Latex Root

Latex Root


With the help of Latex, when the root symbol is used in a science document, you need to call the \sqrt command. And you have to pass two arguments in this \sqrt command, one is the value of the root and the other is the expression. Notice this syntax below
However, there is no need to add root value with \sqrt command in case of square root. Then, the syntax of the command will be
For example, if we want to define the square root of x with the help of latex, then x has to be passed to the \sqrt command as an expression and there is no need to give the value of the root.
And if you use nth root instead of square root then you have to pass n as the value of root.
Below we will discuss some important concepts that you are familiar with. Because when you create a science document with latex, this concept will be useful in most cases.
Here the value of velocity has to be determined using square root
Looking at the output above, you can see that the size of the square root symbol will decrease and increase dynamically according to the size of the expression.
You all know how to write the root of quadratic equation! Suppose, if the quadratic equation is ax²+bx+c, then root will be
You also need to use the square root symbol when determining the momentum from kinetic energy.
You all know that the Theory of Relativity has been given an important equation over time
Notice that the Latex \sqrt command will always return a square root symbol with dynamic size. And with this command, you just have to pass the expression.
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TCanvas Tlva( "Tlva" , "Tlva" ,500,500);
const char *longstring = "K_{S}... K^{*0}... #frac{2s}{#pi#alpha^{2}} #frac{d#sigma}{dcos#theta} (e^{+}e^{-} #rightarrow f#bar{f} ) = #left| #frac{1}{1 - #Delta#alpha} #right|^{2} (1+cos^{2}#theta)" ;
latex. SetTextAlign (13); //align at top
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.9, "K_{S}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.3,.9, "K^{*0}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.8,longstring);
latex. SetTextAlign (12); //centered
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.6, "K_{S}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.3,.6, "K^{*0}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.5,longstring);
latex. SetTextAlign (11); //default bottom alignment
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.4, "K_{S}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.3,.4, "K^{*0}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.3,longstring);
latex. SetTextAlign (10); //special bottom alignment
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.2, "K_{S}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.3,.2, "K^{*0}" );
latex. DrawLatex (.2,.1,longstring);
TCanvas ex1( "ex1" , "Latex" ,500,600);
Tl. DrawLatex (0.1,0.8, "1) C(x) = d #sqrt{#frac{2}{#lambdaD}} #int^{x}_{0}cos(#frac{#pi}{2}t^{2})dt" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.1,0.6, "2) C(x) = d #sqrt{#frac{2}{#lambdaD}} #int^{x}cos(#frac{#pi}{2}t^{2})dt" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.1,0.4, "3) R = |A|^{2} = #frac{1}{2}(#[]{#frac{1}{2}+C(V)}^{2}+#[]{#frac{1}{2}+S(V)}^{2})" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.1,0.2, "4) F(t) = #sum_{i=-#infty}^{#infty}A(i)cos#[]{#frac{i}{t+i}}" );
TCanvas ex2( "ex2" , "Latex" ,500,300);
Tl. DrawLatex (0.5,0.95, "e^{+}e^{-}#rightarrowZ^{0}#rightarrowI#bar{I}, q#bar{q}" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.5,0.75, "|#vec{a}#bullet#vec{b}|=#Sigmaa^{i}_{jk}+b^{bj}_{i}" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.5,0.5, "i(#partial_{#mu}#bar{#psi}#gamma^{#mu}+m#bar{#psi}=0#Leftrightarrow(#Box+m^{2})#psi=0" );
Tl. DrawLatex (0.5,0.3, "L_{em}=eJ^{#mu}_{em}A_{#mu} , J^{#mu}_{em}=#bar{I}#gamma_{#mu}I , M^{j}_{i}=#SigmaA_{#alpha}#tau^{#alphaj}_{i}" );
TCanvas ex3( "ex3" , "Latex" ,500,300);
pt . AddText ( "#frac{2s}{#pi#alpha^{2}} #frac{d#sigma}{dcos#theta} (e^{+}e^{-} #rightarrow f#bar{f} ) = " );
pt . AddText ( "#left| #frac{1}{1 - #Delta#alpha} #right|^{2} (1+cos^{2}#theta" );
pt . AddText ( "+ 4 Re #left{ #frac{2}{1 - #Delta#alpha} #chi(s) #[]{#hat{g}_{#nu}^{e}#hat{g}_{#nu}^{f} (1 + cos^{2}#theta) + 2 #hat{g}_{a}^{e}#hat{g}_{a}^{f} cos#theta) } #right}" );
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width = max(width_arg1, width_arg2)


ROOT master - Reference Guide Generated on Sun Aug 29 2021 10:11:59 (GVA Time) using Doxygen 1.9.2  

TLatex 's purpose is to write mathematical equations. The syntax is very similar to the Latex's one. It provides several functionalities:
When the font precision (see TAttText ) is low (0 or 1), TLatex is painted as a normal TText , the control characters are not interpreted.
