Latex Itemize

Latex Itemize


Using lists in LaTeX is pretty straightforward and doesn’t require you do add any additional packages. For unordered lists, LaTeX provides the itemize environment and for ordered lists there is the enumerate environment. The elements within both environments have to be declared beginning with the \item command. The following code examples show how to use the most common types of lists you’re going to use in your document.
As I’ve mentioned above, unordered lists use the itemize environment and works without any additonal packages:
This will generate the following output:
As you can see, LaTeX will automatically get the numbers right:
Sometimes you also have to list things, which have some kind of sub-category. For this reason, LaTeX allows you to nest list environments and it will fix the indentation and numbering accordingly.
The output will be formatted like this:
You can make the following changes easily without loading a package:
%From bullet to dash \item[--] or \item[$-$] % From bullet to asterisk \item[$\ast$] %Use any math character \item[$\CHARACTER$]
A full working code could look like this:
And the output will look as follows:
Changing this environment is a little more tricky, because there’s a lot more logic involved and the easiest solution is probably using the enumerate or enumitem environments. I will use the enumerate environment for this purpose. So I will first add this environment to my preamble:
\documentclass{article} % ... \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document}
We can now use the following options on the enumerate environment:
%Roman numbers \begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*)] %... % Arabic numbers \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)] %... % Alphabetical \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*)] %...
You can likewise use this to change the symbol of unordered lists:
Which will consistently change the symbol of all items:
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16. October 2008 by tom 162 Comments
Latex distinguishes between three different enumeration/itemization environments. Each of them provide four levels, which means you can have nested lists of up to four levels.
The enumerate-environment is used to create numbered lists.
If you like to change the appearance of the enumerator, the simplest way to change is to use the enumerate-package, giving you the possibility to optionally choose an enumerator.
\begin{enumerate}[I]%for capital roman numbers.
\begin{enumerate}[(a)]%for small alpha-characters within brackets.
Itemization is probably the mostly used list in Latex. It also provides four levels. The bullets can be changed for each level using the following command:
Amongst the more commonly used ones are $\bullet$ (), $\cdot$ (), $\diamond$ (), $-$ (), $\ast$ () and $\circ$ ().
The description list might be the least known. It comes in very handy if you need to explain notations or terms. Its neither numbered nor bulleted.
\item[Physics] Science of matter and its motion.
\item[Psychology] Scientific study of mental processes and behaviour.
And in a PDF it would look like this:
Lists can be nested. In other words, it is possible to have a sub-list for an item of a list. Usage is straight forward, different environments can be mixed (see example) and the maximum depth (number of levels) is 4. Here is an example:
\item First level, itemize, first item
\item Second level, itemize, first item
\item Second level, itemize, second item
\item Third level, enumerate, first item
\item Third level, enumerate, second item
\item First level, itemize, second item
The space between different items can be controlled with the \itemsep command (can only be added just after “begin”):
Reverse enumerate or etaremune
29. November 2011
In "Introduction"
Well, I used to use the enumerate package too – but only until I found out about another one, called enumitem. It’s way more flexible and (in some cases) easier to use. (For example, it’s a bit tricky to obtain enumerations with _bold_ letters: (a), (b) etc with the enumerate package – try it! With enumitem, it’s much easier.)
Also, I hardly ever use itemize and description – and enumerate all the time.
Thanks a lot, your blog is very helpful. Btw, do you know how to insert pieces of source code into documents? I have tried some packages already, but they are a little ugly. Perhaps I have not figured out how to configure them yet :(.
You should try \usepackage{listings} and, depending on which computer language you use, to configure a “style” for it (including colorized output) with \lstset{}.
Thanks for your comment. Please check my post on how to include source code into your documents here.
Is it possible to create fancy frames like the one you created in your html for the description list?
It is possible to crate fancyframes using \mbox or the fancybox package. Nevertheless, I think you will have problems creating a frame similar to the html above, as figure is a floating environment, which can’t be put into a box.
Is it possible to begin the enumeration with 0?
0. something
1. something
2. something
Use this piece of code before your first “item”:
Hi Tom, Many thanks for the command.
how to tab the item in the itemize.
i want to move the item a bit right.
1 cm to the right, then start the itemize.
One thing you can do is to use \hspace{1cm} between your \item and its content. However this will separate the dot (or whatever you are using) from the text which is probably not what you are looking for.
If so, try this:
Your solution does only works partially. When your description has a text length longer then \textwidth, the text wont be cut of at \textwidth but at \textwidth + 1cm
Do you maybe have a solution which prevents that? I tried to use…
\parbox[1cm]{\textwidth - 1cm}{ ... }
