Last cognitive update (28FEB2024)

Last cognitive update (28FEB2024)


2024 es el último año de libertad de expresión y democracia en el mundo occidental. De la mentira a la censura, y acaba en la represión (Paul Craig Roberts) |

Comes Thermidor (James Howard Kunstler)

Emmanuel Macron’s provocative advocacy of European troops on the ground in Ukraine (Gilbert Doctorow)

(2020) ["...Vivimos una era de increíble cinismo... me reunía con políticos, no sólo israelíes. Y, para mi sorpresa y consternación, todos eran profundamente cínicos."] Dov Alfon: "Nos espían incluso a través de la tarjeta del supermercado" | Líderes | El Mundo | (webarchive)

'People say I'm naive, antisemitic, a traitor'. Conscientious objector Sofia Orr explains why she never wavered in her decision despite the crackdown in Israel against opponents of the war | +972 Magazine

History: Adolph Hitler Was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. US Investments in Nazi Germany. Rockefeller Financed Adolf Hitler's Election Campaign (Michel Chossudovsky)

El origen norteamericano de la ideología del Tercer Reich (Domenico Losurdo)

El informe del New York Times muestra la larga mano de las operaciones de la CIA en Ucrania | EIR

Fake terrorism and the genocide agenda (Paul Cudenec)

(2015) 53 Ataques de falsa bandera que fueron reconocidos por los funcionarios del gobierno que los llevaron a cabo |

(2014) NATO Members Conduct False Flag Terror In Attempt to Whip Up War | Washington's Blog

(2010) Rockefeller Foundation Report

Ucrania ha consumido casi 200.000 millones de euros en ayudas de todo tipo | mpr21

(2015) Riqueza: El 1% más rico tiene tanto patrimonio como todo el resto del mundo junto | Economía | EL PAÍS | (webarchive)

(VIDEO) Y2K 2.0: This Is The Most Dangerous Market Bubble In History | The Maverick of Wall Street

Se avecina una guerra envuelta en propaganda. Nos involucrará. Alza la voz (John Pilger) | L'Hora

(BOOK) Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity 2022–2023. New book release | The Indicter

“Who Owns the World?” A Small Group of Big Money. BlackRock and Vanguard by 2028 will own 20 trillion dollars – about a fifth of the World's GDP (Michel Chossudovsky)

(VIDEO) Esclavos de EEUU: “Europa está actuando frontalmente contra sus propios intereses” (Jose Antonio Zorrilla) | Negocios TV

Release: Thousands of Jews Shut Down AIPAC HQ Protesting Group’s Opposition to Ceasefire | Jewish Voice for Peace

[... I wonder who has them, right?] Reminiscence of the Future... : Anybody Is Surprised? (Andrei Martyanov)

Friday Night Video Splurge — Ukraine on the Ropes (Larry Johnson)

When Titans Clashed is Still Relevant (Larry Johnson)

70% Of American Cities In Debt – Pension Crisis Will Cause Taxes To RISE | Armstrong Economics

(AUDIO) Despegamos: Economía de guerra, bases secretas, nueva SEPI digital y el algoritmo de Yolanda - 27/02/24 (César Vidal)

Im Mainstream nichts Neues: Alles rechts – alles NAZI (Andrea Drescher) |

(VIDEO) ["...Harán cualquier cosa"] Informe semanal: Lula: “Ésta no es una guerra; es un genocidio” (Dennis Small) | EIR

(VIDEO) Guerra total en Europa (Entrevista con Ron Aledo) | El Canal del Coronel

La tercera guerra mundial ya está aquí: el eje de las asimetrías enfrenta el “orden basado en reglas” (Pepe Escobar)

The magical power of "I can't". Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it... (Alex Krainer)

Russia’s victory in Ukraine resonates in Central Asia (MK Bhadrakumar)

Craig Murray: Mea Culpa on Ukraine | Consortium News

German leaders face criminal complaint over Gaza genocide (Ali Abunimah) | The Electronic Intifada