Subscripts and superscripts are made with the _ and ^ commands. These commands can be combined to make complicated subscript and superscript expressions. You may adjust the display of subscripts and superscripts by using the two functions SetIndiceSize(Double_t) , which set relative size of subscripts and superscripts, and SetLimitIndiceSize(Int_t) , which set limits for text resizing of subscripts and superscripts.
The best way to put the subscripts and superscripts before the character and not after, is to use an empty character:
The subscripts and superscripts operators apply not only on one character but on all the "normal text" preceding them. In the following example the second E is lower than the first one because the operator _ is applied on /f which has a descending part, and not only on f which as no descending part.
To make sure the second operator _ applies only on f a dummy operator ^{} should be introduced to separate the f from the / .
Fractions denoted by the / symbol are made in the obvious way. The #frac command is used for large fractions in displayed formula; it has two arguments: the numerator and the denominator.
Text can be split in two lines via the command #splitline .
The #sqrt command produces the square root of its argument; it has an optional first argument for other roots.
TLatex can display dozens of special mathematical symbols. A few of them, such as + and > , are produced by typing the corresponding keyboard character. Others are obtained with the commands in the following table:
TLatex provides 4 kinds of proportional delimiters:
The command to produce a lowercase Greek letter is obtained by adding a # to the name of the letter. For an uppercase Greek letter, just capitalize the first letter of the command name. Some letters have two representations. The name of the second one (the "variation") starts with "var". The following table gives the complete list:
Several kind of accents are available:
The special sign: #slash draws a slash on top of the text between brackets:
Bar and vectors sign are done the following way:
One can change the font, the text color, or the text size at any time using : #font[font-number]{...} , #color[color-number]{...} and #scale[scale-factor]{...}
The TText alignment rules apply to the TLatex objects with one exception concerning the vertical alignment:
This is illustrated by the following example:
The two commands #kern and #lower enable a better control over character placement. The command #kern[(Float_t)dx]{text} moves the output string horizontally by the fraction dx of its length. Similarly, #lower[(Float_t)dy]{text} shifts the text up or down by the fraction dy of its height.
Text can be turned italic or boldface using the commands #it and #bf .
The class TMathText is a TeX math formulae interpreter. It uses plain TeX syntax and uses "\" as control instead of "#". If a piece of text containing "\" is given to TLatex then TMathText is automatically invoked. Therefore, as histograms' titles, axis titles, labels etc ... are drawn using TLatex , the TMathText syntax can be used for them also.
Definition at line 18 of file TLatex.h .
The text postion is in NDC coordinates.
Definition at line 100 of file TLatex.h .
Definition at line 400 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 418 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 444 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 437 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 503 of file TLatex.cxx .
Analyse and paint the TLatex formula.
It is called twice : first for calculating the size of each portion of the formula, then to paint the formula. When analyse finds an operator or separator, it calls itself recursively to analyse the arguments of the operator. when the argument is an atom (normal text), it calculates the size of it and return it as the result. for example : if the operator #frac{arg1}{arg2} is found : Analyse(arg1) return the size of arg1 (width, up, down) Analyse(arg2) return the size of arg2 now, we know the size of #frac{arg1}{arg2}:
so, when the user wants to paint a fraction at position (x,y), the rect used for the formula is : (x,y-up,x+width,y+down)
return size of zone occupied by the text/formula
Definition at line 535 of file TLatex.cxx .
Check if the Latex syntax is correct.
