Last cognitive update (22 March 2024)

Last cognitive update (22 March 2024)


➡️ (30 March 2021) [Reminder] Las fuerzas armadas francesas se preparan para una guerra de alta intensidad | La Vanguardia

➡️ [Terminal Velocity] AND ["Primera fase, quince días"] AND [" hora de dejarse de filosofar para pasar a la práctica"] Ataque nuclear ruso. El miedo como arma de guerra (Jorge Gómez) | Asociación de Militares Españoles | (webarchive)

[➡️ ...the United States desires nothing more than seeing a lovely war in Europe...] France Has Been Warned... (Andrei Martyanov)

Wealth of US Billionaires Hits $5.5 Trillion—Up 88% Since Pandemic Hit (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

A Brief History of NATO and Ukraine (Larry Johnson)

The US-NATO War against Yugoslavia, The Globalization of War. The Belgrade Forum. Commemoration Conference, 23-24 March 2024, Belgrade (Michel Chossudovsky)

In Gaza’s north, a full-blown famine is imminent | Jewish Voice for Peace

Western Hatred of Russia Rooted in Support for Nazis and Bureaucratic sclerosis (Larry Johnson)

Glenn Diesen: Western media ‘coverage’ of Russia is incredibly dangerous, and it’s getting worse

(VIDEO) Secret Fourth Reich - The Naumann Circle Plot | Mark Felton Productions

Veintidós años después de su creación, la prisión de la Bahía de Guantánamo sigue siendo una monstruosidad | Revista CovertAction

The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech (John & Nisha Whitehead)

(VIDEO) UCRANIA AL LÍMITE, ¿el Principio del Fin o el Comienzo de otra Guerra Mayor? | El Canal del Coronel

[Es por nuestro bien] La UE plantea emitir eurobonos para financiar el rearme militar del continente | El Correo | (webarchive)

Von der Leyen quiere que los europeos estén preparados para la guerra (Enrique Serbeto) | ABC | (archive)

(VIDEO) [Anónimo: "¿A las "elites" les preocupa más la subida de un grado en los próximos 100 años que una guerra nuclear?"] Davos 2024: Ursula von der Leyen Needs Your Silence and Compliance

Putin Wins, Ukraine is Losing and Israel Doubles Down — My Weekly chat with the Judge (Larry Johnson)

Los últimos días de Julian Assange en Estados Unidos [Matt Kennard – Declassified UK, 14.03.2024] | L'Hora

La guerra secreta de la CIA: utilizar a los fascistas rusos para luchar contra Rusia (Scott Ritter)

Gags and Jibes (James Howard Kunstler)

How NATO powers are using the U.K.’s World War I model to lure Russia into the next big global war (Leo Hohmann)

El ruido de los ratones (I) | El territorio del Lince

El ruido de los ratones (II) | El territorio del Lince

El ruido de los ratones y otro zarpazo del gato (III) | El territorio del Lince

El aviso del gato a los ratones (y IV) | El territorio del Lince

In his crushing electoral victory, Vladimir Putin has won grudging legitimacy in the West (Gilbert Doctorow)

The worm turns: Russia’s new position on entering into strategic arms negotiations (Gilbert Doctorow)

German democracy researchers publish ominous report on all the tyrannical countries that ban opposition parties & restrict freedom of expression, which would never ever happen here (eugyppius)

Washington, London and Tel Aviv entangled in Palestine (Thierry Meyssan) | Voltaire Network

Washington, Londres y Tel Aviv, atascados en Palestina (Thierry Meyssan) | Red Voltaire

Biden sabía que Israel bombardea indiscriminadamente objetivos civiles, de acuerdo a The Washington Post | Kontrainfo

Putin advierte del peligro de una Tercera Guerra Mundial | EIR

La elección de Putin: Cómo funciona lo "inconmensurable" en la Historia | EIR

SITREP 3/19/24: French Military Openly Floats 20,000 Troop Deployment | Simplicius

(VIDEO) ¡Macron Desea las Derrotas de Rusia y Trump! | Radar Geopolítico (Alfredo Jalife)

The Growing Rebellion Against Costly, Low-Quality, Overly-Complex Technology (Charles Hugh Smith)

