Latex Vacuum Bed

Latex Vacuum Bed


Posted by Katelyn Mitchell on May 3, 2018
There is no piece of furniture or part of the home connected more intimately to sex than the bed. It is both the place where steamy play sessions can occur and the place where you can cuddle in one another’s arms after finishing. Romance novels are constantly choosing language that emphasizes the bed’s importance – “he took her to bed” “they fell together onto the bed”. The verb “to bed” has even come to mean “to have sex with!”
Given this, it should come to nobody’s surprise that a wide variety of beds have been designed specifically for the purpose of having sex in them. From the vibrating “massage beds” which were once a staple of roadside motels to heart-shaped ones with equally heart-shaped pillows which usually decorate honeymoon suites or Japanese love hotels, creative minds all over the world have thought up beds which create a sensuous, adventurous atmosphere for lovers.
And, of course, the ever more inventive bed designs eventually led to one ideally crafted for kinky bondage play. It completely immobilizes the submissive while simultaneously leaving every part of them on perfect display beneath their partner’s hungry gaze. It is easy to use, durable, long-lasting, not to mention as arousing as anything you could possibly imagine.
Just what is this special kind of bed beloved by kinksters everywhere?
Why, of course, it’s none other than the latex vacuum bed!
Although this product has actually been around for quite a while, it has only recently gained any sort of popularity or notoriety. Even if you have been involved in the BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism and masochism) community for years, you may have never heard of this wonderful invention.
But never fear! The Laidtex staff is here to explain not only what a latex vacuum bed is, but exactly why you should want one for your bedroom – or your dungeon, if that’s more your style. So read on and join us on an intriguing, arousing journey through the mysteries of this one of a kind product!
As its name suggests, a vacuum bed or “vacbed” is a type of bed – but, unlike most beds which you have probably encountered throughout your life, not one designed primarily for sleeping. A typical vacuum bed consists of a frame, made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping or other hard plastic material and covered with at least two layers of thin latex sheets, usually black in color. Most are equivalent in size to a standard “twin” or “double” bed, and are meant to be used by one person at a time, but “queen” and “king” vacbeds capable of fitting two or even three people at once can also be found.
While it might resemble a standard bed at first glance, a closer look will reveal that the vacbed most likely does not feature pillows, comforters, or anything else which you might find in your own bedroom. It is a bed which has one purpose and one alone: sex and sexual play.
The person who will be using the vacuum bed lies on top of the frame and beneath the top layer or “sheet” of latex. Their mouth will be aligned with a tube, hole, or other apparatus which will allow them to breathe normally and comfortably throughout the process. Their partner or partners then attach a household vacuum (or other pump or “sucking” device) to the bed and turn it on in order to remove all the air from the space between the latex sheets.
Once the air has been fully sucked out, what remains is the top latex sheet conforming perfectly to the body of the individual.
The person in the bed has been in effect “shrink-wrapped,” and are rendered completely immobile by their tight, airless prison. They cannot escape. They are completely at their partner’s mercy. Said partner can tease, smack, stroke, touch or torture them without them being able to resist in the slightest.
(If you’re still having some trouble picturing exactly how a person inside a latex vacuum bed ends up looking, imagine the scene from the Star Wars film franchise in which Han Solo is frozen in carbonite as a punishment. Many kinksters actually cite this scene as the thing that got them into vacbeds in the first place, and like to pose their partner or be posed in a similar manner, with their hands out in front of them and their face open and frightened. You can even find vacbeds which use gray or silver latex instead of the traditional black for the full “Han Solo in carbonite” experience!)
Once the person inside the bed has been “shrink-wrapped,” the play session is led and directed by their dominant partner. Some people prefer merely observing their partner inside a vacbed, and are aroused by visual elements such as their sexy pose or the sleek shine of the latex. Others prefer to get more hands-on, touching or teasing their partner while they are forced to remain still. You can even find vacuum beds with “access zippers” allowing the un-bound partner to touch the bound one’s breasts, buttocks or genitals. With the properly placed access zipper, it is even possible to have full-on, totally penetrative, genital or anal sex while one partner is inside the vacbed!
 Now that we’ve explained exactly what a latex vacuum bed is, it’s time to look at why BDSM practitioners and kink enthusiasts all around the world are so captivated by this unique piece of equipment. Like many other pieces of latex gear, there is no one sole reason why vacuum beds are popular. They are extremely versatile, allowing users to engage in a wide variety of play scenarios and incorporate practically any kink or fetish that they can think of.
However, a couple common reasons why someone might be interested in adding a vacbed to their play sessions include:
Wow! The list of reasons why a vacuum bed is so great just goes on and on! There’s even more that we didn’t have enough space to include in this article. Heck, all of us here at Laidtex already adore our vacuum beds, but this article has just made us fall in love with them all over again!
