Latex Bar

Latex Bar


Latex Bar
This โ„ letter from the Latin alphabet is used in physics as a symbol of the Planck constant, and it is also used as a symbol for Hedera Hashgraphโ€™s native cryptocurrency. How to use this symbol in Latex will be discussed in this tutorial.
LaTeX provides a command to print the h-bar symbol in a LaTeX document, which is \hbar . This command lets you easily print the h-bar symbol to the document and is a default command in LaTeX. Since this command works in math mode, you must always enclose the command in single-dollar( $ ) or double-dollar( $$ ) quotations.
Below are some examples of the use of \hbar command.
You can also use other packages to print h-bar symbols in latex documents. Some packages use a similar command as the default command in \hbar , and some packages use a slightly different command to print the h-bar symbol to the document.
But you can see some differences in the h-bar symbols of different packages in the output. The following table shows how the h-bar symbol will appear in various packages, commands, and output.
To use this symbol in text mode, you can use the \planck command from the phonetic package or the \textcrh command from the tipa package. The following example shows the use of these two packages.

Symbol/Unicode Succeeds/U+227B Type of symbol Mathematical Operators Package (requirement) Noโ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Left corner/U+2514 Type of symbol Mathematics Package (requirement) amssymbโ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Greater than but not equivalent to/U+22E7 Type of symbolโ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Left Right Arrow/U+2194 Type of symbol Arrow Package (requirement)โ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Does Not Divide/U+2224 Type of symbol Mathematical Operator Packageโ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Prime/U+02B9 Type of symbol Mathematics Package (requirement) No Argumentโ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Delta/U+03B4 Type of symbol Greek small letter Package (requirement)โ€ฆ

Symbol/Unicode Black Club Suit/U+2663 Type of symbol Basic Multilingual Planeโ€ฆ

Symbol Factorial Type of symbol Mathematics Package (requirement) No Argumentโ€ฆ
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TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.
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I want to represent, say, the closure of a set or the extended reals, e.g., $\bar{\mathbb{R}}$ but unfortunately this creates a bar that is much too small (horizontally) and can barely be seen. On the other hand, $\overline{\mathbb{R}}$ creates a line that is too long. I need something that's just right, in between the bar and the overline. What would be my best choice?
Here is a command \xoverline[width percent]{symb} that will do it. Note that it will not scale inside sub or superscripts. If you need that, everthing has to go through a \mathchoice resulting in a lot more complex code.
I usually define a command \overbar , which reduced the width of \overline by 1.5mu on each side.
I need a bit shorter overlines for variables in boolean algebra to make clear that variables are separately inverted. I defined the following command:
It is special designed for variables that are typeset in italic, so it is not only above but rather above right. So upright characters need a different definition:
Similar definitions for underlines:
It took me a while to get a command that puts a nice overline over any field name, independent if its the reals, rationals, a finite field, or just a single literal. Based on this and that , I wrote the command \closure that uses \olsi for the overline if the argument is just a single literal, and \ols otherwise. The following table gives a comparison of these commands.
As a small bonus it also does not require any additional packages to be loaded.
I'm not a Latex expert, but I've made a code that allows you to control the length and position of the top bar in another answer. Maybe that helps someone.
See the complete answer to see all the examples and drawbacks.
If you are planning to use this command more often for a specific mathematical expression, you can use the following code to make things cleaner.
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\documentclass [ border=10pt ] { standalone }
\begin { axis } [ title = Contributions per category
y axis line style = { opacity = 0 } ,
symbolic y coords = { LaTeX, Tools, Distributions, Editors } ,
\addplot coordinates { ( 57727,LaTeX ) ( 5672,Tools )
( 2193,Distributions ) ( 11106,Editors ) } ;
\addplot coordinates { ( 14320,LaTeX ) ( 1615,Tools )
( 560,Distributions ) ( 3075,Editors ) } ;
A bar chart can be used for comparing values. Here we create a horizontal bar chart.
The pgfplots package provides an easy way. In this example, I reduced axis data to focus on the values. So I do not show x-axis and y-axis, or axis ticks.
Full explanation in Chapter 9, Creating Graphics: Building a bar chart

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If I write $\bar{X}$ or $\overline{X}$ the bar (or the rule) over X is smaller or longer than the width of X.
Is there any way to adjust the width?
The slanting makes the correct length of the bar a little more complicate.
The following example measures the width of an upright X and uses this for the length of the bar. The solution also works for different math styles:
I need a bit shorter overlines for variables in boolean algebra to make clear that variables are separately inverted. I defined the following command:
It is special designed for variables that are typeset in italic, so it is not only above but rather above right. So upright characters need a different definition:
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