Last cognitive update (27JAN24)

Last cognitive update (27JAN24)



(VIA Dennis Small | EIR)

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: ¡Gracias, Sudáfrica! Ahora a eliminar la causa de las guerras (Dennis Small) | EIR

This Holocaust Remembrance Day, 'never again' is now | Jewish Voice for Peace

Lavrov at UNSC: Day Two West Asia & Palestine: Using Truth as a Hammer (Karl Sanchez)

(VIDEO) The Nazi Streets of Ukraine

(AUDIO) Editorial: 10 lecciones del Holocausto - 26/01/24 - César Vidal

Frumka Plotnika

'Never again' is now


(TEXT and VIDEO) RT Gives Us the Truth About the Arms Trade (Paul Craig Roberts)

Satan’s Agent: The World Economic Forum (Paul Craig Roberts)

81º aniversario de la victoria del Ejército Rojo contra las hordas nazis - Contra OTAN y bases | CECOB

Pour vivre en paix, il faut quitter l’UE et l’Otan au plus vite ! FREXIT | Profession Gendarme

Reminiscence of the Future... : They Knew It (Andrei Martyanov)

The United States Has No Borders (Paul Craig Roberts)

Canadians, Wake Up! The power elites have only contempt for you; can't you see it on their faces? (Mathew Aldred)

Europa sin rumbo: La cuestión ucraniana divide cada vez más a la Unión Europea, cargando además con los crímenes de guerra de Kiev | Geoestrategia

(VIDEO) Andrei Martyanov: Russia Is Demilitarizing Nato and Ukraine Is in Big Trouble

Is Putin’s decency inviting a world war? Comments on a new article by Paul Craig Roberts (Gilbert Doctorow)

U.S. Prepping to Abandon Bases in Eastern Syria and Turn To China (Larry Johnson)

Stoltenberg de la OTAN, confirma que Rusia no amenaza a ninguno de los miembros de la alianza | EIR

VP and Border Czar Kamala Harris only wants to protect foreign country borders. (Larry Johnson)

Biden Domestic and Foreign Policy Implosion (Larry Johnson)

España y la histeria belicista europea | RT-E

"Sin combustible, sin comida, sin futuro": los medios generalistas no te hablan de la verdadera situación de nuestros campos (Bea Talegón) | Diario16plus

Iustitia Europa comienza una gira informativa por toda España denunciando "El engaño de la Agenda 2030" (Bea Talegón) | Diario16plus

Casi 11 millones de personas pasan hambre en Francia | mpr21

Francia: agricultores protestan y cortan rutas contra la Agenda 2030 y las políticas que asfixian al sector | KontraInfo

Agriculteurs En Colère : Cette fois c’est TROP ! 😠 (FNSEA, Blocage, Manif, Révolution) | Profession Gendarme

Chinese Startup 01.AI Is Winning the Open Source AI Race (Will Knight) | WIRED

Boeing Whistleblower: Production Line Has "Enormous Volume Of Defects" Bolts On MAX 9 Weren't Installed - View from the Wing | (webarchive)

Abolish the FBI (Jacob G. Hornberger) | The Future of Freedom Foundation

Why the oligarchs LOVE democracy. It's the only system where one man can script decades of wars and millions of dead worldwide (Alex Krainer)

Die drohende „Herrschaft des Verdachts“: Der Digital Services Act der EU (Tobias Riegel)

Stimmen aus der Ukraine: Zu den wahren Ursachen des Krieges in der Ukraine und seinen Folgen für die Welt (Maxim Goldarb)

Die Signale stehen auf Kriegstüchtigkeit: Menschen ohne deutschen Pass sollen Soldaten Deutschlands werden (Frank Blenz)

ICJ ruling on Gaza is on the way (MK Bhadrakumar)

Tiempo de bufones (y de borregos) | El territorio del Lince

Chris Hedges: The Death of Israel | ScheerPost

From Newborns to 17-Year-Olds, Al Jazeera Prints Names of 4,216 Children Killed in Gaza | ScheerPost

How Yemen’s 'asabiyya' is reshaping geopolitics | The Cradle

Israeli fire kills Palestinians waiting for food aid and at UN shelter | The Electronic Intifada

