Last cognitive update 03FEB24

Last cognitive update 03FEB24


How Sad It It Is to Watch America’s Abandonment of Morality and Degeneration into Evil. (Paul Craig Roberts)

Omaggio ad Amedeo Giacomini (1939-2006) | (Giorgio Agamben)

'Not in my name': The story of a Jewish Israeli dissident | Middle East Eye

Los ejércitos de EEUU y Reino Unido deben a los países pobres 110.000 millones de dólares de compensación climática por emisiones de carbono (Pascual Serrano) | Globalter

(VIDEO) The Working Poor | The Price of the American Dream | ENDEVR Documentary

Study: 6 In 10 Americans Live ‘Paycheck To Paycheck’ Under Biden Admin (Elizabeth Volberding) | OANN | (webarchive)

The US has a $6 trillion problem over the next twelve months | Schiff Sovereign

Defunding UNRWA is another heinous act of genocide. | Jewish Voice for Peace

(AUDIO) Editorial: La verdad sobre la UNRWA - 01/02/24 (César Vidal)

Defunding UNRWA is to be complicit in genocide. The West doubles down on sadistic collective punishment of Palestinians (Vanessa Beeley)

Luz verde de la UE a la ayuda extraordinaria de 50.000 millones de euros a Ucrania (Bea Talegón) | Diario16plus

Disaster Capitalists Ready to Descend on Ukraine | CovertAction Magazine

(VIDEO) Informe semanal: Netanyahu: "La historia no favorece a Jesucristo sobre Gengis Kan" (Dennis Small) | EIR

La tentación fascista de las elites europeas. Los mecanismos que regulan y garantizan la gestión política de las élites al servicio de las oligarquías, se vuelven más manipuladores y autoritarios en tiempos de crisis del orden internacional dominante. (José Goulão) | Abril

From inside the European Parliament building: a Holocaust remembrance worthy of the name (Gilbert Doctorow)

More Evidence of Imminent US Civil War II? H.R. 6981 Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024 (Mathew Aldred)

Who Pays the Price for Botched SWAT Team Raids? We Do (John & Nisha Whitehead)

Great Conversation with Tom Luongo (Larry Johnson)

Reminiscence of the Future... : LOL))) (Andrei Martyanov)

FBI, Soros, And Secret Police In Vast Censorship Conspiracy In Brazil | Public

Soros, Facebook, And Omidyar Money Behind Attacks On German Farmers | Public

‘My children are crying from hunger. This is a war of starvation’ | +972 Magazine

War Delirium (James Howard Kunstler)

Chris Hedges: The Silence of the Damned. Our leading humanitarian and civic institutions, including major medical institutions, refuse to denounce Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This exposes their hypocrisy and complicity. | ScheerPost

SITREP 1/31/24: Secret Back-Channel Talks Spur Hopes on Iran De-escalation + Zelensky-Zaluzhny Showdown (Simplicius)

¿Detendrá una victoria sudafricana el genocidio de Gaza?

Will the Hegemon Ever Accept a New Westphalian World Order? (Pepe Escobar)

Middle East on Fire - Pakistan, Iran border skirmishes signal a new anti-terror alliance. My recent conversation with Twice Told Tales - Setareh Sadeqi in Iran and Chris Weaver (Vanessa Beeley)

We will be very lucky to escape a US attack on Iran (Paul Craig Roberts)

Se confirma que el Il-76 con prisioneros ucranianos fue derribado con un misil Patriot de la OTAN. Europeos… a seguir poniendo dinero para Zelensky |

German domestic intelligence services disclose their extensive surveillance of former CDU politician Hans-Georg Maaßen for his criticism of globalism, the Green Party, mass migration and state media. Who will defend us from the defenders of the constitution? (eugyppius)

La revuelta campesina en Francia y la izquierda | ODC

Mujeres israelíes y los guerreros judíos de Dios (Nazanín Armanian) | (webarchive)

