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Last cognitive update (17FEB24)


(VIA Larry Johnson |


Lavrov en la Duma del Estado: La política de Estados Unidos es un "caos controlado" en todo el mundo | EIR

[KEYWORDS: Fascist World Order] The Global Deep State: A Fascist World Order Funded by the American Taxpayer (John & Nisha Whitehead)

Rafah: The penultimate step in Israel’s march of genocide. | Jewish Voice for Peace

[KEYWORDS: The criminals call it “policy coordination.”] On waivers of sovereign immunity as contract provisions for nation-states buying US military countermeasures. (Katherine Watt)

The Corona Crisis. Engineered Economic Depression (Michel Chossudovsky)

Death of Aleksei Navalny: the Brits did it! (Gilbert Doctorow)

It’s horrific when a political opponent dies in jail. But it’s also never good to be caught on camera attempting a coup in your country with a foreign intel service. Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution in Russia. | George Papadopoulos [@GeorgePapa19]

(AUDIO) Editorial: ¿Qué poderes extranjeros estuvieron detrás del golpe de Estado en Cataluña? | 13/02/24 (César Vidal)

Muere el opositor y delincuente Alexei Navalny. Por supuesto, las oligarquías occidentales y sus furcias mediáticas acusan a Putin |

Crocodile Tears Over Navalny While Ignoring Assange (Caitlin Johnstone)

Octava prórroga de la prisión provisional para Pablo González: pasará más de dos años en prisión sin juicio y sin pruebas | Público

“Guerra de propaganda” de Occidente vs Putin y colisión de globalistas vs soberanistas (Alfredo Jalife)

The Chris Hedges Report with Pulitzer-prize winning former New York Times reporter Gretchen Morgenson on the collapse of journalism, the digital sewer and the new dark age. (Chris Hedges)

Andrea Zhok - Maccartismo. Su un angosciante documento del Parlamento europeo | L'antidiplomatico

(VIDEO) ¿Quién era Navalny? El juego de la Inteligencia. (Marcelo Ramírez)

Una ministra ‘verde’ con ancestros nazis | mpr21

Europa ya sólo piensa en el rearme y la guerra | mpr21

[OTAN] Empresa de pompas fúnebres | El territorio del Lince

La cleptocracia de Bruselas persigue a los “prorrusos” en Europa. Y “prorruso es todo aquel que se opone a su tiranía |

Llamados histéricos a la militarización es el orden del día de la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich | EIR

The Economist encabeza la ofensiva por el rearme europeo | EIR

From the History of Western War Crimes: The Dresden Massacre (February 1945) | (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

El plan de Alemania para combatir a la «extrema derecha»: podrán cerrar cuentas bancarias | The Objetive | (webarchive)

(VIDEO) Nuevo totalitarismo: Alemania podrá cancelar cuentas bancarias para combatir a la “extrema derecha” | Negocios TV

El Reino Unido entró en recesión técnica en el último trimestre de 2023 |

La UE pacta la hoja de ruta de los recortes que están por venir | La Izquierda Diario

El terrorismo se ha multiplicado por 100.000 en África desde el inicio de la guerra contra el terrorismo | mpr21

RFK Jr. Exposes Ukraine as a ‘Money Laundering Scheme’ for BlackRock | The Vigilant Fox

(AUDIO) Editorial: La cruz de hierro de la que cuelga el pueblo americano - 15/02/24 (César Vidal)

Israel’s Ever-widening War (Paul Craig Roberts)

What is the Democrats’ Playbook? (Paul Craig Roberts)

Putin, Ukraine and the Unfolding Disaster in the Middle East (Larry Johnson)

Think About It (James Howard Kunstler)

Deutsches Papier: Digitaler Euro zweckgebunden |

Pathways to Solutions (Michael Hudson)

AI and the new kind of propaganda. Some dystopian nightmare fuel | shadowrunners

The "Phantom Legion" Problem. Everything is presented as rock-solid until it falls apart. (Charles Hugh Smith)

Here’s the truth about the war in Ukraine (Robert F. Kennedy Jr)