Ucrania fue el tema central en la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich | Voltaire Network

Ukraine at the heart of the Munich Security Conference | Voltaire Network

Big Picture Conflict: Pepe Escobar & Global Times Observations (Karl Sanchez)

Avdeevka Denouement: Russian Momentum Turning Point (Simplicius)

La Resistencia tiene un plan para Israel. Рero en el otro lado, las fantásticas estratagemas estadounidenses garantizan un fracaso en cascada

Deconstruyendo hr 3202: el papel persistente del lobby israeli en las sanciones a Siria

Zero Hegde: “De la censura a la criminalización de la disidencia”

Two Years On… Ukraine Conflict a Historic Watershed Exposing Western Imperialism’s Dead-End

Ex-UN Weapons Inspector on Navalny: An Intelligence Asset of MI6 and CIA (Mathew Aldred)

Paperclip PANDA-monium. The CDC sent biological weapons to Iraq in 1989 to create a heinous war on a staged pretext. Somebody doesn't want us to talk about it - so we need to talk about it (Dr Ah Kahn Syed)


(VIDEO) Grupo de control entrevista a José Antonio Zorrilla | Bea Talegón TV

(AUDIO) Entrevista a Juan Antonio de Castro: Soros, rompiendo España - 23/02/24 (César Vidal)

El invento (sic) de la “Tierra de Israel“– la “Tierra de Canaan“ espoliada–, según el historiador Shlomo Sand (Alfredo Jalife)

Shielding US Public From Israeli Reports of Friendly Fire on October 7 (Bryce Greene) | FAIR

Lear-Biden | El Manifiesto

Atrocities at a Distance (Ray McGovern)

“Se ocultó la realidad”: ¿quién estuvo realmente detrás del proceso de independencia en Cataluña? | Geoestrategia

A dos años del inicio de la SMO, Occidente está totalmente paralizado. Análisis (Pepe Escobar)

Cambridge University Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie”. Dr. Mike Hulme says scientists and activists are exaggerating the threat | Public

François Dubois : Un ancien gendarme dénonce le Système | Profession Gendarme

Origins of the Russian Military Special Operation in Ukraine (By Professor Emeritus Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Founder of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR)) | The Indicter

From Odessa to Lugansk. The massacres starting the Donbass uprising in 2014 – Inna Kukuruza has not been forgotten | The Indicter

Spanisches Gesundheitsministerium gibt Masken-Willkür zu (Thomas Oysmüller) |

The New York Times: CIA, Busy Bee in Ukraine | Algora Blog

[Meloni] Da "sovranista" a maggiordomo capo di Washington | L'antidiplomatico

Dmitry Medvedev's Roundtable Interview (Karl Sanchez)

The Rapidly Emerging Rule of Tyranny in the West (Paul Craig Roberts)

A nuclear “Armageddon” by Western elites? (Robert Seidel) | Swiss Standpoint

Ucrania: Dos años de fuego (Oleg Yasinsky)

The MSM Admit Ukraine is a CIA Proxy | Clandestine’s Newsletter

CIA Biological Presence in Ukraine | Clandestine’s Newsletter

El futuro de la Inteligencia Artificial y el capitalismo salvaje (Ted Chiang)

‘I Will No Longer be Complicit in Genocide’: U.S. Soldier Dies of Self-Immolation in Protest of War on Gaza | ScheerPost

Trident Missile Failure Exposes Folly of Nuclear Weapons (Kate Hudson) | Declassified UK

Por qué la oligarquía ataca la libertad de expresión (Michel Geoffroy) | El Manifiesto

El silencio de los culpables (Manlio Dinucci) | Red Voltaire

The Silence of the Guilty (Manlio Dinucci) | Voltaire Network

Rates, Risk and Debt: The Unavoidable Reckoning Ahead (Charles Hugh Smith)

Ukaine's Intel Chief: "Navalny Died of Blood Clot". "Ukraine's intelligence says cause of Russian oppositionist's death aligns with initial assertions made by Kremlin." (John Leake)

