Latex Spring

Latex Spring


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April 27, 2021 April 26, 2021 by admin


% Required package and libraries



% Supporting structure
\fill [pattern = north west lines] (-1.5,0) rectangle ++(3,.2);
\draw[thick] (-1.5,0) -- ++(3,0);



segment length = 1mm,
amplitude = 2mm,
aspect = 0.5,
post length = 3mm,
pre length = 3mm},
decorate] (0,0) -- ++(0,-2.5)


% Required package and libraries



% Supporting structure
\fill [pattern = north west lines] (-1.5,0) rectangle ++(3,.2);
\draw[thick] (-1.5,0) -- ++(3,0);

% Spring
segment length=1.2mm,
pre length=3mm,
post length=3mm},
] (0,0) -- ++(0,-3)




% Required package and libraries



% Supporting structure
\fill [pattern = north west lines] (-1.5,0) rectangle ++(3,.2);
\draw[thick] (-1.5,0) -- ++(3,0);

% Spring
segment length=1.2mm,
pre length=3mm,
post length=3mm},
] (0,0) -- ++(0,-3)

% Mass
minimum width=1cm,
minimum height=0.75cm,
label=east:$m$] at (0,-3) {};




% Required package and libraries



% Supporting structure
\fill [pattern = north west lines] (-1.5,0) rectangle ++(3,.2);
\draw[thick] (-1.5,0) -- ++(3,0);

% Spring
segment length=1.2mm,
pre length=3mm,
post length=3mm},
] (0,0) -- ++(0,-3)

% Mass
minimum width=1cm,
minimum height=0.75cm,
label=east:$m$] at (0,-3) {};

% x1 arrow
\draw[very thick,
|-latex] (-2,0) -- ++(0,-1)
node[midway,left]{\small $x_1$};

% x2 arrow
\draw [very thick,
] (-0.8,-3.4) -- ++(-1,0) ++(0.25,0) -- ++ (0,-1)
node[midway,left]{\small $x_2$};



Extension of the spring Mass system
© 2021 TikZBlog • Built with GeneratePress
The spring mass system that we would like to create in TikZ is shown below. Mainly, it has three parts: 1) the support, 2) the spring and 3) the mass.
We need to load TikZ as it's the main drawing package. We need patterns which is a TikZ library for the support. In addition, we need to load decorations.pathmorphing which is also a TikZ library for drawing the spring!
The support corresponds to a rectangle shape filled with north west lines pattern.
Details: Let's consider a rectangle of 3cm width and 0.2cm height. The rectangle has no border and filled with north west lines pattern. We will add a thick line at the bottom side of the rectangle to get the following illustration: 
and here is the corresponding LaTeX code:
As mentioned above, the spring can be drawn using decorations.pathmorphing library. Check the following line code which highlights different coil shape options:
Details: In our case, we will draw the coil from (0,0) to (0,-3) with the following parameters: 
- aspect=0.3, - segment length=1.2mm, - amplitude=2mm, - pre length=3mm, - post length=3mm
We have added a text node to the right of the middle point of the spring.
The mass corresponds to a rectangle filled with yellow color and has a label m. We will draw it using rectangle node shape ( more details ). Here is the corresponding LaTeX code:
- The node by default has a rectangle shape that can be highlighted by adding draw option (draws the node shape border). 
- fill=yellow!60: adds a light yellow color to the rectangle shape
- minimum width and minimum height sets the minimum size of the rectangle.
-anchor=north: by default the node center will be positioned on the provided coordinates (0,-3). Adding this option will position the top of the rectangle on the coordinates (0,-3). More details can be found in the tutorial: draw a rectangle in TikZ .
- label=east:$m$ : adds the text label $m$ on the right of the node shape. 
Here is the final LaTeX code of a simple spring mass system in TikZ. We have added arrows to the previous code and for more details you can check the post: TikZ arrows .
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