Latex Slime

Latex Slime


Latex Slime

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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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I would like to include smileys in my LaTeX document. Is there any package with lots of different smileys?
In mnsymbol and wasysym , I found some general symbols:
But I do not like the output. Actually, I am looking for smileys which look like "default smiles" in Google Talk, MSN, ... ;) <- this one is my favourite. ;)
For the sake of completeness (see also ):
Unicode defines codepoints of the various emoticons/emojis: There is ☺ and ☹ at U+263A and U+2639, and there are many more from U+1F601 onward. So, all you need is a font that includes these characters (DejaVu Sans contains some of them, and there are other fonts with full emoji support), copy&paste your emojis, and use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX. E.g.,
Package tikzsymbols provides some symbols as well. As usual with tikz, you can apply scale and color changes.
bclogo offers these:

(from the manual )
This, however, doesn't work with pdfTeX because the package uses pstricks .
Generally, I recommend you look for some smileys that you like on the web and then put them in your document via includegraphics{} .
Here are some more complicated emojis created in tikz (with the help of inkscape)-(I have used the answer for the sphaire from here and the full code is here ):
A dingbats style font? How about James Stirling's smiley faces font:
I slightly modified emoticons from (a work of Raoul Kessels; ) to a form I can use directly:
And this is a snippet with all emoticons ( RKsmileys.tex ):
A very good solution is provided by the emoji package ( ).
It should be included with the 2020 release of TeX Live.
In case of an older version it can be installed with tlmgr install emoji (if you get an error regarding checksums, add --verify-repo=none , also you might need to add sudo and specify the path to tlmgr , in my case the full command would be sudo /usr/local/texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr install emoji --verify-repo=none )
The list of available emoji names can be found in the documentation linked above ( ).
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Stretchy, a bit bouncy (not too slimy) and tons of fun to make and play with – this DIY rubber slime is sure to be a hit in your house.
This “recipe” is similar to what some are using for a homemade silly putty. I wouldn’t quite call this silly putty although it’s pretty similar. Silly Putty is more dense than this. I decided to name it Rubber Slime since that’s what it reminded us of.
You’ll need liquid starch, glue (a bit stronger formula than the classroom glue) and food coloring (optional).
Pour some glue into a bowl (this glass bowl I used was very easy to clean up) and add food coloring if you’re using it.
and then add some liquid starch. Don’t use too much at first until you get a hang of the mixture. Here we have about 1 part glue to 1/2 – 3/4 parts starch
It will get hard to use a spoon or a stick so you’ll have to start using your hands
The mixture will start changing as the starch and glue mix together. Keep playing with it!
If your mixture starts to look like this but it still a bit sticky you can let it sit for a bit. It will change as you allow it to sit. Mix until it’s no longer sticky (doesn’t make a mess on your hands) and is the consistency you want. If it’s not quite right add a bit more glue or starch. When you’re adding either make sure you work it a bit and let it sit to mix in.
It’s very forgiving and there wasn’t a perfect mixture just add more glue/starch as needed to get the consistency you like best.
and if you have just the right amount of starch and it’s sat a bit you can even get it to bounce a bit when put into a ball shape.
We tried some different colors (mixing the glue and food coloring was fun)
If you get to this consitency let it sit for a few minute and it may be good for you. It’s not necessarily perfect right when you mix it.
See how it’s sticking just a bit? After it sat for a few minutes it was perfect. I assume that your climate might play a roll as well so do your own experimenting. It’s fun!
It may stick to and stay on some surfaces (like paper towels or fabric or carpet) so be careful. Since it doesn’t feel too sticky kids may be tempted to put it on things that it could stick to lol! Also the color may bleed onto some surfaces. For these it was ok on my white painted wood but left a stain on a poster board. (just giving you a heads up warning since it doesn’t seem as messy as some slime recipes)
A few minutes after the above picture was taken – gravity takes over a bit
So it’s sort of rubbery and slimy – hence our name Rubber Slime. Have fun and if you do it yourself let me know how you like it!
Allison Waken is a wife, mom of boys and Phoenix, AZ native. She has been creating inspiring content for All for the Boys since 2011. Allison loves travel, movies and spending as much time as possible with her family while she can!
I really need to give this a go. The little man would LOVE it… Great photos by the way.
Great post! I love your photos. It's weird to say but you made the slime look pretty! : )
Thank you! Winter is coming where I am, so indoor fun stuff like this is going to be key soon! Thanks I'm adding it to my Kiddie Kraft pinterest board!
Seriously man. It could be an alternative for silly patty..
This is amazing. I need it in my life!
Ugh ! It didn't work !!!! What did i do wrong ????
OOooh looks like I hit the jackpot ! Wait Lucy till I smash you with my new creation. muhahaaa
I love this idea – but, why is it all for the boys????
I just did this with a group of 4th and 5th grade boys and it was a hit! Super easy and super fun! For us grown ups too
I did this same project in 8th grade science. I couldn’t remember how we did it. So thank you very much for posting it. My daughter loves stuff like this. Is there something else you can use instead of the liquid starch. I do remember using the white glue and food coloring but I don’t remember using starch.
We tried another version with borax but it didn’t turn out no matter how hard we tried! The simple cornstarch and water is fun to do too!
What is liquid starch .plz explain with option
I’m not really even sure what it is but I have seen people make their own with cornstarch, water and essential oils. I have no idea if that will work for this recipe though. Here is a link to make your own
Would mod-pod work instead of glue?
I’m not sure but I don’t think so. It’s not quite the same consistency. It doesn’t hurt to try though if you wanted to!
Do you have any suggestions for storage? My daughter has to make a homemade product as a class project and “sell”it to classmates. (they have fake money to purchase items) so we were thinking of making this, but I wasnt sure how to divide it up and store it properly… the only thing that I can think of is a small ziplock type baggie. Do you have any other ideas ? Thank you for your post! Love this!
You can try keeping it in Easter eggs! Do the stores sell the Liquid Starch?
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Hello! I am Allison Waken and these are my boys. I am a wife, mom, photographer, and blogger out of Phoenix, Arizona. All for the Boys blog was created "all for the boys" as a way to inspire others through our love of travel, entertainment, technology, activities, and anything to keep us interacting as a family. Read more about us here .
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All kinds of TF shenanigans!
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Slime, goo and latex transformations.
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