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Overhyped ‘Declaration of Resistance’ issued…

Eric Frankovitch, John-Henry Westen, and Michael Matt during a press conference Oct. 1, 2022
This past weekend, from Sep. 30 to Oct. 2, 2022, American recognize-and-resist traditionalists held an event called the “Catholic Identity Conference” in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ( official web site ).
Not unexpectedly, it was very well attended, being one of the few ways every year the semi-traditionalist crowd can gather together to reassure each other that they’re on the right track, regardless of what the “Pope” says — or the sedevacantists.
Its line-up of speakers included familiar semi-trad personalities such as Michael J. Matt of The Remnant , who also served as master of ceremonies for the symposium; John-Henry Westen of Life Site ; historian and academic John Rao; and attorney and commentator Christopher Ferrara, among others.
In addition to four traditionalist priests (one independent , one of the FSSP , one of the IBP , and of the SSPX ), the speakers also included the famous Kazakh auxiliary ‘Bp.’ Athanasius Schneider ; the ever-elusive ‘Abp.’ Carlo Maria Viganò , retired Vatican nuncio to the United States (via Zoom); as well as the Maronite chorbishop Anthony Spinosa , who is rector at a basilica and shrine in Ohio.
The theme of the conference was: “ Traditionis Custodes & the Great Reset: Where do we go from here?”. The event had been heavily promoted by The Remnant :
The busy schedule posted at the official conference web site included sundry talks with somewhat provocative titles, including: “Empty Graves: Francis’s Missionary Genocide”; “All Hands on Deck: Francis’ War on God and History”; “Vatican Disappearing Act: Is the Pope Pro-Life?”; and “Pope of Surprises: Chaplain to the New World Order.”
One of the conference highlights was the live interview with ‘Abp.’ Carlo Maria Viganò, who participated via video conference from an undisclosed location:
Roughly a week ahead of the Catholic Identity Conference , on Sep. 22, the organizers had published a news release announcing that a press conference would be held during the event to issue a formal “Declaration of Filial Resistance” against the agenda of “Pope” Francis ( Jorge Bergoglio ). The press release stated:
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota – At 4:30PM on Saturday, October 1, a press conference will take place at the Catholic Identity Conference (CIC) in the Grand Ballroom of the Doubletree By Hilton Hotel Pittsburgh – Greentree (500 Mansfield Ave).
Three prominent lay Catholic spokesmen will present articles of charitable resistance against the Vatican and the Pontificate of Pope Francis.
There will be three 5-minute interventions, each covering a different and separate aspect of formal resistance on behalf of practicing American Catholics.
Intervention 1) Resistance to Pope Francis’s recent violation of natural justice ( Traditionis Custodes ), which constitutes religious discrimination against practicing Catholics.
Intervention 2) Resistance based on Francis’s undermining of the Church’s established moral theology on contraception and divorce ( Amoris Laetitia ).
Intervention 3) Resistance based on the Vatican endorsement of the World Economic Forum agenda, including climate change hysteria (as laid out in Laudato Si ) as well as the worldwide lockdown (including of churches), all of which constitute crimes against God and humanity.
After the interventions, there will be a 30-minute session in which presenters will take questions from members of the press.
Furthermore, the press release listed contact information for one Tess Mullins as the media liaison for the event.
The “[t]hree prominent lay Catholic spokesmen” turned out to be Eric Frankovitch, organizer of the conference, John-Henry Westen, and Michael Matt. Although the latter two will be familiar to those who frequent semi-trad and similar web sites, Mr. Frankovitch, who is an attorney in West Virginia, is largely unknown.
A full video of the one-hour press conference has been released by The Remnant :
The full text of the press conference, albeit without the questions and answers at the end, has also been published:
In his prefatory remarks at the press conference, Matt underscores that “we present our articles of resistance as lay Catholics who have no intention of leaving the Church but who feel obligated in conscience and before God to raise these objections for the good of our Church in crisis.”
Never mind that on his web site, The Remnant , he has repeatedly published articles that say things like these:
The Novus Ordo regime—what I have been calling Newchurch—left the company of the Catholic Church the moment Traditionis Custodes went into effect. Newchurch removed itself from the protective canopy of the Mass and installed itself as a separate, false church in opposition to the Bride of Christ. …Newchurch has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. Newchurch’s prayers are now insults to the Living God.
(Jason Morgan, “Say Your Prayers, Francis Church!” , The Remnant , Apr. 12, 2022)
These lines were penned by Remnant contributor Jason Morgan, who, interestingly enough, was also one of the speakers at the Catholic Identity Conference this year — go figure!
When Michael Matt, then, says he has no intention of leaving “our Church in crisis”, one must ask what church he is talking about — the Catholic Church or “Newchurch”? Given how Morgan describes Newchurch, it sounds like the church Matt is a part of and refuses to leave is Newchurch. That, at least, is the church he is resisting so eagerly. Perhaps he and Mr. Morgan should first have a chat about what ecclesiology they believe in. It’s obviously not the traditional Catholic ecclesiology from before Vatican II.