America – at War with the World (Vernon Coleman) | Via 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

(AUDIO) Editorial: La guerra de los tres billones de dólares - 20/03/24 (César Vidal)

Piers Morgan Embodies the Juvenile Thinking That Threatens World Peace (Larry Johnson)

Why the West cannot stomach Russians | Global South

Clare Daly, One of a Kind Voice in the EU Parlament | Algora Blog

‘We scream, starve, and die alone’: Life in the ruins of Shuja’iya | +972 Magazine

Macartismo digitálico de EU contra TikTok de China: ¿mano negra de Israel? (Alfredo Jalife)

Dio, uomo, animale (Giorgio Agamben)

How Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Created a ‘Climate Time Bomb’ in Black Neighborhoods | Black Agenda Report

La industria armamentista española participara de lleno en el gran rearme europeo | Canarias Semanal

Report: Scottish Police Trained To Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws | Modernity

O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas. Doutrina racista e de limpeza étnica (1) (José Goulão)

O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas. Como pensa e age a «raça pura» (2) (José Goulão)

El “complejo de culpa” alemán no se extiende a Rusia | Observatorio de la crisis

Democracy, Russian Style (Scott Ritter)

Scholz y lacayos cavan tumba para Alemania

Israel: arming and supporting fascism around the world since 1948 (Thomas Fazi)

Dos hipótesis sobre la extraña marcha de Victoria Nuland, la verduga de Ucrania (Nazanín Armanian) | (webarchive)

Una obra contra la rusofobia: José Couso explica en Madrid cómo funciona la propaganda antirrusa en Europa

Milano, 16enne ucraino neonazista picchia stranieri nel metrò: «I fascisti sono tornati». Sceglieva le vittime sulla linea M2 | | (archive)

O plano brilhante de Washington: Ampliar o problema da Ucrânia (Dmitry Orlov)

EMPIRE OF LIES (Paul Craig Roberts)

Untangling the "socialism" vs. "capitalism" dichotomy. Everybody has an opinion and (almost) everyone is wrong (Alex Krainer)

So kommt Krieg (Hans-Jürgen Geese)

The spiraling absurdity of Germany's pro-Israel fanaticism (Michael Sappir)

Exponiendo la flagrante hipocresía occidental sobre la ayuda a Gaza. A medida que el número de muertos de hambre en Gaza alcanza las dos cifras, Occidente no muestra signos de renunciar a las armas y otros suministros militares que están en el centro de la beligerancia de la ocupación. (Hannan Hussain) | REM

Patrick Lawrence: Authorized Atrocities | ScheerPost

Digital green whispers of life | The Electronic Intifada

How the Western media helped build the case for genocide in Gaza (Jonathan Cook)

The Biggest U.S.-and-Allied Lies About the War in Ukraine (Eric Zuesse)

New York Times Readers Are The Least Informed Ones | MoA

The fraud of Biden’s call for a “ceasefire” in Gaza (Andre Damon)

What Happens When There's Nobody Left to Save Us? (Charles Hugh Smith)

El proyecto de ley para prohibir TikTok es un "ataque atroz" a la Constitución de EE.UU., según los críticos | Children's Health Defense

Scotland's Hate Speech Act and Abuse of Process (Craig Murray)

La campaña contra las elecciones rusas: desentrañando la red de desinformación, provocación e infoguerra. Análisis |

Canadá: Trudeau respalda una ley para encarcelar de por vida por delitos de expresión |

Mis reflexiones y conclusiones para darme de baja del PSOE. (1) - (Antonio Aguado) | Diario16plus | (webarchive)

Agenda 2030 en España: demolieron la histórica chimenea de la Central Térmica Litoral de Carboneras | Kontrainfo

8 generales del ejército francés se revuelven contra el envío de tropas a Ucrania | mpr21

La Unión Europea está discutiendo la manera de financiar la industria de guerra | mpr21

El suicidio de Europa con vistas al Dniéper. Jack Orlando, columnista de Carmilla, revista literaria italiana | Observatorio de la crisis

PWA: 40% of water infrastructure in Gaza destroyed | The Palestinian Information Center

