Latex Rule

Latex Rule


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Why does the following command not produce a horizontal rule filling the space until the end of the line?
It is my understanding that this should print the text “Hello” followed by a horizontal rule that extends until the end of the line, analogously to the macro \hfill which is effectively equivalent to \hspace\fill. – But in effect, this command just produces the text “Hello”, no rule.
I am aware that the effect can be produced by \hrulefill but it can’t be used here because I want a raised rule and \hrulefill doesn’t work together with \raisebox and I want my rule to hang above the baseline (at best in the middle of the line).
Konrad Rudolph
Konrad Rudolph 481k●120120 gold badges●881881 silver badges●11381138 bronze badges
I don't have a satisfying answer as to why the command you presented doesn't work, but I can offer an effective workaround. Put
into your document's preface, and then you can accomplish what you were hoping to with:
RTBarnard 4,005●2525 silver badges●2727 bronze badges
Unfortunately, I don’t understand how this works since the \hfill is outside the \hbox but it works like a charm, thanks. – Konrad Rudolph Mar 31 '10 at 15:36
That part I can explain. Leaders are the general case of glue in TeX; usually, glue fills space with nothing. But leaders fill space with whatever you want. The general form of this is \leaders{box or rule}\hskip{glue}, Since \hfill is a special kind of infinitely strechable glue, the leaders command has the two things it need: an element to repeat and glue to tell it how far to extend the repetition. – RTBarnard Mar 31 '10 at 15:46
With some code from this also works to surround text to both sides: \newcommand{\raisedrule}[2][0em]{\leavevmode\leaders\hbox{\rule[#1]{1pt}{#2}}\hfill\kern0pt}. – Christian Jul 8 '12 at 21:08
The horizontal rule of 1pt height and raised by 1.5pt.
Alexey Malistov
Alexey Malistov 24.7k●1313 gold badges●6060 silver badges●8484 bronze badges
\hrulefill will indeed produce a rule filling the rest of the line. The question asked for a raised line, but I think a solution using \hrulefill would better a better starting point than using glue as suggested in the accepted answer. – Andrew Bate Feb 11 at 2:42
There is a package called ulem which does this
For your curiosity, the option normalem for package ulem prevents ulem to produce extra underline with \em or \emph.
zyy 639●77 silver badges●1818 bronze badges
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\Rule - Used to create a MathJax-specific macro giving a rule with a specified width, height, and depth.
\Rule command is used to create a MathJax-specific macro giving a rule with a specified width, height, and depth.
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