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El estallido de la deuda detrás de la guerra de Londres y Wall Street | EIR

A “New 9/11”: The Stage Is Set (Fabio Vighi) | The Philosophical Salon

Un nuevo 9/11: el escenario está preparado (Fabio Vighi) | Traducción, contexto y ampliación por Climaterra

What Heidegger Can Teach Us About Our Technological Moment (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Lo que Heidegger puede enseñarnos sobre nuestro momento tecnológico (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The Vaccine Study that should have brought down The Empire (Jon Rappoport)

(VIDEO) Operación Engaño - El método Reagan (Documental de Dirk Pohlmann)

(VIDEO) Operation Täuschung - Die Methode Reagan / Doku Von Dirk Pohlmann

How NATO is committing Cyber Warfare against the global masses

The Covid-19 Concoction: A Recipe for Successful Psychological Operations

Israel hace llover el terror sobre Gaza; los portavoces de EU les dicen que lo hagan con cautela | EIR

Israel reabre el matadero en Gaza (Chris Hedges) | ODC

A dark December in Gaza | The Electronic Intifada

Esta es una guerra contra los niños | EIR

Documentación sobre el conocimiento previo de los servicios de inteligencia israelíes de la preparación del atentado de Hamás | EIR

Veteranos militares y de inteligencia israelíes denuncian la política de asesinatos en masa | EIR

Llega a África primer barco con grano gratuito procedente de Rusia | REM

Nadie quiere bonos del Tesoro de Estados Unidos | EIR

US Sent Israel 15,000 Bombs Since October 7 | Antiwar

Estos son los países occidentales que ayudan al genocidio de Israel en Gaza |

Bidenomics in Action (James Howard Kunstler)

New York Times sostiene que Israel sabía del ataque de Hamás desde un año antes | Kontrainfo

(AUDIO) Editorial: Israel conocía los planes de Hamas hace más de un año - 04/12/3023 - La Voz de César Vidal

Israel supo un año antes (¡mega-sic!) el plan del ataque de Hamas: documento Muro Jericó (Alfredo Jalife)

The United Eunuchs of Europe (1) (Laura Ruggeri)

The United Eunuchs of Europe (2) (Laura Ruggeri)

Spiders in Glass Jar: Ze Desperately Buys Time as Enemies Plot (Simplicius)

Democracia: esa dulce tiranía (OY)

Saludos y sonrisas, incluso abrazos | El territorio del Lince

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: Kissinger, LaRouche y la guerra en Gaza

Kissinger, o la impunidad de un criminal de guerra | La Haine Mundo

How Kiev Wanted to Expand the War to Belarus

Argentina’s Ghosts of Christmas Past Return

Chris Hedges: Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse. Phase One of Israel’s genocidal campaign on Gaza has ended. Phase Two has begun. It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction | Scheer Post

Die AfD Realitätsverweigerer (Hans-Jürgen Geese)

Dystopia (Craig Murray)

La France tente de réduire le nombre de personnes vivant dans des bidonvilles | Geopolintel

Guyana, la punta de lanza de EEUU para expandirse militarmente en América Latina | Globalter

The US, Not Israel, Is the Main Combatant in the War Against Hamas (Paul Craig Roberts)

Vladimir Poutine, le nouveau de Gaulle | Profession Gendarme

L'Europe passe à la trappe | Strategika

Los diez principios: un oasis en el desierto del hombre bestia | EIR

America's Acts of Economic and Social Warfare Have Killed Millions of People | Global Research

Seymour Hersh, Anatol Lieven and the desperate DC gambit to end hostilities in Ukraine while claiming ‘victory’ (Gilbert Doctorow)

Reminiscence of the Future... : Sure, Sure;)) - (Andrei Martyanov)

La escritura económica está en la pared, y el profesor Putin está sosteniendo la tiza | sott

Black Pattern Forming? (Alastair Crooke)

The Qatargate Files: Hundreds of leaked documents reveal scale of EU corruption scandal. Evidence from the European Parliament's graft investigation provides a record of more than 300 alleged attempts to manipulate EU democracy | POLITICO

75th Anniversary Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Russia's Perspective (Karl Sanchez)

USA und Deutschland – eine schwierige Beziehung. Daniele Ganser im Gespräch mit Oskar Lafontaine | NachDenkSeiten

The Chris Hedges Report: The War on Palestine Has Gone on for Over 100 Years. Historian Rashid Khalidi reframes the ‘Israel-Palestine Conflict’ in light of the 1917 Balfour Declaration and beyond, breaking down the myth of an ancient and eternal Jewish-Arab antagonism.

