Last cognitive update 08FEB24

Last cognitive update 08FEB24


BLUE SKY THINKING (Observer R) | (Larry Johnson)

Russia Demilitarizing NATO (Larry Johnson)

[We have seen the enemy and it is us] 👉️ When You Realize You've Been Had. On understanding that you have been deceived (John Leake)

Martin Armstrong: Western Leaders – Who Are Actually Fascists – Funded the Terror Attacks in Israel to Draw Russia Into WWII

11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza. Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation (Gideon Levy) | Haaretz

Israel Killed Thousands of Children in Gaza. How Can So Many Israelis Remain Indifferent? (Amira Hass) | Haaretz

Fascism expert warns that "2024 might be the new 1933" because "disinformation" is driving the rise of "far right parties" that will allow Vladimir Putin to annex Eastern Europe. Maybe, just maybe, the National Socialists are dead and gone, and these stupid historical comparisons have nothing to do with modern politics. | eugyppius

The Resistible Rise of The New Normal Reich (CJ Hopkins)

El resistible ascenso del Nuevo Reich Normal (CJ Hopkins) | Postaporteñ@

(VIDEO) La salvajada de la deuda total de EEUU que sube a ritmos récord. Este es el peligro para su economía | Negocios TV

Global Central Bank Balance Sheet Explosion-Tells You All You Need To Know! (David Stockman)

America’s Towering Public Debt—Spawn of War, Welfare and Wampum (David Stockman) | LewRockwell

Irony Alert: "Outlawing" Recession Has Made a Monster Recession Inevitable (Charles Hugh Smith)

Brace for Impact (James Howard Kunstler)

It's now: people vs. the banks. The struggle is now, it's ongoing and we, the people will prevail. (Alex Krainer)

Western Civilizational Catastrophe | Global South

Nuland leaves sense of foreboding in Kiev (MK Bhadrakumar)

Con el rabo entre las piernas | El territorio del Lince

White Man’s Justice Is Black People’s Grief: A Black History Month Truth (Kevin Cooper)

U.S. Military Strikes in Iraq and Syria: A discussion on Iran’s Press TV (Gilbert Doctorow)

America's Church: The Invention Of The Evangelical Christian Movement | TUR

Israel destroys UNRWA to prevent enforcement of ICJ order | Voltaire Network

Israel destruye la UNRWA para impedir la aplicación de las medidas cautelares de la CIJ | Red Voltaire

They Inch Towards Total Technological Control (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Avanzaron lentamente hacia el control tecnológico total (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

EL EUROPARLAMENTO: ¿ENTRE SODOMA Y GOMORRA? Una investigación periodística revela que casi un cuarto del total de los eurodiputados ha estado envuelto en casos de corrupción |

Quality and Propaganda (Craig Murray)

O salimos de la OTAN o nos meten en una guerra: El Reino Unido propone que la OTAN envíe un cuerpo expedicionario a Ucrania |

Estados Unidos e Israel están haciendo estallar Oriente Próximo para ocultar su desastrosa derrota en Gaza. (Finian Cunningham) Análisis |

Palestinos, cerca de la deportación, lejos del estado (Eugenio García Gascón) | Globalter

Three Quick Items About West Asia (Karl Sanchez)

Marruecos es el patio trasero del gran capital español, no el delantero | mpr21

Ya no se habla de otra cosa que de las guerras que nos aguardan | mpr21

Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Israel intensifican sus tácticas asesinas | EIR

Once ministros del gabinete de Netanyahu incitan la transferencia voluntaria de los palestinos de Gaza (Alfredo Jalife)

What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders? (Paul Craig Roberts)

The Overthrow of Men (Paul Craig Roberts)

La Gran Guerra de la Élite de la OTAN

U.S. attacks on Syria and Iraq - 'deterrence' or escalating conflict in the region? The U.S. is losing face but just can't stop its war policy (Vanessa Beeley)

US and NATO are the Fourth Reich (Drago Bosnic) | InfoBRICS

La Trágica Autodestrucción de un ISRAEL ENFURECIDO | Postaporteñ@

Reminiscence of the Future... : COFM.