Água é de todos – Campanha em defesa da água para todos

"Nos quieren asignar un mínimo vital de agua" | Rambla Libre

El sionista radical Ben-Gvir avanza con la confrontación religiosa sobre la mezquita de Al-Aqsa | EIR

Coronel francés en TV: Despliegue de tropas francesas en el río Dniéper en Ucrania | EIR

Donetsk, Avdeyevka, Mariupol – en el camino hacia el Donbass electoral (Pepe Escobar)

Biden junto con la OTAN están perdiendo la noción de la realidad (Martin Jay)

Zionist capture of UK health, information and surveillance tech and how it operates in real time. UK Column News 20th March (Vanessa Beeley)

US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza enters day 167 | The Palestinian Information Center

Is Russia really getting ready to attack Europe? NATO members are engaged in massive military escalation against Russia, and are deliberately creating conditions that will inevitably lead to a conflict with Russia (Thomas Fazi)

The unofficial official ideology of British institutions. A joint project by the BBC and the Royal Society exposes the establishment's ideological underbelly. And it is a grotesque thing. (Ben Pile)

What a War Requires. Yes, It's About Resources (Dr Naomi Wolf)

➡️ Quels enjeux derrière la pandémie de Covid-19 ? | Profession Gendarme

[➡️ "...tanto la soberanía como la humanidad están bajo ataque, dentro y fuera del campo de batalla"] Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare. Stavroula Pabst explores the race to apply emerging neurotechnologies, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), in times of both war and peace, expanding conflicts into a new domain — the brain — while perhaps forever changing humans’ relationship with machines. (Stavroula Pabst) | Unlimited Hangout

[Long read] The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths. The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (A. Midwestern Doctor)

➡️ ➡️ Entrevista a Joan-Ramon Laporte: El catedrático de farmacología 'cabreado' que no se muerde la lengua (Ángeles Gómez) | El Confidencial | (webarchive)

Pfizer-Verschwörung: Mehrere Staaten klagen Leyen (Thomas Oysmüller) |

Die Internationale der Faktenchecker-Kabale – Freunde der Desinformation und Zensur |

N.Y. Post: Will federal censorship be the pandemic’s biggest legacy? | The New York Post

Gove’s Ministry of Truth Reporting for Duty. Dangerous redefining of words by HM Gov | HART

Another "Conspiracy Theory" is Now "Good for You". The Deep State does not exist. Wait... (Igor Chudov)

Parents beware: Johns Hopkins HEAT wants to brainwash your school-aged children. Totalitarians always come after your kids (Sasha Latypova)

Cómo las vacunas pueden causar autismo | CYSN

Argentina: se inauguró la primera “biofábrica de insectos” junto al secretario nacional de Bioeconomía, Fernando Vilella | Kontrainfo

Para empezar, sólo decir ‘no a la vacunación continuada’ | mpr21

Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro Caught in Fake COVID Vaccination Certificate Scandal. Investigators retrieved two files named "bolsonaro.doc" and "laura.doc" from the printer, providing tangible evidence that the fraudulent vaccination certificates were printed | Aussie17

Unprecedented Surge in Aggressive Cancers: 48-Year Veteran Physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt Warns! "...And the types of cancer that are emerging now are much more aggressive and faster than anything we've observed in these 48 years. This was unprecedented; it's something entirely new..." | Aussie17

Science and Imperialism: Scientists as Workers for Peace (Archishman Raju) | SftP Magazine

The Road to a New McCarthyism (Bert Olivier)⋆ Brownstone Institute

El camino hacia un nuevo macartismo (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Kid Lab Rats (Thomas Buckley) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Vaccines have always been heterogeneous mixtures of toxins used to intentionally sicken people and animals. Public health and regulatory systems have consistently hidden those truths behind false claims about the effects of vaccines, and behind legalized non-regulation of biological product manufacturing (Katherine Watt)

Oklahomans and neighbors, please consider attending this hearing on March 26, and show public support (Sasha Latypova)

How Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Created a ‘Climate Time Bomb’ in Black Neighborhoods | Black Agenda Report

➡️ "It's Not About Trump": American CJ Hopkins, Charged Again in Germany, Describes Global Censorship Effort. Acquitted on German hate speech charges in January, American playwright CJ Hopkins is being charged again for the same offense. He has a scary message for Americans (Matt Taibbi)

