Latin Attitude

Latin Attitude


Latin Attitude
Latin Attitude Avon for women and men
Fruity aroma, on my skin delicious at first but then you get tired. I would not buy it again.
This is my 1st Avon purchase. I don't regret it but I am going to look into other Avon fragrances that are better than this one. This is a sweet and synthetic fruity scent, simple, doesn't make a statement and unfortunately doesn't last too long. The longevity is pathetic. It smells like lemon and strawberry. It's cool and fresh, sweet but like I said doesn't last long enough and in fact I think my skin didn't recognize this fragrance line since it's more used to so many other lines. I'm not going to bash it. It's refreshing and a bit delicious as far as fruit scents go but cheap and dull. I have already used up half of it. I can't wait to explore other Avon fragrances.

I just noticed it's also discontinued. Yay!
Fruity aroma, on my skin delicious at first but then you get tired. I would not buy it again.

Hilary Duff With Love


Creed Aventus for Her


Perfume rating 3.82 out of 5 with 34 votes
Latin Attitude by Avon is a Floral Fruity fragrance for women and men.
Fragrantica® Trends is a relative value that shows the interest of Fragrantica members in this fragrance over time.
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in Latin

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In the most complexly organized poems, the significance of the states of mind or feelings is ambiguous, but Crane's poems tend to affirm certain elemental attitudes , beliefs, opinions and stances toward God, man and the universe.

In poematibus multiplicissime ordinatis, significantia affectionum vel animi motuum est ambigua, sed poemata Craneana certos habitus, fides, opiniones, et status primordios erga Deum, homines, et universum adfirmare solent.

In other words, we are faced with the absolutizing of human attitudes with all its possible consequences.

Scilicet agitur de dominatu humanarum voluntatum deque exitibus, qui inde sequi possunt.

Hand in hand go a certain abuse of freedom by one group-an abuse linked precisely with a consumer attitude uncontrolled by ethics -and a limitation by it of the freedom of the others, that is to say those suffering marked shortages and being driven to conditions of even worse misery and destitution.

Inest etiam pariter in nonnullis pravus quidam libertatis usus, proprius incontinentiae in rebus utendis, legi ethicae non obnoxiae; quo simul aliorum libertas coarctatur; eorum videlicet, qui, gravi laborantes penuria rerum, ad maiorem miseriam et indigentiam perducuntur.

This general analysis, which is religious in nature, can be supplemented by a number of particular considerations to demonstrate that among the actions and attitudes opposed to the will of God, the good of neighbor and the "structures" created by them, two are very typical: on the one hand, the all-consuming desire for profit, and on the other, the thirst for power, with the intention of imposing one's will upon others.

Huic inquisitioni vagae indolis religiosae nonnullae addi possunt subtiliores indagationes, ut animadvertatur ex actibus et habitibus , qui Dei voluntati obsistunt et bono proximi, et « structuris », quas ii inducunt, duos praecipue hodie magis proprios videri: hinc solam quaestus cupiditatem et illinc dominii sitim cum proposito ceteris imponendi propriam voluntatem.

And so, hiding his fear and presenting a more conciliatory attitude , he replied that he would send envoys to the Roman emperor for the possession of Armenia and the conclusion of a lasting peace.

igitur metu abstruso mitiora obtendens, missurum ad imperatorem Romanum legatos super petenda Armenia et firmanda pace respondet; Mon[a]esen omittere Tigranocertam iubet, ipse retro concedit.

The Spirit, by consecrating the priest and configuring him to Jesus Christ, head and shepherd, creates a bond which, located in the priest's very being, demands to be assimilated and lived out in a personal, free and conscious way through an ever richer communion of life and love and an ever broader and more radical sharing in the feelings and attitudes of Jesus Christ.

Spiritus dum sacerdotem consecrat dumque eum Christo Iesu Capiti et Pastori conformat, vinculum inducit quoddam, quod in ipso sacerdote insitum ut penitus teneatur expostulat et personaliter vivatur, scienter scilicet et libere, per vitae dilectionisque communionem magis ac magis divitem atque amplam radicalemque sensuum Christi Iesu eiusdemque habitus per participationem.

For example, it seems that they are all united by a common attitude towards the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are living in extreme poverty and are even dying of hunger, while at the same time vast sums are being spent on the production of nuclear weapons, the stocks of which at this very moment are capable of bringing about humanity's self-destruction.

Videntur exempli gratia inter se devinciri aequali prorsus iudicio et sensu de hoc: quod centena hominum milia versantur in maxima egestate, quin immo inedia intereunt, dum eodem simul tempore incredibiles pecuniarum summae impenduntur in atomica fabricanda arma, quorum cumulata copia iam nunc importare potest sui ipsius destructionem ipsi hominum generi.

Given the utter necessity of certain economic conditions and of political stability, the decision to invest, that is, to offer people an opportunity to make good use of their own labour, is also determined by an attitude of human sympathy and trust in Providence, which reveal the human quality of the person making such decisions.

