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Monday 1 June 2020 , by Nadir Soualem

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It is sometimes useful to add text in Latex formulas or equations. However, it is clear that the text in question is displayed in italics. How to put text in math and what is the way of embedding text into math mode: \textrm , \text
To write text in math mode use \textrm :
$$u_2 = \textrm{Second element of the sequence } u_n$$

Do not forget the space before closing !!!
Without \textrm, it is not beautiful:
$$u_2 = Second element of the sequence u_n$$

Do not forget in preamble to add amsmath package:
To write text in math mode use with amsmath package \text :
$$u_2 = \text{Second element of the sequence } u_n$$

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Blog template built with Bootstrap and Spip by Nadir Soualem @mathlinux .

Written by Admin in Math environment
$ \text { Let } x= \text { Countries participated in the marathon } . $
% Method 1 using \text command
% Required package

$\text{Let } x=\text{Countries participated in the marathon}. $
$ \textrm { Let } x= \textrm { Countries participated in the marathon } . $
% Method 2 using \textrm command
% Required package

$\textrm{Let } x=\textrm{Countries participated in the marathon}. $
$ \mbox { Let } x_ { \mbox { countries participated in the marathon } . } $
% Method 3 using \mbox command
% Required package

$ \mbox{Let } x_{\mbox{countries participated in the marathon}.} $

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In this article, three different type of methods to add text in LaTeX in math mode will be explained: Text , Textrm and mbox .
From the above example, the command \text{} is used to print Let and Countries participated in the marathon in normal text in math mode in LaTeX
The command \textrm forces the roman font style for text and keeps font parameters from the current text font . It should be noted that font size is the same as the current math style if the package amsmath is loaded. Check the following code:
In LaTeX, the command \mbox{} can be used to add normal text in math environment in LaTeX. \mbox{} command creates a box to hold the text and uses the current text font. It should be noted that the font size is constant and does not change, e.g. in subscripts, superscripts, and fractions. Here is an illustrative example:
You can remark that \text command updates the font size to meet the subscript font size which is not the case with \mbox .
n this tutorial, we will see how to write a multiple-choice exam in LaTeX, using the exam document class. This document class provides multiple tools to easily typeset exams in LaTeX, and we have...
In this step by step tutorial, we will learn how to typeset a professional CV, and gain some more insight into how LaTeX works with a practical example.
LaTeX-Tutorial provides step-by-step lessons to learn how to use LaTeX in no time. It allows you to start creating beautiful documents for your reports, books and papers through easy and simple tutorials.

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In an article is it possible to create boxes so that when the document has been printed users have some text boxes areas where they are able to make notes in?
A very basic mock up using word with text boxes looks like the attached picture. Notes can then be written inside the box, or used as an area on a form that information needs to be written in for example.
Right now I need to do it for a work book that I am writting, it has exercises to complete with questions about the exercises that the user just completed, and a notes section for them to make additional notes on the module and exercises they just completed. The text in the box must be in the top left corner.
I've been able to make a text box sort of in Latex, but I can't seem to increase the size of the box vertically as pictured.
The boxes should fit on a single page, should a box need to be bigger than a page or what is left of that page, a new box will be on the following page, but no header would be on this box.
The boxes will vary in height as this would depend on the size the box is able to be following the content on the page where the box starts.
Did somebody say text boxes ? Well tcolorbox is meant for text color boxes , the 'color' can be set to white, of course. The example below defines a mytextbox with some preset options, which can be set differently with the optional argument, see the 2nd box example.
A simple solution with framed and multido . There is an optional argument (the number of lines of the box after the title) and a mandatory (the title text). It can break across pages:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam maximus mauris quis viverra imperdiet. \par
\begin{huge} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam maximus mauris quis viverra imperdiet.\par \end{huge} \begin{huge}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam maximus mauris quis viverra imperdiet.\par\end{huge}
{ \fontsize { 30pt }{ 36pt } \selectfont 30pt }
{ \fontsize { 15pt }{ 18pt } \selectfont 15pt }
{ \fontsize { 3pt }{ 3.6 pt } \selectfont 3pt }
{\fontsize{30pt}{36pt}\selectfont 30pt}
{\Huge Huge}
{\fontsize{15pt}{18pt}\selectfont 15pt}
{\tiny tiny}
{\fontsize{3pt}{3.6pt}\selectfont 3pt}
\newcommand \myfontsize { \fontsize { 15pt }{ 18pt } \selectfont }
Normal size { \myfontsize My font size }

