Latias R34

Latias R34


Latias R34
This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.
This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.
If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.
This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.
If held by a Latias, this item allows it to Mega Evolve in battle.
This Pokemon is immune to Ground; Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball nullify it.
The user swaps positions with its ally.
A target of the opposite gender gets infatuated.
100% chance lower adjacent Pkmn Speed by 1.
Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1.
Lowers the foe(s) Sp. Atk by 2 if opposite gender.
70% chance to raise the user's Sp. Atk by 1.
If the user has no item, it steals the target's.
-1 evasion; clears user and target side's hazards.
Dives underwater turn 1, strikes turn 2.
Raises the user's evasiveness by 1.
User gains 1/2 HP inflicted. Sleeping target only.
Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dig.
User survives attacks this turn with at least 1 HP.
10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.
Power doubles if user is burn/poison/paralyzed.
Flies up on first turn, then strikes the next turn.
Max 102 power at minimum Happiness.
Power doubles with each hit, up to 160.
Averages Defense and Sp. Def stats with target.
User faints. Replacement is fully healed.
Heals the target by 50% of its max HP.
One adjacent ally's move power is 1.5x this turn.
Varies in type based on the user's IVs.
Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1.
100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Until the end of the next turn, user's moves crit.
Fails unless each known move has been used.
For 5 turns, special damage to allies is halved.
Bounces back certain non-damaging moves.
For 5 turns, all held items have no effect.
The last move the target used replaces this one.
50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Atk by 1.
100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.
Power and type depends on the user's Berry.
Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards.
Prevents moves from affecting the user this turn.
10% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.
Transfers the user's status ailment to the target.
Copies the target's current stat stages.
Damages target based on Defense, not Sp. Def.
Random damage equal to 0.5x-1.5x user's level.
For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves.
Heals the user by 50% of its max HP.
For 5 turns, physical damage to allies is halved.
User becomes the same type as the target.
User cures its burn, poison, or paralysis.
User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status.
Power doubles if an ally fainted last turn.
Max 102 power at maximum Happiness.
Forces the target to switch to a random ally.
User replaces its Ability with the target's.
Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends.
Power doubles if others used Round this turn.
For 5 turns, protects user's party from status.
For 5 turns, a sandstorm rages. Rock: 1.5x SpD.
Effect varies with terrain. (30% paralysis chance)
20% chance to lower the target's Sp. Def by 1.
User must be asleep. Uses another known move.
User must be asleep. 30% chance to flinch target.
Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight.
10% chance to raise the user's Defense by 1.
+ 20 power for each of the user's stat boosts.
User takes 1/4 its max HP to put in a substitute.
Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking.
For 5 turns, intense sunlight powers Fire moves.
Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive.
Raises the target's Attack by 2 and confuses it.
This move does not check accuracy. Hits foes.
For 4 turns, allies' Speed is doubled.
For 3 turns, target floats but moves can't miss it.
30% chance to paralyze. Can't miss in rain.
Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss.
User switches its held item with the target's.
20% chance to make the foe(s) flinch.
20% chance to make the target flinch.
For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power.
Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.
Next turn, 50% of the user's max HP is restored.
20% chance to make the target flinch.
Mega Latias is a metagame staple thanks to its bulk, movepool, and defensive profile. It can come in on common Pokemon like Heatran , Kartana , Rotom-W , Landorus-T , Zapdos , Rockium Z Garchomp , Mega Lopunny , and Battle Bond Greninja using Water-type moves consistently throughout a game. Mega Latias also outspeeds many of these Pokemon, notably Kartana, forcing them out with attacks like Ice Beam, Hidden Power, and Psychic. It's also one of the few Pokemon that can take any one move from Mega Medicham and threaten it back, giving faster-paced teams a decent answer to a Pokemon that usually requires a more passive switch-in. It's also the easiest answer to Swords Dance Gliscor to fit on teams. Mega Latias also has other options like Thunder Wave, Defog, and Calm Mind; its devastating Calm Mind set can outlast many offensive teams and threaten common balance and stall staples, including Toxapex , a common Haze user. However, Mega Latias struggles with four-moveslot syndrome. If its standard set drops Hidden Power Ground or Fighting, then Heatran, Excadrill , and Tyranitar can switch into it without much fear, while the same is true for Toxapex if it drops Psychic. It has some nasty weaknesses to Fairy, Ice, and Dark, being forced out by strong attackers like Tapu Lele and Mega Latios and Pursuit trapped by Tyranitar and Weavile . Mega Latias is vulnerable to poison and paralysis from Pokemon like Heatran, Toxapex, defensive Kommo-o , Zapdos, and Defog Gliscor, which can make it more difficult to check these Pokemon in the long run. It also struggles to break through threats like Magearna and Jirachi regardless of its set, and bulky foes like Clefable and Reuniclus sufficiently wall the utility set.