Certis definitisque condicionibus positis et rei oeconomicae et stabilitatis politicae quae praeteriri non possunt, propositum pecuniam collocandi, id est alicui populo occasionem dandi ut ex suo labore commoditatem percipiat, oritur etiam ex sensu benevolentiae et ex fiducia Providentiae, quae humanam indolem ostendunt illius qui consilium capit.

Honour is essentially an attitude of unselfishness.

Honor est motus quidam essentialiter utilitatis immemor.

If, on the contrary, a direct appeal is made to his instincts — while ignoring in various ways the reality of the person as intelligent and free — then consumer attitudes and life-styles can be created which are objectively improper and often damaging to his physical and spiritual health.

Si quis autem suos directo spectat appetitus et praetermittit naturam personae suae consciae et liberae, importari possunt mores consumptionis et vitae consuetudines ipsae per se vitiosae aut eius corporis et animi sanitati nocentes.

The Decree on Ecumenism dwells in the first place on a description of the attitudes under which doctrinal discussions should take place: "Catholic theologians engaged in ecumenical dialogue, while standing fast by the teaching of the Church and searching together with separated brothers and sisters into the divine mysteries, should act with love for truth, with charity, and with humility".61

Decretum de Oecumenismo insistit, in primis, describendis habitudinibus moralibus, quibus oppetendae sunt disputationes ad doctrinam spectantes: “In dialogo oecumenico theologi catholici, doctrinae Ecclesiae inhaerentes, una cum fratribus seiunctis investigationem peragentes de divinis mysteriis, cum veritatis amore, caritate et humilitate progredi debent” (Unitatis Redintegratio, 11).

And We nurture the hope that awareness of the responsibilities they bear before God and men will be enough to make heads of government continue their generous efforts to preserve peace; to make every effort to forestall, so far as they can, the obstacles posed to safe, sincere agreement by the course of events or human attitudes .

Atque spem bonam fovemus, conscientiam periculi, quod rerum publicarum moderatores coram Deo atque hominibus in se recipiunt, satis esse valituram, ut iidem generosos suos nisus ad tuendam pacem iterare pergarat, et, quantum fieri possit, ad ea omnia arcenda, quae, sive rerum ipsarum sive animorum causa, tutam atque sinceram voluntatum consensionem impediant.

It is from this admonition that the priest's attitude in handling the bread and wine which have become the body and blood of the Redeemer should draw its inspiration.

Secundum illam normam moderari se sacerdotem oportet Panem ac Vinum tractantem, quae Corpus et Sanguis facta sint Redemptoris.

In a Catholic University, therefore, Catholic ideals, attitudes and principles penetrate and inform university activities in accordance with the proper nature and autonomy of these activities.

Apud Universitatem ergo Catholicam proposita ac agendi rationes et principia Catholica pervadunt et fingunt multiplices Universitatis navitates secundum harum naturam ac autonomiam proprias.

It works to ensure that the Christian people become aware of the needs of these people and effectively demonstrate a fraternal attitude towards them, especially on the occasion of World Migration Day.

Adnititur, ut populus christianus, præsertim occasione oblata celebrationis Diei universalis pro migrantibus atque exsulibus, conscientiam eorum necessitatum sibi comparet atque proprium fraternum animum erga eos efficaciter manifestet.

However, cases of a deplorable lack of respect towards the eucharistic species have been reported, cases which are imputable not only to the individuals guilty of such behavior but also to the pastors of the church who have not been vigilant enough regarding the attitude of the faithful towards the Eucharist.

Nihilominus voces permanant de dolendo defectu, qui hic illic evenit, reverentiae Speciebus eucharisticis debitae, quae quidem offensiones non gravant ipsos solos his de gerendi se modis reos sed etiam Ecclesiae Pastores qui minus diligenter vigilaverunt de fidelium agendi ratione erga Eucharistiam.

For example, some are inclined to replace exaggerated attitudes of the past with other exaggerations: From seeing sin everywhere they pass to not recognizing it anywhere; from too much emphasis on the fear of eternal punishment they pass to preaching a love of God that excludes any punishment deserved by sin; from severity in trying to correct erroneous consciences they pass to a kind of respect for conscience which excludes the duty of telling the truth.

Quidam enim, ut exempla afferamus, pro intemperato modo se gerendi , qui praeteritis temporibus obtinebat, substituere student novas enormitates; qui quidem a iudicio, ex quo ubique peccatum animadvertebant, transgrediuntur ad sententiam, ex qua id nullibi esse affirmant; a nimio momenta, timori poenarum aeternarum tributo, ad talem amorem Dei praedicandum, quo omnis poena negetur, quam quis pro peccato mereatur; a severitate, in corrigendis conscientiis erroneis posita, ad reverentiam, quam sibi asserunt, erga conscientiam adeo ut officium tollant veritatis dicendae.

Thus the human person's dignity itself becomes part of the content of that proclamation, being included not necessarily in words but by an attitude towards it.

81) Hac ratione dignitas ipsa personae humanae velut pars quaedam efficitur eorum, quae illa nuntiatione continentur, etiam sine ullis verbis sed modo se gerendi erga hominem.