Definition at line 2275 of file TLatex.cxx .
Copy this TLatex object to another TLatex .
Definition at line 484 of file TLatex.cxx .
Draw an arc of ellipse in a Latex formula (right or left parenthesis)
Definition at line 1984 of file TLatex.cxx .
Make a copy of this object with the new parameters And copy object attributes.
Definition at line 1941 of file TLatex.cxx .
Draw this TLatex with new coordinates in NDC.
Definition at line 1954 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 1964 of file TLatex.cxx .
Draw an arc of ellipse in a Latex formula (right or left parenthesis)
Definition at line 2013 of file TLatex.cxx .
First parsing of the analyse sequence.
Definition at line 2479 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 2567 of file TLatex.cxx .
Return height of current pad in pixels.
Definition at line 2523 of file TLatex.cxx .
Return size of the formula along X in pad coordinates.
Definition at line 2536 of file TLatex.cxx .
Return size of the formula along Y in pad coordinates.
Definition at line 2623 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 462 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 2044 of file TLatex.cxx .
Warning: Unlike most others "XYZ::PaintXYZ" methods, PaintLatex modifies the TLatex data members.
Definition at line 2065 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 2158 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 2654 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 2664 of file TLatex.cxx .
Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.
Definition at line 2686 of file TLatex.cxx .
Set relative size of subscripts and superscripts.
Definition at line 2712 of file TLatex.cxx .
Set limit for text resizing of subscripts and superscripts.
Definition at line 2720 of file TLatex.cxx .
Definition at line 71 of file TLatex.h .
! Relative position of subscripts and superscripts
Definition at line 69 of file TLatex.h .
! Relative size of subscripts and superscripts
Definition at line 68 of file TLatex.h .
Definition at line 77 of file TLatex.h .
lower bound for subscripts/superscripts size
Definition at line 70 of file TLatex.h .
Definition at line 74 of file TLatex.h .
! Current position in array fTabSize;
Definition at line 76 of file TLatex.h .
! is true during the second pass (Painting)
Definition at line 72 of file TLatex.h .
! Maximum allocation for array fTabSize;
Definition at line 75 of file TLatex.h .
! array of values for the different zones
Definition at line 73 of file TLatex.h .
TLatex helper struct holding the dimensions of a piece of text. More...
TLatex helper struct holding the attributes of a piece of text. More...
TLatex helper class used to compute the size of a portion of a formula. More...
 Public Types inherited from TObject
Copy this TLatex object to another TLatex . More...
Make a copy of this object with the new parameters And copy object attributes. More...
Draw this TLatex with new coordinates in NDC. More...
Return text size in pixels. More...
Return height of current pad in pixels. More...
Return size of the formula along X in pad coordinates. More...
Return size of the formula along Y in pad coordinates. More...
SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
Save primitive as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out. More...
Set relative size of subscripts and superscripts. More...
Set limit for text resizing of subscripts and superscripts. More...
 Public Member Functions inherited from TText
 Public Member Functions inherited from TNamed
 Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 Public Member Functions inherited from TAttText
 Public Member Functions inherited from TAttBBox2D
 Public Member Functions inherited from TAttLine
Anal1 ( TextSpec_t spec, const Char_t *t, Int_t length)
Analyse and paint the TLatex formula. More...
Check if the Latex syntax is correct. More...
Draw an arc of ellipse in a Latex formula (right or left parenthesis) More...
Draw a line in a Latex formula. More...
Draw an arc of ellipse in a Latex formula (right or left parenthesis) More...
First parsing of the analyse sequence. More...
Save fs values in array fTabSize. More...
 Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
! Relative position of subscripts and superscripts More...
! Relative size of subscripts and superscripts More...
! Currently inside italic operator More...
lower bound for subscripts/superscripts size More...
Font size of the starting font. More...
! Current position in array fTabSize; More...
! is true during the second pass (Painting) More...
! Maximum allocation for array fTabSize; More...
! array of values for the different zones More...
 Protected Attributes inherited from TText
 Protected Attributes inherited from TNamed
 Protected Attributes inherited from TAttText
 Protected Attributes inherited from TAttLine
 Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 Protected Types inherited from TObject
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