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Socialdemocracia, ni-nismo, nuevo fascismo y guerra | ODC

(VIDEO) Reminiscence of the Future... : Ominous Developments For The West... (Andrei Martyanov)

Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. "The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing" (JosMer)

Guantanamo, Psychopathen und Sadisten (Peter Haisenko)

Das perfekte Problem (Hans-Jürgen Geese )

El salvajismo de Israel es tan evidente, que podría despertar al mundo (Caitlin Johnstone) | Rafael Poch de Feliu

Vender humo | El territorio del Lince

Never Mind Bogus Measures of Inflation - Purchasing Power Is What Counts, and It's Decaying (Charles Hugh Smith)

Joe Biden y la cultura china (John Hopkins)

Lavrov in the Lion's Den--OSCE Skopje (Karl Sanchez)

Lavrov: Fireballs at the OSCE meeting | Global South

(AUDIO) Editorial: Henry Kissinger in memoriam - 30/11/3023 - La Voz de César Vidal

The Real Kissinger — My Memories of Henry: A different Interpretation of the Man (Paul Craig Roberts)

Henry Kissinger: O Obituário Desclassificado. Arquivo de Seguranca Nacional (EUA)- 29 de novembro de 2023. As fontes primárias sobre o legado polêmico de Kissinger

Henry Kissinger: The Declassified Obituary | National Security Archive

The Pinochet Dictatorship Declassified: Confessions of a DINA Hit Man | National Security Archive

Kissy, Timmy & Me (repost): From my Middle East studies at U of Chicago in 1969 to Harvard from 1971 to 1978 where they gave me Kissinger’s old office at Harvard’s Center for International Affairs | Francis’s Substack

Embajador chileno en EE.UU. afirma que Kissinger cometió "crímenes absolutamente fuera de lo común" | sott

Murió Henry Kissinger, el criminal de guerra que ganó un premio Nobel | ODC

SCOTT RITTER: Kissinger - War Criminal Who Saved the World | CN

Kissinger: la muerte de un genio del mal. Golpes de Estado, bombardeos, neomalthusianismo y diplomacia para las altas esferas del poder | Kontrainfo

An Evening With Henry. The former U.S. Ambassador to Finland shared his first time meeting with Kissinger in The Nation magazine in 1971. | Scheer Post

„Er war eine Lichtgestalt“ – Wie medialer und politischer Mainstream den Kriegsverbrecher Henry Kissinger in ihren Nachrufen feiern (Florian Warweg) | NachDenkSeiten

The world just got a little safer... Henry Kissinger is dead... RIP Ghoul... | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

“Wiping Gaza Off the Map”: Implementing Israel’s “Secret Intelligence Memorandum.” More Than 20,000 Civilians Killed (Michel Chossudovsky)

A Century of Barbarism Is Upon Us (Paul Craig Roberts)

Gaza destruction is about stopping BRICS at all costs as per RFK2. Just one of the many reasons for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine discussed on UK Column News 29th November (Vanessa Beeley)

Stimmen aus der Ukraine: Welche europäischen Werte „verteidigt“ Selenskyj eigentlich? (Maxim Goldarb) | NachDenkSeiten

Wall Street Journal: "Why No One Wants to Pay for the Green Transition" (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

A la espera del golpe de Estado: Zelensky y Zaluzhny luchan por el poder en Kiev mientras el régimen se va descomponiendo |

Revelan que el rey Carlos III se beneficiaría en secreto de los bienes de ciudadanos muertos |

Appendix 5 Notes on Palestine and Israel by Denis Goldberg | South African History Online

Putin presenta el concepto de hombre, sociedad y nación bajo el nuevo paradigma emergente (EIR)

Bringing Warmongers to Justice

Milei: El límite de la política ( Iván Arrazola) | Conciencia Pública

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism” (Brandon Smith)

International Financial Crime: Russia's Efforts. Meeting with Head of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service Yury Chikhanchin (Karl Sanchez)

Wang Yi at UNSC: Xi's Five Musts a Must (Karl Sanchez)