Reminiscence of the Future... : Of Course, He Is Coy...

(VIDEO) El Gran Reseteo: La conspiración internacional para balcanizar España: Soros, MI6 y deep state USA | El Gran Reseteo | César Vidal

Juan Antonio de Castro: 'La intromisión del Reino Unido y grupos sorosianos en España es grave'

[Modus Operandi | Divide et impera | Follow the Money] Cataluña, Rusia y las patrañas mediáticas, judiciales y políticas para ocultarnos quiénes realmente alimentaban el separatismo catalán |

Fracturas geoeconómicas: Tractores en la autopista, la economía de las baterías, el hidrógeno verde y las cadenas de transporte. Análisis |

Gaza, the German Far-Right and the Hypocrisy of the Ruling Class (Fabian Scheidler)

Caitlin Johnstone: The War on Disobedience | Consortium News

The International City Model: Freedom Is the Solution, Coercion Is the Problem (Charles Hugh Smith)

Thierry Meyssan, best geopolitical analyst in the world 2024 | Voltaire Network

It's Time for Left and Right to Unite (Naomi Wolf) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Es hora de que la izquierda y la derecha se unan (Naomi Wolf) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Reminiscence of the Future... : It Is Not Just Germany. (Andrei Martyanov)

(VIDEO) 75 Years of Colonialism, 56 Years of Illegal Occupation . . . | Algora Blog

Efficiency is Hilarious (Michael Hudson)

In The Middle East The U.S. Has Reached The End Of Its Abilities | MoA

Family of 9/11 victim vows to keep fighting for new inquest after UK Attorney General denies them a second time | International Center for 9/11 Justice

(VIDEO) Represalias de Biden VS los Aliados de Irán ¿Qué sigue? (Alfredo Jalife)

La deuda insostenible del país indispensable | mpr21

The Latest Fantasy from the NYT: Germany Gearing Up for Military Confrontation with Russia (Paul Craig Roberts)

The Israel Lobby and its influence over British political decision-making (Colin Alexander) | Propaganda In Focus

El retrete de Wall Street califica a Dearborn, Michigan, de "capital yihadista de Estados Unidos" | EIR

Rusia y Ucrania, una guerra entre hermanos

(VIDEO) La Conspiración del AGUA💧El Oscuro Futuro del ESPAÑA (El Canal del Coronel Pedro Baños)

On the rising danger of Democratic lawfare. The New York state fraud case against Donald Trump is absurd; and the White House now openly tells its operatives to defy Congressional subpoenas. Democrats seem blind to the risks they're running. (Alex Berenson)

Immigration. On UN Debit Cards and the dismantling of the USA. | Lies are Unbekoming

“Israel’s Lebensraum master plan for Gaza” (Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist) | Algora Blog

trading rights for safety. failure to rotate shapes is how you get cornered | bad cattitude

Michel Onfray: "Nos encontramos en un nuevo totalitarismo" | Climaterra

Zehn Jahre Maidan-Umsturz: Doppelte Standards und Gewalt nach innen und außen (Bernhard Trautvetter)

China, Russia pip US to the Taliban hearth (MK Bhadrakumar)

Los líderes de la UE desperdician otros 50.000 millones de euros en apuntalar el régimen de Kiev... y en la autodestrucción

Who should we bomb next? UK ministers, far from contributing to negotiations and peace in the Middle East and elsewhere, are making a volatile world even more unstable than it already is. | Declassified UK

If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor | CovertAction Magazine

Waste of the Day: Over $1 Billion in Weapons Missing In Ukraine | RealClearWire

Crooke & Judge Napolitano Again & GCC Supporting Resistance? (Karl Sanchez)

An Image for the ICJ (Karl Sanchez)

Avdeevka Defenses Continue to Crumble (Simplicius)