May nation “A” Attack Nation “B” If “B” is supplying Weapons Used to Attack Nation “A” (Larry Johnson)

Turmoil in Kiev Escalates As Ukraine loses Ground to russia (Larry Johnson)


Cuadro comparativo entre la Corte Internacional de Justicia (ICJ) y la Corte Penal Internacional (CCI) (Alfredo Jalife)

Gaza genocide turns into PR disaster for US | The Electronic Intifada

Cutting aid to refugees, US advances Israel’s war on Palestinian existence. While rushing weapons to the Israeli government's assault on Gaza, the Biden administration embraces Israeli allegations about UNRWA without bothering to investigate them. (Aaron Maté)

Inflation Hits Us All, Even Of Two Minds (Charles Hugh Smith)

Agricultores bloquean con 1500 tractores la cumbre de la Unión Europea en Bruselas | KontraInfo

Lavrov advierte sobre el emplazamiento de armas nucleares en suelo británico | EIR

The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat (Jacques Baud)

Berlin in the Hands of Farmers | The Postil Magazine

Los agricultores portugueses bloquean las carreteras de conexión con España como parte de sus protestas (Bea Talegón) | Diario16plus | (webarchive)

The End of the US Republic? | Global South

(VIDEO) ¡Se tiene que escuchar tu voz, ya! | EIR

Desinformations-Kampagne der EU ist nichts anderes als Machtausweitung (Peter F. Mayer)

Interview mit Sicherheitsexperte Karaganow: USA würden Europa ohne Zögern opfern (Gábor Stier) | NachDenkSeiten

Lloyd Austin: 'We Don't Know' If Iran Was Involved in Jordan Drone Attack (Dave DeCamp) | Antiwar

Israel Keeps Killing Civilians and Rejects Any Sovereignty for Palestinians (Philip Giraldi)

A study on Israeli public opinion | Voltaire Network

Estudio del estado de la opinión pública en Israel | Red Voltaire

Ample Time to Explore Everything (Ray McGovern)

Ukraine: Breakthrough on All Fronts Ahead of Schedule (Yves Smith) | Naked Capitalism

Audiencia Nacional: ¡Que vienen los rusos! | Canarias Semanal

(VIDEO) ESPECIAL Alcances Geopolíticos del Fallo “sin Cese al Fuego” de la CIJ contra Israel (Alfredo Jalife)

(VIDEO) Whitney Webb - The Puppeteer Unmasked: A Deep Dive into Their True Objectives - Peak Prosperity

Pierre de Gaulle, résolument engagé pour la paix et la prospérité des peuples au côté de tous les Français | FranceSoir

Les projets de méga-bassines, accusées d'assécher les rivières, alimentent la guerre de l'eau dans les campagnes (Guy Pichard) | Basta!

La FNSEA et le groupe Avril veulent nous faire manger des insectes | Geopolintel

Come verranno suddivisi i nuovi 50 miliardi Ue al regime di Kiev (Fabrizio Poggi ) | L'antidiplomatico

Social and Economic Development of the Kaliningrad Region (Karl Sanchez)

In the Land of Net Zero, The Man in the Diesel Tank is King (Guy de la Bédoyère) | The Daily Sceptic

El Golpe de Estado más discreto | mpr21

El III Cuerpo de Ejército desembarca en Francia | Rambla Libre

La discusión sobre la frontera de EU se pone fea y peligrosa | EIR

Meyssan : “Netanyahu traite Gaza comme les nazis traitaient le ghetto de Varsovie” | Strategika

C’est une hécatombe pour les grands médias | Strategika

(VIDEO) The Human Terrain Project - PENTAGON'S attempt to understand The Enemy | ENDEVR Documentary

UNICEF: 17,000 Children in Gaza have become orphaned or separated from their families | The Palestinian Information Center

Western Officials Warn of War-Crimes Complicity (Jake Johnson)