In economically developed countries, legislation contrary to life is very widespread, and it has already shaped moral attitudes and praxis, contributing to the spread of an anti-birth mentality; frequent attempts are made to export this mentality to other States as if it were a form of cultural progress.

Apud Nationes oeconomice magis progressas legislationes adversus vitam longe diffunduntur, et huiusmodi mores ac praxim condicioni subiciunt, conferentes ad antinatalem ideologiam diffundendam, quam crebro transmittere curant aliis Civitatibus proinde quasi esset processus culturalis.

70] As for the Christian, he is called upon to develop a new attitude of love, manifesting towards his wife a charity that is both gentle and strong like that which Christ has for the Church."[

Cum nxore sna virum oportet vivere in « peculiari ... personalis amicitiae forma » (70).

As they become better acquainted with the consecrated life, they will be able with greater awareness to thank Almighty God for this great gift.In an attitude of heartfelt openness towards the Synod Fathers, I have carefully considered the valuable contributions made during the intense work of the Assembly, at which I made a point of being present throughout.

Animum nostrum benigne quidem Synodi sodalibus aperientes, fructuose utiliterque usi sumus sententiis praestantibus quae per actuosas Synodi sessiones prodierunt, quibus assidue interesse voluimus.

In regard to this inheritance we cannot maintain a passive attitude , still less a defeatist one, as did the last of the servants described in the parable of the talents.(

Respectu huius hereditatis non licet nobis desides esse, nedum neglegentes, sicut ultimus servorum illorum fecit, qui in parabola de talentis recensentur (Cfr. Matth. 25, 14-30; Luc. 19, 12-26).

Such an attitude is shameful and utterly reprehensible, since it presumes to measure the value of a human life only within the parameters of "normality" and physical well-being, thus opening the way to legitimizing infanticide and euthanasia as well.

Turpis autem est talis mens maximeque improbanda, quoniam vitae cuiusdam utilitatem metiri dumtaxat ex “normalitatis” regulis audet atque corporis valetudine, dum viam simul in lege reserat ad infanticidii et euthanasiae approbationem.

This unique contact with the new human being developing within her gives rise to an attitude towards human beings - not only towards her own child, but every human being - which profoundly marks the woman's personality.

Praecipuus hic modus consortionis cum novo homine, qui paulatim conformatur, ipse vicissim animi talem habitum gignit erga hominem - non tantum proprium in filium sed etiam erga hominem in universum - ut altissime iam totum exprimat mulieris ingenium.

There is a logic in all this whereby different attitudes can feed on one another, leading to environmental degradation and social decay.

In hoc quaedam ratio invenitur quae sinit intellegere quomodo aliae alias alant variae consuetudines eodem tempore facientes ambitus et societatis detrimentum.

Latin Attitude Adventure Avon for women
The notes pina colada and pomelo grabbed my attention immediately, very eager to try this one. Anybody out there had a tester yet ?

Burberry London


Perfume rating 4.00 out of 5 with 3 votes
Latin Attitude Adventure by Avon is a Floral Fruity fragrance for women. This is a new fragrance. Latin Attitude Adventure was launched in 2022. Top notes are Pomelo and Bergamot; middle note is Piña Colada; base note is Amber.
Fragrantica® Trends is a relative value that shows the interest of Fragrantica members in this fragrance over time.
Become a member of this online perfume community and you will be able to add your own reviews.
Perfumes: 75,166
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Perfume lovers: 826,843
Online right now: 3,165

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Etymology of attitude by etymonline
Harper, D. (n.d.). Etymology of attitude. Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved October 14, 2022, from
Harper Douglas, “Etymology of attitude,” Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed October 14, 2022,
Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of attitude.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 14 October, 2022.
D. Harper. “Etymology of attitude.” Online Etymology Dictionary. (accessed October 14, 2022).
Definitions of attitude from WordNet
a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways ;
he had the attitude that work was fun
the arrangement of the body and its limbs ;
he assumed an attitude of surrender
a theatrical pose created for effect ;
the actor struck just the right attitude
position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion) ;
Etymologies are not definitions. From, not affiliated with etymonline.
1660s, "posture or position of a figure in a statue or painting," via French attitude (17c.), from Italian attitudine "disposition, posture," also "aptness, promptitude," from Late Latin aptitudinem (nominative aptitudo ; see aptitude , which is its doublet).
Originally 17c. a technical term in art; later generalized to "a posture of the body supposed to imply some mental state" (1725). The sense of "a settled behavior reflecting feeling or opinion" is by 1837. The meaning "habitual mode of regarding" is short for attitude of mind (1757). Connotations of "antagonistic and uncooperative" developed by 1962 in slang.
early 15c., "tendency, likelihood," from Late Latin aptitudo (genitive aptitudinis ) "fitness," noun of quality from Latin aptus "joined, fitted" (see apt ). The meaning "natural capacity to learn" is by 1540s; that of "state or quality of being fit (for a purpose or position)" is from 1640s. Related: Aptitudinal . A doublet of attitude .

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