Latex Office

Latex Office


Postby EthanDavis » Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:42 pm
Hi all,

New member of your community here. You may have heard that Windows 10 is coming this year, bringing back the start menu and focusing on desktop improvements for mouse and keyboard users, while at the same time offering one OS that works universally across all devices from phone and tablet to PC, TVs and Xbox. As part of its technical preview program, new builds are being released every week and Microsoft is gathering feedback.

As part of the Windows 10 release, Microsoft is also releasing its free, touch-capable version of Microsoft Office as a universal app that runs on all Windows devices (recently, Microsoft has also released free, touch-capable Office apps for iOS and Android which were very well received!). Having heard about Microsoft Office team gauging interest in a LaTeX editor, I decided to create a suggestion in Microsoft's Uservoice site dedicated to the idea. I think I wrote a convincing case for Microsoft offering a free LaTeX solution that would be able to run on tablets and integrate with its cloud storage (OneDrive) together with an Office Online app. So far, the idea is gathering quite a bit of votes and interest!

Problem is, we're running into some resistance in the comments section from Microsoft Word users who (I presume) don't understand what LaTeX is and why what Word offers is fundamentally different.

I wanted to come to you, who, like myself, truly love LaTeX. I wanted to let you know about the idea, so that you could vote if you believe PC and tablet/mobile device users alike would benefit from a free and accessible, touch/cloud capable LaTeX offering from Microsoft. And also ask your help, I hope, in possibly sharing your thoughts in the idea's comments about why what LaTeX offers is not something that Word can offer (if you agree with me about that!).

Thanks so much for reading, and thank you for your help!
Postby Stefan Kottwitz » Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:02 pm
Hi Ethan,

welcome to the forum!

Why choose Microsoft?

Do they have any capable quick editor with usable GUI as an example?
They haven't used open standard documents for a long time. Even recently opened formats aren't fully compatible to independent standards.
Often with a new version the file format changed. Try opening Winword Documents and Word 97 (what was between?) today. Backwards compatibility is a main concern for LaTeX.
They want to earn money from all, including LaTeX then. How will we users pay it?
You said across all devices, but you mean Windows devices, not iOS, Android, Linux in dozens of versions, Mac OS X, ... LaTeX editors already run there, if the device is powerful, or OverLeaf and ShareLaTeX could be used.
Cloud storage? There are a lot, that's a system level, not editor or language related.
Office online apps? Formerly, you paid once and can use a program for lifetime on your computer. Office 365 and such online things need to be paid each month.
Can people in all countries afford to buy Microsoft programs?
Any trade embargo to a country or a "law" could forbid users to use an American commercial LaTeX.
Is your data safe there?

Postby EthanDavis » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:27 am
Stefan_K wrote:Do they have any capable quick editor with usable GUI as an example?
Stefan_K wrote:They haven't used open standard documents for a long time. Even recently opened formats aren't fully compatible to independent standards.

Often with a new version the file format changed. Try opening Winword Documents and Word 97 (what was between?) today. Backwards compatibility is a main concern for LaTeX.
Stefan_K wrote:They want to earn money from all, including LaTeX then. How will we users pay it?
Stefan_K wrote:You said across all devices, but you mean Windows devices, not iOS, Android, Linux in dozens of versions, Mac OS X, ... LaTeX editors already run there, if the device is powerful, or OverLeaf and ShareLaTeX could be used.
Stefan_K wrote:Cloud storage? There are a lot, that's a system level, not editor or language related.
Stefan_K wrote:Office online apps? Formerly, you paid once and can use a program for lifetime on your computer. Office 365 and such online things need to be paid each month.
Stefan_K wrote:Can people in all countries afford to buy Microsoft programs?
Stefan_K wrote:Any trade embargo to a country or a "law" could forbid users to use an American commercial LaTeX.
Stefan_K wrote:Is your data safe there?
Postby Stefan Kottwitz » Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:26 pm
Well, Microsoft doesn't make 22 billion dollars net income because of providing free software. Their strategy of winning new users with currently free of charge apps software is aimed to get more money. Crippleware office apps require cloud services subscription for normal functionality. Every kind of device? Where does Windows 10 run today? How well? Well fine if they would offer another LaTeX editor. There's already a lot for Windows.
I don't expect Windows 10 to be a blessing, as I did not for Windows Vista, Windows Phone or Windows 8. We will see what comes after marketing shows. There's a lot of other operating systems.

Postby Johannes_B » Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:51 am
I have to ask, what is it you are loooking for? A mere editor like texstudio (mentioned by you) or a system that compiles the code in the background showing you the output, but not using one of the two main distributions (TeX Live, MikTeX)? So MS would build its own version of TeX?
That is somehow not clear to me. Can you elaborate?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Postby EthanDavis » Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:57 am
Stefan_K wrote:Well, Microsoft doesn't make 22 billion dollars net income because of providing free software. Their strategy of winning new users with currently free of charge apps software is aimed to get more money.
Stefan_K wrote:Where does Windows 10 run today?

Johannes_B wrote:I have to ask, what is it you are loooking for? A mere editor like texstudio (mentioned by you) or a system that compiles the code in the background showing you the output, but not using one of the two main distributions (TeX Live, MikTeX)? So MS would build its own version of TeX?
That is somehow not clear to me. Can you elaborate?
Postby Johannes_B » Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:42 pm
LaTeX, or rather TeX is a typesetting program run via the command line, the very basic interface of a human being and the computer. You are sending a text file to this program. The way you create this textfile is completely up to you. I have used Microsofts Notepad a few times in the past for very basic examples and do it still teaching LaTeX, because this is very basic thing you have to understand.

Notepad doesn't have any fancy stuff as you might know, there is nothing to click nothing to scroll, nothing to bounce. TeX was developed in the 70's and 80's, think about how computers looked like back then.