Ice Beam hits many prominent threats hard, including Gliscor , Landorus-T , Garchomp , Mega Latios , Mega Latias , Tornadus-T , Serperior , Zapdos , Tapu Bulu , and Kartana . Hidden Power Ground threatens Heatran and Magnezone while also hitting Mega Mawile , offensive Magearna , Excadrill , and Tyranitar for decent damage. Psychic OHKOes Fighting-types like Mega Lopunny , Hawlucha , and offensive Kommo-o after Stealth Rock and threatens Toxapex and neutral targets like Mega Medicham . Hidden Power Fighting OHKOes Kartana and Weavile , heavily damages Tyranitar, and deals decent damage to Steel-types like Excadrill, Ferrothorn , and Heatran. Thunder Wave cripples offensive Pokemon like Mega Alakazam , Tapu Lele , Kyurem-B , Greninja , Magearna, and Volcarona while making defensive staples like Magearna, Reuniclus , Clefable , and Toxapex easier to pressure for teammates. Mega Latias is also a good Defogger due to its great natural bulk and good matchup against common Stealth Rock users like Garchomp, Heatran lacking Toxic, and Landorus-T. However, it should avoid using Defog against status users and Ferrothorn. Thunder Wave and Defog can be used together, but this leaves Mega Latias unable to threaten Stealth Rock setters that can tank Ice Beam, like Heatran packing Toxic and Mega Tyranitar .
Hidden Power Fire threatens Kartana, offensive Magearna, Mega Mawile, Ferrothorn, and Mega Scizor . However, Hidden Power Ground and Fighting have a wider range of targets while still hitting most of these Pokemon adequately. Thunder gives Mega Latias excellent neutral coverage in tandem with Ice Beam while hitting Water- and Flying-types like Manaphy , Greninja, Tornadus-T, Celesteela , and Tapu Fini hard, but it lets most Steel-types check Mega Latias and is weaker than Psychic on neutral targets. Earthquake can be used over Hidden Power Ground; it 2HKOes Heatran and hits Magearna, Mega Diancie , Excadrill, and Tyranitar harder, but Grassy Terrain and burn weaken it significantly, the latter being common from Pokemon like Toxapex, Lava Plume Heatran, and Rotom-W . Surf hits Heatran, Excadrill, and Mega Diancie harder than Hidden Power Fighting or Ground while also doing decent damage to Volcarona, but other coverage moves overshadow it, and it leaves Mega Latias at the mercy of most Steel-types.
Keep Mega Latias healthy whenever possible so it can check threats consistently throughout the game. Scout for status moves from Pokemon it would normally pivot into, mainly Heatran and Gliscor. Use Thunder Wave or Defog, as needed, when Mega Latias forces out a foe.
Mega Latias fits well on bulky offense and balance teams. Spikers like Ferrothorn, Skarmory , and Greninja make excellent partners to chip down foes, since Mega Latias can force a lot of switches; Tyranitar and Heatran are notable targets, as they can pivot around Mega Latias depending on its coverage moves. Ferrothorn checks Fairy- and Dark-types like Tapu Lele, Magearna, Tapu Fini, Weavile, Tyranitar, and Ash-Greninja and further solidifies the rain matchup, while Mega Latias can check Kartana, Heatran, and Ground-types. Skarmory is a secondary answer to Ground-types and a better answer to physical attackers like Mega Lopunny and Tyranitar. Greninja is a fast Spikes setter that threatens offensive teams and benefits from Mega Latias coming in on Grass-types. Heatran is able to set up Stealth Rock, check Fairy-types and Tornadus-T, counter Volcarona and Steel-types, spread Toxic for more residual damage, and trap potential checks with Magma Storm, while Mega Latias can check Ground-types and Water-types like Rotom-W and Manaphy. Toxapex can check Fairy- and Dark-types while also spreading poison and burn with Toxic, Scald, and Toxic Spikes to gradually damage Pursuit users, while Mega Latias covers Ground- and Electric-types and Mega Alakazam lacking Calm Mind. Other Water-types, like Rotom-W and Tapu Fini, check Heatran should Mega Latias lack appropriate coverage, and Mega Latias answers Grass-types in return. Also, Rotom-W can pivot Mega Latias in and Tapu Fini can check Dark-types. Fairy-types like Clefable and Magearna pivot into Dark-type moves for Mega Latias; the former can set up Stealth Rock, while the latter can neutralize bulky setup sweepers with Heart Swap. Meanwhile, Mega Latias can check Heatran, Kartana, and Gliscor. Gliscor and defensive Landorus-T pressure Steel-types and Toxapex, with Gliscor able to absorb status moves and sweep with Swords Dance, while Landorus-T can set up Stealth Rock. Mega Latias benefits both by checking Water- and Grass-types. Magnezone can trap Steel-types like Ferrothorn, Mega Mawile, Kartana, Mega Scizor, and Magearna that wall Mega Latias without Hidden Power Ground or Fighting. Defensive Kommo-o can set up Stealth Rock and check Heatran, Ash-Greninja, Tyranitar, and Hoopa-U .
