Latex Ebony

Latex Ebony


Latex Ebony
\documentclass { article }
\usepackage { xcolor }
\begin { document }
This example shows some instances of using the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of elements in \LaTeX .

\begin { itemize }
\color { blue }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { red } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}
\end { document }

\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\begin { document }
This example shows how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\color { ForestGreen }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}

The background colour of text can also be \textcolor { red }{ easily } set. For
instance, you can change use an \colorbox { BurntOrange }{ orange background } and then continue typing.
\end { document }

\usepackage [usenames,dvipsnames] { color }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [usenames,dvipsnames] { color } %using the color package, not xcolor
\begin { document }
This example shows how to use the \texttt { \bfseries color } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\color { ForestGreen }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}

The background colour of text can also be \textcolor { red }{ easily } set. For
instance, you can change use an \colorbox { BurntOrange }{ orange background } and then continue typing.
\end { document }

\usepackage [dvisvgm, usenames, dvipsnames] { color }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvisvgm, usenames, dvipsnames] { color }
\title { Creating SVG graphics }
\author { Overleaf }
\begin { document }
Hello, { \color { Apricot } in Apricot } and now in { \color { DarkOrchid } DarkOrchid } but perhaps it might look nicer if we use { \color { JungleGreen } JungleGreen } ---or may not?
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }

\definecolor { mypink1 }{ rgb }{ 0.858, 0.188, 0.478 }
\definecolor { mypink2 }{ RGB }{ 219, 48, 122 }
\definecolor { mypink3 }{ cmyk }{ 0, 0.7808, 0.4429, 0.1412 }
\definecolor { mygray }{ gray }{ 0.6 }

\begin { document }
User-defined colours with different colour models:

\begin { enumerate }
\item \textcolor { mypink1 }{ Pink with rgb }
\item \textcolor { mypink2 }{ Pink with RGB }
\item \textcolor { mypink3 }{ Pink with cmyk }
\item \textcolor { mygray }{ Gray with gray }
\end { enumerate }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\colorlet { LightRubineRed }{ RubineRed!70 }
\colorlet { Mycolor1 }{ green!10!orange }
\definecolor { Mycolor2 }{ HTML }{ 00F9DE }
\begin { document }
This document presents several examples showing how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor1 }{ First item }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor2 }{ Second item }
\end { itemize }

{ \color { LightRubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\colorlet { LightRubineRed }{ RubineRed!70 }
\colorlet { Mycolor1 }{ green!10!orange }
\definecolor { Mycolor2 }{ HTML }{ 00F9DE }
\begin { document }
\pagecolor { black }
\color { white } % set the default colour to white
This document presents several examples showing how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor1 }{ First item }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor2 }{ Second item }
\end { itemize }

{ \color { LightRubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}
\end { document }

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This article explains how to use colour in your LaTeX document via the color or xcolor packages. Note that user-level documentation of the color package is contained in The LaTeX standard graphics bundle .

Both packages provide a common set of commands for colour manipulation, but xcolor is more flexible and supports a larger number of colour models, so is the recommended approach.

We’ll start with the following example:

This example produces the following output:

In this example, the package xcolor is imported with

then the command \color{blue} sets the blue colour for the current block of text. In this case for the itemize environment.

The code to typeset the horizontal line created by \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm} is contained in a group, delimited by { and }, in order to keep the effects of the \color{red} local to that group.

As noted in the xcolor package documentation , the following named colours are always available without needing to load any package options:

Additional named colours can be accessed via the following xcolor package options:

you can access the following named colours:

Refer to the xcolor package documentation for tabulated lists of colours provided by the svgnames and x11names options.

The following example uses named colours loaded via the dvipsnames option.

This example produces the following output:

Two new commands are also used in the example:

You can also use the color package and load named colours via its usenames and dvipsnames package options:

The following code uses the color package to apply the same named colours used in the previous xcolor package example.

This example produces the same output as the previous xcolor version:

Use of colour when typesetting text or math was not part of the original design of TeX; instead, use/application of colour was delegated to external “drivers” which converted TeX’s original output file format (DVI) into PostScript or PDF. In order for colour to work, driver-specific instructions had to be “injected” into TeX’s output by using a built-in TeX command called \special whose job is simply to allow code/data to pass through the typesetting process and become embedded into the output file. When the chosen driver (software) processed the typeset output it would detect the embedded code/data and act upon it to achieve whatever the user intended—such as the use of colour.

