Latex Definition

Latex Definition


Latex Definition

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TeX - LaTeX



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I want the following format in LaTeX:
Without using any packages you could use inbuilt theorem environment
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\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem }
\begin { document }

\section { Introduction }
Theorems can easily be defined:

\begin { theorem }
Let \( f \) be a function whose derivative exists in every point, then \( f \)
is a continuous function.
\end { theorem }
\end { document }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { corollary }{ Corollary } [theorem]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
Theorems can easily be defined:

\begin { theorem }
Let \( f \) be a function whose derivative exists in every point, then \( f \) is
a continuous function.
\end { theorem }

\begin { theorem } [Pythagorean theorem]
\label { pythagorean }
This is a theorem about right triangles and can be summarised in the next
\[ x^ 2 + y^ 2 = z^ 2 \]
\end { theorem }

And a consequence of theorem \ref { pythagorean } is the statement in the next

\begin { corollary }
There's no right rectangle whose sides measure 3cm, 4cm, and 6cm.
\end { corollary }

You can reference theorems such as \ref { pythagorean } when a label is assigned.

\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there is a
real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\newtheorem* { remark }{ Remark }

\begin { document }
Unnumbered theorem-like environments are also possible.

\begin { remark }
This statement is true, I guess.
\end { remark }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\theoremstyle { definition }
\newtheorem { definition }{ Definition } [section]

\theoremstyle { remark }
\newtheorem* { remark }{ Remark }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
Unnumbered theorem-like environments are also possible.

\begin { remark }
This statement is true, I guess.
\end { remark }

And the next is a somewhat informal definition

\begin { definition } [Fibration]
A fibration is a mapping between two topological spaces that has the homotopy lifting property for every space \( X \) .
\end { definition }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there
is a real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }
\end { document }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { $ \blacksquare $ }

\documentclass { article }

\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }
\usepackage { amssymb }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }

\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there
is a real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { $ \blacksquare $ }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { QED }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }
\end { document }

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Mathematical documents include elements that require special formatting and numbering such as theorems, definitions, propositions, remarks, corollaries, lemmas and so on. This article explains how to define these environments in LaTeX.

Numbered environments in LaTeX can be defined by means of the command \newtheorem which takes two arguments:

Once this new environment is defined it can be used normally within the document, delimited by \begin{theorem} and \end{theorem} . An example is presented below:

This example produces the following output:

The numbering of the environments can be controlled by means of two additional parameters in the \newtheorem command. Let's see:

This example produces the following output:

There are three new environments defined in the preamble.

Some famous theorems have their own names, for these cases you can add said name inside brackets in the environment opening command. In the example the line \begin{theorem}[Pythagorean theorem] prints "Pythagorean theorem" at the beginning of the paragraph.

As with many other numbered elements in LaTeX, the command \label can be used to reference theorem-like environments within the document.

It can be useful to have an unnumbered theorem-like environment to add remarks, comments or examples to a mathematical document. The amsthm package provides this functionality.

This example produces the following output:

The syntax of the command \newtheorem* is the same as the non-starred version, except for the counter parameters. In this example a new unnumbered environment called remark is created.

A feature that is important when working in a mathematical document is to easily tell apart, say, definitions from theorems by its formatting. The package amsthm provide special commands to accomplish this.

This example produces the following output:

The command \theoremstyle{ } sets the styling for the numbered environment defined right below it. In the example above the styles remark and definition are used. Notice that the remark is now in italics and the text in the environment uses normal (Roman) typeface, the definition on the other hand also uses Roman typeface for the text within but the word "Definition" is printed in boldface font.

See the reference guide for more theorem styles.

Proofs are the core of mathematical papers and books and it is customary to keep them visually apart from the normal text in the document. The amsthm package provides the environment proof for this.

This example produces the following output:

The word Proof is italicized and there is some extra spacing, also a special symbol is used to mark the end of the proof. This symbol can be easily changed, to learn how see the next section.