Laura Richardson, jefa del Comando Sur, pidió actualizar la Doctrina Monroe para asegurar los recursos de América del Sur | Kontrainfo

Why real-world economics matters | Michael Roberts Blog

Subscriber Mailbag: Answers - 12/4/23 [Part 2] (Simplicius)

Ukraine Another Historic U.S. War Failure a la Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and More

US Congressmen: we WILL be at war with China within five years! The permanent war machine has its next target set. (Alex Krainer)

Traveling to Prove China Is Not Our Enemy | CovertAction Magazine

El capitalismo “woke” | ODC

We Feel Poorer Because We Are Poorer: Here's Proof (Charles Hugh Smith)

(VIDEO) Foro de emergencia: ¡No más crímenes de guerra! ¡Desarrollo económico, no despoblación! | EIR

(VIDEO) Milei Deslactosado; Brasil a la OPEP; Legado de Kissinger | Alfredo Jalife | Radar Geopolítico

Weimar America (Victor Davis Hanson) | American Greatness

Elon Musk: Disney Is “World’s Biggest Example Of Go Woke, Go Broke” | Modernity

Spencer Tracy, Nuremberg & “The Value of a Single Human Being” | Oscillations

23andMe confirms hackers stole ancestry data on 6.9 million users

"Si nos salimos con la nuestra, es legal": Documentos revelan nuevos detalles sobre el "complejo de la industria de la censura" del gobierno de EE.UU. Los "Archivos de CTIL", basados en documentos recibidos de un denunciante anónimo pero "altamente creíble", según los periodistas de investigación Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag y Matt Taibbi, describen las actividades de censura del gobierno estadounidense que se remontan a 2017. | Children's Health Defense

FOIA document shows government anticipated mass vaccine injuries, then observed them from day one | WatchingRomeBurn

L'etat, c'est Pfizer. After making tens of billions of dollars on its mRNA jab, the drug giant is happy to sue Poland and demand even MORE money; but its chairman feels different about lawsuits when he's the defendant. (Alex Berenson)

CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show. Whistleblower makes trove of new documents available to Public and Racket, showing the birth of the Censorship Industrial Complex in reaction to Brexit and Trump election in 2016 (Michael Schellenberg) | Public

The Censorship-Industrial Complex, Part 2. My testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government (Michael Shellenberger) | PUBLIC

Interview with "Stay Free" With Russell Brand: On the UK Files and CTI League. Thanks to Rusty Rockets for a great talk, published Friday. Excerpt, with links, here (Matt Taibbi)

Bombshell Video: The “COVID Pandemic” Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: "Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID!" | Global Research

The Cyber Threat Intelligence League, Sara-Jayne Terp, and the unbearably idiotic schoolmarms who have been unleashed to censor the internet (euggypius)

UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’ | CHD

Nuevo informe: Los jóvenes mueren de cáncer a un ritmo "explosivo", según datos del Gobierno británico [Mike Capuzzo – The Defender, 21.11.2023] | L'Hora

(2021) No importa la marca, sino recibir la vacuna

Data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide. It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. (Steve Kirsch)

It's time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health officials. NOW! Thanks to the efforts of a courageous whistleblower, the entire world now knows, and can download, the data proving the COVID vaccines have killed over 10,000 people in New Zealand. (Steve Kirsch)

Wasabi turned off my account without notice because there was too much traffic to it. So I've relocated the S3 server to a bulletproof hosting site. (Steve Kirsch)

Los datos de Nueva Zelanda revelan que las inyecciones K0 B1T han matado a más de 10 millones en todo el mundo | CYSN

NZ Whistleblower Arrested for Exposing the Truth: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See | Vigilant News

Europe's FDA (the EMA) tells 8 European Parliament members to pound sand: we don't need no stinkin' data to continue the mRNA vaccine authorizations. As their evidence evaporates, their brazenness grows (Meryl Nass)

