Latex Vertical Line

Latex Vertical Line


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I want to put a vertical line among some words in order to separate them, for example I want this:
But I cannot produce these vertical line perfectly. What should I do? (I do not want to use tabular environment)
Ehsan 129●11 gold badge●11 silver badge●77 bronze badges
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You can use $\vert$, $\mid$, or $|$. If you are using T1 encoding, you can use | directly, but I don't recommend it, because if you change the font encoding back to OT1, it will come out wrong. – Steven B. Segletes Nov 7 '17 at 11:13
If you need something wider/longer, you could use \kern1pt\rule[-\dp\strutbox]{.6pt}{\baselineskip}\kern1pt set up as a macro. – Steven B. Segletes Nov 7 '17 at 11:16
Thank you guys, the problem with '|' was about making horizontal line in the pdf file – Ehsan Nov 7 '17 at 11:20
As I note in my answer, the horizontal line (aka em dash) occurs when you are using the default OT1 font encoding and use a | in non-math mode. – Steven B. Segletes Nov 7 '17 at 11:27
Note that | does not work with default OT1 font encoding (it comes out as an em dash). Comment out my \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, recompile, and see.
The most versatile would be \mybar, which you define as a \rule of specified dimensions in the preamble.
The math versions include \vert, |, and \mid.
Lastly, variants can be applied to \vert and | in the form of \big, \bigg, \Big, and \Bigg; however, this will mess up line spacing when used inline.
For comparison, here is using a few "big" variants, as well as OT1 encoding.
Steven B. Segletes
Steven B. Segletes 214k●1010 gold badges●285285 silver badges●547547 bronze badges
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