La “amenaza” no es Rusia. Como la OTAN construye un escenario para ir a la guerra contra Rusia e incendiar toda Europa. Análisis |

El “Gran Reinicio”: un colapso deliberado diseñado por las élites a través del Estado Profundo y los Bancos Centrales (Kit Dotcom) | Kontrainfo

El Tratado de Pandemias de la OMS es el nuevo libro sagrado del imperialismo | mpr21

Los Estados Unidos de Europa serían imposibles o reaccionarios | Observatorio de la crisis

Une libération de la France par la Russie, dernier bastion des valeurs ? | Profession Gendarme

(BOOK) Le suicide monétaire par Malot Ludovic • Achat en ligne avec Editions Maïa

U.S. Seeks to Cap Middle East Violence; In This, Iran Is (a Kind of) ‘Ally’

Ukrainian Intelligence Chief, General Budanov: Navalny Died of Natural Causes. "I may disappoint you, but what we know is that he actually died from a blood clot."(Mathew Aldred)

[Blindness: 🇪🇦️Spain🇪🇦️ [OR] S-Pain] An Examination of the Kubler-Ross Model. The Five Stages of Grief: 1) Denial | (source)

Borrell considera que la era del dominio occidental ha tocado a su fin | El boletín

News Flash: Houthis attack underwater communications cables in the Red Sea (Gilbert Doctorow)

Gaza: Witnessing for Justice | Kabir’s Substack

La Epopeya del Diluvio de Gaza en cifras | REM

Solidaridad negro-palestina: limpiando la niebla | REM

Financial State of the Cities 2024 | Truth inf Accounting

La pobreza energética se dispara: los hogares pierden pulso económico en plena recuperación (María Medinilla) | El Economista

Apples, Oranges, and Normalized Hurricane Damage (Roger Pielke)

“No seré cómplice del genocidio”: Aaron Bushnell | REM

France Wants To Fight Russia In Ukraine | MoA

The European Union against farmers (Thierry Meyssan) | Voltaire Network

La Unión Europea contra los campesinos (Thierry Meyssan) | Red Voltaire

UK Government Sued Over NHS's Heavily Redacted Contract With US Spytech Firm Palantir (Nick Corbishley) | Naked Capitalism

NATO Needs Vladimir Putin (John Leake)

La UE es un peligro para la paz: El delirio de un “Napoleón de bolsillo” alumbra las locuras de la OTAN para llevarnos a una guerra generalizada | Geoestrategia

Matarse para intentar detener una guerra [Ann Wright – Common Dreams, 26.02.2024] | L'Hora

La Unión Europea: un proyecto de EEUU convertido en el brazo político de la OTAN | Observatorio de la crisis

The Death of Justice in the Western World (Paul Craig Roberts)

Por qué el Jefe de la Inteligencia Militar de Ucrania dice que Navalny no fue asesinado | EIR

SITREP 2/27/24: Desperate Globalists Float Boots on Ground to Save Ukraine (Simplicius)

The Globalists' Threat to Sovereignty: the WHO and the Climate Agenda. An important panel at CPAC. Watch the video at the Sovereignty Coalition website. Join the movement (Meryl Nass)

Letter from CPAC. Journey into A New Kind of Dissidence (Naomi Wolf)

The Truth About Ukraine Starts to Leak Out. But claiming Russia was provoked into war still means you're a Russian stooge | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

Biden’s Smoking Gun Phone Call | Clandestine’s Newsletter

The Deep State’s Army | Clandestine’s Newsletter

(VIDEO) ¿Qué hay Detrás de la IDEOLOGÍA de GÉNERO? | El Canal del Coronel

(2016) La huella de la corrupción en España | EL PAÍS Semanal | EL PAÍS | (webarchive)

Full solidarity with our farmers! (Christine Anderson)

The psychopathic religion of the Globalists shapes their decisions and actions | The Expose