Further in his remarks, Matt recycled some of the “golden oldies” of recognize-and-resist traditionalism, including the “St. Paul resisted St. Peter to his face” argument, the famous St. Robert Bellarmine “it is licit to resist” quote, and the false “abusive father” analogy. Interested readers can find all three of these refuted here:
The first intervention given at the resistance press conference was that of Eric Frankovitch. His topic was the Traditional Latin Mass and Francis’ 2021 decree Traditionis Custodes .
In an effort to refute Francis’ premise that adherents of the Traditional Mass in the Vatican II Church aren’t sufficiently accepting of the Second Vatican Council and the “New Mass”, Frankovitch argued:
…we invite the press to take note of the fact that the vast majority of so-called “Traditional Catholics” today attend Latin Masses celebrated by diocesan Catholic priests who also offer the New Mass. Therefore, far from disrupting unity within the Church, a substantial majority of Traditional Catholics—in cooperation with their diocesan pastors and under the provisions of Summorum Pontificum —provide one of the most unique examples of unity, mutual liturgical enrichment, and bridge-building in the Catholic Church today.
Apparently, then, the Catholic Identity Conference endorses “bridge-building” with nefarious Newchurch — that “separate, false church in opposition to the Bride of Christ” — and its liturgical horror show, the Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI , if that’s what it takes for them to be allowed to have their Traditional Mass. In recognize-and-resist traditionalism, one just never knows what is to be recognized and what resisted .
In any case, Frankovitch concluded his brief address by stating:
We believe that Pope Francis’s prejudicial bias against the rightful liturgical aspirations of Traditional Catholics constitutes a violation of natural justice that rises to the level of religious discrimination against Traditional Catholics.
We loyal sons and daughters of the Church nevertheless pray for Pope Francis by name at every Traditional Latin Mass without fail, even though we feel dutybound in conscience to publicly resist his unjust actions against the Traditional Latin Mass specifically and against Catholic Tradition in general.
Precisely what that resistance will look like, however, he did not say.
The second intervention came from John-Henry Westen. He presented a laundry list of egregious Francis scandals, beginning with the night of his election on Mar. 13, 2013. At one point he made reference to “the heretic Cardinal Walter Kasper” — something to keep in mind for next time you find semi-trads arguing that no one is a heretic, or can be known to be a heretic, until there is a trial and/or a church declaration.
Westen’s conclusion was: “Shall we not join with these heroic bishops and the many learned priests, religious and laity who have begun to resist Pope Francis? If we care about the faith, about our children, and about Francis’s own soul, we must.”
Although there are indeed a few Novus Ordo bishops who have opposed Bergoglio in some manner, or have been criticized by him for trying to exercise their ministry in a fashion resembling Catholicism, let’s make sure we don’t get the wrong impression of the facts. Compared to the total of 5,612 living bishops in the Vatican II Church (incl. the Eastern rites) at this time, almost nobody publicly takes the recognize-and-resisters’ side. Westen himself references only eight in total, and that’s being generous: “Cardinals” Raymond Burke, Robert Sarah, and Gerhard Ludwig Müller; as well as “Bishops” Salvatore Cordileone, Joseph Strickland, Athanasius Schneider, and Henry Gracida.
Even if, for the sake of argument, we were to consider all of these to be ultra-orthodox opponents of Francis; and even if, likewise for the sake of argument, we were to double their number to ensure we are not forgetting any other “good guys”; then we would still end up with a total of only 16 such resister bishops, which amounts to 0.29% of the world’s episcopate.
Why is this important? It is important for the sake of maintaining a proper perspective for evaluating how seriously to take this resistance movement. Sometimes we will hear semi-trads on social media or such web sites as One Peter Five , The Remnant , or Crisis Magazine talk about how Francis would have to be condemned or deposed by an imperfect council — as if there were even the remotest chance of such a thing happening, considering how few bishops, when compared to the world’s total, actually side with them to begin with.
And as for those “many learned priests, religious and laity” Westen references — yes, there are some , and they may be a significant number if viewed only from within the recognize-and-resist bubble. But here, too, the number is infinitesimal in relation to the entirety of the Novus Ordo hierarchy.
The third intervention was given by Michael Matt. His topic was Francis’ enthusiastic cooperation with the globalists — names such as Jeffrey Sachs, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros — and their nefarious, anti-Catholic programs. In addition, Matt also criticized some of Bergoglio’s heresies and doctrinal errors.