Pfizer sued for “false and deceptive” COVID-19 vaccine claims (Maryanne Demasi)

Juicio a Pfizer por exagerar la eficacia de su inyección y conspirar para censurar la información al público | CYSN

Le rapport final de l’enquête nationale sur les citoyens appelle à un réexamen de toutes les affaires judiciaires concernant Covid | Profession Gendarme

Estudio sobre el exceso de mortalidad en el mundo en relación a la inoculación de la «vacuna» COVID-19 (Fernando Vizcaíno Carles) | webarchive

Crisis de medicamentos: el Gobierno reconoce que faltan 209 fármacos sin sustituto en España

'Freedom Fighting Heros' sometimes are anything but. You can only pin them down by asking questions. What is more important in a war? Unity, say some. No, false compromise can lead to disaster, others say. As it did in the Battle of Arnhem. Questions need asking, even if it hurts. A lesson for today. (Uwe Alschner)

The AfD began as a party that posed a threat to the central banks. Today, it censors their critics (Uwe Alschner)

Newly Leaked Data Shows Just How Dangerous the COVID Vaccines Are. Why Does the Government Hide Vaccine Injury Data and When Will This Stop? | Midwestern Doctor

Update - NZ Whistleblower. He may be a sincere person (Igor Chudov)

Nov, 2022: "And we will get to the bottom of things, and we will get the answers that the people — that you deserve!". ::raises hand slowly::Was Covid a fake pandemic and did the US DOD create the herd culling shots to murder the world? Did Trump know? Or was it "the governments"? (Sage Hana)

The Weaponization Of Public Health - Existing Legal Framework For Global Depopulation: Presentation By Todd Callendar, Esq to The Government of The Republic Of Croatia

EUA Countermeasures are neither investigational nor experimental!. Before filing a lawsuit against pharma or an illegal mandate, read this article and watch the linked video. (Sasha Latypova)

America's Acts of Economic and Social Warfare Have Killed Millions of People | Global Research

Meta recopila deliberadamente datos de millones de niños menores de 13 años, pero no quiere que el público lo sepa | Children's Health Defense

Everything you hate about climate change virtue signaling in the most absurd story you'll read this year. The New York Times somehow casts a Massachusetts couple who spent $7 million on building an oceanfront (second) home as environmental activists. Can't make it up. (Alex Berenson)

AG of Texas, Ken Paxton files a complaint against Pfizer's deceptive marketing. ...and astonishingly misinterprets the legal concept of the EUA countermeasure (Sasha Latypova)

Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship. The key question in censorship is always the same. Who's doing it? (Matt Taibbi)

Steve Kirsch Addresses MIT. Our favorite Silicon Valley tough guy enters the mRNA lion's den in Cambridge (John Leake)

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

El Dr. Kadlec admite el encubrimiento del origen de Covid-19 ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Ce que dit ce médecin est terrible pour les « vaccinés » ARNm. | Profession Gendarme

“To see where we are, look where we've been”. A short review and a strong recommendation: go and watch the documentary “Four Died Trying” - The Prologue closes with the quote: “The Mystery is not who did it. It's what we are going to do now!” (Uwe Alschner)

UV Spectroscopy. Pfizers other amateur hour | Anandamide

Long-Vax is Long-Covid Confirmed: Rare Syndrome After COVID Vaccines - Medpagetoday Study ( Post Vaccine Syndrome aka "Cov-AIDS". Anxiety disorders, neurological damage and AIDS like reactions | Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0


Toni Crengle, in the Burns Ward with Bullous Pemphigoid, Zooms with Liz Gunn. Transcript of a censored and shadow-banned video of 2022 | Transcriber B

Airline pilots are in trouble due to the mRNA technology vaccines with incapacitations, deaths; would it take 2 commercial passenger planes dropping from the skies killing all on board for the FAA, (Paul Alexander)

Expert Testimony In A UK Parliament Meeting Today (Pierre Kory)

COP28 President: There Is ‘No Science’ Behind Calls for Fossil Fuel Phase-Out |

The Battle for the Mind: How to Exit an Artificial Reality (Cynthia Chung)

How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness – The Road Less Traveled. How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness – The Road Less Traveled | Academy of Ideas


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