but that doesn’t work since it can’t do the math
You are right of course. Thanks for pointing this out. Try the following instead:
Is there any way to get enumeration as follows:
Probably the easiest way is to use the optional argument of \item[], which lets you customize your list and would look something like this:
However, if you have many items and don’t want to adapt the number for each item, you can also redefine the counter of the list. This is done through the following line of code:
I was looking for this, thanks for the solution. Although answered in 2011, still useful in 2016.
Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. Best, Tom
In 2019, and still was looking for it, thanks mate!
Still relevant in 2020 – Thanks, Tom!
Hope you can help. When I use enumerate and change the counter the indent disapeares. When I don’t add a counter there is an indent.
Looks like this:
Some text
a. text 1
b. text 2
c. text 3
Some more text.
Some text
(space here)a. text 1
b. text 2
c. text 3
Some more text.
This is how you indent items in your enumerate:
Is there any way to get enumeration as follows:
[1] Text should be followed like this as
next line should start just below the first word of first line (for example, below the Text)
If not, please post a text example.
Dear Tom,
Thanks for reply,
But I am looking for to get enumerate like this (as described below) ”
[1] This is my first item.
On several lines.
[2] This is my second item.
On several lines.
[3] This is my third item.
On several line
Add this line to your preamble. This will change the style of your enumeration accordingly.
I tried your suggestion but it looks like:
1. This is my first item.
On several lines.
2. This is my second item.
[1] This is my first item.
On several lines.
[2] This is my second item.
I wonder if it is possible to do something like this:
1. First Section Big Heading
Some normal text followed by a list numbered by section then item number:
1.1 First list item
1.2 Second list item (which will be referenced)
2. Second Section Big Heading
Some more normal text.
2.1 Another other item
2.2 A reference to a previous list item in this list (see item 2.1)
2.3 A reference to a previous list item in a different list (see item 1.2)
I want to be able to label and refer to items in the list, much like they way that equations are numbered. Thanks in advance!
You can use \label{itm:item1} and \ref{itm:item1} just like for figures, equations, etc.
Besides, to get the numbering as proposed in your example (section.item), use:
Thanks! Worked perfectly! You’re such a guru!
I am using MikTex…and I want 4th level of numbers like shown below..How to get that…I am just 5 day old MikTex user..!
1. Topic
1.1 Subtopic
1.1.1 Sub-Sub Topic Sub-Sub-Sub Topic
The following code explains how to produce up to six levels in depth including numbering as well as adding the headings to the table of contents.
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % Section depth to be numbered
\setcounter{tocdepth}{5} % Table of contents depth
I’m running into a bit of difficulty with all this. When I try to reference an embedded enumeration, rather than getting just “I” I get “Ia”. Here’s my big long preamble, but I think the only relevant package for this problem is the enumerate package.
\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}
    \usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
  \newcommand{\verteq}[0]{\rotatebox{90}{$=$}} \definecolor{newyellow}{RGB}{255,150,0} \definecolor{newgray}{RGB}{250,250,250}
Then when I go to enter something like
\item\label{Numbers and Basic Operations} ...
and then I later try to reference this, the reference to “Numbers and Basic Operations” comes out perfect but the reference to “NatNum” comes out “Ia” when I want it to come out just “I”.
I can’t really reproduce your issue, it works for me. Here is the code, maybe it helps:
\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}
\item\label{itm:numop} Numbers and Basic Operations
This is a reference to \ref{itm:numop} and \ref{itm:natnum}.
Have you tried deleting all meta-files that are generated when typesetting?
Another thing that I would recommend is using relative values for the minipage width:
Im using the enumerate command and noticed that the list has 1.5 line spacing between lines. How can I chance the justification to 1 line spacing?
What a coincidence you are asking me this. I just posted an article on line spacing two days ago.
I would really like to do something like the following, but when I try to embed a 5th level, I get errors. Is there any way to change settings to allow this:
            \item Example II, C, 2, a
            \item Example II, C, 2, b
                \item Example II, C, 2, b, i
                \item Example II, C, 2, b, ii
You can either use an itemize-environment within if you are comfortable with having bullets instead of numerated items for one level. If not, the enumitem package provides commands that let you define a list with a custom depth. Make sure you have the latest version (version 3.0 or higher), as some stuff was only added recently.
Use this code in your preamble, remove the label definitions from your code and replace all enumerate-environments with longenum.
Hope it helps, Tom.
Hey Tom.
I was wondering if you had an idea, how to use enumerate if I want to get the item to look like this:
You can either do it the classic way:
Thanks a lot Tom…. you are very good
Hi how can ı write this rows with latex?
ı mean how to enumerate
thank you.
There are two option :
a) a maximum b) a minimum
How would I begin enumerating a later number than 1?
Set the counter to 2, so your first item will have index 3:
I am trying to get a continuous list of examples throughout the document – i.e., all the examples are in sequence but with lots of text in between:

(1) ___
(2) ___

(3) ___
(4) ___
(5) ___

Is this possible to do automatically? It seems so basic, but I can’t figure it out. Thanks.
I think what you are looking for is this. Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Tom.
I think you might be looking for the suspend/resume commands provided by the mdwlist package:
is there a possibility to reveres the order of enumerated list
I was a little surprised by your question, but there is indeed a package called etaremune (enumerate backwards). It’s usage is straight forward:
You’ll have to typeset the document twice for the numbers to be correct. Also, there is another package that offers similar functionality, called revnum, but my distribution at least doesn’t come with it by default. So you would probably have to manually install it.
Hi Tom,
and thanks for all the updates.
I recently learnt about etaremune environment. But want I am not succeeding with it is to have square brackets ([]) in the items:
The following code should do the trick. Cheers, Tom.
Thanks a lot Tom.
I just tried it and it was perfect!
Great, glad it worked. Cheers, Tom.
[…] I stumbled across this package recently thanks to a comment by ofer. […]
Quick question: Is it possible to change the colour of the bullets in the itemize environment?
I am using coloured headings, and it would look much better if I can add colour to bullet points and footnote lines, but for the time being, I’d be happy with bullets (or numbers).
>Each of them provide four levels, which means you can have nested lists of up to four levels.
And how do you create such levels?
I was looking for this, it should be in the main post, it’s not obvious for a newbie how to come out with the levels.
You are right, thanks! I added a short paragraph to the main post on nested lists. Tom.
Hi, is it possible to put label to math equation in every item? e.g.
i) x+y=z (1)
ii) k-l=2 (2)
Try the code below. I hope it’s roughly what you were looking for.
Thank you very much, Tom. And do you know how put equations in the left side not in the center?
The amsmath package can left-align equations through the package option fleqn:
but my problem is the format. I expect
(i) First line
(ii) Second line
that is, capital romans, but they are smaller than the original ones.
I am using Kile, in Ubuntu 11.04. Okular as my default pdf viewer.
Do you know what is the possible problem?
Thanks for the comment with the code example. From your description it seems as if you are using small capitals, e.g.:
Would you mind providing a complete minimal example? It may be due to a package you are loading or some other code you use.
\roman (o “i”) pasa a minúsculas (recuérdese que en español esto es una falta de ortografía).
I would like to use my own item labels \item[…], but I want the labels to flush left, rather than flush right, ie
Main text:
short label: blahblah….
loooooooooong label: blahblah….
rather than what seems to be the default,
Main text:
short label: blahblah….
loooooooooong label: blahblah….
Ooops, the webpage doesn’t like my formatting. In the second example, the colons align, and loooooooong label sticks into the margin
Have a look at the examples below using the tabular and description environments. I’m sure, from there you’ll be able to adapt the examples to your needs. You may also find the enumitem documentation useful.
Best, Tom.
loooooooooong label: &blahblah\\
\subsubsection*{Description flushleft:}
\begin{description}[leftmargin=5cm, style=sameline, align=left]
\item[loooooooooong label: ]blahblah\\
Hi, you might now how to add something like this:
But [step 1] [step 2] should be aligned to left, not to the center as it’s by default
There was a very similar question in the previous comment. Here is a minimal example:
\item[step 2 blabla] Text is a very long text is a very long text is a very long text is a very long text
If you don’t need your text to start from the same position, use the following line of code instead:
\begin{description}[align=left, font=\normalfont]
  \item[Third] The third etc \ldots
My document starts like as follows:
I am using TeXworks Version 0.2.3 (r.466) on Ubuntu.
! LaTeX Error: Environment description undefined.
Try using itemize, it seems the description environment is not available in this particular documentclass.
    \item[\bf First] The first item
    \item[\bf Second] The second item
    \item[\bf Third] The third etc \ldots
How I can enumerate chapters and sections (Ex. Chapter I, I.1) in Roman numbers, and figures, tables and equations in arabic numbers (Ex. Figure 2.1, Table 4.1, (5.1))?
Here is a minimal example. It works similarly for tables and equations.
Hi Tom,
How can I list my content such that second line of item starts with some space i.e after one two word of Ist line of item.
Use itemindent of the enumitem package to create hanging indent in lists.
I am having a problem where my enumerated list is running over my page width. I get the error: Overfull \hbox. Any ideas how to fix that?
Unless you are using long words that are hard to hyphenate (e.g. hyperlinks), LaTeX will automatically line-breaks when the text reaches the margin. See my minimal working examp
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Latex Itemize

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