Les industriels européens craignent un déclin économique de l’UE | Geopolintel

China on the Year of the Dragon (Karl Sanchez)

WILL EUROPE'S FARMERS END THE NIGHTMARE OF THE UN'S AGENDA 2030 ? The world is waking up! (Phillip Altman)

Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview: What President Putin Really Said (Koenig & Chossudovsky)

Histórica entrevista de Tucker Carlson a Vladímir Putin: transcripción en texto más video con audio en castellano

Euromaidán: una lectura prospectiva a diez años del regreso del fascismo

The World’s Gyre (Alastair Crooke)

Press TV, Iran: The IMF Report on Gaza War Economic Fallout (Gilbert Doctorow)

Sputnik International article on Trump’s latest remarks regarding NATO (Gilbert Doctorow)

European NATO Members Know 'Russia Threat' Rhetoric is a Lie - Expert | (archive)

(VIDEO) Hablamos con Lorenzo Ramírez sobre las incógnitas del 11M y su último libro (Bea Talegón) | (archive)

Putin signals interest in Ukraine talks (MK Bhadrakumar)

Labour MPs have accepted over £280,000 from Israel lobby. Twenty percent of Labour’s sitting MPs have been funded by pro-Israel groups or individuals – including 15 who have been directly funded by the Israeli state. (John McEvoy) | Declassified UK

Will NATO be dismantled? Interview on India’s WION television channel (Gilbert Doctorow)

Ukraine SitRep: A Collapse Is Coming - And Then? | MoA

In Jerusalem, the "Conference for the Victory of Israel" threatens London and Washington (Thierry Meyssan) | Voltaire Network

La “Conferencia por la Victoria de Israel” realizada en Jerusalén, una amenaza para Londres y Washington (Thierry Meyssan) | Red Voltaire

Intellectuals for Sale (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Intelectuales en venta (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Political Shrinkflation (bad cattitude) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

(VIDEO) Detrás de la entrevista meta-historica de Tucker Carlson a Putin | Alfredo Jalife

Au coeur d'une banque centrale en guerre (Josh Lipsky) | Geopolintel

Com quem Putin conversou? (Dmitry Orlov)

Aumenta la tensión ante la inminente invasión israelí de Rafah | EIR

Senator Rand Paul Shreds ‘Ukraine First, America Last’ Bill: “It’s the Middle Finger to America!” | The Vigilant Fox

Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. assassinated? By John Klar (DoortoFreedom contributor) at the American Thinker. (Meryl Nass)

Extremist Islamists and Anglican Useful Idiot Elites. "The “veritable industry” of baptisms after discovering the scale of abuse in the system." (Mathew Aldred)

“It’s Not Socialism”: China is a Capitalist Cheap Labour Economy, Based on Exceedingly Low Wages. Unlimited Reserves of Cheap Labor: 292 Million "Internal Migrant Workers" (Michel Chossudovsky)

La OTAN responde a la propuesta de paz de Putin: “prepararse para décadas de confrontación con Rusia”. Salir de la OTAN es un imperativo patriótico |

“Caos controlado”: efecto boomerang |

El sitio web ucraniano Molfar, creado con ayuda de la inteligencia británica, inició una caza de periodistas y personalidades occidentales

Carlos X. Blanco: «hoy en día, Lenin habría estado al frente de las tractoradas» |

General Syrsky Takes Charge and Ukraine Continues to Falter (Larry Johnson)

(AUDIO) Despegamos: Guerra en Europa, excusa Trump, debacle alemana, crisis pensiones y mentiras fiscales - 13/02/24 (César Vidal & Lorenzo Ramírez)

Campos de batalla 2024: ¿El mundo al borde de la guerra? |

Looks Like We made It and Mike Turner’s Russian Threat Scam (Larry Johnson)

Ellen Brown: Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions | ScheerPost

Del bloqueo de Leningrado al asedio de Gaza. (Yakov M. Rabkin, profesor de la Universidad de Montreal nacido en Leningrado, evoca en este artículo la continuidad de la mentalidad colonialista de las potencias occidentales) | (Traducción por Rafael Poch de Feliu)