Soft Secession, Insurrection, or the Real Return of Federalism in Texas? (Tom Luongo)

Who funds Labour Friends of Israel – and why won’t it say? | Declassified UK

De la democracia liberal a la «oligarquía liberal» (José Javier Esparza) | El Manifiesto

Exclusive Interview with a Survivor of the Gaza Ghetto | CovertAction Magazine

After U.S. Again Bombed Yemen, Houthi Attack DoD Transport Ships | MoA

“Our goal is to stop the genocide”: The Grayzone interviews Houthi spokesman | The Grayzone

Who is the Antiwar Candidate? (Philip Giraldi)

RIA-Novosti publishes photo of French | Voltaire Network

RIA-Novosti publica fotos de un “mercenario” francés en Ucrania | Red Voltaire

The veil is being torn: the hidden truths of Jabotinsky and Netanyahu (by Thierry Meyssan) | Voltaire Network

Cuando el velo se desgarra: las verdades ocultas, de Jabotinsky a Netanyahu (Thierry Meyssan) | Red Voltaire

Donald Trump reopens case of September 11, 2001 attacks | Voltaire Network

Donald Trump reabre la cuestión de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 | Red Voltaire

Unbekoming Book Summary Library. A FREE Public Resource | Lies are Unbekoming

Unbekoming Subscriber Testimonials | Lies are Unbekoming

Isn't It Time We Have Social Security for Families with Children? (Charles Hugh Smith)

Days of government-sponsored protests and state media campaigns against the AfD have failed to break support for the party, and still less to solve any of Germany's problems | eugyppius

La fractura interna en EEUU: Texas, con la solidaridad de los Estados del sur, se niega a obedecer órdenes de Washington por la crisis fronteriza | Geoestrategia

La BCE demande aux banques de surveiller les réseaux sociaux pour détecter les premiers signes de retraits de liquidités massifs | Geopolintel

Iémen, um novo episódio do «caos construtivo» (José Goulão)

Compañías británicas e israelíes inician ilegalmente la explotación petrolera en Malvinas | KontraInfo

Ha nacido un nuevo mundo [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 22.01.2024] | L'Hora

The Western World: RIP (Paul Craig Roberts)

The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence – book review | Counterfire

Iranian Axis Grinds Down US' Will as Israel Suffers Stunning Setbacks (Simplicius)

"La patria no se vende": una multitud marcha en Argentina en contra del Gobierno de Javier Milei |

Los cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis de Gaza (Chris Hedges) |

Yemen vs the West, Israel on trial and more, with Fiorella Isabel. A very recent interview covering recent regional events (Vanessa Beeley)

Oligarchies depend on War, Psy-Ops to rule - Beauty, Truth & Reason lead us out. In Episode 350 of Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra's Podcast Uwe Alschner explaines how working with Vera Sharav shifted his awareness of how History is being taught - and instrumentalised (Uwe Alschner)

Como Biden pode vencer (Dmitry Orlov)

(VIDEO) Reminiscence of the Future... : Lavrov, Iran and Avangard. (Andrei Martyanov)

Michelle, Ma Belle (James Howard Kunstler)

Ukraine Desperate To Start WWIII ASAP (Martin Armstrong)

(VIDEO) Gaza, An Israeli Invention ( Prof. Ilan Pappe) | Algora Blog

(VIDEO) Trucos obsoletos de un sistema que agoniza: el caso de Alemania | EIR Die Wahrheit über den Abschuss der MH 17 wird endgültig begraben (Peter Haisenko)

(VIDEO) The bastards are now coming after our coffee | Memology 101

Nikki Haley Says Trump Supporters Are "Not Normal People", Echoing Hillary Clinton's Basket of Deplorables Comment

Derrota de Occidente y triunfo de Rusia: disección deslumbrante del pensador francés Emmanuel Todd (Alfredo Jalife)

More from Indian broadcaster WION on the crash of the Russian jet carrying Ukrainian POWs (Gilbert Doctorow)

Prof. Stephen Zunes: En materia de DDHH se «estima que el Sáhara Occidental ocupado es el penúltimo país del mundo en libertad política» | Algérie Résistance

