Latin America Caribbean

Latin America Caribbean

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The term Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC[1]) is an English-language acronym referring to the Caribbean and Latin American region. The term LAC covers an extensive region, extending from The Bahamas and Mexico to Argentina and Chile. The region has over 670,230,000 people as of 2016, and spanned for 21,951,000 square kilometres (8,475,000Β sqΒ mi).
It is estimated to attribute for over 400 billion dollars that form the core for economic stability, however, a few countries, notably Venezuela, is a member state of OPEC.
The region has a unique history and varied between stability to instability, included various deadly conflicts, though its level remains conflicted. The two deadliest conflicts in the region are the Colombian conflict and the Mexican drug war; and more recently, the crisis in Venezuela. Some other bloody conflicts include the internal conflict in Peru and gang wars in Argentina, Brazil, and Honduras. Other conflicts include the Mapuche conflict in Argentina and Chile; and the Insurgency in Paraguay. These conflicts, however, have received lesser attentions from international media, and varied by time, with Colombia in headline in 1990s, Mexico in the 2000s and currently, Venezuela.
Most countries are dominated by Christianity, the largest being Roman Catholic. Smaller groups include Protestantism (including Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses) and Orthodoxy and other forms of Christianity. There are many venerated folk saints and folk religions namely folk catholicism as well as african diaspora religions (syncretic african traditional religions) as well as Native American religions including shamanism. Many folk healers also practice folk magic. Specific Creole peoples often have their own religions/spiritual practices like the Maroons's Rastafari and Garifuna's belief system (or New Orleans Voodoo and Melungeon in North America).
Especially in the Caribbean, Central America and Brasil, there are Jewish (including Messianic Jews), Muslim, Hindu, BahΓ‘ΚΌΓ­ Faith (especially in Panama, Bolivia and Belize), Buddhist, Shinto and Romani mythology, Chinese folk religion, Dravidian folk religion (among others) practitioners. The Muslims and especially Jews and Gitanos are often descendants of the peoples forced into Crypto-Judaism and Crypto-Islam (and even Crypto-Paganism, for lack of a better term) from the Reconquista. There most likely is Sikh and Jainist groups (and possibly even smaller Zoroastrianism, Samaritan and Druze groups). There is also a growing movement of unitarian universalism/new age/neo-paganism-type unorganized spirituality; goddess worship is especially popular with younger, often progressive people like feminists. Again, these movements are often also syncretic, such as Pachamama or other Pre-Columbian Deity worship. Atheism/Agnosticism is quite dichotomous with a few countries having high percentages, but most are small and may be growing slowly.
The region is extremely popular for its own distinct music which can't be found somewhere in the world. Began since the conquest of Spain, France, Britain, the Netherlands and Portugal in 15th century, due to the greater diversification including indigenous, Asian, African and European population merged, it expanded popularity of their music, dated from 1950s and rampant globalization, music from the region has become widely noticed, and has been nominated for several music awards.[3]
The region is rich at sporting activities, especially in association football, which have some of the world's strongest football teams like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, etc.; though baseball, tennis, cycling, volleyball, rugby union, basketball, hockey, and cricket, also gain recent popularity.
The region is also notorious for being the region that produces significant martial fighters, notably competing in Ultimate Fighting Championship.[4][5]
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Heavy rains have caused rivers to rise to near record levels, affecting about 410,000 people.
Heavy rains have caused rivers to rise to near record levels, affecting about 410,000 people.
The famous rock formation has collapsed due to natural erosion, Ecuador's environment ministry says.
The right-wing government fails to win a third of the seats and will struggle to stop major changes.
Colombia granted Venezuelan migrants legal status, now it wants other countries to follow suit.
Egan Bernal takes the overall lead in the Giro d'Italia after storming to victory on the ninth stage.
In at least one case a child was kept on a coach for four days, waiting to join his family.
With protesters blockading key roads into Cali, residents are struggling to access essential items.
Heavy rains have caused rivers to rise to near record levels, affecting about 410,000 people.
The famous rock formation has collapsed due to natural erosion, Ecuador's environment ministry says.
The right-wing government fails to win a third of the seats and will struggle to stop major changes.
Colombia granted Venezuelan migrants legal status, now it wants other countries to follow suit.
Egan Bernal takes the overall lead in the Giro d'Italia after storming to victory on the ninth stage.
In at least one case a child was kept on a coach for four days, waiting to join his family.
With protesters blockading key roads into Cali, residents are struggling to access essential items.
The famous rock formation has collapsed due to natural erosion, Ecuador's environment ministry says.
The right-wing government fails to win a third of the seats and will struggle to stop major changes.
Colombia granted Venezuelan migrants legal status, now it wants other countries to follow suit.
Heavy rains have caused rivers to rise to near record levels, affecting about 410,000 people.
The famous rock formation has collapsed due to natural erosion, Ecuador's environment ministry says.
The right-wing government fails to win a third of the seats and will struggle to stop major changes.
Colombia granted Venezuelan migrants legal status, now it wants other countries to follow suit.
In at least one case a child was kept on a coach for four days, waiting to join his family.
Members of indigenous groups in Chile will be represented in the constitutional convention.
Thousands protest against racism and police violence, a week after a deadly raid in a slum in Rio.
Every game of this summer's Copa America - which is being hosted by Colombia and Argentina - will be shown live on the BBC.
What happens to unaccompanied child migrants to US?
"They start telling you about their struggle: how they can't sleep at night, how they keep thinking about their families back home, their families here, how they have nightmares"
Protests in Colombia are in their third week with demonstrators saying they plan to carry on.
With protesters blockading key roads into Cali, residents are struggling to access essential items.
The vaquita marina in Mexico is threatened by a clash of interests between fishing and conservation.
Totoaba are a critically endangered species found only in the Gulf of California in Mexico.
What happens when vaccines are slow to arrive - and what it means for ending lockdowns.
The Paris court ruling comes 12 years after flight AF447 crashed into the Atlantic killing 228 people.
The government has agreed to hold talks with protest leaders but divisions run deep.
Violence in Brazil's Amazon is increasing, with tens of thousands of illegal miners in protected areas.
The reggae music legend died of cancer in 1981 aged just 36.
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Latin America and the Caribbean - Wikipedia
Latin America & Caribbean - BBC News
Latin America and the Caribbean Home - World Bank
Latin America and the Caribbean | United Nations ...
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) | GFDRR
Latin America & Caribbean | Data
Latin America & the Caribbean - European External Action ...
Latin America and the Caribbean | DFC
Latin America Caribbean

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