Life During Wartime – On the Road in Donbass (Pepe Escobar)

Thierry Meyssan interview with Monika Berchvok | Voltaire Network

Thierry Meyssan analiza los acontecimientos alrededor de los hechos en Gaza | Red Voltaire

Digital Service Dumpster Fires and Shadow Work (Charles Hugh Smith)

FCK NZS: How noble protestors "against the right" assembled yesterday evening at the Dresden Altmarkt to shout about Alternative für Deutschland and finally defeat the Nazis. In which eugyppius attends dumb government-backed demonstrations AgAInST FasCIsM so you don't have to. | eugyppius

China, un breve y conciso recopilatorio (Pascual Serrrano) | Globalter

Heading Into 3rd Year of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, NATO Reveals its True Nature as an Undertaker--Chinese OP/ED (Karl Sanchez)

La región de los Grandes Lagos va de mal en peor. Echemos un vistazo a los acontecimientos de principios de febrero de 2024. [Emmanuel Neretse – Echos d'Afrique, 10.02.2024] | L'Hora

SITREP 2/13/24: Avdeevka Turns Critical as Iskander Strike Devastates AFU Staging Area (Simplicius)

‘The Zone of Interest’ Is a Film About Auschwitz – and Gaza

The Middle East, UNRWA, the ICJ, Israel, Palestine and the regional escalation. My recent interview with Paul Brennan of Reality Check Radio (Vanessa Beeley)

War with Hezbollah - the 'Most Deadly War of All' according to Zionist experts. A recently published report reveals the trepidation of Zionist military experts (Vanessa Beeley)

(VIDEO) The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

What Everyone Is Missing About the Putin/Carlson Talk (Tom Luongo)


Reminiscence of the Future... : Bordering On Surreal... (Andrei Martyanov)

The forgotten history of American Jewish dissent against Zionism | +972 Magazine

We Think This Dystopia Is Normal Like People In Abusive Relationships Think It's Normal (Caitlin Johnstone)

Why “Putin-helped-Trump-win” Never Made Sense | Ray McGovern

(AUDIO) Despegamos: Amenaza espacial, dictadura financiera, saqueo alemán y golpe sanitario español - 15/02/24 (César Vidal & Lorenzo Ramírez)

(VIDEO) WSJ candidatea a Michelle Obama en sustitución de Biden (Alfredo Jalife) | Radar Geopolítico

Medios franceses denuncian que Zelensky quería matar a Macron y arrastrar a la OTAN a la guerra. Cambios en la cúpula militar en Kiev |

Una sucia treta de EEUU para que se apruebe la ayuda a Ucrania de 60 mil millones de $: Se inventan una "grave amenaza" | Geoestrategia

Los árabes divididos ante el fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justícia [As`ad AbuKhalil – Consortium News, 14.02.2024] | L'Hora

La defensa de la UE contra el tsunami financiero que se avecina es un sombrero de paja | EIR

Todo lo que deberías saber sobre la URSS

Planetary Scare: Russian Doomsday Space Weapon Steals Headlines of Avdeevka Collapse (Simplicius)

La geopolítica de la inteligencia artificial (Sebastián Schulz)

Gangsters Out Blog: Amazing Train Station in Russia (Dennis Watson)

Agamben: Theater und Politik |

It Is Past Time for Washington to Come to Its Senses (Paul Craig Roberts)

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: El `sexto sentido' es la clave para detener el genocidio en Gaza | EIR

Speed. . . and. . . Action (James Howard Kunstler)

L’esperienza del linguaggio è un’esperienza politica (Giorgio Agamben)

The Great Reset Didn’t Work: The Case of EVs (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

El gran reinicio no funcionó: el caso de los vehículos eléctricos (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The U.S. Housing Market: Rent-Serfs and Artificial Scarcity (Charles Hugh Smith)

Who Really Benefits from the Creation of a Land Market in Ukraine? |

The U.S. Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Payments Than Defense Story (Eric Wallerstein)

