Latex Android

Latex Android


Latex Android

The free, collaborative LaTeX Editor for your Android device

VerbTeX allows you to create and manage LaTeX projects directly on your Android device and generate a PDF by using the LaTeX service available at You can collaborate with other users by using the integrated collaboration feature (Cloud Mode) or by using Dropbox or Box (Local Mode) to share your work and work anywhere at anytime.



Android Market

Automatically synchronize all your local projects with Dropbox. You simply need to link to Dropbox and VerbTeX takes care of the rest.
Automatically synchronize all your local projects with Box. You simply need to link to Box and VerbTeX takes care of the rest.
VerbTeX uses the webservices available at verbosus to generate a PDF from your LaTeX code. There's a full TeXLive distribution working in the background so you have the full power at your fingertips.
Work together on projects with colleagues, friends and family. VerbTeX contains a built-in merge editor that let's you choose which text passages you want to include in the final version of the project in case a merge conflict occurs.
The editor will highlight LaTeX commands and formulas for you so you can easily focus on your content.
Choose between dark and light themes that will make working with VerbTeX an even better experience.
Encrypted transmission (TLS) of your content Unlimited number of documents (Local Mode) Unlimited number of uploads (Local Mode)
Max. 2 documents per project (Local Mode) Max. 4 files to upload per project (Local Mode)

Potentially dangerous permissions

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Allows an application to read from external storage.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Allows an application to write to external storage.

Other permissions

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE : Allows applications to access information about networks.
INTERNET : Allows applications to open network sockets.

LaTeX Editor allows you to write LaTeX code and then output it
Multi-document (tabbed) text editor
Jota+ (i-o-ta plus) is the best text editor for Android
An open source LaTeX editor and compiler for Android
The free, collaborative LaTeX Editor for your Android device

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I'm looking for an android app that allows me to write and compile LaTeX documents.
I know of web-based latex compilers such as sharelatex and overleaf, however these obviously don't work without an internet connection.
I feel kind of weird answering my own question in this site. So just in case I'll just leave a disclaimer saying that I do NOT work for or know anyone that works with the developers of this app.
After some searching I found that what works best for me are the TeXpert and TeXPortal apps. Both are developed by lameandroidhero .
The full version has includes compiler that I know of (pure Tex, pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex,context, dvips, bibtex ...). You can choose any .tex input file from the app and compile it. You can also manage the packages that you have installed. Importantly for me, you can download packages now and keep them in your tablet for when you are offline. It also automatically downloads missing packages if your document requires them.
TeXpert is a LaTeX editor:

(the document shown is not mine, I found it here )
As you can see, the full version supports side by side visualization of the document and has sintax colouring. You can tap in the pdf version to go to the corresponding part in the source, and vice versa. It has auto completion options, but they are not very useful for me (when writing a command a list of possible completions appears, you can tap one to complete. However since I write with a keyboard it's easier for me to just finish the command than move my finger all the way to the screen and risk tapping the wrong one). The app links to TeXPortal, and you can press a button in the settings (or ctrl-T in a keyboard) to compile at any time. You have full control of where the files go, and it is compatible with at least dropbox and drive (which are the ones I use).
Sometimes, if you have unsaved work and go to another app, when you go back it will be on the last saved version. It will not tell you this has happened, but attempts to warn you before it happens (If you get an "unsaved buffers" notification, make sure to go back to the app and save quickly).
I will note that the stability problems are not nearly serious enough to make the app unusable, at least for me. Just save often.
Auto complete is kind of inconvenient.
This is really the biggest problem. Each app will set you back around $20 dollars. This makes them by far the most expensive apps I own. However, since they provide full LaTeX functionality, I found them to be worth the investment.
There are free versions of both, but they have limiations.
If you have to buy only one, I'd recommend TeXPortal, since there are plenty of good text editors for android out there. However, I don't think there are any that has the range of functionality that TeXpert has, and definetely not the level of collaboration with the compiler.
I have a gentoo system in a chroot and my latex and my favorite editor vim with syntax highlighting there. If you use screen to keep your terminal reconnectable in case the android memory management kills your terminal app vim never crashes. If you do not use screen the file edited by the killed vim is usually recoverable - well you save it anyway before compiling. If you use vnc or xserver you can watch the output with evince.
You don't need to be as geeky as me to use latex. There are installers for debian and ubuntu chroot systems.
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I just wanna ask you is it possible to compile LaTex in Android app to export a simple PDF. I have not to write math formulas, just a letter.
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