Gaza Shows Britain Is an Oligarchy: Let’s Stop Pretending It Isn’t. | The Expose

Catherine Austin Fitts: “Cualquiera sea el próximo presidente de EE.UU. aplicará un plan de despoblación”. "No hay derecha contra izquierda. No hay Trump contra Biden. Hay una máquina aplicando un plan de despoblación. Esa es la realidad que hay que afrontar. Y cambiar de presidente no importará", dijo la ex secretaria de Estado. | (archive)

Grandes delirios de Occidente (Patrick Lawrence)

Veterans For Peace statement about Aaron Bushnell protesting to the death

Veterans For Peace Statements

España pagará 44.000 millones en intereses por la deuda pública en 2026, un 25% más | The Objective | (webarchive)

Otra mentira al descubierto. No fue B. Al Assad: La OPAQ identifica al Estado Islámico como autor del ataque químico de 2015 en Marea, Siria | Geoestrategia

El libro de Baud, el arte de la guerra ruso | Geoestrategia

Estados Unidos en piloto automático hacia la destrucción autoinfligida | Geoestrategia

“Orden” de destruir a los rusos | Geoestrategia

Cómo empezó el golpe de estado en Ucrania (III) | Geoestrategia

Cómo empezó el golpe de Estado en Ucrania (II) | Geoestrategia

Cómo empezó el golpe de Estado en Ucrania (I) | Geoestrategia

Las élites narcisistas occidentales: un manual de operaciones | Geoestrategia

(VIDEO) La agresión permanente de la OTAN y EEUU - Conferencia

The economic collapse of the Netherlands is coming, bringing more totalitarianism (Sid Lukkassen)

Général Dominique Delawarde : Nouvelles du 27 février 2024 | Profession Gendarme

(VIDEO) Médicos que cobran de farmacéuticas | Miguel Jara TV

Las «transferencias de valor» de Bayer que encubren la «compra» de la receta de médicos: casi 8 millones al año | Blog de Miguel Jara | (webarchive)

Australians Abandon Failed mRNA Covid Shots (Rebekah Barnett)⋆ Brownstone Institute

Los australianos abandonan las inyecciones fallidas de ARNm de Covid (Rebekah Barnett) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Revelan graves datos ocultados por el CDC sobre los efectos adversos de las inyecciones Covid | CYSN

Health Canada Hid Their Concerns About Impurities In COVID-19 Shots From Canadians (Dr Byram W. Bridle)

Una revista científica destaca las graves consecuencias para la salud de las vacunas contra el ‘covid’ | mpr21

JUDGEMENT DAY IS GETTING CLOSER. We are witnessing some of the darkest days in our history (Phillip Altman)

WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think | The Vigilant

The CDC Doesn’t Want You to See This Data | The Vigilant Fox

Tucker Carlson Poses an Unexpected COVID Vaccine Question | The Vigilant Fox

Bill Gates' Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes, wants to criminalize discussions promoting vaccine hesitancy. The group says memes are "health disinformation super-spreaders" and complains that they can "evade fact checkers and content moderators." (Meryl Nass)

(VIDEO) Informe Robin del viernes 23 de febrero: mascarillas, vacunas y artículos en revistas científicas | Bea Talegón TV

(VIDEO) Kevin McKernan on Vaccine DNA Contamination. The regulators could have done these tests cheaply, but instead they just trusted the word of their Big Pharma sponsors (Mathew Aldred)

Paperclip PANDA-monium. The CDC sent biological weapons to Iraq in 1989 to create a heinous war on a staged pretext. Somebody doesn't want us to talk about it - so we need to talk about it (Dr Ah Kahn Syed)

Why France’s New “Anti-Vax Law” is MUCH Worse Than You Think (Kit Knightly) | OffGuardian

(VIDEO) International Covid Summit. WATCH ICS5 LIVE HERE! | ICS

Cambridge University Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie”. Dr. Mike Hulme says scientists and activists are exaggerating the threat | Public

The COVID “Killer Vaccine.” People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s a Criminal Undertaking. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming (Michel Chossudovsky)

