like-minded people who will support you.
Many of the services at BlackLatinoDating are offered for free. You can create your profile and then begin searching for matches right away. Here are some interesting facts about BlackLatinoDating:
The first thing to know is that Latino people comprise a massive percentage of the world's population. Latino people come from South America, Central America, and parts of North America. They hail from all walks of life.

There isn't a specific "Latino culture" because different countries and regions have very different cultural backgrounds and traditions. Even in the United States, though there are basic trends regarding the culture of Latino people, it's not a one-size-fits-all thing.

Don't stereotype your partner. Ask them questions about their culture, and don't get upset if you find yourself facing different social norms than you're used to. Social customs are different in every culture in the world. There are reasons behind all of them, and one social construct isn't inherently better or worse than an
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