Prof. Stephen Zunes: « Freedom for Palestine and Western Sahara is critically important » | Algérie Résistance

Le prof. Stephen Zunes : « La liberté pour la Palestine et le Sahara Occidental est d’une importance capitale » | Algérie Résistance

Armed Conflict and the ICJ (Craig Murray)

(VIDEO) Padre Zosima: testamento por la paz - Documental

(VIDEO) Sectas en Ucrania: en el nombre de la CIA - DocRT

(VIDEO) Ukraine's Arms Barons | RT-I

(VIDEO) "Il testimone": il film con la censura più veloce della storia d'Italia | l'Antidiplomatico

How now green cow? (Irina Slav)

Eliitin suuri Nato-sota (Markku Siira)

Video: The World Should be Ashamed. Genocide and the Criminalization of International Justice (Michel Chossudovsky)

La Unión Europea se suma a la guerra económica contra China | mpr21

Cooperación internacional para el desarrollo: Los casos de China, Japón y Corea del Sur. Obra coordinada por María Elena Romero Ortiz, Carlos R.S. Milani y Raquel Isamara León de la Rosa | Observatorio de Política China [OPCh]

The World Economic Forum and the world “elite” (Wolfgang Bittner) | Swiss Standpoint

Has neoliberalism eliminated liberalism? (Suzette Sandoz) | Swiss Standpoint

(VIDEO) The Upcoming Collapse Of Real Estate | The Maverick of Wall Street

(VIDEO) Flying to the MOON and Live Forever? | How to be a billionaire | ENDEVR Documentary

The realist case for Palestine. Realism invites us to look for root causes — and from this perspective it is apparent that Israel’s occupation regime is at the root of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Thomas Fazi)

Amy Pope: UN’s Human Trafficking Czar (Larry Johnson)

What Would Israel Do If the Shoe Were On the Other Foot? (Larry Johnson)

(2012) 1% hide $21 trillion, US big banks hide $10 trillion; ending world poverty: $3 trillion (Carl Herman) | Washington's Blog | (webarchive)

March Against Genocide Isn’t News to New York Times (Dave Lindorff) | FAIR

Video: Palestine: "Just Like the Nazis Did!". David Rovics Song and Music | Global Research

Can America survive its traitors? In the same week that the Supreme Court decides to prevent states from protecting their citizens from drugs & violence, we find out three former presidents are funding flights of illegals into the US (Leo Hohmann)

2. Cyber Freedom: Threats & Solutions, w/Gabriel. Gabriel from Libre Solutions Network discusses the technological threats menacing our freedoms online and what solutions we can employ to counter them. | Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths

Ridiculizan la propuesta de Zelenski para la “rendición rusa” en medio de una Europa enloquecida que camina hacia la guerra | Geoestrategia

Misinformation or Public Debate? (Brian Martin) | Propaganda In Focus

España 2030: Madrid autoriza “Policía de las Emisiones” para controlar automóviles con multas de hasta 3000 euros

The Verdict (CJ Hopkins)

Nuevo informe: Moscú denuncia que EE.UU. experimenta con cepas de la viruela a pesar de la prohibición de la OMS | Geoestrategia

¿Quién quiere la próxima pandemia y por qué? | Geoestrategia

The insane experiment behind the Covid pandemic and Disease X, Part One (Paula Jardine) | The Conservative Woman

NewsGuard Responds To Public | Public

The DOJ Quietly Prosecutes the Covid Resistance ⋆ Brownstone Institute

El Departamento de Justicia procesa silenciosamente a la resistencia al Covid ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Stengers "Las políticas neoliberales consiguieron convertir a los científicos en rebaños" | Climaterra

COVID-19 mRNA [Injections]: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global [Injection] Campaign (Jessica Rose)

(VIDEO and TEXT) Biologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kammerer from University Hospital of Würzburg shares her concerns about DNA Plasmid Contaminations, SV40 Promoters and Spidroins in mRNA vaccines. "Now suddenly, these DNA contaminations, together with the actual RNA, are packaged into these lipid nanoparticles and they pass through the cell membrane" (Asussie17)