European farmers show outrage at EU policies | InfoBRICS

Warmongers react to Tucker Carlson's supposed ‘Putin interview’ | InfoBRICS

More Musings on Britain’s Failing Military and the FEckless U.S. bombing of Iranian Proxies (Larry Johnson)

UKRAINE & CHECHNYA (Observer R) | (Larry Johnson)

Reminiscence of the Future... : Let The Meltdown Begin... (Andrei Martyanov)

(AUDIO) Despegamos: Revolución agraria, macrogranjas de Soros, salvavidas chino y Miura espacial - 06/02/24 -

Why I'm interviewing Vladimir Putin. (Tucker Carlson [@TuckerCarlson])

Palestinian State is Inevitable | Algora Blog

Victory for Europe’s farmers as Brussels caves in on emissions targets and eating less meat Ursula von der Leyen offers further concession by dropping her controversial proposal to halve pesticide use within six years (Joe Barnes) | The Telegraph Wer Schulden säht, wird Staatsbankrott ernten (Hans-Jörg Müllenmeister)

The Biggest Interview in History

Die fragwürdige Finanzierung von Correctiv: US-Oligarchen und Bundesbehörden (Florian Warweg)

Podcast Episode #169 - Alastair Crooke and the Existential Crises in the Middle East (Tom Luongo)

El responsable de política exterior de la Unión Europea, Josep Borrell, instó a los países miembros a y desviaran los contratos militares que tienen con otros países para destinar todo este armamento a Ucrania (...). | Canarias-semanal

¿Cómo se alimentará la gente? Agricultores de toda Europa protestan contra unas políticas que les dejarán sin trabajo | Children's Health Defense

La telenovela sobre el liderazgo de Ucrania continúa en ebullición (Larry Johnson)

2024 Is the New 1984: The Rise of the Security Industrial Complex | By John & Nisha Whitehead

Libertad para el alertador Joshua Schulte [Emanuel Pastreich – Fear No Evil, 05.02.2024] | L'Hora

La Unión Europea sigue dando marcha atrás ante los agricultores | mpr21

La protesta del sector primario se generaliza tras el éxito de hoy y los transportistas deciden sumarse el día 10 | Rambla Libre

Réponse de Macron-Attal-Darmanin aux agriculteurs : les blindés Centaure ! | Profession Gendarme

Emmanuel TODD : « Il faut arrêter les mensonges sur POUTINE » | Profession Gendarme

Reunión del candidato independiente al Congreso José Vega en un popular café del Bronx | EIR

El sector agropecuario español a nivel nacional se prepara para protestar | EIR

José Vega, activista LaRouchista, anuncia su campaña al Congreso en el Bronx | EIR

Los líderes de la UE desperdician otros 50.000 millones de euros en apuntalar el régimen de Kiev… y en la autodestrucción

(AUDIO) Editorial: El campo español se suma a las protestas del campo europeo - 07/02/24 El editorial de César Vidal. -

Las tres vertientes del “enjambre de Biden” (Alastair Crooke)

Nuland deja una sensación de presentimiento en Kiev. (MK Bhadrakumar) | Observatorio de trabajadores

(BUCH) Richtigstellung! Weil er schon immer "Querdenker" war, wurde Michael Ballweg als selbstständiger Software-Entwickler sehr gut bezahlt. Denn er konnte, wie viele in der Arbeitswelt hochgeschätzte Men

The United States Has Zero National Security (Paul Craig Roberts)

The United States and Europe are Hell Bent on Sparking World War III (Larry Johnson)

Reminiscence of the Future... : It Is A Good Question... (Andrei Martyanov)

Ataque sempre o país errado (Dmitry Orlov)

Die Hungerkatastrophe in Gaza hat begonnen. Hunger als Waffe! ( Albrecht Müller)

Números que el mundo no conoce... ¿Cómo es posible que "Israel" mate a un niño cada 15 minutos en Gaza? | REM

Director de la CIA, William Burns: EU perdió su primacía global y compite ya con China y Rusia (Alfredo Jalife)

