Latex Office

Latex Office


\documentclass [UTF8] { ctexart }
\usepackage { amsmath }
\pagestyle { empty }

\begin { document }

$ \text {比例} = \frac { \text {部分}}{ \text {全部}} $

\end { document }

In this post, I would like to share how to insert beautiful latex equations
into Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint.
I assume that one of the LaTeX distributions has been installed on your system.
On Windows, either TeX Live or MiKTeX is fine.
There is a free plugin called
texsword which can generate good
quality LaTeX equations in Word.
Download the package from sourceforge, extract it. You will see something like
For Office 2007 and later versions, copy the file texsword.dotm to the
directory C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP ,
represents your user name. In case that you can not locate
this directory in this way, here is how you can find it in your computer:
If everything went well, upon next Word launch, you will see the TeXsword
buttons in the Add-Ins ribbon.
To insert equations, click the button with TeX label (see image above). There
is also a shorcut to insert LaTeX equations: just press
ALT + T .
For more usages, please consult the texword_readme.docx file bundled with the
texsword.dotm . It has detailed instructions on how to use it.
There is a well-known software MathType which support LaTeX syntax. The only
problem is that the license fee is too high for a student. I have found another
software which is cheaper and can do the same thing. It is called
AxMath and is developed by a Chinese company.
You can use the software free with limited features 1 or you can purchase a
license for about $6.12 (¥39) to activate full feature.
After you have installed this software, a ribbon will appear in the Word menu.
You can insert inline, display and numbered equations. To change to the LaTeX
input mode, click the button in the lower right of panel or press shortcut key
Ctrl + Tab .
It support LaTeX command auto-completion once you start typing \ , which is
After finishing equations, you can use Shift + Enter to
render the equations.
To type LaTeX in PowerPoint, you can use
IguanaTex .
Download it from
here .
Following instructions on the website (there is a installation part) and set
up IguanaTex properly. Then a ribbon with name IguanaTeX will appear in
Type the LaTeX code just as you do in LaTeX,
Click the Generate button to generate LaTeX equations. If you want to update
the equation, select the generated image, then click the Edit LaTeX display
button under the IguanaTeX ribbon. After finishing editting, click the button
Regenerate to regenerate the equation.
By default the math mode in IguanTeX does not support Chinese character even if
you have wrapped the characters with \text{} command.
To use Chinese, you have to do several things:
You also need to the set the path of GhostScript and Imagemagick executable
files correctly in the IguanaTex settings, as shown below
I test the following script and it works as expected:
But I think the free version is good enough for normal use. ↩︎
If you have installed the full version of Tex Live, you don not need to
install GhostScript. It is packaged with Tex Live under
TEXLIVEROOT/YEAR/tlpkg/tlgs/bin and the name is something like
gswin32c.exe if you use Windows. ↩︎

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LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software .
You don't have to pay for using LaTeX, i.e., there are no license fees, etc. But you are, of course, invited to support the maintenance and development efforts through a donation to the TeX Users Group (choose LaTeX Project contribution) if you are satisfied with LaTeX.

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LaTeX is a document preparation system used for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is free software and is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License .
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