'Hope is a discipline.' | Jewish Voice for Peace

For the Freedom of Nations! Lavrov at the Forum of Supporters of Combating Contemporary Practices of Neocolonialism (Karl Sanchez)

Général Dominique Delawarde : Nouvelles du 14 février 2024 | Profession Gendarme

A los aspirantes a Dr. Insólito se les pide que se callen | EIR

El Gobierno de Argentina aumenta las tarifas de energía hasta un 150 % en Buenos Aires y alrededores |

Russian Space Nukes and Navalny’s Death… U.S. Psyops Go Ballistic

Los «estresados» de occidente (Alex Roberts)

Pepe Escobar visitó el Donbás

Many Reporters Paid for Covering the Russiagate Story. Media figures who exposed illegal surveillance, manufactured intelligence, and other abuses in the Trump-Russia investigation almost always paid a price (Matt Taibbi)

EXPOSED: How the Syrian Opposition Collaborates with Zionist Politicians. Kevork Almassian, Vanessa Beeley and Hekmat Aboukhater discuss the U.S. 'Anti-normalisation with Assad' Act (Vanessa Beeley)

UN Relief Chief: Hamas is not a terrorist group | The Palestinian Information Center

Israeli army bars access of UN aid convoy to Nasser Hospital in Gaza | The Palestinian Information Center

France’s “Pfizer amendment” could turn mRNA critics into criminals (Sonia Elijah)

France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

¿Por qué ni jueces ni fiscales han denunciado a los responsables de las ilegalidades acometidas durante la presunta pandemia del Coronavirus? (Fernando Vizcaíno Carles) | (webarchive)

[KEYWORDS: The criminals call it “policy coordination.”] On waivers of sovereign immunity as contract provisions for nation-states buying US military countermeasures. (Katherine Watt)

The covid booster cancer time bomb (Professor Angus Dalgleish | Angus Dalgleish is an expert in immunology and Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital Medical School, London.) | The Conservative Woman

The vaccine and heart trouble – a must-see interview (Kath Gyngell) | The Conservative Woman

Questions from readers about EUA Countermeasures (Sasha Latypova)

Tools for illuminating, defying and dismantling kill-box anti-laws: Latypova memo on legal status of EUA countermeasures. (Katherine Watt)

Giant Mistake to Mass Vaccinate the World. Epidemiologist M. Nathaniel Mead, Dr. McCullough, On Grant Stinchield Tonight

Davos y la OMS: ¿una dictadura sanitaria global (I)? (Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo)

Davos and the WHO: a global health dictatorship (I)? (Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo)

Davos y la OMS: hacia una dictadura sanitaria global (II) | (Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo)

Davos and the WHO: towards a global health dictatorship (II) | (Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo)

On the mRNA vaccines' pathways for damage. Overview of the last year's research on etiological mechanisms | shadowrunners

The magical mRNA elixir mysteriously heals the unborn. On the reports around the recent JAMA article | shadowrunners

The Explosive Link Between COVID Vaccines and Increased Cancer Rates in Children & Young Adults | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Los refuerzos de las inyecciones Covid son una bomba de tiempo que inducen cáncer | CYSN

Ventricular Tachycardia Cardiac Arrest after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination. Researchers Fail to Assess Myocardial mRNA/Spike Protein and Loading Death Reports with Incongruous "Mild" and "Benefits Outweigh Risk" Statements (Peter McCullough)

WILL EUROPE'S FARMERS END THE NIGHTMARE OF THE UN'S AGENDA 2030 ? The world is waking up! (Phillip Altman)

Full Steam Ahead for Big Pharma | Smurfing the New Normal

LONG COVID Research = COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Research (except for Turbo Cancer!) - Eric Topol's Fraud (I dissect the largest review paper on Long COVID published Jan.2023) | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Función de la ganancia de función (Por José Muñoz, Licenciado en Biología, Congreso de Médicos por la Verdad en Pontevedra, Universidad de Granada, UGR) | CYSN