Spanisches Gesundheitsministerium gibt Masken-Willkür zu (Thomas Oysmüller) |

After All the Media Hype, Wildfires Across Southern Europe Were Completely Normal in 2023 (Chris Morrison) | The Daily Sceptic

Science Feedback (a “fact-checker organization”) have generated disinformation about CERES-Science | CERES Science

Ivermectina en la profilaxis y tratamiento del Dengue | CYSN

News : Actualités, Communiqués de presse, debriefings (Pr Christian Perronne)

Popular Youtuber Dr Annette Bosworth (Dr Boz) Makes a Dramatic U-Turn on the Experimental COVID Gene Therapy! | Aussie17

Katherine Watt's post addressing a smear campaign which attempts to misrepresent our work (Sasha Latypova)

VIDEO - New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Documentary: "Silent No More" (June 2023) | COVID Intel

One Health is a Massive Globalist Grantmaking Scam | eugyppius

El Tratado de Pandemias de la OMS es el nuevo libro sagrado del imperialismo | mpr21


Leading Cardiologist Writes to the General Medical Council Calling For an Investigation Into Unprecedented Covid Vaccine Harms [Dr Dean Patterson] | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

Los controvertidos ensayos de la vacuna Pfizer en niños generan preocupación en Ucrania |

Opposition to Vaccine Mandates and Passports Driven by Perceived Lack of Vaccine Safety. Population-Based Survey Shows Hesitancy is for Good Reason (Peter McCullough)

It's Called Science. TRUST IT. On December 11, 2020, Pfizer knew that their mRNA injections would literally DO NOTHING to prevent you or your loved ones from getting COVID-19, but rather would increase risk for disease and death | The Kingston Report

(VIDEO) 5 razones de por qué tuviste o no tuviste efectos adversos con la inyección K0 B1T | CYSN

FamotiGate (Sasha Latypova)

UK Government Sued Over NHS's Heavily Redacted Contract With US Spytech Firm Palantir (Nick Corbishley) | Naked Capitalism

Levers of Control: Accept or Flee? (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Palancas de control: ¿Aceptar o huir? (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Instituto Brownstone

Senate Testimony. DNA contamination | Anandamide

"Welcome, Welcome, Our Wonderful Audience!". We have over 57,000 subscribers | Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

THE TIDE IS TURNING. The need to investigate the unexplained rise in Excess Deaths AND an important legal judgement on Vax mandates (Phillip Altman)

UK Government Reveals Its Plan to BURY Excess Deaths | The Vigilant Fox

2 conferences on free speech coming up, in Spain and online (Meryl Nass)

Methods of mind-control; discerning reality; helping to change COVID minds with David Charalambous. A hour discussion with a wonderful British psychologist (Meryl Nass)

International CRISIS Summit #5. and noting where my talk is. I will blow up the slides for you here (Meryl Nass)

The Globalists' Threat to Sovereignty: the WHO and the Climate Agenda. An important panel at CPAC. Watch the video at the Sovereignty Coalition website. Join the movement (Meryl Nass)

Letter from CPAC. Journey into A New Kind of Dissidence (Naomi Wolf)

The psychopathic religion of the Globalists shapes their decisions and actions | The Expose

How Bad is My Batch Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines | The Expose

Catherine Austin Fitts: “Cualquiera sea el próximo presidente de EE.UU. aplicará un plan de despoblación”. "No hay derecha contra izquierda. No hay Trump contra Biden. Hay una máquina aplicando un plan de despoblación. Esa es la realidad que hay que afrontar. Y cambiar de presidente no importará", dijo la ex secretaria de Estado. | (archive)

The Sustainable Development Goals are a totalitarian programme for world government (Thierry Baudet)

Chart of the Day (CotD) France Covid and Excess Deaths (Eldric Vero)

Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination (Elizabeth Hart)

Endotoxin in the Jabs is a Teratogen, but how exactly does it act at DNA > RNA > Protein level ? Is there much published on Second Generation Teratogenic damage by Endotoxin? Please help mine the literature. Which Human Chromosomes and Genes are impacted? | Geoff Pain PhD

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