Over time and with the availability of more powerful computers, people started developing editors with features they don't need, but they wanted. The things i want in an editor are all available with vim (which is around for quite some time as well).

Can you explain what you mean by touch-friendly? This is a thing i am struggeling with, i really can't imagine this in my workflow.

How do online editors achieve this in one step? They don't. They simply save your file and send it to the compiler over and over again.

What i am trying to understand is how you imagine the system. Installing a full TeX Live (providing the typesetting system TeX along with the LaTeX format and many many packages) gives me files of more than a thousand people. Many files still actively maintained, many stable for 20 years. Depending on the kind of document, you need the latest features that get updates regularly. All this updating happens in the background, vi doesn't care about it. It is a text editor. And that is what it does, editing text files.
How would the system you are asking for work?

Btw: can you crosslink this discussion with the feature request?

The guy that came up with a macro package for TeX, Leslie Lamport might be a good authority to ask. He works for Microsoft.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Postby Johannes_B » Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:47 pm
I just noticed, that you also addressed this at the TeX.SX chat room.

Now discussion on that matter is distributed all over the web. People might want to read up on the whole matter, i do at least. Bits and pieces everywhere, i am feeling like a hunter chasing arguments of a discussion.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
Postby anhoavu » Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:21 am
For iOS, check out Texpad.

For Windows 10 [Mobile], you can try LawTeX.

There is no auspice for Microsoft to bring LaTeX to Office: It just doesn't make sense. Typical user wouldn't care while LaTeX users usually don't use Office.
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Перевести · LaTeX – A document preparation system. LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software. You don't have to pay for using LaTeX, …
Перевести · 17.02.2016 · Re: LaTeX Editor as part of Microsoft Office. Postby Johannes_B » Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:42 pm. LaTeX, or rather TeX is a typesetting program run via the command line, the very basic …
LaTeX — наиболее популярный набор макрорасширений системы компьютерной вёрстки TeX, который облегчает набор …
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Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · To type LaTeX in PowerPoint, you can use IguanaTex. Download it from here. Following instructions on the website (there is a installation part) and set up IguanaTex properly. Then a ribbon with name IguanaTeX will appear in PowerPoint, How to use. Type the LaTeX …формулы-линейного...
Новые возможности Word для Microsoft 365 подписчиках — это возможность вводить математические символы с помощью синтаксиса LaTeX; описанные ниже сведения.
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Работа с LaTex в MS office приложениях; latex->word. 19.12.2014, 17:54. В конце года приходится писать отчеты, поэтому возникает необходимость работать с такой заразой, как …
Импорт формул LaTeX в Microsoft Word и LibreOffice Writer. 1. Набираем формулу в LaTeX. Например, такую. Вот ее код. \ [ \int_a^b x^2 dx = \left. \frac{x^3} {3} \right|_a^b \] 2. Сохраняем …
LaTeX is the maths boffins preferred way of writing formula in computer code for conversion into the symbols that confuse us mere humans. In Word 2016 (Windows, Office 365 users only), you can see some extras on the Equation Editor ribbon, especially the LaTeX. Use the Alt + = shortcut to add a new equation. Type or paste in LaTeX like this:…
You'll get a welcome message in a few moments. The Office 365 version of Word 2016 for Windows has some nice improvements to LatTex support. LaTeX is the maths boffins preferred way of writing formula in computer code for conversion into the symbols that confuse us mere humans.…
The LaTeX Project. LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.
LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software. You don't have to pay for using LaTeX, i.e., there are no licence fees, etc. But you are, of course, invited to support the maintenance and development efforts through a donation...
Перевести · Unicode math. LaTeX math. Depending on your preferred input format, you can create equations in Word in either one of UnicodeMath or LaTeX formats by selecting the format from the Equations tab. Note: All the other Office applications support only UnicodeMath …
Перевести · This is then included into a LaTeX document either using input or Sweave (see here for details). However, when I collaborate with others, I sometimes need to provide a document in Open Office / MS Word format. Question: Thus, assume the simplest scenario. I have a LaTeX …
I implemented this for a large R&D lab. We produced several hundred (if not thousand) documents per year, and the LaTeX Users' community there want...
I think that LaTeX is the wrong starting format, especially if you are generating your input file using Sweave. Instead you can consider using a li...
The new version of Word (2013) lets you open and edit PDFs. The workflow is then: Use latex and pdflatex to make your PDF Open the PDF in Word 2013...
I think these two softwares are missing in the list. TeX2Word from Chikriilab LaTeX-to-Word from Grindeq Both of them work elegantly for a prop...
I found a very easy solution for converting LaTeX-documents into editable Word-files. Compile your LaTeX-document to PDF Go to the Internet-page h...
My first instinct would probably be oolatex too, or some other technique using TeX4ht, but another method that can also work well is latex2rtf , t...
There is no pain-free way to do this. Really. Convert your beautiful TeX to pdf, run pdftotext and then import the plain text into a word process...
Several people have mentioned tex4ht but didn't give the command. From my looking around it seems that the command to run is mk4ht oolatex myfile....
The best way I know to convert a TeX to an XML application is tex4ht . The project page says it converts TeX to a number of different output form...
Перевести · LaTeX is the maths boffins preferred way of writing formula in computer code for conversion into the …
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Latex Clips
Latex References
LaTeX - A document preparation system
How to Insert LaTeX Equations in Microsoft Office Word and ...
Формулы линейного формата с использованием UnicodeMath и ...
Работа с LaTex в MS office приложениях; latex->word ...
Импорт формул LaTeX в Microsoft Word и LibreOffice Writer ...
Linear format equations using UnicodeMath and LaTeX in ...
Latex Office

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