Vaccine-Injured Man Confronts British Prime Minister on GB News. John Watt took the opportunity to confront British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak face-to-face on GB News, bringing the critical issue of vaccine-related injuries directly to the nation’s leader. | The Vigilant Fox

Do the Democrats want Bobby Kennedy Jr. assassinated? By John Klar (DoortoFreedom contributor) at the American Thinker. (Meryl Nass)

WHO's Fooling Who? The one who gives the orders is the sovereign. Tedros slams us for lies but it's all projection: here's the documentary proof it is the WHO that is lying (Meryl Nass)

WHO Director-General's speech at the World Governments Summit – 12 February 2024. The whole, unadulterated BS and boy does he slather it on. The pandemic fairytale starts about 1/3 way down. My comments are in italics. (Meryl Nass)

GOP lawmakers argue pandemic treaty threatens US sovereignty. This gives an idea where some lawmakers are going with this issue (Meryl Nass)

On the arrogance (and stupidity) of Pfizer's Super Bowl ad. PART 1: 60 seconds of science! From the company that brought you the Covid mRNA vaccines... and is almost proud of them. (Alex Berenson)

Fauci needs to come clean on his pandemic failures. Former White House advisor Scott Atlas accuses Fauci of malfeasance and says he caused “tremendous destruction of trust in public health and in science” (Maryanne Demasi)

The mystery of the phantom covid jabs on my NHS record (Jonathan Engler) | The Conservative Woman

The New Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines Promise to be Double, Triple, Quadruple the Fun! It's all part of a quest to discover the best ways to send messages through human bodies instructing those bodies to perform in whatever way they are ordered to do. (Karen Hunt)

The Climate-Industrial Complex. Foundations and journalists who channel public funds into "renewable energy" (John Leake)

Loi sur les dérives sectaires du lobby pharmaceutique contre Didier Raoult | Geopolintel

US expects a bird flu vaccines for chickens, but bans French ducks who have been vaccinated. It's not supposed to make sense. It's supposed to frighten and confuse you, keeping you off-balance. Remember, avian flu mutated and is no longer a threat to humans. (Meryl Nass)

Könnten Immunzellen von der Plörre transfiziert werden? | DrBine’s Newsletter

(VIDEO) The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

Water – The Abundant Scarcity | Global South

(VIDEO) After the vaccine (Dr. John Campbell)

El desmentidor de la teoría de la conspiración encuentra conspiraciones reales (Doran Howitt) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies (Doran Howitt) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Covid : l’affaire Lega est-elle la réminiscence de l’eugénisme et de l’euthanasie historiques de l’université de Lyon-1 ? (Partie 1) | FranceSoir

The Corona Crisis. Engineered Economic Depression (Michel Chossudovsky)

(VIDEO) DESTROY THE WHO. Evidence presented by Dr. David Martin (Phillip Altman)

Des dizaines de milliers de personnes âgées sont secrètement euthanasiées pour augmenter le nombre de « décès liés au Covid » | Profession Gendarme

Trump spent $10 billion on US depopulation: Catherine Austin Fitts/ Mark Crispin Miller's substack (Meryl Nass)

No one’s published an article like this … For 4 years, I’ve saved reader testimonials of people who think they had Covid before March 2020. IMO, this anecdotal evidence provides compelling evidence of early spread. I hope readers skim this. (Bill Rice Jr.)

(VIDEO) Coercive vaccination and mandates - no valid voluntary informed consent. Discussion with Graham Hood, John Larter, Judy Wilyman and Elizabeth Hart

Weltweite Empörung über französisches „Pfizer-Gesetz“ |

Tools for illuminating, defying and dismantling kill-box anti-laws: state nullification procedure acts. (Katherine Watt)

The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis (Debbie Lerman) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

El encubrimiento de Wuhan por RFK, Jr.: revisión y análisis (Debbie Lerman) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Pr Luc Montagnier franc-tireur des Sciences : Libre, franc-tireur, pluridisciplinaire et esthète de la recherche. Hommage de Jean-Claude Perez | Profession Gendarme

Meryl's Pre-Crime in Massachusetts. Had to get this zit off my chest (Meryl Nass)

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