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Pax Americana (Josep Renau)

Are we in a countdown to all-out nuclear war? (Gilbert Doctorow)

Chris Hedges: Israel is Shutting Down its Human Laboratory in Gaza | Scheer Post

Neocon central targets China for the next big war (Alex Krainer)

The US Forced Mexicans to Take Kerosene Baths Which Inspired the Nazis

The Moral Conscience of the Western World Has Been Silenced (Paul Craig Roberts)

Hope in "End Times": Peter Turchin's analysis of our coming collapse could help us avoid it (Paul Rosenberg) | Salon

Euro-Med: Israel used over 1,000 white phosphorous bombs in Gaza

‘This was not a surprise’: Pentagon again fails annual audit of $3.8 trillion in military assets | Stars and Stripes

(VIDEOS) This is Israeli Genocide

Sandy Tolan: Humanity Has Failed Gaza | Scheer Post

Whose Streets? Israel’s Streets, Politicians, Social Media Platforms & TV Stations

(AUDIO) Editorial: Patriotas y nacionalistas - 17/11/23 - La Voz de César Vidal

Por que Israel? [Imperdível!!!] (Dmitry Orlov)

'Israel’s' ‘Nakba Doctrine’ (Alastair Crooke)

France could join BRICS | Voltaire Network

What's It Take To Be Middle Class Now? (Charles Hugh Smith)

Understanding and dismantling antisemitism | Jewish Voice for Peace

Rusia destina un presupuesto récord al área de Defensa para 2024-2026 | Kontrainfo

El elefante en la habitación: las intenciones de Netanyahu en Gaza [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 13.11.2023] | L'Hora

Israel and America's Growing Zugzwang (Simplicius)

Why Ridiculous Official Propaganda Still Works (CJ Hopkins)

Attack of the “fifth columns”: the United States is preparing a new series of “color revolutions” | Global South

La lutte contre l’inflation se fera au prix d’une récession ou d'une guerre mondiale | Geopolintel

Weekly Briefing Selections: Part One (Karl Sanchez)

Weekly Briefing Selections: Part Two (Karl Sanchez)

Putin at the IX St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum Plenary Session (Karl Sanchez)

Hudson Drops Bomb on Zionism and Their Cultists; Crooke Follows (Karl Sanchez)

Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” Against Humanity. Worldwide Militarization | Michel Chossudovsky

High Energy Russian Flash-Mob. -must watch! | Smurfing the New Normal

Some Neo-Cons Slowly Coming to Grips With Reality in Ukraine (Larry Johnson)

Uranium Particles From Ukraine Detected in Europe Raising Health Issues

Sin medida: condena global tras el ataque al recinto humanitario de la ONU en Gaza

Occidente fracturado

El equipo B y la conferencia de Jerusalen: Como Israel ayudo a crear el “terrorismo” moderno

(VIDEO) ¡Ciudadanos del mundo uníos contra la City de Londres y Wall Street! | EIR

The Greatest Threat to World Peace? A Review of Daniele Ganser’s ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’ Das Tor zur Wahrheit öffnet sich (Hans-Jürgen Geese)

Lucid analysis of current events (November 17, 2023) (Carl Herman)

Fifteen Things You Should Never Have To Say To A Country (Caitlin Johnstone)

No serious effort to reset US-China relations at San Francisco summit (MK Bhadrakumar)

Las dos guerras de Occidente (Manlio Dinucci) | Red Voltaire

La “Operación Nakba” se impone en Israel. (Alastair Crooke) | Observatorio de la crisis

Huawei desafía a Microsoft con un nuevo sistema operativo | mpr21

Ilustración de Gérard DuBois (The New Yorker)

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination (original)

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination (archive)

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination | MedCrave online (webarchive)

The US Forced Mexicans to Take Kerosene Baths Which Inspired the Nazis

Covid lockdowns cost at least £118 billion in lost GDP, but what did it save? - CEBR

Documentary: Camp FEMA 'American Lockdown!'

Government confirms Shocking Mortality Rates per 100k among Quadruple…

Australian Gov’t Official Blows Whistle: ‘We Planned the Pandemic Decades Ago’ (Video) | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News

The scandal of excess death reporting (or lack thereof) | HART

An open letter to the New Zealand Ministry of Health: an offer you can't refuse (Steve Kirsch)

U.S. Government confirms 1433x increase in Deadly Cancer Cases due to COVID Vaccination | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Una niña de 15 meses "perfectamente sana" muere dos días después de una vacunación rutinaria | Children's Health Defense

Exclusiva: Su padre murió después de que el hospital le diera Remdesivir, morfina. Ahora ella está creando conciencia. • Children's Health Defense

Twitter "Community Notes" Deceptively Push False Claims on COVID-19 Vaccines. Anonymous Propaganda Agents Write False Commentaries to Deceive Public (Peter McCullough)

What Were the Economic Consequences of the Unjustifiable COVID Lockdowns? Exploring the decades of "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" | A. Midwestern Doctor

Another good movie about people and their injuries... (Jessica Rose)

Christian Perronne : Autopsie de notre Système de santé et de la politique sanitaire actuelle | Profession Gendarme

Why were German politicians so eager to vaccinate children, and why are they lying about it now? (eugyppius)

Not. Messing. Around. Dr. Shiva is the real deal, but there is only one person to consistently vote for. | Good Citizen

I was asked to give a talk on the founding of Door to Freedom for yesterday's program. Here are the slides. The last 6 slides are examples of what the website offers (Meryl Nass)

Witnessing the Media's Covid Coverage from the Inside (Gabriel Bauer) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Presenciando la cobertura de Covid de los medios desde adentro (Gabriele Bauer) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

When Nearly All Governments in the World Met Their Match (Jeffrey A. Tucker) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The U.S. Army is 'Begging' Unvaccinated Soldiers to Return. Army forced to reverse course, as people refuse to enlist (Igor Chudov)

The Complete Covid Scamdemic Timeline 2019-2023 with 30,000 stories used for the Book "Rise And Fall Of The 4th Reich" by Chief Justice. The Most Complete Timeline Ever Created Of The Largest Crime In Word History! | Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 - Hitler's 4th Reich


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