Latex Bibliography

Latex Bibliography


Latex Bibliography
\begin { thebibliography }{ 9 }

\bibitem { lamport94 }
Leslie Lamport,
\textit { \LaTeX : a document preparation system } ,
Addison Wesley, Massachusetts,
2nd edition,

\end { thebibliography }

Instead of WYSIWYG editors, typesetting systems like \TeX {} or \LaTeX {} \cite { lamport94 } can be used.

\cite { citation01,citation02,citation03 }

Lamport showed in 1995 something... \nocite { lamport95 } .

\usepackage [square,sort,comma,numbers] { natbib }

\bibpunct { ( }{ ) }{ ; }{ a }{ , }{ , }

@article { greenwade93 ,
author = "George D. Greenwade" ,
title = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork ({CTAN})" ,
year = "1993" ,
journal = "TUGBoat" ,
volume = "14" ,
number = "3" ,
pages = "342--351"

@book { goossens93 ,
author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin" ,
title = "The LaTeX Companion" ,
year = "1993" ,
publisher = "Addison-Wesley" ,
address = "Reading, Massachusetts"

@article { Xarticle ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
journal = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_pages = "" ,
year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@book { Xbook ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
publisher = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_edition = "" ,
year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@booklet { Xbooklet ,
?_author = "" ,
title = "" ,
?_howpublished = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@conference { Xconference ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
booktitle = "" ,
?_editor = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_pages = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_publisher = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@inbook { Xinbook ,
author = "" ,
editor = "" ,
title = "" ,
chapter = "" ,
pages = "" ,
publisher = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_type = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_edition = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@incollection { Xincollection ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
booktitle = "" ,
publisher = "" ,
?_editor = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_type = "" ,
?_chapter = "" ,
?_pages = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_edition = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@inproceedings { Xinproceedings ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
booktitle = "" ,
?_editor = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_pages = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_organization = "" ,
?_publisher = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@manual { Xmanual ,
title = "" ,
?_author = "" ,
?_organization = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_edition = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@mastersthesis { Xthesis ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
school = "" ,
?_type = "diploma thesis" ,
?_address = "" ,
year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@misc { Xmisc ,
?_author = "" ,
?_title = "" ,
?_howpublished = "" ,
?_year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@phdthesis { Xphdthesis ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
school = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_keywords = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@proceedings { Xproceedings ,
title = "" ,
?_editor = "" ,
?_volume = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_series = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
?_organization = "" ,
?_publisher = "" ,
year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@techreport { Xtreport ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
institution = "" ,
?_type = "" ,
?_number = "" ,
?_address = "" ,
year = "XXXX" ,
?_month = "" ,
?_note = "" ,

@unpublished { Xunpublished ,
author = "" ,
title = "" ,
?_year = "" ,
?_month = "" ,
note = "" ,

@article { AbedonHymanThomas2003 ,
author = "Abedon, S. T. and Hyman, P. and Thomas, C." ,
year = "2003" ,
title = "Experimental examination of bacteriophage latent-period evolution as a response to bacterial availability" ,
journal = "Applied and Environmental Microbiology" ,
volume = "69" ,
pages = "7499--7506"

@incollection { Abedon1994 ,
author = "Abedon, S. T." ,
title = "Lysis and the interaction between free phages and infected cells" ,
pages = "397--405" ,
booktitle = "Molecular biology of bacteriophage T4" ,
editor = "Karam, Jim D. Karam and Drake, John W. and Kreuzer, Kenneth N. and Mosig, Gisela
and Hall, Dwight and Eiserling, Frederick A. and Black, Lindsay W. and Kutter, Elizabeth
and Carlson, Karin and Miller, Eric S. and Spicer, Eleanor" ,
publisher = "ASM Press, Washington DC" ,
year = "1994"

@misc { website:fermentas-lambda ,
author = "Fermentas Inc." ,
title = "Phage Lambda: description \& restriction map" ,
month = "November" ,
year = "2008" ,
url = ""

@article { blackholes ,
author = "Rabbert Klein" ,
title = "Black Holes and Their Relation to Hiding Eggs" ,
journal = "Theoretical Easter Physics" ,
publisher = "Eggs Ltd." ,
year = "2010" ,
note = "(to appear)"

\bibliographystyle { plain }
\bibliography { sample1,sample2,...,samplen }
% Note the lack of whitespace between the commas and the next bib file.