Unaccountable Hackers: The CIA, Vengeance and Joshua Schulte | ScheerPost

Biden Administration is Silent as Former Pakistani Prime Minister is Sentenced to 10 Years For Revealing How the U.S. Pushed For His Removal | CovertAction Magazine

America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave (Gilbert Doctorow)

The Picture Shows One Man And One Zionist | MoA

Palestinians packed in intolerably overcrowded cells in Israeli prisons, says report | Middle East Eye

Those Who Don’t Learn From History (Ray McGovern)

Nazism, PSYOP-19 and the One World Government | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

(VIDEO) La CIA confiesa que EU perdió su primacía global y ya compite vs Rusia y China (Alfredo Jalife)

State Secrecy and Public Hearings Part One (Craig Murray)

Après l’interview de Poutine, Tucker Carlson est sur une liste « à éliminer » par un site ukrainien. | FranceSoir

Hay que ser muy sinvergüenzas: Suecia cierra la investigación de explosiones en los gasoductos Nord Stream 1 y 2 |

El derrocamiento estadounidense de Imran Khan (Jeffrey D. Sachs)

La revuelta de la tierra: Las protestas de la gente del campo y el transporte se extienden por Europa |

Les secrets de l'Etat Profond : les hauts fonctionnaires détruisent la France | Geopolintel

La rivolta dei trattori. Parola agli agricoltori: verso Roma contro Bruxelles | L'antidiplomatico

La marcia dei trattori e la lettera di Pasolini a Calvino | L'antidiplomatico

Is a ceasefire imminent? What you need to know. | Jewish Voice for Peace

Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War

La tractorada se extiende, colapsa Barcelona y el sábado llegará a Ferraz | Rambla Libre

Philippe de Villiers : « Nous sommes gouvernés par une oligarchie mondialiste » | Profession Gendarme

Los agricultores deberían fijarse en las exitosas políticas agrarias de Rusia 2014-24 | EIR

EU: The Closer to Kiev, the Further Away From Its People!

The U.S. failed 'shock and awe' aggression in Iraq and Syria - with Seyed Mohammad Marandi. From Tehran - Seyed Mohammad Marandi discusses the imminent decline of U.S. allied hegemony and the global humiliation of Israel (Vanessa Beeley)

(VIDEO) Mente Local vs Mente Global (Adrián Díaz)

A Techno-Barbaric State - Time’s up, Israel (Jeremy Salt) | Palestine Chronicle

ÚLTIMA HORA | Europa podría sancionar a Tucker Carlson por haber entrevistado a Vladimir Putin | Negocios TV

Spanish Farmers vs Police Roadblock. There has to be a lesson in this somewhere (Mathew Aldred)

Responding to the call for ‘de-centering Russian Studies’: the field was ‘de-centered’ from its earliest days (Gilbert Doctorow)

["They always knew"] ➡️ Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020. Recorded at an internal executive meeting at the end of 2020. This recording has not been published previously anywhere. (Sasha Latypova)

[Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur] 👉️ Why Is Tony Blair So Keen for the UK's National Health Service to Sell Off Its Patients' Health Data to Private Companies? (Nick Corbishley) | Naked Capitalism

RFK Jr: “We’re Being Mass Poisoned” | The Vigilant Fox

[KEYWORD: ENCLOSURE] Covid is the enclosure of the human body by the ruling class for the purpose of exploitation. The cell is the factory and your mRNA are the machines (Toby Rogers)

Very important short video of RFK, Jr and Mary Holland discussing the origin of COVID 19 and the US bioweapons establishment that places the last 4 years into context. 9 minutes. Don't miss this excellent summary (Meryl Nass)

Explosive Investigation Uncovers a Global Shadow Government’s Secret Control Over “Elected” Governments & Public Health Bodies, Forging a Global Vaccine Regime | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Another Study Finds mRNA Vaccines 👉️ Impair the Immune System. Study in Clinical And Experimental Medicine Journal | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

All lies, all COVID 'PCR-induced' false-positive fake pandemic lies, 100%, the lie of asymptomatic spread, the lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed despite unequal age and baseline risk (Dr Paul Alexander)

