Latin America Countries

In alphabetical order, the countries of Latin America include:…
What are the Caribbean countries in Latin America?
What are the Caribbean countries in Latin America?
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: # Country Population (2020) Subregion 1 Brazil 212,559,417 South America 2 Mexico 128,932,753 Central America 3 Colombia 50,882,891 South America 4 Argentina 45,195,774 South America 29 more rows ...…
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: 33. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today, according to the United Nations.…
What do you call a country in Latin America?
What do you call a country in Latin America?
"Latinoamérica" redirects here. For Latin Americans, see Latin Americans. For the song, see Latinoamérica (song). Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and French are predominantly spoken.
Why are some countries not included in Latin America?
Why are some countries not included in Latin America?
Because this area is determined by language and colonial influences, countries like Jamaica, Belize, Suriname, and Guyana are not included in Latin America. They are geographically located in the Americas, but they were colonized by countries that do not speak a Romance language: England and the Netherlands.…
Лати́нская Аме́рика — собирательное наименование американских стран и территорий, использующих в …
Названия жителей, Включает и другое
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · 27.11.2018 · Latin America is generally understood to consist of the entire continent of South America in addition to Mexico, Central America, …
Перевести · 10.05.2021 · Thus, it includes Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. Historically, Latin America was named as such by its former European colonial masters to distinguish countries in which Romance languages like Spanish, Portuguese, and French were spoken from countries in which Germanic languages, like English, German, and Dutch, were spoken.
Перевести · Строк: 28 · Country (or dependent territory) July 1, 2015 projection % of pop. Average relative annual growth (%) Average absolute annual growth Estimated doubling time (Years) Official …
Countries: 20
Demonym: Latin American
Area: 20,111,457 km² (7,765,077 sq mi)
Population: 642,216,682 (2018 est.)
Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and to a lesser extent, the French language are predominantly spoken. Some subnational regions such as Quebec and parts of the United States where Romance languages are primarily spoken are not usually included due to the countries as a whole being a part of Anglo America (an exception to this is Puerto Rico, which is almost always included withi…
Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and to a lesser extent, the French language are predominantly spoken. Some subnational regions such as Quebec and parts of the United States where Romance languages are primarily spoken are not usually included due to the countries as a whole being a part of Anglo America (an exception to this is Puerto Rico, which is almost always included within the definition of Latin America despite being a territory of the United States). The term is broader than categories such as Hispanic America, which specifically refers to Spanish-speaking countries and Ibero-America, which specifically refers to both Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. The term is also more recent in origin.
The term "Latin America" was first used in an 1856 conference with the title "Initiative of America. Idea for a Federal Congress of the Republics" (Iniciativa de la América. Idea de un Congreso Federal de las Repúblicas), by the Chilean politician Francisco Bilbao. The term was further popularised by French Emperor Napoleon III's government in the 1860s as Amérique latine to justify France's military involvement in Mexico and try to include French-speaking territories in the Americas such as French Canada, French Louisiana, or French Guiana, in the larger group of countries where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevailed.
Including French-speaking territories, Latin America would consist of 20 countries and 14 dependent territories that cover an area that stretches from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego and includes much of the Caribbean. It has an area of approximately 19,197,000 km (7,412,000 sq mi), almost 13% of the Earth's land surface area. As of March 2, 2020, population of Latin America and the Caribbean was estimated at more than 652 million, and in 2019, Latin America had a combined nominal GDP of US$5,188,250 million and a GDP PPP of 10,284,588 million USD.
Top 10 Latin American Countries to Visit
The map of Latin America: country names and locations
Latin American countries take different measures to contain virus
Coronavirus in Latin America: Countries step up restrictions
Top 10 Best Latin American Countries to Live in
Latin American countries lean toward Russia's Sputnik V vaccine
Перевести · Puerto Rico is an island country in Latin America. Technically speaking, Puerto Rico's borders in every cardinal direction are shared with water. Puerto Rico is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. With over 3.5 million people, Puerto Rico …
Перевести · 15.06.2020 · Because this area is determined by language and colonial influences, countries like Jamaica, Belize, Suriname, and Guyana are not included in Latin America. They are geographically located in the Americas, but they were colonized by countries that do not speak a Romance language: England and the Netherlands.
Не удается получить доступ к вашему текущему расположению. Для получения лучших результатов предоставьте Bing доступ к данным о расположении или введите расположение.
Не удается получить доступ к расположению вашего устройства. Для получения лучших результатов введите расположение.