\usepackage [fixlanguage] { babelbib }
\selectbiblanguage { german }

@article { mueller08 ,
% ...
language = {german }

\bibliographystyle { babplain }
\bibliography { sample }

\nocite { Name89 } % Show Bibliography entry of Name89
\nocite { * } % Show all Bib-entries

\begin { thebibliography }{ 99 }
\bibitem { bib:one _ book } some information
\bibitem { bib:one _ article } other information
\end { thebibliography }

\bibliographystyle { plain }
\bibliography { mybibtexfile }

\usepackage [nottoc,numbib] { tocbibind }

\clearpage % or cleardoublepage
\addcontentsline { toc }{ chapter }{ Bibliography }

\clearpage % or cleardoublepage
\addcontentsline { toc }{ chapter }{ Bibliography }

\cleardoublepage % This is needed if the book class is used, to place the anchor in the correct page,
% because the bibliography will start on its own page.
% Use \clearpage instead if the document class uses the "oneside" argument
\renewcommand* { \refname }{} % This will define heading of bibliography to be empty, so you can...
\section { Bibliography } % a normal section heading before the bibliography entries.

\begin { thebibliography }{ 99 }
\end { thebibliography }

\renewcommand { \refname }{ \section { Sources }} % Using "Sources" as the title of the section
\begin { thebibliography }{ 99 }
\end { thebibliography }

\renewcommand { \bibname }{ \section { Sources }} % Redefine bibname
\bibliographystyle { IEEEtran } % Set any options you want
\bibliography { your _ bib _ file _ names } % Build the bibliography

\printbibliography [title={Book references},type=book]
\printbibliography [title={Article references},type=article]
\printbibliography [title={Other references}, nottype=article, nottype=book]

\addbibresource { references.bib }
\addbibresource { other.bib }

@misc { some-resource,
entrysubtype = { inet } ,

\printbibheading [
heading=bibintoc, % bibintoc adds the Bibliography to the table of contents
title= { Resources } % If we want to override the default title "Bibliography"
\phantomsection % Requires hyperref package
\printbibliography [title={Printed sources}, heading=subbibliography, prefixnumbers={a}, type=book, type=article]
\printbibliography [title={Online resources}, heading=subbibliography, prefixnumbers={c}, subtype=inet]
\printbibliography [title={Other}, heading=subbibliography, prefixnumbers={c}, nottype=article, nottype=book, notsubtype=inet]

\documentclass [11pt] { article }
\usepackage { bibtopic }
\begin { document }

\bibliographystyle { alpha }
\section { Testing }
Let’s cite all the books: \cite { ColBenh:93 } and
\cite { Munt:93 } ; and an article: \cite { RouxSmart:95 } .

File books.bib is used for this listing:
\begin { btSect }{ books }
\section { References from books }
\end { btSect }
Here, the articles.bib is used, and the listing is in plain-format instead of the standard alpha.
\begin { btSect } [plain] { articles }
\section { References from articles }
\section { Articles not cited }
\end { btSect }
Just print all entries here with \btPrintAll
\begin { btSect } [plain] { internet }
\section { References from the internet }
\end { btSect }
\end { document }

Last edited 3 months ago by

For any academic/research writing, incorporating references into a document is an important task. Fortunately, LaTeX has a variety of features that make dealing with references much simpler, including built-in support for citing references. However, a much more powerful and flexible solution is achieved thanks to an auxiliary tool called BibTeX (which comes bundled as standard with LaTeX). Recently, BibTeX has been succeeded by BibLaTeX, a tool configurable within LaTeX syntax.

BibTeX provides for the storage of all references in an external, flat-file database. (BibLaTeX uses this same syntax.) This database can be referenced in any LaTeX document, and citations made to any record that is contained within the file. This is often more convenient than embedding them at the end of every document written; a centralized bibliography source can be linked to as many documents as desired (write once, read many!). Of course, bibliographies can be split over as many files as one wishes, so there can be a file containing sources concerning topic A ( a.bib ) and another concerning topic B ( b.bib ). When writing about topic AB, both of these files can be linked into the document (perhaps in addition to sources ab.bib specific to topic AB).

If you are writing only one or two documents and aren't planning on writing more on the same subject for a long time, you might not want to waste time creating a database of references you are never going to use. In this case you should consider using the basic and simple bibliography support that is embedded within LaTeX.

LaTeX provides an environment called thebibliography that you have to use where you want the bibliography; that usually means at the very end of your document, just before the \end{document} command. Here is a practical example:

OK, so what is going on here? The first thing to notice is the establishment of the environment. thebibliography is a keyword that tells LaTeX to recognize everything between the begin and end tags as data for the bibliography. The mandatory argument, which I supplied after the begin statement, is telling LaTeX how wide the item label will be when printed. Note however, that the number itself is not the parameter, but the number of digits is. Therefore, I am effectively telling LaTeX that I will only need reference labels of one character in length, which ultimately means no more than nine references in total. If you want more than nine, then input any two-digit number, such as '56', which allows up to 99 references.

