Latex Linux

Latex Linux


Latex Linux
LaTeX code compiled into a document
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Brief: Once you get over the learning curve, there’s nothing like LaTeX. Here are the best LaTeX editors for Linux and other systems.
LaTeX is a document preparation system. Unlike in a plain text editor, you can’t just write plain text using LaTeX editors. Here, you’ll have to use LaTeX commands to manage the content of the document.
LaTeX editors are generally used in preparing scientific research documents or books for academic purposes. Most importantly, LaTeX editors come in handy if you’re dealing with a document containing complex mathematical notation. LaTeX editors are fun to use, but not that useful unless you have specific needs for a document.
Well, just as I previously mentioned, LaTeX editors are meant for specific purposes. You don’t need to be a geek head to figure out how to use a LaTeX editor but it’s not a productive solution for users who normally deal with basic text editors.
If you are looking to craft a document but you’re not interested in spending time formatting the text, then a LaTeX editor should be what you should go for. With LaTeX editors, you just have to specify the type of document, and the font and size of the text will be taken care of accordingly. No wonder it’s considered one of the best open source tools for writers .
Do note that this isn’t automated: you’ll first have to learn LaTeX commands to let the editor handle the text formatting with precision.
Just for information, this list is not in any specific order: the editor at number three is no better than the editor at number seven.
LyX is an open-source LaTeX editor. It’s also one of the best document processors available on the web. LyX helps you focus on the structure of the write-up, just as every LaTeX editor should, and lets you forget about the formatting. LyX manages everything according to the type of document specified. You get to control a lot of stuff when you’re using it – margins, headers/footers, spacing/indents, tables, and so on.
If you’re into crafting scientific documents, research theses, or similar, you’ll be delighted to experience LyX’s formula editor, which should be a charm to use. LyX also includes a set of tutorials to get started without much hassle.
Texmaker is considered to be one of the best LaTeX editors for the GNOME desktop environment. It presents a great user interface which results in a good user experience. It’s also considered to be one of the most useful LaTeX editors out there. If you perform PDF conversion often, you’ll find Texmaker to be faster relative to other LaTeX editors. You can take a look at a preview of what the final document will look like while you write. Also, you’ll observe that symbols are easy to reach when needed.
Texmaker also offers extensive support for hotkey configuration. Why not give it a try?
If you want a LaTeX editor that offers you a decent level of customizability along with an easy-to-use interface, then TeXstudio would be the perfect one to have installed. The UI is very simple but not clumsy. TeXstudio lets you highlight syntax, comes with an integrated viewer, lets you check references and also bundles some other assistance tools.
It also supports some cool features like auto-completion, link overlay, bookmarks, multi-cursors, and so on – which makes writing a LaTeX document easier than ever before.
TeXstudio is actively maintained, which makes it a compelling choice for both novice users and advanced writers.
Gummi is a very simple LaTeX editor based on the GTK+ toolkit. Well, you may not find a lot of fancy options here – but if you’re just starting out, Gummi would be our recommendation. It supports exporting documents to PDF format, lets you highlight syntax, and helps you with some basic error-checking functionalities. Though Gummi isn’t actively maintained via GitHub, it works just fine.
TeXpen is yet another simplified tool you can go with. You get an auto-completion functionality with this LaTeX editor. However, you may not find the user interface impressive. If you don’t mind the UI, but want a super easy LaTeX editor, TeXpen could fulfill that wish for you. Also, TeXpen lets you correct/improve the English grammar and expressions used in your documents.
Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor. Originally, we had two separate LaTeX editors (ShareLaTeX and Overleaf) in this post. However, they’ve both joined forces to launch Overleaf v2 (thanks to one of our readers, Saadiq Shaik, for notifying us about this change).
You get all the basic features you’d expect in a LaTeX editor. In addition to that, you can access it offline or choose to sync files via Dropbox and GitHub. It also lets you collaborate in real-time. You also have the ability to check document history to see what’s been removed and added.
Authorea is a wonderful online LaTeX editor. However, it’s not the best out there in terms of its pricing plans. For free, it offers just 100 MB of data upload and 1 private document at a time. The paid plans offer you more perks but won’t be the cheapest option. The only reason you should choose Authorea is the user interface. If you love to work with tools that offer an impressive user interface, there’s no looking back.
Papeeria is the cheapest LaTeX editor you can find on the Internet – considering that it’s just as reliable as the others. You don’t get private projects if you want to use it for free. But if you prefer public projects, it lets you work on an unlimited number of projects with numerous collaborators. It features a pretty simple plot builder and includes Git sync at no additional cost. If you opt for the paid plan, you’ll have the ability to work on 10 private projects.
The last entry in our list of the best LaTeX editors is Kile. Some people swear by Kile, primarily because of the features it provides.
Kile is more than just an editor. It’s an IDE tool like Eclipse that provides a complete environment for working on documents and projects. As well as quick compilation and preview, you get features like the auto-completion of commands, insertion of citations, organization of the document into chapters, etc. You really have to use Kile to understand its true potential.
Kile is available for Linux and Windows.
So, those are our recommendations for the LaTeX editors you should use on Ubuntu/Linux.
There’s a chance that we might have missed some interesting LaTeX editors available for Linux. If you happen to know about any, let us know down in the comments below.
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September 14, 2020 September 1, 2020 by blag0je91
sudo apt update
sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra

Hello, world from \LaTeX

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LaTeX – A document preparation system
LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software .
That is OK, but why do we need anything else than Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word is a text editor and we have “What you see is what you get”. This is very simple for quick formatting, but for larger documents, it can be a bit painful, or this is maybe just me. Personally, another minus for Word is that you are writing a plan document and for me, that can be boring. On the other hand, with Latex, you are programming, using Latex syntax to format your document. Formating is done later, buy “compiling” Latex text code and in such a way that is specified by text commands in the latex file.
I read a good comparison between Word and Latex on the next link and the benefits of LaTeX are summarized in the next image.
With increasing in document size and complexity with Latex can offer us the easier way to typeset and format our document.
After this short introduction to LaTex, let’s continue with the topic of this blog, Installing Latex on your Linux machine. For this blog, I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 64bit. So, let’s start.
and now we have a basic LaTex setup. Let’s create as Hello, World example. Open your preferred text editor and type:
Save the file as HelloWorld.tex and open the terminal in the same directory and type:
The last command will compile your tex code and PDF file will be generated and it should look something like this.
And that is it. You have our first latex document. You can do everything like this but, as for any code development tasks we want to install some IDE to make our life easier. So let’s check some LaTeX IDEs for Linux.
Texmaker is a free, modern, and cross-platform LaTeX editor for Linux, macOS, and Windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application. Includes unicode support, spell checking, auto-completion, code folding, and a built-in pdf viewer with synctex support and continuous view mode. It is easy to use and to configure.
You can download this LaTeX IDE directly from site or open your terminal and type:
Open HelloWorld.tex with TexMaker and let’s take a look around. We have a lot of built-in functionality that is already included in TexMaker so we can easily develop and organize our document.
Is very similar to TexMaker and you can check TexStudio on .
TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. Our goal is to make writing LaTeX as easy and comfortable as possible. Therefore TeXstudio has numerous features like syntax-highlighting, integrated viewer, reference checking and various assistants. For more details see the features.TeXstudio is open source and is available for all major operating systems.
To download this LaTeX IDE on Ubuntu TexStudio web site or open your terminal and type:
Open TexStudio and open existing HelloWorld.tex .
As shown in the images above, we have a lot of LaTeX functions already build in TexStudio. This will help and speed us up loot in developing our document.
I can not remember when is the last time when I created a LaTeX document from scratch. This is because with LaTeX it’s very easy to use templates and there is a lot of them available for free on the net. There is a lot of templates for CV, Assignments, Presentations, Thesis… Good sites to find a template that suits your need are:
In this example, let’s try a master thesis template from MIT. Go to and download the template form Overleaf. Extract tar file, open main.tex with your favorite LaTeX IDE and compile. And now you have a beautiful formatted document template and you don’t have to spend your time formation document so you will have more time doing what actually matters researching or developing.
But did you noticed something? After the first compile run your document will look something like this:
There is no Table of Contents and List of Figures!!! But isn’t LaTeX good with referencing and linking content inside a document?
Yes, LaTeX is very good at this, but for this task, it needs two compile runs. You just need to compile your LaTeX document one more time and everything will be linked.
LaTeX gives you an easy way out for Microsoft Word formatting nightmare, and with good IDE it can speed you up when writing project documentation or master thesis. Also, for me, it much more interesting when writing documentation in LaTeX, because it remains me of coding, which is more fun than writing the Word document.
Did you like this post? Did you started with LaTeX in Linux and do you maybe have some other steps for the first-time LaTeX users? Please comment down below and see you in the next post.
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HI all. I’m Blagoje Nikolić, electronic engineer from Belgrade, Serbia and Certified LabVIEW Architect. Welcome to my BLN364 tech blog site. You can say that I’m a tech nerd, or something like that, but any way that means that I love anything tech related. From Linux, Raspberry Pi to LabVIEW, electronic circuit and much, much more. I wanted to start documenting my side project, so I started this blog. I don’t want to take any more of your time, so I will wrap up. Enjoy and see you in the next post. Best Regards, Blagoje Nikolić

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