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Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money (James Howard Kunstler)

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: A reconvertir el Complejo Militar-Financiero (Dennis Small)

Alemania está perdiendo su industria | Geoestrategia

Muerte y destrucción en Gaza [John J. Mearsheimer – John's Substack, 12.12.2023] | L'Hora

Convertir espadas en arados | EIR

Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos, ¿listas para la guerra? (I) (Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein)

La derrota de los cruzados | El territorio del Lince

Running On Empty, the US Leaves Zelenskyy Hanging (Tom Luongo)

Javier Milei participará en el Foro de Davos, cuna de la agenda globalista, en su primer viaje al exterior como presidente | KontraInfo

Vladimir Putin’s “Direct Line” Q&A session today (Gilbert Doctorow)

Western Policymakers Are Panicking Because There Was No Plan B if The Counteroffensive Failed (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

Spain’s plan to help Ukraine with Russian funds in EU unviable | (webarchive)

Germany to ban populist parties while “Maidainized” Europe embraces Fascism (Uriel Araujo)

Pfizer Has a Criminal Record. Did the Media or Your Government Inform You? Had You Known Would You Have Accepted to Receive the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine? | Global Research

Inseguridad de la inyección K0 B1T de acuerdo a los propios documentos de Pfizer | CYSN

The NZ data is crystal clear evidence that the COVID vaccine is deadly. A simple, stunning example. This one chart is all you need to know. Deaths go UP. They are supposed to go DOWN. (Steve Kirsch)

20 Million Non-Covid Excess Deaths - The MSM Starts to Report on the Pandemic of Ill Health. 72,000 Excess Deaths in 1.5 Years in the UK | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

Japan approves self-amplifying (saRNA) COVID vaccine!?! What? Seeking to follow the former Italian Health Minister into ignominy? Sometimes there is nothing left to say. (Meryl Nass)

Questions Pfizer and Moderna must answer. Last week's paper showing their Covid shots cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins raises the question of what they knew and when they knew it. I've asked. (Alex Berenson)

More bad news for the mRNAs. A new paper in a top scientific journal shows they accidentally cause our cells to create vast numbers of random misshapen proteins; no one has any idea how serious the risks of those might be (Alex Berenson)

The world knows mRNA Covid shots have failed. Now Pfizer and Moderna shareholders know it too (Alex Berenson)

mRNA RSV Vaccine: 81 Adverse Reactions per Each Prevented Case of RSV. Also a marked increase in immune deficiency (Igor Chudov)

Who Were the 11,005 in New Zealand? I wonder how many of the power elites exempted themselves? (Mathew Aldred)

(2022) El presidente de la farmacéutica PharmaMar y su familia, entre los 2.200 falsos vacunados de Covid

(2022) Irene, la modelo de las noches VIP que creó la red de falsas vacunas Covid

"The War on Ivermectin” Isn’t Just Your Favorite Book, Now It’s Also A Documentary. Acclaimed filmmaker Mikki Willis documented the disinformation campaign that discredited ivermectin around the world. Now updated and rebranded, the movie exposes their wicked tactics. (Pierre Kory,)

Trombocitopenia inmune: empieza con hematomas y nos puede dejar sin bazo (Diario Información) | (webarchive)

Systematic review and meta-analysis are broken, which means that regulators, doctors, and the public are flying blind when it comes to the safety and efficacy of all medicines, especially vaccines (Toby Rogers)

What Makes My Readers Special? Reflections on the information war, epistemic tribes, and commitment to truth (Mathew Aldred)

A Star Witness of the Criminal Pandemic Response. Nurse Gail McCrae provides devastating testimony of mass homicide. (John Leake)

Guess What? Segregation of Unvaccinated People to Protect the 'Vaccinated' is NOT Supported by Modeling Practiced With Integrity (Dr Byram W. Bridle)

There are no 'desired proteins' with regard to the modified spike mRNA. A follow-up to the Nature study by Mulroney et al. (Jessica Rose)

"Midazolam, morphine and syringe drivers are critical to a good death...". The history behind the scandal | Uncut News

(VIDEO) CORONA-FILM Teil 1 Teaser (Via Wolfgang Wodard)

The PCR test viewed from the legal kill box perspective. Plus links to Paul Kingsnorth essays, and reflections on Christian history and Christian hope. (Katherine Watt)

Steht Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach weiterhin zu seiner Aussage der „nebenwirkungsfreien“ Covid19-Impfung? (Florian Warweg) | NachDenkSeiten

Canadá registra un aumento del 300% de las muertes por "causas no especificadas", lo que suscita peticiones de investigación | Children's Health Defense

PlasmidGate Continues to Hit the Airwaves: Servus TV's "Talk im Hangar-7" covers DNA Contamination!". Second TV station to cover PlasmidGate! (Aussie17)

Social segregation of unvaccinated people is not scientifically justified. Peer-reviewed article from CORRELATION (Denis Rancourt)

(VIDEO) Tratado Pandémico y las modificaciones propuestas por la OMS al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional. (Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse)


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