Of course, there’s one more element of vacuum bed play which you should consider before hopping into one and starting up a sexy session, and that’s safety. When used carefully and responsibly, vacuum beds are completely safe and do not present any risk or danger to either (or any!) of the participants involved in play. However, if you ignore proper safety procedures, the partner inside the vacuum bed could be at risk of pain or injury.
But don’t worry! Your friendly Laidtex staffers have compiled a list of the most important safety tips. Just make sure to keep these few simple points in mind each time you bring your bed out to play and you can enjoy hours and hours of safe, healthy, erotic fun with your favorite latex toy!
Next, and perhaps most important of all, you should never use a vacuum bed for solo play. Most vacuum beds are difficult for a person to get into on their own, due to featuring zippers and needing to be hooked up to home vacuum cleaners. However, some types of vacbeds can be entered solo, such as those which feature neck entrances rather than zippers.
Regardless, you should never enter a vacuum bed unless another person is present. This is an extremely dangerous practice which can result in bruising, discomfort, light-headedness, fainting, injury, or even death. While you may be able to successfully enter the bed on your own, you will not be able to get out on your own and could remain trapped for a long period of time, causing significant damage to your body. Only engage in vacuum bed when your partner – or another consenting individual who knows how to remove you from the bed safely – is present and watching.
Similarly, if you are the dominant partner, do not leave your partner inside the bed unattended and do not let them stay there for too long.
It is your responsibility to keep an eye on their situation at all times and make sure that they are safe and comfortable. Abandoning them can lead to the risk of similar dangerous to those described in the previous paragraph.
If you have never used a particular vacuum bed before, make sure it fits properly before using it for any extended play session. Enter the bed for a short while and concentrate on how you feel. Are you in pain? Is the pressure too much? Is there anywhere where you can feel parts of your body, such as joints, muscles or bones, rubbing uncomfortably against each other? If your head is covered, can you get enough air to breathe regularly? If, on the other hand, your head is free, is your neck sore or uncomfortable? Is there too much pressure against it caused by the neck hole or entrance? Make sure to perform this test and ask yourself these questions for each and every vacuum bed that you use, as different frame sizes, latex thicknesses or other factors may affect your safety and comfort.
Lastly, you should remember to use safe bondage practices any time that you are engaging in vacuum bed play. Decide on a safe word or safe gesture that means “stop” which the bound partner can use even when they are fully sealed inside the vacuum bed. (If they cannot speak or move, try something like a cough or a specific pattern of heavy breaths).
Dominant partners, do not bind more than one person with a vacuum bed unless it was specifically creature to allow multiple users. Practice using the vacuum suction to ensure that the “seal” created by the vacuum bed is not too tight, which can result in cramping or bruising. When removing your partner from the vacuum bed, keep in mind that they may be slightly sore or numb or even have lost feeling in some of their limbs. Be ready to support and help them until they have fully recovered. Remember, mutual care and support is the best way to make sure that each vacuum bed session is enjoyable and pleasurable for all participants!
The last important part of owning a vacuum bed is keeping it clean and preventing damage from occurring either during play or the period of storage between sessions. While we’ve provided some vacbed specific tips below, we also recommend checking out our general latex storage guide here, cleaning information here, and maintenance tips found here.
It is recommended that you enter a vacuum bed either completely naked or as close to naked as possible. If you do find yourself using the bed while wearing clothing, avoid anything sharp such as jewelry, belt buckles, metal buttons or high heels. The dominant partner should follow this rule for any part of their body – such as hands, feet, or genitals – with which they intend to touch the vacbed. Sharp objects can tear or damage the latex – and, in addition, certain metals can cause it to stain or discolor, losing its sleek black shine.
Remember to clean the latex “sheets” after every play session using the vacuum bed. If not cleaned thoroughly, fluids such as sweat, blood, semen, urine or lubricant can cause mold or mildew to grow on the latex and render it unsafe and unusable. We recommend cleaning latex products with warm water and a gentle, unscented soap. (Soap and shampoo products geared towards babies are often a great option, as they tend to avoid using harsh chemicals).
To store your bed, remove all latex pieces fully from the frame. While you can keep the bedframe pretty much anywhere as long as there is no risk of it cracking or breaking, the sheets should be stored carefully in a similar manner to all other latex products. Store the latex sheets in a dark, room-temperature environment that is not moist or humid. Do not store them together with your other bed sheets, as dyed fabrics can bleed and cause the latex to become permanently stained with their color. For similar reasons, avoid storing them near or inside anything metal. A wooden dresser drawer or a carefully sealed plastic container make great, safe storage options!
If you follow these procedures, your vacbed should remain perfectly usable for years and years no matter how often you take it out for play. Of course, if you have any questions about the care, maintenance or storage of your vacuum bed, feel free to contact the Laidtex staff at any time! And, as always, don’t forget to check out our catalog found here and take a look at the huge range of latex products we currently have for sale!

