Latex Catsuit Stories

Latex Catsuit Stories


Latex Catsuit Stories
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Masha's Magical Latex Catwoman Suit




by Crede24


Three months have passed since the defeat of the Ice Hunter. The tribe live peacefully and have made peace with the former hunters. Eris develops her visions. Laval bega...
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 Masha was a very talented burglar and loved what she did. She started at an early age and at the age of 24, she has never even close to being caught since starting 10 years ago. You may say that she has cat like properties when committing her crimes. She kept in great physical shape and she was a natural beauty, she had the bluest eyes and a natural hourglass figure that every woman could ever wish for. Today was Masha's greatest achievement in the biggest heist she has committed to date. Last month, an ancient tomb was located which hasn't been opened since it was closed 6000 years ago. Not much was known about the civilization since they died out shortly after the tomb was closed. What could be determined is that it was a very erotic culture from the drawings and sculptures found in the tomb. Masha was able to break in the warehouse holding the contents of the tomb and was able to steal a golden lamp. With Masha's expertise, she determined the gold alone was valued over $10,000 and the historical value of the piece, she figures she can get $500,000 on the black market. After safely getting home and getting a good night's sleep, she decided to inspect the lamp closer. Masha did not realize until this point that the lamp actually resembled a genie's lamp. Laughing at herself she rubbed the lamp like summoning a Genie. To her surprise smoke started coming out of the lamp and an erotic looking woman appeared in front of her. She had very little clothing on her and had a lot of jewelry and piercings over her entire body. She spoke an unrecognizable language and Masha looked at her with a confused look on her face. At this moment the woman walked over and placed a hand on Masha's bare chest and then smiled. The woman then started to speak again and at this time it was English. She told Masha her name was Zhen and she went into the lamp with magic to save her soul from destruction when the civilization was falling. Her civilization wanted to make sure someone carried on their civilization and also gave the magic to her to grant three wishes to the person who released her from the lamp as appreciation. She would not be freed of the lamp until the third wish was granted. Being a smart woman, Masha is aware that making a wish, she needs to word it correctly so she would not regret the wish. Zhen advised that after each wish, she would be regulated to go back into the lamp due to the amount of magic it is needed to grant a wish. The lamp's magic is too much for her to resist. All that would be needed is a simple rub of Masha's hand to bring Zhen out for the two remaining times which would ultimately free her. Masha was ready for her first wish. Masha said "I wish to have 1 billion dollars with no consequence with the law or have any obligation and be free and clear with the wealth I receive". At this time Zhen said granted and then disappeared into the lamp. Masha checked her computer and confirmed with her bank that she had 1 billion dollars in assets. She thought it was best to wait a few weeks to hire an accountants and lawyers to make sure she was free and clear with no obligations. A few weeks passed and everything checked out, nothing illegal or obligations with the money Masha wished for. At this time, Masha bought a mansion and was enjoying life but was starting to get bored since she lived for the thrill of being a burglar. She started to have thoughts about her next heist and started to make plans to make it happen. After all her plans were in place, she wanted insurance she did not get hurt or get recognized during her next adventure. That is when she looked over at her safe which held her lamp. Now was the time to use the lamp again..... She carefully pulled the lamp out and rubbed it. Zhen appeared and this is when Masha made her next wish. Masha said "I wish to have stimulating Catwoman suit that covers my entire body so it keeps me protected, keeps me always unrecognizable, so no matter what I do in it, the covering shields me from everything in which I will never be harmed." Zhen said granted and disappeared again. Masha was not ready for what happened next, she was thinking a suit would appear in front of her but something else happened. It felt to Masha like her entire body got thrown back on her bed by a supernatural force and then she blacked out....... Masha woke a few hours later feeling like she never felt before. First off, she felt a pressure over her entire body, like being hugged all over, including her face. Second, she felt full down below with intruders that were moving on their own accord. Third, everything looked like it had a red tint to it. She saw shadows but could see through them into the darkness like night vision goggles. And lastly, her right hand was gripping something. Due to the distracting vibrations, Masha slowly sat up trying to figure out what was going on. Looking down at her body, she was surprised what she saw. She was covered from head to toe in Latex! Even her hands were covered in the material. Also in her right hand she held a black whip which was a few feet long made of the same material. The first instinct she had was to lay down the whip. She attempted to drop the whip on the bed, when she let go of it, it fell a few inches and like a magnet to metal, it returned to her palm and her gloved hand grasped it. Looking down at her clasped hand, she thought how annoying! Desperate to find out what was going on, she stood up unsteadily and attempted to walk over to a mirror when she fell down on the bed again. Masha looked down at her feet to see integrated boots in the suit with 6 inch heels on them which caused her feet to be arched at a severe angle. Standing up again, Masha was able to make it to her mirror. What she saw made here gasp! She was covered in the kinkiest Catwoman suit she ever saw. The suit showed every curve in her muscles and cinched her waist severely that drew it down to at least 22 inches. Her eyes were covered in red lenses which hid her eyes, for which she could not even see her pupils; they were just both a glowing red endless sea. The only opening in the outfit was for her nose holes and an opening for her mouth. With the distraction in between her legs being unbearable, Masha decided to take the suit off. This is not what she wanted! She did not want intruders, the heels were not practical and she could barely walk, the latex was way too thick (she didn't even want latex to begin with.......), and she couldn't understand why she could not let go of that annoying whip! So she turned around to find a zipper, laces, or a fastener to open the outfit. With the vibrations occurring, her mind was becoming foggy. When she looked around, she was shocked! There were no seams to be found anywhere! Masha concluded that since the civilization was so erotic, she figured this is what Zhen thought she wanted. Her first instinct was to attempt to stretch the only opening in the suit in order to try to get out of it. Using her gloved fingers to try to get a purchase on the seam around her mouth, the most the material would stretch was only a fraction of an inch. Obviously the suit wasn't coming off in it's current form. Not wanting to waste her last wish on removing the suit, Masha decided to cut it off. Running as fast as she could in her stilettos, she went to the kitchen to get a knife. Thinking she was just about freed, she sighed looking forward to feeling fresh air on her skin. With her free hand, she started to cut the latex around her other gloved hand which grasped the whip. With her right hand free of the latex covering which secured the whip to it she would have more dexterity. To Masha's horror, the latex sealed back up as fast as she could cut the latex around the glove. The whip was her weapon to protect her and to never leave her side. She tried in different areas of the suit with the same effect. The magical latex was there to protect her from harm. In almost tears, she decided she would utilize her last wish to be freed. Walking back to her bedroom seemed like an eternity as she was fighting off a shattering orgasm. When she made it back to the lamp, she was also back in front of her mirror. Getting out of this mess was all that she could think about, the mess she wished herself into. At least she had one more wish to get her out of it otherwise she would be screwed. Just thinking about being the possibility stuck like this for life was something she immediately pushed out of her mind. Using her free gloved left hand, she started to rub the lamp with frictionless strokes, all the while all you could hear is latex creaking. With nothing happening, Masha was wondering what was going on? She held up her gloved hand and stared at it in the thick latex with slight folding around her wrist. All of a sudden it hit her that the latex of her glove was rubbing the lamp and not her bare hand. With the magical latex protecting her hand, her skin would never be exposed. There is no way that her skin could ever touch the lamp ever again to release Zhen. If Zhen could not be released, Masha could never wish to be freed from this magical catwoman suit which tightly covered every single inch of her body, protecting her from everything even herself, never to age, never to be harmed for eternity. With this revelation, Masha looked again in the mirror with her eyes that would never be visible ever again under the pools of glowing red. She held her gloved hand up to latex covered cheek. This is her new face, the one behind the hood safely locked away never to be seen again keeping her true identity a secret forever. The suit reacted to her desperation and started to vibrate more intensely. She attempted to dampen the effects with her gloved hands (the right one still tightly clutching the whip) with no success. After 5 minutes of this she was sent her into a mind blowing orgasm which sent her into darkness. Masha woke up the next morning thinking she had a crazy dream. She reached up with her right hand to wipe her eyes so she could clear her vision only to hit her red eye lenses with the end of the handle of her whip. Extending her arm out, her eyes focused on a shiny black arm holding a long latex whip. Masha screamed in despair "NOOOO!" Her body shivering in its new intimate home, designed to keep her with in, with the only way to escape its embrace is a genie trapped in a lamp sealed until the end of time. How is she going to cope with this new reality?  