Times have changed, and PDF is now by far the most common output format used by TeX engines, long supplanting the use of legacy DVI drivers and creation of PostScript. Users also have a greater choice of TeX engine to use for typesetting their LaTeX documents, most notably pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX/LuaHBTeX, so it is still important to take account of differences in those TeX engines—ensuring the correct mechanisms are used to insert colour data (PDF instructions) into their PDF files. To support and accommodate the legacy DVI output format and the wider environment of TeX engines and workflows in use, you can, if required, configure the color or xcolor packages to use a particular “driver” so that LaTeX will generate colour data using using the appropriate method.

The color package provides out-of-the-box support for the following driver options:

There are other options as described in the color package documentation .

The xcolor package provides the following driver options:

When typesetting your document LaTeX reads a configuration file called color.cfg which contains code that can determine if you are running pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX and automatically loads the appropriate driver ( .def file) for you, so you don’t need to specify the driver package option for those engines.

The following example uses the color package with options that load named colours and the dvisvgm driver to output colour definitions/data using SVG code:

Specifically, the output file typeset by Overleaf is converted to SVG using a program called dvisvgm , which is part of TeX Live and available on our servers. To run dvisvgm , after the page is typeset, we use a latexmkrc file which is created when you open the following code in Overleaf:

Once Overleaf has finished compiling you can access the SVG graphic, called mygraphic.svg , by selecting Logs and outputs and choosing the Other logs and files dropdown list:

It is possible to define your own colours, the manner in which the colour is defined depends on the preferred colour model. The following example uses 4 colour models.

This example produces the following output:

The command \definecolor takes three parameters: the name of the new colour, the model, and the colour definition. Roughly speaking, each number represent how much of each colour you add to the mix that makes up the final colour.

In the example, mypink1 , mypink2 and mypink3 define the same colour but for different models. You can actually see that the one defined by cmyk is slightly different.

Colours defined by either model can later be used within your document not only to set the colour of the text, but for any other element that takes a colour as parameter, for instance tables (you must add the table option to xcolor ), graphic elements created with TikZ , plots , vertical rulers in multicolumn documents and code listings .

The xcolor package provides additional commands which provide support for more colour models and friendly colour mixing, as demonstrated in the following example:

This example produces the following output:

Three new colours are defined in this example, each one in a different manner.

The colour models that only xcolor supports are:

The background colour of the entire page can be easily changed with \pagecolor . The following code demonstrates this, using the text of an earlier example::

This example produces the following output:

The command \pagecolor{black} set the page colour to black . This is a switch command, meaning it will take effect in the entire document unless another switch command is used to revert it. \nopagecolor will change the background back to normal.

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\documentclass { article }
\usepackage { xcolor }
\begin { document }
This example shows some instances of using the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of elements in \LaTeX .

\begin { itemize }
\color { blue }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { red } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}
\end { document }

\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\begin { document }
This example shows how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\color { ForestGreen }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}

The background colour of text can also be \textcolor { red }{ easily } set. For
instance, you can change use an \colorbox { BurntOrange }{ orange background } and then continue typing.
\end { document }

\usepackage [usenames,dvipsnames] { color }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [usenames,dvipsnames] { color } %using the color package, not xcolor
\begin { document }
This example shows how to use the \texttt { \bfseries color } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\color { ForestGreen }
\item First item
\item Second item
\end { itemize }

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 0.5mm }}

The background colour of text can also be \textcolor { red }{ easily } set. For
instance, you can change use an \colorbox { BurntOrange }{ orange background } and then continue typing.
\end { document }

\usepackage [dvisvgm, usenames, dvipsnames] { color }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvisvgm, usenames, dvipsnames] { color }
\title { Creating SVG graphics }
\author { Overleaf }
\begin { document }
Hello, { \color { Apricot } in Apricot } and now in { \color { DarkOrchid } DarkOrchid } but perhaps it might look nicer if we use { \color { JungleGreen } JungleGreen } ---or may not?
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }

\definecolor { mypink1 }{ rgb }{ 0.858, 0.188, 0.478 }
\definecolor { mypink2 }{ RGB }{ 219, 48, 122 }
\definecolor { mypink3 }{ cmyk }{ 0, 0.7808, 0.4429, 0.1412 }
\definecolor { mygray }{ gray }{ 0.6 }

\begin { document }
User-defined colours with different colour models:

\begin { enumerate }
\item \textcolor { mypink1 }{ Pink with rgb }
\item \textcolor { mypink2 }{ Pink with RGB }
\item \textcolor { mypink3 }{ Pink with cmyk }
\item \textcolor { mygray }{ Gray with gray }
\end { enumerate }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\colorlet { LightRubineRed }{ RubineRed!70 }
\colorlet { Mycolor1 }{ green!10!orange }
\definecolor { Mycolor2 }{ HTML }{ 00F9DE }
\begin { document }
This document presents several examples showing how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor1 }{ First item }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor2 }{ Second item }
\end { itemize }

{ \color { LightRubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [dvipsnames] { xcolor }
\colorlet { LightRubineRed }{ RubineRed!70 }
\colorlet { Mycolor1 }{ green!10!orange }
\definecolor { Mycolor2 }{ HTML }{ 00F9DE }
\begin { document }
\pagecolor { black }
\color { white } % set the default colour to white
This document presents several examples showing how to use the \texttt { xcolor } package
to change the colour of \LaTeX {} page elements.

\begin { itemize }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor1 }{ First item }
\item \textcolor { Mycolor2 }{ Second item }
\end { itemize }

{ \color { LightRubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}

{ \color { RubineRed } \rule { \linewidth }{ 1mm }}
\end { document }

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This article explains how to use colour in your LaTeX document via the color or xcolor packages. Note that user-level documentation of the color package is contained in The LaTeX standard graphics bundle .

Both packages provide a common set of commands for colour manipulation, but xcolor is more flexible and supports a larger number of colour models, so is the recommended approach.

We’ll start with the following example:

This example produces the following output:

In this example, the package xcolor is imported with

then the command \color{blue} sets the blue colour for the current block of text. In this case for the itemize environment.

The code to typeset the horizontal line created by \rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm} is contained in a group, delimited by { and }, in order to keep the effects of the \color{red} local to that group.

As noted in the xcolor package documentation , the following named colours are always available without needing to load any package options:

Additional named colours can be accessed via the following xcolor package options:

you can access the following named colours:

Refer to the xcolor package documentation for tabulated lists of colours provided by the svgnames and x11names options.

The following example uses named colours loaded via the dvipsnames option.

This example produces the following output:

Two new commands are also used in the example:

You can also use the color package and load named colours via its usenames and dvipsnames package options:

The following code uses the color package to apply the same named colours used in the previous xcolor package example.

This example produces the same output as the previous xcolor version:

Use of colour when typesetting text or math was not part of the original design of TeX; instead, use/application of colour was delegated to external “drivers” which converted TeX’s original output file format (DVI) into PostScript or PDF. In order for colour to work, driver-specific instructions had to be “injected” into TeX’s output by using a built-in TeX command called \special whose job is simply to allow code/data to pass through the typesetting process and become embedded into the output file. When the chosen driver (software) processed the typeset output it would detect the embedded code/data and act upon it to achieve whatever the user intended—such as the use of colour.

Times have changed, and PDF is now by far the most common output format used by TeX engines, long supplanting the use of legacy DVI drivers and creation of PostScript. Users also have a greater choice of TeX engine to use for typesetting their LaTeX documents, most notably pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX/LuaHBTeX, so it is still important to take account of differences in those TeX engines—ensuring the correct mechanisms are used to insert colour data (PDF instructions) into their PDF files. To support and accommodate the legacy DVI output format and the wider environment of TeX engines and workflows in use, you can, if required, configure the color or xcolor packages to use a particular “driver” so that LaTeX will generate colour data using using the appropriate method.

The color package provides out-of-the-box support for the following driver options:

There are other options as described in the color package documentation .

The xcolor package provides the following driver options:

When typesetting your document LaTeX reads a configuration file called color.cfg which contains code that can determine if you are running pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX and automatically loads the appropriate driver ( .def file) for you, so you don’t need to specify the driver package option for those engines.

The following example uses the color package with options that load named colours and the dvisvgm driver to output colour definitions/data using SVG code:

Specifically, the output file typeset by Overleaf is converted to SVG using a program called dvisvgm , which is part of TeX Live and available on our servers. To run dvisvgm , after the page is typeset, we use a latexmkrc file which is created when you open the following code in Overleaf:

Once Overleaf has finished compiling you can access the SVG graphic, called mygraphic.svg , by selecting Logs and outputs and choosing the Other logs and files dropdown list:

It is possible to define your own colours, the manner in which the colour is defined depends on the preferred colour model. The following example uses 4 colour models.

This example produces the following outpu
Stockings Nudes
Redtub E
Amateur Nude Images

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