Towards the end of his brief talk, Matt stated that “we have no choice but to remain faithful to the traditional teaching of the Church as reiterated by the constant teaching authority of the magisterium.” Apparently, though, for Matt that “traditional teaching of the Church as reiterated by the constant teaching authority of the magisterium” somehow doesn’t include the Catholic teaching on the Papacy , which clearly rules out both the possibility as well as the necessity of a recognize-but-resist position with respect to the Pope and the lawful Catholic hierarchy in communion with him:
To the shepherds alone was given all power to teach, to judge, to direct; on the faithful was imposed the duty of following their teaching, of submitting with docility to their judgment, and of allowing themselves to be governed, corrected, and guided by them in the way of salvation. Thus, it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors, and for the latter to submit with them to the Head and Supreme Pastor. In this subordination and dependence lie the order and life of the Church; in it is to be found the indispensable condition of well-being and good government. On the contrary, if it should happen that those who have no right to do so should attribute authority to themselves, if they presume to become judges and teachers, if inferiors in the government of the universal Church attempt or try to exert an influence different from that of the supreme authority, there follows a reversal of the true order, many minds are thrown into confusion, and souls leave the right path.
And to fail in this most holy duty it is not necessary to perform an action in open opposition whether to the Bishops or to the Head of the Church; it is enough for this opposition to be operating indirectly, all the more dangerous because it is the more hidden. Thus, a soul fails in this sacred duty when, at the same time that a jealous zeal for the power and the prerogatives of the Sovereign Pontiff is displayed, the Bishops united to him are not given their due respect, or sufficient account is not taken of their authority, or their actions and intentions are interpreted in a captious manner, without waiting for the judgment of the Apostolic See.
Matt concluded his intervention as follows: “We beg the Holy Father to listen to the cries of his scattered sheep and become shepherd to them once again.” Ah, but he is being a shepherd of sorts, they’re just refusing to follow him because they know where he is leading them: to hell.
That consideration alone should suffice to make them realize that he cannot possibly be a valid occupant of that office which was established by our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls, such that, although not every papal utterance is of course infallible, nonetheless every official papal teaching is guaranteed to be safe for Catholics to follow. Hence Pope Pius XI taught that “a characteristic of all true followers of Christ, lettered or unlettered, is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord” ( Encyclical Casti Connubii , n. 104).
Matt’s final statement was: “But until that happens, we, his most loyal subjects, have no alternative but to resist him to the face for the sake the Church and the salvation of the souls, including that of Pope Francis himself.”
To be clear: Of course it is right to oppose the evil teachings, laws, and policies of Jorge Bergoglio. However, it is wrong to do so while insisting that he is the Pope of the Catholic Church because such an idea is extremely harmful to Catholic doctrine, and it also undermines the credibility of Catholicism. The Papacy is not just a label — it is a divinely-established office of universal monarchical spiritual power over all Catholics, and this has real consequences for the Church and for souls. It does untold damage to the Faith and to souls to bend and twist the Catholic teaching on the Papacy until Bergoglio can be made to fit into it . It is also terribly inconsistent and self-defeating, for one cannot change ( or “rethink” ) the Papacy and at the same time uphold and defend the traditional Catholic Faith. It is as impossible as trying to borrow one’s way out of debt.
There can be no Catholic identity against the Pope. That is because the ultimate criterion determining one’s Catholic identity is communion with the Supreme Pontiff:
For any man to be able to prove his Catholic faith and affirm that he is truly a Catholic, he must be able to convince the Apostolic See of this. For this See is predominant and with it the faithful of the whole Church should agree. And the man who abandons the See of Peter can only be falsely confident that he is in the Church. As a result, that man is already a schismatic and a sinner who establishes a see in opposition to the unique See of the blessed Peter from which the rights of sacred communion derive for all men .
This fact was well known to the illustrious bishops of the Eastern Churches. Hence at the Council of Constantinople held in the year 536, Mennas the bishop of that city affirmed openly with the approval of the fathers, “We follow and obey the Apostolic See, as Your Charity realizes and we consider those in communion with it to be in communion with us, and we too condemn the men condemned by it.” Even more clearly and emphatically St. Maximus, abbot of Chrysopolis, and a confessor of the faith, in refer ring to Pyrrhus the Monothelite, declared: “If he wants neither to be nor to be called a heretic, he toes not need to satisfy random individuals of his orthodoxy, for this is excessive and unreasonable. But just as all men have been scandalized at him since the chief man was scandalized, so also when that one has been satisfied, all men will doubtless be satisfied. He should hasten to satisfy the Roman See before all others. For when this See has been satisfied, all men everywhere will join in declaring him pious and orthodox. For that man wastes his words who thinks that men like me must be persuaded and beguiled when he has not yet satisfied and beseeched the blessed Pope of the holy Roman Church. From the incarnate word of God Himself as well as from the conclusions and sacred canons of all holy councils, the Apostolic See has been granted the command, authority and power of binding and loosing for all God’s holy churches in the entire world.” For this reason John, Bishop of Constantinople, solemnly declared — and the
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