Latex File Not Found

Latex File Not Found


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At the moment I'm having a problem when trying to view my LaTeX file as a PDF. Whether I do it internal or external I both the error "File not found.".
I have no idea what file it means. I've read somewhere it has to with my Acrobat Reader, but I still can't get it fixed. And I think it's worth mentioning that I work on Windows 7, as I've also read that Texmaker on Windows has some bugs.
Floris Devriendt
Floris Devriendt 433●11 gold badge●44 silver badges●66 bronze badges
Torbjørn T.
187k●1515 gold badges●335335 silver badges●521521 bronze badges
Have you compiled the document with e.g. pdflatex (Tools --> pdfLateX in Texmaker), so there actually is a PDF file to view? – Torbjørn T. Feb 26 '12 at 22:55
Also, welcome to! You don't have to sign with your name since it automatically appears in the lower right corner of your post. – Torbjørn T. Feb 26 '12 at 23:08
That's it, thanks! I'm just starting to learn the program, sorry for the foolish question! – Floris Devriendt Feb 26 '12 at 23:08
No problem. I added an answer. – Torbjørn T. Feb 26 '12 at 23:10
The "View PDF" button in TeXmaker only opens an already existing file, that has the same basename as your .tex file. Meaning, if you're writing in a file called MyReport.tex, it will look for a file called MyReport.pdf in the same folder as the .tex file, and open this in the specified viewer.
To create a PDF from the source, you have to compile the document. The easiest way to do this is usually to use pdflatex, which in TeXmaker is called with Tools --> pdfLaTeX (shortcut F6), after which you can view the PDF (shortcut F7). There are also buttons on the toolbar for both
Torbjørn T.
Torbjørn T. 187k●1515 gold badges●335335 silver badges●521521 bronze badges
even after pressing f6 i am not getting any output in the pdf reader... please need help... – user27360 Mar 14 '13 at 7:24
I have the same problem. I tried opening my tex file in another latex compiling software (Texshop) and it is still not producing a pdf. – esmitex Sep 4 '14 at 8:26
@esmitex Do you mean that you get an error when hitting the Typeset button in TeXShop? If so, I don't think you have the same problem, please ask a new question describing what you have tried (preferably in the form of a minimal working example (MWE)) and which error you get. – Torbjørn T. Sep 4 '14 at 8:59
I fixed the problem. I have no idea how. I tried compiling in Latex, pdflatex etc. In the end it created a pdf output when I compiled in Xelatex. – esmitex Sep 4 '14 at 15:02
@esmitex If it worked with xelatex but not with pdflatex, you have probably loaded a package that can only be used with the former, such as fontspec or unicode-math. Depending on package the error message may state this clearly. – Torbjørn T. Sep 4 '14 at 15:19
For anyone still struggling with this problem, this is what worked for me. I was using \includeonlyframes{current} to compile a single frame. This allows me to compile only frames with the label current. However, none of my frames were labelled as current. Consequently, when I do QuickBuild, TexMaker cannot find any frames with the label current and thus does not generate any pdf (although it compiles). As a result, I got the file not found error, which essentially means that there is not pdf in the first place because of the way I compiled.
prananna 65●33 bronze badges
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Suddently I get a „File not found“ error when I run Texmaker 5.0.4. Currently, I’m using Miktex 20.11 on Windows 10.
PS: Check if you’ve set the correct Master document using Options > Define Current Document as ‘Master Document’
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Latex File Not Found

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