COVID-19 : 2021 - we are not affected , open for business .
Latex vacbed - airtight , you can turn the vacuumcleaner off
Status :Item is made to measure after you order
COVID-19 : we are not affected , open for business
This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack 250cm long , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Standard thickness is 0.4mm , size 200x100 cm . No problem making the bed larger. You can choose color and thickness of bottom and upside separately . When you select thick bottom and thinner upside , you will obtain strong bondage and at the same time the upside will perfectly copy your body .

It´s also possible to purchase spare latex sack separately.

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

Thickness 0.8mm – possible only for bottom
Thickness 1.1mm – possible only for bottom
airtight opening in crotch ( airtight only for men )
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame )
This is very strong and effective bondage device . Unlike other vacuumbeds , this one is airtight , so you can enjoy it without the noise of running vacuumcleaner .

How it works : the bed composes of sack 250cm long , with one short side open . Thru this opening , frame is inserted into the sack . The frame is 50 cm shorter then the sack itself . This allows you to roll up the excess length of the sack and seal the opening . Because there is no zipper at all , the only opening left is the air outlet . So inside the outlet pipe , there is one-way automatic valve , which allows you to suck the air out , but it doesn´t let the air to go back , when you disconnect the vacuum cleaner . Now you can finally enjoy the vacbed without that annoying noise of running vacuumcleaner! Manual can be found at bottom of the page .

Standard thickness is 0.4mm , size 200x100 cm . No problem making the bed larger. You can choose color and thickness of bottom and upside separately . When you select thick bottom and thinner upside , you will obtain strong bondage and at the same time the upside will perfectly copy your body .

It´s also possible to purchase spare latex sack separately.

Package includes : latex sack , frame equipped with automatic one-way valve, sealing rod , clamps for fixation of sealing rod , adaptor for vacuumcleaner connection ( fits all vacuumcleaners ).

There is also variety of options , check them out !

Thickness 0.8mm – possible only for bottom
Thickness 1.1mm – possible only for bottom
airtight opening in crotch ( airtight only for men )
Length 220cm ( only with plastic frame )

Vacbed - manual

Dear Customer,
Thank you for your interest in this latex vacbed . You will have lots of fun with it. However , there are some rules , which need to be adhered to in order to operate it safely . We have prepared few tips for you . Please read them before you use the vacbed .

never use this type of vacbed alone . It is very strong bondage device and you may not be able to get out without help from outside , if anything goes wrong . Before turning the vacuumcleaner ON , ask for permission from the person inside . For case of emergency , establish “stop-signal” with your partner . This signal should be non-verbal , if you have vacbed , where the head is inside . Whenever this signal is used , partner on outside should immediately release the vacuum and help you to get out . “Stop signal” must NEVER be ignored . When you are watching over somebody in vacbed , never leave him alone , never let him out of sight and always stay within few metres of the vacbed , so you can intervene in case of need .

Firstly , assemble the frame according to the scheme . Then pull the latex sack over the frame - firstly pull the sack and the short sleeve over the valve , then continue with rest of the vacbed . The sleeve should be smooth around the valve , free of any wrinkles - thru them air may penetrate into the vacbed . It helps to lubricate the inside with latex polish ( do not use talc on inside of vacbed - it may cause valve malfunction) .

Using the aluminium rod , roll up excess length of the vacbed . Take care to roll it up tightly and without any wrinkles , which may cause air leakage . Then , secure the seal with supplied clamps . Make sure to use thick stripes of latex to underlay under the clamps - this is to protect latex sack from any possible damage by clamps .

Attach vacumcleaner to the vacbed . Ask the person inside for permission to turn it on . Only then turn the vacuumcleaner on . When the air is completely evacuated , disconnect the vacuumcleaner from vacbed and then turn it off . If you turn the vacuumcleaner off , while still conneced to vacbed , some air may get back into the vacbed , because for proper function , the valve needs sudden pressure change .

Simply roll out the seal of the vacbed and separate layers of latex . Vacbed will instantly inflate .

After each use , wash the vacbed with soap and water ( both inside and outside ) . Then let it dry on dark and cool place . After it dries on one side , turn it inside out , so both sides can dry .

If the vacbed holds vacuum for no more than five minutes or so , you need to find the leak . In most cases , the rolled-up entry is to blame . Make sure , that there are absolutely no wrinkles and that it is rolled up tightly . Lubricating it with silicone also may help . If this doesn´t help , check the valve : dip about 2 cm of the narrow end of the valve in the water and try blowing into it from other side . There must be no bubbles coming out of it . If bubbles do come out , try running some water thru it , let it dry completely and then put few drops of silicone oil into it ( from the narrow side ) . Then tes
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Latex vacbed - airtight , you can turn the vacuumcleaner off
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