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➡️ A Christmas like no other. 2023 the Genocide year. (Vanessa Beeley)

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: ¿Desesperación u optimismo? Tú decides | EIR

El número de muertos en Gaza supera las 20.000 personas y las FDI planean ampliar su ofensiva | EIR

The Crisis Caused by Washington and Israel Is Metastasizing (Paul Craig Roberts)

Metástasis de la guerra de Israel en Gaza alcanza al mar Rojo: se disloca el comercio global (Alfredo Jalife-Rahme)

El CSNU aprueba formalmente la Resolución 2720 sobre la crisis palestino-israelí; el mundo debe detener el complejo militar-financiero y poner en marcha el Plan Oasis de desarrollo | EIR

¿El gran monstruo está aplastando ahora a la pobre inocencia de palestinos e israelís. ¿Estarán cayendo también en la misma ingenuidad fatal en la que cayeron hutus y tutsis?? (Joan Carrero) | L'Hora

El Plan Dalet de Israel de limpieza étnica de palestinos: desde hace 76 años hasta hoy en Gaza (Alfredo Jalife)

Chris Hedges: The Cost of Bearing Witness | ScheerPost

Dozens massacred in Israeli strikes on refugee camp in central Gaza | The Palestinian Information Center

US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza enters day 79 | The Palestinian Information Center

Gaza: 166 Palestinians martyred in last 24 hours | The Palestinian Information Center

UNICEF: El peligro de morir de hambre en Gaza es una realidad | REM

Por qué Israel no puede derrotar a Hamás (Eduardo Vasco)

Reminiscence of the Future... : This Is What Happens Right Now... (Andrei Martyanov)

Los hutíes abren la caja de Pandora y ponen en jaque el imperialismo y el sionismo

La Armada de Estados Unidos no está preparada para una guerra prolongada con Yemen (Larry Johnson)

US' war on terror against Houthis is smoke and mirrors (MK Bhadrakumar)

If US Bombs Yemen… (Ray McGovern)

Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov makes news (Gilbert Doctorow)

Washington Spins Tale to New York Times that Putin is Looking For An Escape Hatch (Larry Johnson)

Die Russen kommen! (Rüdiger Rauls)

In unprecedented slaughter of Gaza civilians, US claims Israel is the “victim”. As the death toll in Gaza tops 20,000, Israeli-US lies about Al-Shifa hospital are newly exposed. (Aaron Maté)

Washington & CNN Are Setting Up Iran for Attack (Paul Craig Roberts)

Washington Regards Truth As Its Most Dangerous Enemy (Paul Craig Roberts)

Milei declara la guerra al pueblo argentino | EIR

At the End of the Game… There Will Be More Russia on NATO’s Borders! (Hugo Dionisio)

Bury Julian Assange’s Heart at Wounded Knee (Declan Hayes)

La escuela argentina de geopolítica | Geoestrategia

Canadians supporting Palestine face job loss, condemnation | Middle East Monitor

Gaza's rescue workers are haunted by those they couldn't save | +972 Magazine

El imperio estadounidense es nombrado la máquina de matar más asesina de la historia | Revista CovertAction

Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group | Euronews

Comandante Iraní: “Estados Unidos atrapado en el Mar Rojo debería prepararse para el «cierre» del Estrecho de Gibraltar”. (Ilia Sukanov)

Dostoevsky for Catholics (and Everyone Else), Part I (Crisis Magazine)

Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of Useless People (Edward J. Curtin, Jr.)

Estonia ready to arrest Ukrainian immigrants to force them to mobilize | Voltaire Network

El ministro del Interior de Estonia está dispuesto a detener a los inmigrantes ucranianos para reenviarlos al ejército de Kiev | Red Voltaire

Oriente e Occidente (Giorgio Agamben)

What We Have Learned (Craig Murray)

A Comment on This Christmas Eve & Day (Karl Sanchez)

¿Antisemita? (Juan Manuel de Prada) | Kontrainfo

¿EEUU ha perdido el control de Israel? ¿Qué está pasando con el poderío atómico del Estado sionista? (Wolfgang Streeck)

Berlusconi blinded the Left (Thomas Fazi) | UnHerd

(Informe) España es el país de la UE con más pobreza infantil

Temor de los científicos a que el "virus del ciervo zombi" se propague a los humanos: "Es importante que la gente esté preparada" (webarchive)

➡️ Thoughts on the Great Origins Mystery. For some of us, solving the ‘origins mystery’ is like an addictive parlor game. We’re all playing this game because we don’t think the virus sleuths are looking at the most-important clues. | Bill Rice Jr.'s Newsletter

➡️ (2014) Paris laboratory loses deadly SARS virus samples

➡️ SARS-CoV-2 was already spreading in France in late December 2019

➡️  Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them (Glenn Greenwald)

➡️ (2020) Coronavirus: cómo el hallazgo de rastros de SARS-CoV-2 en aguas residuales de 4 países (antes del brote en China) aumenta el misterio sobre su origen | BBC

➡️ (2020) Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy


➡️ Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec


➡️ CCC captures U.S. military biometrics database


Give the USG a piece of your mind about the WHO and the global sharing of pandemic pathogens aka Biowarfare Agents. This effort is to take your eyes off the IHR Amendments, which are being negotiated under massive secrecy, and pretend all they are doing is negotiating a Pandemic Treaty. Still it is interesting (Meryl Nass)

Studie aus Japan: Alle Corona Varianten wurden im Labor erzeugt |

VIDEO - German TV MDR covers DNA Contamination in all Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines (11 min)(Dec.13, 2023) | Peter McCullough

(VIDEO) Excess deaths: "“Wartime Levels of Excess Deaths” (Dr John Campbell)

This Blog Will Be Censored by NewsGuard; on Moderation; Open Thread (Igor Chudov)

NSSM 200. On Empire, Fertility, Resources and The Kissinger Report | Lies are Unbekoming

(2021) Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine

Cancer Pathways From the COVID Vaccines. In the pre-COVID era there were 7 major ways in which cancer established itself. Since the mRNA COVID vaccines, there are about 7 additional ways that are making cancer even harder to fight.

Die Krankenstands-Krise der Geimpften in Deutschland (Dr. Andreas Hoppe)

Integration of codon-optimized modified SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA into human DNA. What we know and what we don't know yet... (Jessica Rose)

Mistletoe. On Cancer | Lies are Unbekoming


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