Stored Power helps Mega Latias snowball, overwhelming Unaware users and opposing Calm Mind users like Clefable and Tapu Fini . Psyshock is much stronger out of the gate, which makes it much more difficult for Haze Toxapex and opposing Calm Mind users like Magearna and Magic Guard Clefable to stop Mega Latias's sweep. It also lets Mega Latias immediately threaten Pokemon like Mega Lopunny , Mega Charizard Y, Mega Medicham , and Kommo-o . Ice Beam hits Dark- and Steel-types like Excadrill , Greninja , and Ferrothorn and directly threatens prominent Pokemon like Gliscor , Landorus-T , Garchomp , Kartana , Tapu Bulu , and opposing Mega Latias. Thunderbolt can be used over Stored Power or Psyshock to threaten Water-types like Toxapex, Greninja, and Tapu Fini and provide good neutral coverage with Ice Beam. Substitute can be used over Ice Beam to punish switches, evade status from Pokemon like Toxapex and Heatran , and use passive checks like Leech Seed Ferrothorn and defensive Clefable as setup fodder. However, it leaves Mega Latias completely walled by Dark-types and unable to check Pokemon such as Gliscor, Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Kartana. Reflect Type can also be used; Mega Latias can set up on poisoned Pursuit Tyranitar , Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Magearna while also evading Toxic from Heatran and Toxapex. However, it has the same issues as Substitute while being even less consistent.
Set up on forced switches and passive Pokemon like defensive Tornadus-T , defensive Clefable lacking Thunder Wave, Gliscor lacking Toxic, and Zapdos . Keep Mega Latias healthy whenever possible so it can set up more freely and pivot into attackers like Kartana more consistently. Scout for status moves from Pokemon it would otherwise set up on, mainly Gliscor. Keep entry hazards up to KO checks with fewer boosts. Psyshock sets can be used for quicker damage, while Stored Power sets generally needs to find opportunities to set up multiple Calm Minds in a row.
This set enjoys entry hazard support from Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Skarmory , Heatran, and Greninja to KO its checks with fewer boosts. Ferrothorn checks Fairy- and Dark-types like Tapu Lele , Magearna, Tapu Fini, Weavile , Tyranitar, and Ash-Greninja ; Skarmory is a secondary answer to Ground-types and a better answer to physical attackers so Mega Latias doesn't get overwhelmed; Heatran checks Fairy-types and Steel-types while crippling checks like Tyranitar and Greninja with Toxic, and it traps and takes out Toxapex with Magma Storm so Mega Latias can more freely run Stored Power. Toxapex spreads residual damage with Toxic and Toxic Spikes and checks Pokemon that give this set a hard time, like Magearna, Jirachi , Weavile, and Tyranitar. Toxic Spikes Toxapex is also an essential partner for single-attack Mega Latias, since it cripples the Dark-types that would stone wall Stored Power or Psyshock. Mega Latias in turn can answer threatening Ground-types for Toxapex. Ground-types like Gliscor and Landorus-T can take out Steel-types and pressure Toxapex, since the Stored Power set can struggle to take them out early-game. Gliscor can pivot into status moves and be a potential secondary wincon with Swords Dance alongside Mega Latias, while Landorus-T can run Stealth Rock, pivot Mega Latias in on desirable setup targets with U-turn, or take out a bulky target with a Z-Move so Mega Latias can sweep more easily. Wallbreakers like the aforementioned Z-Move Landorus-T, Choice Specs Tapu Lele, and Swords Dance or Choice Band Kartana can threaten bulky targets and appreciate the defensive utility Mega Latias provides. Both Clefable and Magearna can pivot into Dark-type moves; Clefable is able to set up Stealth Rock and cripple Toxapex and Heatran with Knock Off, while Magearna can neutralize opposing setup sweepers with Heart Swap and get Mega Latias in safely against Tapu Fini and Clefable with Volt Switch. Defensive Kommo-o can set up Stealth Rock and check Heatran, Ash-Greninja, Tyranitar, and Hoopa-U .