Normal size {\myfontsize My font size}

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When working on a LaTeX document, the easiest way to change the font size is by using these predefined commands:
These commands change the font size locally. They can be used in two different ways: We can declare their scope inside a text within curly braces, such as {\huge these words are larger} . We can also create an environment by writing our text inside \begin{huge} and \end{huge} commands.
Sometimes, we might want to consider the line spacing when changing the font size. Ending our commands with a paragraph includes the adjusting of the \baselineskip , which specifies the minimum space between two successive lines in a paragraph. We can add a paragraph using \par command or adding a new line character at the end of the text. Following example shows the line space adjusting:
These commands are relative to the global font size of the document. When we choose a document class we are also setting a font size for the whole document. If it’s not declared, the default font size for most of the standard document classes is 10pt. This size becomes the setting for \normalsize option, and all the other size commands are adjusted accordingly. In standard classes ( article , book , letter and report ), there are three size options: 10pt, 11pt and 12pt. It can be changed by setting it as an argument to the document class: \documentclass[11pt]{article} . Following table shows the font size for all commands and for each size options for the standard document classes.
Other document classes might have different font size options. For instance, memoir class has 12 font sizes (9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt, 25pt, 30pt, 36pt, 48pt and 60pt). It also has two more size commands: \miniscule for a smaller size than \tiny and \HUGE for a larger size than \Huge .
If the font size you are looking for are not in these options, there are packages that can extend the sizing options. Extsizes package adds more size options to standard document class packages. It supports 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt and 20pt options for article , book , letter , report and proc document classes. It can be used by adding ext to the document class name. (For example, \documentclass[14pt]{extbook} )
If you need more sizing commands, moresize package adds two more sizing options: \HUGE for a larger font size than \Huge and \ssmall to fill the gap between \scriptsize and \tiny . The first option has the size of 29.86pt and the latter option has the size of 6pt when used with the default 10pt option. This package must be used with a non-standard, scalable font, such as Latin Modern .
The default LaTeX font Computer Modern has individual files for a fixed set of font sizes, and it is not scalable to other sizes. It restricts the usage of fonts larger than \Huge and smaller than \tiny commands allow. To avoid any issues, you can use a vectorized version of the Computer Modern font, called Latin Modern , as the default font family. It enables these external packages to scale the fonts up or down to the arbitrary size we need. To enable Latin Modern, you can add \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to the beginning of the document.
If you want to declare the font size manually, anyfontsize package provides an option to scale the closest size available to the needed font size. Like the moresize package, this command only works with a non-standard, scalable font. If you need a size smaller than \tiny , larger than \Huge , or an exact size such as 19.5pt, you can use the syntax below:
In this command, size represents the font size you need, and baselineskip is for the line spacing size between two successive lines. As a rule of thumb, baselineskip is usually 1.2x the font size. To activate the baselineskip , the text in the scope of the command needs to end with a \par , just like the usual font size commands. Following example shows the command in action.
If you need to use a certain font size again and again, you can also define a new font size command. Following piece of code creates a new font size command called myfontsize.
n this tutorial, we will see how to write a multiple-choice exam in LaTeX, using the exam document class. This document class provides multiple tools to easily typeset exams in LaTeX, and we have...
In this step by step tutorial, we will learn how to typeset a professional CV, and gain some more insight into how LaTeX works with a practical example.
LaTeX-Tutorial provides step-by-step lessons to learn how to use LaTeX in no time. It allows you to start creating beautiful documents for your reports, books and papers through easy and simple tutorials.

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