OPEN DAEN LAUNCHED. An independent adverse drug reaction database on the Covid injections (Phillip Altman)

Oligarchies depend on War, Psy-Ops to rule - Beauty, Truth & Reason lead us out. In Episode 350 of Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra's Podcast Uwe Alschner explaines how working with Vera Sharav shifted his awareness of how History is being taught - and instrumentalised (Uwe Alschner)

The Perils of Vaccinating When You Are Infected. What the forgotten HPV vaccine tragedy can teach us about the dangers of COVID vaccination | A. Midwestern Doctor

Lets start looking at some contradictions in the latest draft of the Pandemic Treaty. (Meryl Nass)

A tiny country's health ministry tried to take down the website of an American scientist, journalist and entrepreneur (Steve Kirsch) for posting anonymized, important public health data. He said no. The same health ministry did its best to confuse the public about New Zealand's November 2023 rejection of the WHO's IHR amendments. Who are they REALLY working for? (Meryl Nass)

Carta a la genocida y tonta del bote, Isabel Díaz Ayuso | Rambla Libre

Catedrática María José Martínez Albarracín: "La mascarilla no supone ningún beneficio de salud pública y sí numerosos perjuicios" | Rambla Libre

The Inventor of Lipid Nanoparticles Knew the mRNA Wouldn't Stay in Your Arm. And the co-founder of BioNTech didn't want it to stay there anyway. | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

1,3 Millionen Patientendatensätze aus Covid-Testlabor geleakt (Thomas Oysmüller)

So sorgen Wirkverstärker in Impfstoffen für Autismus und neurologische Störungen (Peter F. Mayer)

Memo Re EUA Countermeasures to send to your doctor, pharmacist, employer, school, sheriff, county commissioner and state lawmakers (Sasha Latypova)

"The greatest fear among vaccinologists is the creation of a vaccine that is not only ineffective, but which exacerbates disease. Unfortunately, CoV vaccines have a history of enhancing disease...". This article was originally published by this Substack on December 6th, 2021, and is now revised. | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

CDC Didn't Issue Alert on Covid Vaccines and Myocarditis Because It Didn't Want to Cause Panic, Email Reveals | The Daily Sceptic

Drug regulators - the revolving door keeps revolving. Former TGA boss appointed to the board of Medicines Australia, hoping to advance "mRNA technology framework" in Australia. (Maryanne Demasi)

My response to Tracy Beth Hoeg’s criticisms of our “17M vaccine deaths” calculation. Tracy believes that her points invalidate our study. They do not. (Denis Rancourt)

Former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan drops a bombshell on VSRF. Lara knows 20 people who died from the COVID vaccine but only 1 who died from the COVID virus. This means the vaccines, more likely than not, killed at least 5X as many people as the virus. (Steve Kirsch)

January stats for CICP "reimbursements". HRSA continuing to throw the C19 vax injured under the bus | The Vaccine Court

(VIDEO and TEXT) Tucker Carlson Calls COVID-19 “The Greatest Crime Ever Committed” | The Vigilant Fox

" this actually about creating a lucrative pandemic industry, overseen by the empire-building World Health Organization, at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other vested interests?" (Elizabeth Hart)

Respiratory Disease Soaring in Newborns. COVID-associated respiratory distress diagnoses increased by 1150% within a year, when vaccines were recommended to pregnant women. (Fabian Spieker)

The Hospitals Clinging to Covid Masks Despite All Evidence – The Daily Sceptic

Teilt Bundesregierung die Forderung nach „gesundheitlicher Neubewertung der mRNA-Impfstoffe”? (Florian Warweg)

El fraude de las inyecciones contra COVID en los ensayos y en la campaña de vacunación | CYSN

2. Cyber Freedom: Threats & Solutions, w/Gabriel. Gabriel from Libre Solutions Network discusses the technological threats menacing our freedoms online and what solutions we can employ to counter them. | Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths

10 documentales sobre los mortíferos efectos secundarios de las "vacunas" covid, incluida la muerte (Luys Coleto) | ÑTV España

2022 Bailiwick posts, larger font PDF (Katherine Watt)


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