Latex Error Sty Not Found

Latex Error Sty Not Found


Latex Error Sty Not Found

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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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I've just installed a gantt chart package , which I'm trying to use it in LyX.
I attempted to use the first minimal example , but this failed in LyX with LaTeX Error: File 'forloop.sty' not found. However, compiling the pdf from raw LaTeX works fine. I attempted both creating the example file from scratch, and exporting the LaTeX (plain) from LyX, and attempting a manual pdflatex example.tex . This worked in both cases.
Back in LyX, I tried following the instructions on the wiki. Specifically,
Then in LyX, Toolsโ†’Reconfigure and restart. It still failed with the same error. How can I fix this problem in LyX?
I'm using LyX 2.1.1 and on Arch Linux. pdflatex details are below.
I created a new LyX file, and put the following into the header.
I then created ERT and copy pasted from the first minimal example here , from \begin{gantt}{10}{12} to \end{gantt} .
My best guess is that you did not install the forloop.sty file correctly, but just save it to the folder, where you have your project. If this is the case, it will work with pdflatex , as pdflatex will install search you current directory for .sty files, but LyX will not. To install a package you have to choices. You can use the texlive install utitlity, if the package is aviliable in the texlive mirror.
If not you need to create a new texmf folder (typically in ~/texmf/ ) and then make a subfolder in ~/texmf/tex/latex/forloop/ and save your forloop.sty file to there. Then run
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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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Can someone explain how to solve this problem: LaTeX Error: File `scrpage2.sty' not found? I read all the answers but didn't understand what to do. Today I install miktex 2.9 and winedt 10.3.
The author has declared the package scrpage2 obsolete. It is no longer included in TeX live and MikTeX. The package is still available on CTAN ( , ), but it would have to be installed manually from the .dtx source. See also .
Users are advised to switch to the successor package scrlayer-scrpage . If you have
Apparently all commands and options of scrpage2 are also recognised by scrlayer-scrpage , so a switch should be possible. But users are strongly encouraged to double check the results and consult the .log file as well as the manual for hints about deprecated, obsolete or otherwise outdated commands.
(Just to be clear, scrlayer-scrpage is part of the regular KOMA-Script bundle and can be installed as the package koma-script in both MiKTeX and TeX live if it isn't installed already.)
If some code/package beyond your control loads scrpage2 , contact the author and look into alternatives ( scrpage2 has been up for deprecation for quite a while [about six years; it has thrown warnings for at least two years according to ], so if the code author hasn't reacted until now, that suggests they might not follow the development of their code that closely any more). If you must use external code that uses scrpage2 , you can try the workaround suggested at :
to your preamble before the \documentclass line. That will load scrlayer-scrpage when any code requests scrpage2 .
If anyone (like me) is using Overleaf and gets the scrpage2.sty error, you can choose to work on your document with a previous version of TeXLive that still supports the obsolete package (see here ).
On the long run this will create problems to your doc, but it works for me when need a quick fix to a non-important file.
This is meant as a comment to the first reply, but I don't have enough "reputation" yet. (just linked my account with tex.stackexchange), but I think it's important to note.
I use documentclass scrreprt and the solution by moewe (replacing scrpage2 with scrlayer-scrpage ) worked for me, although I got new errors and had to include definitions for the layout of \section etc. to fix them:
\sffamily makes text sans-serif, \bfseries makes it bold.
This might help others struggling with this unexpected deprecation of an otherwise stable system ....
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LaTeX specific issues not fitting into one of the other forums of this category.
[LaTeX] multirow.tex => multirow.dvi (latex)
[LaTeX] finished with exit status 1
./multirow.tex:3:File `multirow.sty' not found. \begin
[LaTeX] 1 error, 0 warnings, 0 badboxes
\documentclass [ 10pt ] { article }
\multicolumn { 3 } { |c| } { Team sheet } \\
Goalkeeper & GK & Paul Robinson \\ \hline
\multirow { 4 } { * } { Defenders } & LB & Lucus Radebe \\
\multirow { 3 } { * } { Midfielders } & MC & David Batty \\
Forward & FW & Jamie McMaster \\ \hline
\multirow { 2 } { * } { Strikers } & ST & Alan Smith \\
\documentclass [ 10pt ] { article }
\noindent \begin { tabular } { * { 4 } { |> { \bfseries } p { .2 \textwidth }} | }
Header 1 & Header 2 & Header 3 & Header 4 \\ \hline
test text 1a & test text 2a & test text 3a & test text 4a \\ \hline
test text 1b & test text 2b & test text 3b & First item \\
\noindent \begin { tabular } { * { 4 } { |> { \bfseries } p { .2 \textwidth }} | }
Header 1 & Header 2 & Header 3 & Header 4 \\ \hline
test text 1a & test text 2a & test text 3a & test text 4a \\ \hline
\multirow { 4 } { * } [ 7.5mm ] { test text 1b } & \multirow { 4 } { * } [ 7.5mm ] { test text 2b } &
\multirow { 4 } { * } [ 7.5mm ] { test text 3b } & First item \\
Great, gmedina! Thanks. I'll plug that into the document I'm working on and see how it works. I *thought* that the version of LaTeX I was using was the same both at home and at work. I am working on an Ubuntu 7.10 desktop and installed TeTex and Kile on both using Synaptic. There must be a package I installed on my work system that I failed to install at home. I'll have to check when I get home tonight. Thanks again for the help. -Trip
Hi Trip, just one remark: perhaps you should consider installing TeX Live instead of teTeX. teTeX ist no more maintened, see here . Stefan
\noindent \begin { tabular } { * { 4 } { |> { \small } p { .2 \textwidth }} | }
\begin { tabular } { l | c | c | | l | p { 6cm }}
\documentclass [ 10pt ] { article }
\noindent \begin { tabular } { |> { \bfseries } c|c|c|l| }
Header 1 & \textbf { Header 2 } & \textbf { Header 3 } & \textbf { Header 4 } \\ \hline
text 1a & text 2a & text 3a & text 4a \\ \hline
%since \centering and \raggedright redefine \\, you should use \tabularnewline
%instead of the usual new line command \\
\noindent \begin { tabular } { |> { \bfseries\centering } p { .2 \linewidth } |> { \centering } p { .2 \linewidth } |> { \centering } p { .2 \linewidth } |> { \raggedright } p { .2 \linewidth } | }
Header 1 & \textbf { Header 2 } & \textbf { Header 3 } & \textbf { Header 4 } \tabularnewline \hline
test text 1a test text 1a test text 1a test text 1a test text 1a &
test text 2a test text 2a test text 2a test text 2a test text 2a &
test text 3a test
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