In alphabetical order, the countries of Latin America include: …
What are the Caribbean countries in Latin America?
What are the Caribbean countries in Latin America?
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: # Country Population (2020) Subregion 1 Brazil 212,559,417 South America 2 Mexico 128,932,753 Central America 3 Colombia 50,882,891 South America 4 Argentina 45,195,774 South America 29 more rows ...…
Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: 33. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today, according to the United Nations.…
What do you call a country in Latin America?
What do you call a country in Latin America?
"Latinoamérica" redirects here. For Latin Americans, see Latin Americans. For the song, see Latinoamérica (song). Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and French are predominantly spoken.
Why are some countries not included in Latin America?
Why are some countries not included in Latin America?
Because this area is determined by language and colonial influences, countries like Jamaica, Belize, Suriname, and Guyana are not included in Latin America. They are geographically located in the Americas, but they were colonized by countries that do not speak a Romance language: England and the Netherlands.…
Лати́нская Аме́рика — собирательное наименование американских стран и территорий, использующих в качестве …
Названия жителей, Включает и другое
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · 27.11.2018 · Latin America is generally understood to consist of the entire continent of South America in addition to Mexico, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean whose …
Перевести · 10.05.2021 · Thus, it includes Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. Historically, Latin America was named as such by its former European colonial masters to distinguish countries in which Romance languages like Spanish, Portuguese, and French were spoken from countries in which Germanic languages, like English, German, and Dutch, were spoken.
Перевести · Строк: 28 · Country (or dependent territory) July 1, 2015 projection % of pop. Average relative annual growth (%) Average absolute annual growth Estimated doubling time (Years) Official …
Countries: 20
Demonym: Latin American
Area: 20,111,457 km² (7,765,077 sq mi)
Population: 642,216,682 (2018 est.)
Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and to a lesser extent, the French language are predominantly spoken. Some subnational regions such as Quebec and parts of the United States where Romance languages are primarily spoken are not usually included due to the countries as a whole being a part of Anglo America (an exception to this is Puerto Rico, which is almost always included withi…
Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere where Romance languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, and to a lesser extent, the French language are predominantly spoken. Some subnational regions such as Quebec and parts of the United States where Romance languages are primarily spoken are not usually included due to the countries as a whole being a part of Anglo America (an exception to this is Puerto Rico, which is almost always included within the definition of Latin America despite being a territory of the United States). The term is broader than categories such as Hispanic America, which specifically refers to Spanish-speaking countries and Ibero-America, which specifically refers to both Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. The term is also more recent in origin.
The term "Latin America" was first used in an 1856 conference with the title "Initiative of America. Idea for a Federal Congress of the Republics" (Iniciativa de la América. Idea de un Congreso Federal de las Repúblicas), by the Chilean politician Francisco Bilbao. The term was further popularised by French Emperor Napoleon III's government in the 1860s as Amérique latine to justify France's military involvement in Mexico and try to include French-speaking territories in the Americas such as French Canada, French Louisiana, or French Guiana, in the larger group of countries where Spanish and Portuguese languages prevailed.
Including French-speaking territories, Latin America would consist of 20 countries and 14 dependent territories that cover an area that stretches from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego and includes much of the Caribbean. It has an area of approximately 19,197,000 km (7,412,000 sq mi), almost 13% of the Earth's land surface area. As of March 2, 2020, population of Latin America and the Caribbean was estimated at more than 652 million, and in 2019, Latin America had a combined nominal GDP of US$5,188,250 million and a GDP PPP of 10,284,588 million USD.
Top 10 Latin American Countries to Visit
The map of Latin America: country names and locations
Latin American countries take different measures to contain virus
Coronavirus in Latin America: Countries step up restrictions
Top 10 Best Latin American Countries to Live in
Latin American countries lean toward Russia's Sputnik V vaccine
Перевести · Puerto Rico is an island country in Latin America. Technically speaking, Puerto Rico's borders in every cardinal direction are shared with water. Puerto Rico is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. With over 3.5 million people, Puerto Rico …
Перевести · 15.06.2020 · Because this area is determined by language and colonial influences, countries like Jamaica, Belize, Suriname, and Guyana are not included in Latin America. They are geographically located in the Americas, but they were colonized by countries that do not speak a Romance language: England and the Netherlands.
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List of countries in Latin America | Britannica
List of Latin American countries by population - Wikipedia
Latin America - Wikipedia
Latin American Countries 2021 - World Population Review
Latin America Countries