The symbol printed at the end of a proof is called the “QED symbol”. To quote the meaning of QED from Wikipedia:

QED is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum , meaning “thus it has been demonstrated”

It is straightforward to use a symbol, or wording, of your choice to represent the QED symbol. The command

can be used to replace the default white square for a black square printed by $\blacksquare$ , the parameter inside the braces. Or, you can write the word QED explicitly:

Here is an example to demonstrate both options:

This example produces the following output:

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\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem }
\begin { document }

\section { Introduction }
Theorems can easily be defined:

\begin { theorem }
Let \( f \) be a function whose derivative exists in every point, then \( f \)
is a continuous function.
\end { theorem }
\end { document }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { corollary }{ Corollary } [theorem]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
Theorems can easily be defined:

\begin { theorem }
Let \( f \) be a function whose derivative exists in every point, then \( f \) is
a continuous function.
\end { theorem }

\begin { theorem } [Pythagorean theorem]
\label { pythagorean }
This is a theorem about right triangles and can be summarised in the next
\[ x^ 2 + y^ 2 = z^ 2 \]
\end { theorem }

And a consequence of theorem \ref { pythagorean } is the statement in the next

\begin { corollary }
There's no right rectangle whose sides measure 3cm, 4cm, and 6cm.
\end { corollary }

You can reference theorems such as \ref { pythagorean } when a label is assigned.

\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there is a
real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\newtheorem* { remark }{ Remark }

\begin { document }
Unnumbered theorem-like environments are also possible.

\begin { remark }
This statement is true, I guess.
\end { remark }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\theoremstyle { definition }
\newtheorem { definition }{ Definition } [section]

\theoremstyle { remark }
\newtheorem* { remark }{ Remark }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
Unnumbered theorem-like environments are also possible.

\begin { remark }
This statement is true, I guess.
\end { remark }

And the next is a somewhat informal definition

\begin { definition } [Fibration]
A fibration is a mapping between two topological spaces that has the homotopy lifting property for every space \( X \) .
\end { definition }
\end { document }

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }
\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there
is a real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }
\end { document }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { $ \blacksquare $ }

\documentclass { article }

\usepackage [english] { babel }
\usepackage { amsthm }
\usepackage { amssymb }

\newtheorem { theorem }{ Theorem } [section]
\newtheorem { lemma } [theorem] { Lemma }

\begin { document }
\section { Introduction }

\begin { lemma }
Given two line segments whose lengths are \( a \) and \( b \) respectively there
is a real number \( r \) such that \( b = ra \) .
\end { lemma }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { $ \blacksquare $ }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }

\renewcommand\qedsymbol { QED }

\begin { proof }
To prove it by contradiction try and assume that the statement is false,
proceed from there and at some point you will arrive to a contradiction.
\end { proof }
\end { document }

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Mathematical documents include elements that require special formatting and numbering such as theorems, definitions, propositions, remarks, corollaries, lemmas and so on. This article explains how to define these environments in LaTeX.

Numbered environments in LaTeX can be defined by means of the command \newtheorem which takes two arguments:

Once this new environment is defined it can be used normally within the document, delimited by \begin{theorem} and \end{theorem} . An example is presented below:

This example produces the following output:

The numbering of the environments can be controlled by means of two additional parameters in the \newtheorem command. Let's see:

This example produces the following output:

There are three new environments defined in the preamble.

Some famous theorems have their own names, for these cases you can add said name inside brackets in the environment opening command. In the example the line \begin{theorem}[Pythagorean theorem] prints "Pythagorean theorem" at the beginning of the paragraph.

As with many other numbered elements in LaTeX, the command \label can be used to reference theorem-like environments within the document.

It can be useful to have an unnumbered theorem-like environment to add remarks, comments or examples to a mathematical document. The amsthm package provides this functionality.

This example produces the following output:

The syntax of the command \newtheorem* is the same as the non-starred version, except for the counter parameters. In this example a new unnumbered environment called remark is created.

A feature that is important when working in a mathematical document is to easily tell apart, say, definitions from theorems by its formatting. The package amsthm provide special commands to accomplish this.

This example produces the following output:

The command \theoremstyle{ } sets the styling for the numbered environment defined right below it. In the example above the styles remark and definition are used. Notice that the remark is now in italics and the text in the environment uses normal (Roman) typeface, the definition on the other hand also uses Roman typeface for the text within but the word "Definition" is printed in boldface font.

See the reference guide for more theorem styles.

Proofs are the core of mathematical papers and books and it is customary to keep them visually apart from the normal text in the document. The amsthm package provides the environment
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