Silent Street is one of the ancient thoroughfares in the town of Ipswich in Suffolk, England. No one knows for certain how the name came about, but one theory is that, during an outbreak of plague in 1665, the death toll amongst the residents of this street was particularly high, and thereafter the area fell ‘silent’. The story below, however, gives a more modern twist as to why the name might be apt!

Felicity’s eyes scanned the leaflet through for a second time, just in case she’d somehow misread it on the first occasion. But there was no mistake. The piece of paper that had been waiting on her doormat when she’d arrived home from work wasn’t of particularly good quality, and appeared to not be exactly professionally produced in its layout or design; fairly amateurish, in fact.

But that was never going to be a major concern for Felicity, as the offer was exactly what she’d been waiting for, and seemed almost too good to be true.

Specialist Modelling Assignments

We’re looking for women aged 18 -25 in your area who fancy a career in modelling

No previous experience necessary

When?Wednesday 28th November 2018 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Where?‘Solitude Studios’ Silent Street, Ipswich.

No appointment needed – just turn up on the day

This could be your big break! So what are you waiting for?

Exactly what was meant by ‘Specialist Modelling’, Felicity had no idea. She’d always wanted to try her hand at this sort of thing, however, but to date the opportunity never seemed to have arisen. Now, having always aspired to treading the catwalk, she knew that she simply had to give it a try. If she failed to impress and got rejected, then so be it. But at least she could say that she’d given it her best shot. And at twenty two years old, she fitted the age criteria perfectly! No time to mull it over, however, as the 28th was tomorrow!

And besides, it would give her something to take her mind off the impending court case that was coming up in just over a week’s time, in which she was a vital witness. In fact, that was understating things slightly; she was the key witness around which the whole case revolved. Without her testimony, the whole trial was likely to collapse, with the perpetrator getting away with his heinous crimes. And that, Felicity had decided, was not something that she could allow to happen.

The case concerned an assault that Felicity had just happened to be in the right - or perhaps the wrong - place to witness at the time in question. 
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