Next is the actual reference entry itself. This is prefixed with the \bibitem{ cite_key } command. The cite_key should be a unique identifier for that particular reference, and is often some sort of mnemonic consisting of any sequence of letters, numbers and punctuation symbols (although not a comma). I often use the surname of the first author, followed by the last two digits of the year (hence lamport94 ). If that author has produced more than one reference for a given year, then I add letters after, 'a', 'b', etc. But, you should do whatever works for you. Everything after the key is the reference itself. You need to type it as you want it to be presented. I have put the different parts of the reference, such as author, title, etc., on different lines for readability. These linebreaks are ignored by LaTeX. The \textit{} command formats the title properly in italics.

To actually cite a given document is very easy. Go to the point where you want the citation to appear, and use the following: \cite{ cite_key } , where the cite_key is that of the bibitem you wish to cite. When LaTeX processes the document, the citation will be cross-referenced with the bibitems and replaced with the appropriate number citation. The advantage here, once again, is that LaTeX looks after the numbering for you. If it were totally manual, then adding or removing a reference would be a real chore, as you would have to re-number all the citations by hand.

If you want to refer to a certain page, figure or theorem in a text book, you can use the arguments to the \cite command:

The argument, "p. 215", will show up inside the same brackets. Note the tilde in [p.~215] , which replaces the end-of-sentence spacing with a non-breakable inter-word space. This non-breakable inter-word space is inserted because the end-of-sentence spacing would be too wide, and "p." should not be separated from the page number.
The code \cite[215]{citation01} will produce the same result β€” in this case p.~ in front of the page number will be added automatically; but it will not be added for \cite[Cor.~2.5]{citation01} .

When a sequence of multiple citations is needed, you should use a single \cite{} command. The citations are then separated by commas. Here's an example:

The result will then be shown as citations inside the same brackets, depending on the citation style.

There are several different ways to format lists of bibliographic references and the citations to them in the text. These are called citation styles , and consist of two parts: the format of the abbreviated citation (i.e. the marker that is inserted into the text to identify the entry in the list of references) and the format of the corresponding entry in the list of references, which includes full bibliographic details.

Abbreviated citations can be of two main types: numbered or textual. Numbered citations (also known as the Vancouver referencing system ) are numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text, and consist in Arabic numerals in parentheses (1) , square brackets [1] , superscript 1 , or a combination thereof [1] . Textual citations (also known as the Harvard referencing system ) use the author surname and (usually) the year as the abbreviated form of the citation, which is normally fully (Smith 2012) or partially enclosed in parenthesis, as in Smith (2012) . The latter form allows the citation to be integrated in the sentence it supports.

Below you can see three of the styles available with LaTeX:

Here are some more often used styles:

However, keep in mind that you will need to use the natbib package to use most of these.

If you only want a reference to appear in the bibliography, but not where it is referenced in the main text, then the \nocite{} command can be used, for example:

A special version of the command, \nocite{*} , includes all entries from the database, whether they are referenced in the document or not.

Using the standard LaTeX bibliography support, you will see that each reference is numbered and each citation corresponds to the numbers. The numeric style of citation is quite common in scientific writing. In other disciplines, the author-year style, e.g., (Roberts, 2003), such as Harvard is preferred. The natbib package is one possible way to get such an output. In fact, it can supersede LaTeX's own citation commands, as Natbib allows the user to easily switch between Harvard or numeric.

The first job is to add the following to your preamble in order to get LaTeX to use the Natbib package:

Also, you need to change the bibliography style file to be used, so edit the appropriate line at the bottom of the file so that it reads: \bibliographystyle{plainnat} . Once done, it is basically a matter of altering the existing \cite commands to display the type of citation you want.

The main commands simply add a t for 'textual' or p for 'parenthesized', to the basic \cite command. You will also notice how Natbib by default will compress references with three or more authors to the more concise 1st surname et al version. By adding an asterisk (*), you can override this default and list all authors associated with that citation. There are some other specialized commands that Natbib supports, listed in the table here. Keep in mind that for instance abbrvnat does not support \citet* and will automatically choose between all authors and et al..

The final area that I wish to cover about Natbib is customizing its citation style. There is a command called \bibpunct that can be used to override the defaults and change certain settings. For example, I have put the following in the preamble:

The command requires six mandatory parameters.

Some of the options controlled by \bibpunct are also accessible by passing options to the natbib package when it is loaded. These options also allow some other aspect of the bibliography to be controlled, and can be seen in the table (right).

So as you can see, this package is quite flexible, especially as you can easily switch between different citation styles by changing a single parameter. Do have a look at the Natbib manual , it's a short document and you can learn even more about how to use it.

I have previously introduced the idea of embedding references at the end of the document, and then using the \cite command to cite them within the text. In this tutorial, I want to do a little better than this method, as it's not as flexible as it could be. I will concentrate on using BibTeX .

A BibTeX database is stored as a .bib file. It is a plain text file, and so can be viewed and edited ea
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