German Government Gone Mad Again. Interview with CJ Hopkins, American expat playwright in Berlin (John Leake)

"The virus is so dangerous, because people don't get ill" Prof. Brinkmann in Germany, November 28, 2020. It's all a big basket of kitten laughs and "Mistakes were not made" until it's your guy, right? | Sage Hana

Know anyone thinking of getting another COVID shot? Urge them to watch this short video on vaccine injuries first! If you know anyone who is considering getting more jabs, please urge them to watch this short video. It was created nearly 1 year ago and has over 1M views. The end is tragic. (Steve Kirsch)

(VIDEO) COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compilation (Compiled By Henry Benedict)

CDC Hit By New Bombshell Warning from Robert Kennedy Jr. This message is going viral | The Vigilant Fox

Stanford’s Virality Project pushed to censor the vaccine-injured. In anticipation of the US Supreme Court’s hearing of Murthy v. Missouri (formerly Missouri v Biden), I took another look at Stanford’s COVID censorship initiative (Andrew Lowenthal)

➡️ Leukemia deaths jumped in Japan in 2022 after the mRNA jabs, reversing years of declines. Overall cancer deaths in Japan stayed flat. Still, the uptick in leukemia deaths is a signal worth noting, especially since blood cancers are the malignancies mRNAs are most likely to impact (Alex Berenson)

(VIDEO) Entrevista al abogado Pedro Santamaría por caso efectos adversos Pfizer | Bea Talegón TV

[➡️ Un "negacionista"] Investigación y denuncia «negacionista» abre la caja de Pandora para destapar la corrupción del gobierno español en la compra de material sanitario durante la pandemia (Fernando Vizcaíno Carles) | Diario16 | (webarchive)

Heads in the sand over vaccine links to cancer and disabilities (Neville Hodgkinson)

(VIDEO) Climate The Movie (Martin Durkin)

Vaccine and related biological product manufacturing as US government-licensed poison manufacturing. Evidence from November 1986 'mandate for safer childhood vaccines' codified at 42 USC 300aa-27, and July 2018 stipulation by HHS. (Katherine Watt)

The Right To Grow Food (Martin Armstrong) | Armstrong Economics

Arrogancia "asombrosa": Los expertos critican a los CDC por ocultar 148 páginas de información sobre la miocarditis tras las inyecciones de COVID | Children's Health Defense

Comienza una campaña de miedo por el sarampión desde los medios masivos | CYSN

El profesor de Epidemiología de la Escuela de Salud de Yale, opina que el coronavirus fue creado por EE.UU. como arma biológica |

Le système de santé français est détruit depuis le Covid | Geopolintel

Agenda 2030 en España: demolieron la histórica chimenea de la Central Térmica Litoral de Carboneras | Kontrainfo

CDC investigan trastorno del sistema nervioso en personas timo vacunadas recientemente | Rambla Libre

US geriatric practice reports that COVID vaccines increased mortality by nearly 5X. We were told that the COVID vaccine saves lives. But I haven't found a single medical practice where that was true. I did, however, find a medical practice with a 5X mortality increase!! (Steve Kirsch)

5 Toxic Foods You Should Cut Out of Your Diet Right Now. Ultra-processed foods are everywhere, and they come with some serious health risks. (The Vigilant Fox)

Is it possible to avoid heart damage from the COVID vaccine? Or do all COVID-vaccinated people have some myocarditis? (Dr Colleen Huber)

"Excessive Free Speech" Threatens Our Democracy, The Globe and Mail Explains (Igor Chudov)

The unofficial official ideology of British institutions. A joint project by the BBC and the Royal Society exposes the establishment's ideological underbelly. And it is a grotesque thing. (Ben Pile)

➡️ El planeta empezará a vaciarse de gente, y debemos prepararnos para ello | National Geographic | (webarchive)

(VIDEO) Cómo se manipula con el miedo y la inseguridad, por ejemplo, en una pandemia | Miguel Jara TV

[No importan las veces que cae, sino las que se levanta: "...vivir con menos miedo y más alegría"] Sentirte a gusto contigo (Juan Gérvas / Mercedes Pérez Fernández) | Diario16plus | (webarchive)

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