A new documentary exposes the Global North's corporate colonialism in Uganda (Steve Topple)

Pensioner struggling in energy crisis now has to pay income tax on her pension | GB News

(VIDEO) Geopolitics in Conflict – Ray McGovern

Napoleon, Austerlitz & NATO’s Apparent Dearth of Grand Strategy

Uma revolução necessária na discussão da Revolução Cultural da China: uma série em oito partes - Parte 1 /8 (Ramin Mazaheri)

The Destruction of the American Middle Class ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Giorgio Agamben, Sono armeno, sono italiano? | Quodlibet

Un millón y medio de hogares temen perder su casa en los próximos seis meses por no poder pagarla Casi el 30% de las familias en España padecen exclusión residencial y 6 de cada 10 tienen algún problema de vivienda | Cinco Días (El País)

DORMIR EN EL COCHE | Dormir en el coche en España ¿hasta qué punto es…

La inteligencia artificial llega al matrimonio: la artista Alicia Framis se casa con un holograma. La barcelonesa se convertirá en la primera en contraer matrimonio con una escultura holográfica, creada a partir de perfiles de sus relaciones anteriores | El Periódico de España

La Alemania “verde” y sin cerebro: ¿camino al colapso económico? El Viejo Mundo en el camino hacia el totalitarismo climático |

La ONU quiere limitar el consumo de carne en Occidente | La Gaceta de la Iberosfera

Otra gran ciudad del Reino Unido se declara en quiebra | sott

The West Pushed Ukraine to War and Kiev Now is Paying the Butcher’s Bill (Larry Johnson)

Francia prohíbe a sus ministros el uso de WhatsApp, Telegram y Signal | El Periódico de España (webarchive)

Ilya Prigogine: El futuro no está predeterminado

The Censorship-Industrial Complex, Part 2. My testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government (Michael Shellenberger) | PUBLIC

Cómo contratistas militares de EE.UU. y el Reino Unido crearon un amplio plan de censura global

MatchYourBatch (MYB)

Vuelven los akelarres de la emergencia climática | mpr21

COP28: India doubles down on right to increase coal power and CO2 emissions (Paul Homewood)

UNConventional Grey | Real Left

La nieve provoca el caos en Alemania - Noticias y actualidad meteorológica

(VIDEO) La Madre de todas las revelaciones (30-11-2023) (VIA Dra. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse)

Las vacunas contra el covid: ¿han salvado 14 millones de vidas o han podido generar 17 millones de muertes? Analizamos los informes publicados (Bea Taleǵon)

Lo que Heidegger puede enseñarnos sobre nuestro momento tecnológico (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Vamos, Peggy Noonan, solo di que estabas equivocado (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Si estuviera vivo hoy, Sócrates estaría prohibido (Bill Rice Jr) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

U.S. Navy Medical Officer Exposes Defense Department Data Showing Alarming Increase in Heart-Related Issues Among Pilots Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Myocarditis Up by 151%, Heart Failure by 973% (VIDEO) (Jim Hᴏft) | The Gateway Pundit

¿Por qué "ELLOS" intentan hacerme daño o matarme? | sott

Dr. Kadlec Admits Covering Up the COVID-19 Origins. Done to protect the G-O-F programs and their own asses. (Robert W. Malone)

Limited Hangout: Robert Kadlec Forced to Cover for Fauci? Kadlec: "I think there has to be accountability across the board". I agree. (Robert W. Malone)

The AfD party in Germany has also sent a letter regarding the WHO's amendments. I don't have a translation yet but am guaranteed this was sent and addresses our concerns (Meryl Nass)

French government takes aim at covid “conspiracy theorists” and complementary and alternative medicine in draft bill to combat sects | The Expose

New York Just Made It Legal To Quarantine And Isolate Citizens Indefinitely (Mike Gunzelman) | OutKick

Data from US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health shows, beyond any doubt, that the COVID vaccines have killed millions. It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. (Steve Kirsch)

Texas Sues Pfizer for Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness and Conspiracy to Censor Discussions. Corporations are not allowed to engage in false advertising (Igor Chudov)