COVID Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry video hearing. Damning sequence of presented evidence to request Royal Commission (Jessica Rose)

They Inch Towards Total Technological Control (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Avanzaron lentamente hacia el control tecnológico total (Bert Olivier) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Les décès au cours de la « première vague » de la pseudo-pandémie ont été causés par l’iatrocide. | Profession Gendarme

Florida Covid Grand Jury Investigation Is a Joke. It was a political stunt for the DeSantis failed presidential run (Sasha Latypova)

Jab math for children: Vaccinate almost 38,000 kids (with hundreds of serious side effects), stop one Covid hospitalization. You read that right. 38,000 to 1, per a new British study. At best. Not counting side effects. Yet the Centers for Disease Control is STILL pushing these on kids. (Alex Berenson)

What Can Political Polling Teach Us About COVID Vaccine Injuries? Breaking Down the Most Detailed Vaccine Injury Survey Conducted Thus Far | A. Midwestern Doctor

Presentations in video format, 15 min, 30 min, 75 min, more. Also transcript of Feb. 9. 2023 (one year ago) presentation to Children's Health Defense group. | Katherine Watt

Andrew Bridgen hosted Philipp Kruse, Christine Anderson and myself to speak for 2 hrs in Parliament Room 10 today (Meryl Nass)

Die gestohlene Normalität. WHO-Diktatur stoppen - Gesundheitssystem retten (Dr Peter F.) |

Professor Didier Raoult fordert ein COVID-19-Impfstoff-Moratorium (Dr Peter F. Mayer) |

"We are the Good Guys". Professor Didier Raoult Calls for COVID-19 Vaccine Moratorium (John Leake)

Feb. 9, 2023 Children's Health Defense Q&A, transcript (Katherine Watt)

Ivermectina logró una reducción del 92 % en la tasa de mortalidad por COVID | CYSN

Data Analyst Unveils Where the Vaccine Deaths Are Hiding | The Vigilant Fox

Four Years Later: Lockdown "Deaths of Despair" (Toby Rogers) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Cuatro años después: encierro "Muertes por desesperación" (Toby Rogers) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Una "epidemia de cardiopatías" en Inglaterra, según John Campbell | Children's Health Defense

(BUCH) Richtigstellung! Weil er schon immer "Querdenker" war, wurde Michael Ballweg als selbstständiger Software-Entwickler sehr gut bezahlt. Denn er konnte, wie viele in der Arbeitswelt hochgeschätzte Men

On recursive, iterative legal instruments and intentional legal ambiguities. Another example of how clear definitions, thinking, writing and speaking are helpful for moving human society through and past the crises. (Katherine Watt)

Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths AFTER the COVID vaccines rolled out (Steve Kirsch)

62% of Nursing Home Residents REFUSE COVID-19 Injections. Even though according to HHS, seniors are 5 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the flu, the CDC reports that 62% of nursing home residents are REFUSING COVID-19 boosters. | The Kingston Report

Roundup found to be 'defective cancer causing product;' Bayer to pay $2.25 billion verdict | Frontline News

Die „Letzte Generation“: Aufstieg und Fall einer Klima-Sekte (Rainer Balcerowiak)

VIDEO - UK's Dr.David Cartland speaks about his COVID-19 Vaccine Injured patients (Feb.5, 2024) | COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis

Why The Bioweapons Research Industry Is A Danger to Society and what the WHO is doing to protect this grift now that the public is wising up to it. (A. Midwestern Doctor)

After the UK Parliament we went to Ireland, which could be instrumental against the WHO. Tess Lawrie wrote a great piece on our day in Dublin, which I reproduce with some comments. (Meryl Nass)

Medicina rural, vida rural (Doctor Juan Gérvas / Mercedes Pérez Fernández) | Diario16plus | (webarchive)

Estar embarazada no es una enfermedad. Ser mujer, tampoco (Juan Gérvas y Mercedes Pérez-Fernández) | Diario16plus | (archive)


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