Wish could be used on the utility set alongside Roost to heal teammates. However, Roost's 16 PP suffices for most games, and its teammates will usually already have reliable recovery. Reflect Type can also be used on the utility set to evade Pursuit or Toxic from Heatran and Toxapex; however, it's very niche and Mega Latias can run coverage moves to hit these Pokemon. Roar can rack up entry hazard damage and stop setup sweepers, but it's situational and Thunder Wave usually suffices in this regard. Toxic cripples Pokemon like Tyranitar, Greninja, Rotom-W , and Tapu Lele; however, it makes Mega Latias worse against Steel-types. Although Choice Scarf Latias is a fast revenge killer that can provide Healing Wish, it is not strong, lacks the defensive utility that Mega Latias offers, and is overshadowed by other Choice Scarf users like Kartana, Rotom-W, Greninja, and Landorus-T.
Chansey : Chansey doesn't take much damage from anything Mega Latias can throw at it, and it stays healthy with Soft-Boiled and Natural Cure while crippling Mega Latias with Toxic or Thunder Wave.
Faster Pokemon : Pokemon like Mega Alakazam , Z-Move Tornadus-T, Choice Scarf Kartana, Choice Scarf Blacephalon , and Greninja can outspeed and threaten Mega Latias with super effective coverage. However, they're crippled by Thunder Wave, (add comma) and Mega Latias can often take at least one hit from them.
Dark-types : Pursuit users like Tyranitar and Weavile can trap and remove Mega Latias, stopping the Calm Mind set particularly easily. However, they should be careful to not switch into Hidden Power Fighting or Thunder Wave against the utility set, and Reflect Type can play around them. Ash-Greninja outspeeds Mega Latias, which makes it better at stopping the Calm Mind set from getting out hand. However, it must avoid Hidden Power Fighting, Thunder, and Thunder Wave.
Steel-types : Ferrothorn, Jirachi, Magearna, Mega Scizor , and Heatran can switch into Mega Latias easily and set entry hazards on it, pivot with U-turn or Volt Switch, set up, and cripple it with status. However, most of these answers are susceptible to repeated damage due to lacking reliable recovery, super effective coverage moves, the Calm Mind set, and being trapped by Magnezone .
Status : Poison severely cuts into Mega Latias's longevity, and it can come from Pokemon it should be able to switch into, like Heatran, Kommo-o, and Toxapex. Paralysis is also threatening, especially if Mega Latias can't stay healthy due to full paralysis on Roost turns.
Fairy-types : Mega Diancie , Mega Mawile , Magearna, Tapu Fini, and Clefable are all able to take Mega Latias's attacks, threaten it with their super effective STAB moves, and take advantage of it to get up Stealth Rock or set up. However, they can be hindered by Thunder Wave, and Assault Vest Magearna and Tapu Fini are setup fodder for the Calm Mind set.

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Life like design of latias (by. dreamertooth)
Today,we ask. How good was Latias actually?
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I have Pokรฉmon Sword and I canโ€™t catch Latias. Does anyone have one for trade?

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Happy birthday / Valentine's Day to my friend and one of my idols, I'm very sorry about the things I said to everyone these past couple of months. Life's been... difficult and unfair for me, to say the least. Being stressed from both work and on the internet while desperately rushing my art and getting less sleep had really made me gone nuts lately. It was really hard to vent out my frustration properly, and I ended up displacing my anger out on my friends and fans here. I really made quite a mess of things, and I don't even know how I can fix them. I'm just not even brave enough to chat with my friends again after what they have witnessed from me. I thought that my solution would be to delete all of my galleries and disappear, but that would just make me an even bigger coward if I did so. I wanted to make the first step in fixing this mess by giving a gift art to one of my idols here. It isn't much, but I hope it's worth the effort. I don't need anything in return. I just hope you enjoy your special day. Take care, man!
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