TEXAS vs. PFIZER: El Fiscal General de Texas lleva la farmacéutica a juicio por tergiversar los datos de eficacia de su vacuna y conspirar para censurar el discurso público | eXtramuros

Is Karl Lauterbach replacing two-thirds of STIKO, the "independent" German vaccine advisory body, to ensure the approval of shiny new RSV jabs from Pfizer and AstraZeneca? (eugyppius)

Media censorship - Lessons from ABC TV (Maryanne Demasi)

RÉVÉLATIONS "L’excipient dangereux du vaccin Pfizer, caché par les autorités de santé" | Citizen Light

Michèle Musso : "Ni oubli ni pardon" | FranceSoir

The Federal Government Paid Media Outlets To Promote The Covid Vaccine. Can you trust reporting on the Covid vaccine by media outlets paid by the government to promote the vaccine? (Robert W. Malone)

Modified mRNA Vaccines for Livestock and Cattle. An update with Drs. Brooke Miller, MD and Robert Malone

Comer menos carne: El plan Neto Cero de la ONU para la agricultura en la COP28 de Dubái | sott

Rumania prohíbe los insectos en sus recetas tradicionales y exige que se informe correctamente al consumidor (Bea Talegón)

“Magnificent Infectivity”. This is the whole Op in a nutshell. This premise is what they must protect. They need to kill you softly cuz nukes are messy. (Are nukes real? 😅) They have been planning this shit for so long! (Sage Hana)

The *STORM has cleared. *Terms and Conditions may apply. Bewildering double speak messaging from the Not a Movement Freedom Fighters and Lifer Bioweapon Vets who also forgot about the DOD and FAKED PANDEMICS whilst selling those Trade Show Wares on a loop | Sage Hana

Don't Forget How this Went Down. The Operation is Still Live. (REPOST!). I knew after pulling up the NEJM Pfizer mRNA "95% Effective Study" and crunching the numbers that EVERYBODY was LYING. And I kept waiting for anyone to say so. They are still lying. (Sage Hana)

The Lord of "Vaccines" and the "Health Terrorist Ideology". Where Do You Think this Is Going? Get Off that Crazy Train | Global Research

Why are foreign VAERS reports not being scrutinized by journalists? For people who have been analyzing VAERS for a while, the silence seems deafening (Aravind Mohanoor)

URGENT: Romanian prosecutors are investigating the country's former prime minister for spending $1 billion on Pfizer Covid jabs that were never used. Worldwide, governments have paid Pfizer and other vaccine companies tens of billions of dollars for Covid shots that will never be used because of lack of demand (Alex Berenson)

Public Health Crimes 2020 - 2022. A presentation that needs to be seen ... and later heard | Coquin de Chien’s Newsletter

New Zealand Government Data Administrator who worked on Vaccine Payment System Exposes Shocking Data on Vaccine-related Deaths | Aussie17

Mayo clinic punishes Mike Joyner for saying that transgendered athletes have an advantage due to testosterone while building a new 5 billion dollar campus. The love of money has destroyed the love of knowledge (Vinay Prasad)

Did Tiffany Dover Die That Day? If You Think So, You're The Problem, According To The New Journalism Of Foregone Conclusions. How The NBC Podcast "Tiffany Dover Is Dead" By Brandy Zadrozny Was Conceived As An Attack On Anti-Vaxxers, But Fails To Find Tiffany, Or Any Answers. (For Them, That's Your Answer.) (Celia Farber)

The climate scaremongers: Luvvies’ C4 show is a series of lies

NOVIEMBRE 2023: Respuestas de la Agencia Europea del Medicamento (EMA) a preguntas elevadas por parlamentarios confirman graves problemas en la autorización, promoción, y seguridad de las vacunas Covid

Commissioners Report. Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada | National Citizen's Inquiry - Canada's Response To Covid-19

A Representative in the Philippines sent a letter to Tedros with similar complaints as others. It is not clear whether he represents himself, his committee or the entire Parliament. Nonetheless, this act shows that representatives around the world are waking up to the legal coup being perpetrated on their Nations and saying NO! (Meryl Nass)


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