Latex Vertical Line

Latex Vertical Line

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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
I would like to have a vertical line before the last column, despite I used this symbol "vertical line" it does not appear, why?
Indeed I used the letter l instead of |
However now I have a discontinuous vertical line:
use of booktabs ' rules and vertical lines gives quite ugly result: discontinuous vertical lines. to remove them, you can set vertical distances above(below rues and this distance replaces with facility of some other packages, for example by makecell as is done in above mwe.

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Thread starter

Start date
May 17, 2012

Does anyone know a way to get half-vertical lines? I mean, I'd like something identical to /vline , but which starts from the top of the row and only goes halfway down. Similarly, I'd like a line which starts from the bottom and only goes halfway up.

Even better would be something like a corner but where the corner has it's horizontal bit in the middle of the line, and where the vertical portion lines up with \vline in the tabular environment.

(Basically, I'm trying to make a long bracket-thingy. I'm typesetting some logic proofs and these long brackets are sometimes used for setting-off subproofs. \vline is perfect for making a long line which spans multiple rows. But I can't quite get the top and bottom to look right.)
Thanks for any help!!!

Even better would be something like a corner but where the corner has it's horizontal bit in the middle of the line, and where the vertical portion lines up with \vline in the tabular environment.

have you tried \rule ?

This may be useful for finding symbols:

hi voidseraph! Welcome to pf!

According to it's "\ulcorner" etc for the corners … but apparently you need the amsmath package.

Hey, thanks for the quick replies.
Those are great suggestions. The "\**corner" family of commands is pretty close to what I want, but at the wrong height. Their angles are at the tops or bottoms of lines, when I really need them to be in the middle, unfortunately.
\rule looks like it's going to get me what I want, at least if I play around with it a bit. Thanks very much!

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Latex Vertical Line

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