States gutting UNRWA are complicit in genocide | The Electronic Intifada

Pese a perder la guerra de Ucrania, la OTAN quiere proseguirla | El Manifiesto

La rebelión del campo se extiende por Europa ante las políticas vendepatrias de Bruselas y las imposiciones de la OTAN |

Flailing Germany is the future of Europe. The farmers' protests exposed Berlin's weakness (Thomas Fazi) | UnHerd

El ataque redoblado contra Gaza descara el propósito genocida | EIR

SITREP 2/2/24: Biden Launches Attacks as Russia Again Breaches Major Avdeevka Lines (Simplicius)

The German farmers’ revolt. Watch spiked’s report from Berlin, where farmers are rebelling against green tyranny. | Spiked

El gobierno del PSOE y Sumar firma un contrato millonario con una empresa que fabrica armas que asesinan en Gaza

The Three Strands to the ‘Swarming of Biden’ (Alastair Crooke)

German war crimes (by German Foreign Policy) | Swiss Standpoint

Angry Italian Farmers Join Their European Counterparts in Protest Against Climate Tyranny | The Vigilant Fox

Interview with Hrvoje Morić | Lies are Unbekoming


Las contramedidas de la EUA no son ni de investigación ni experimentales (Sasha Latypova) ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Editor's Note: On "UK Files, Part 2". Putting a few things in perspective. (Matt Taibbi)

UK’s “Online Safety Act” OFFICIALLY grants MSM permission to publish lies | OffGuardian

(VIDEO) Neuer Corona dokumentarfilm (El equipo de OVALmedia ha creado un documental de cuatro partes. Utilizando fuentes y documentos públicos, el documental muestra con asombrosa claridad cómo esta crisis fue creada artificialmente y literalmente ignorada) | (VIA Wolfgang Wodarg)

The AfD must publish Mike Yeadon's talk now! By censoring Mike Yeadon's presentation, the German AfD-Party may have enhanced a piece on German television linking it to far-right violence and hatred. If the AfD is genuine, it must release it now! (Uwe Alschner)

Dr. Yeadon Explains For First Time How The Covid Tests Can't Detect Proteins Like WHO Purports! Pandemic THEORY Is Wrong & We Will PROVE IT! Pandemics Do NOT Exist. WHO recommended those tests - because they are so wise we need to pay them MORE $ for more great tests... Time to cut off the pseudo science cabal. What a racket! (Sasha Latypova)

All Bailiwick work is available for all readers to use. (Katherine Watt)

2023 Bailiwick posts, larger font PDF (Katherine Watt)

La Organización Mundial de la Salud pretende gobernar tiránicamente sobre todos los países | CYSN

How to Fake Pandemics - Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You. Remember the good old 2011, when a "killer" engineered Avian Flu virus was made in a Dutch lab? That was a fake, too. (Sasha Latypova)

"Pandemic Preparedness" - a Government Protection Racket (Sasha Latypova)

El culto de biodefensa a la espera de una pandemia (Sasha Latypova) ⋆ Instituto Brownstone

Prueba de que las vacunas fueron una contramedida respaldada por militares (Sasha Latypova) ⋆ Instituto Brownstone

Cognitive Filters in the Age of Information Overload. How they shape the practice of medicine and the flow of society | A. Midwestern Doctor

Millions Injured or Dead Including Public Figures. Dr. McCullough Searching for Answers on the American Moutsos Show (Peter McCullough)

South Australia Decides to Hold "Employers Accountable for Injuries Incurred as a Result of Vaccination Directives Enforced in the Workplace". 'Because They Told Me To' Doesn't Cut It (Byram W. Bridle)

NIH panel to launch urgent investigation amid evidence Alzheimer's can SPREAD between people: Nearly 8,000 Americans received injection that transmitted memory-robbing condition | Daily Mail Online | (webarchive)

«La pandémie était une hypnose de masse». Les positions de l’ex-conseiller fédéral UDC sont toujours plus radicales, notamment sa critique de la gestion de la pandémie par Berne. | Le Matin

(PDF) Towards the emergence of a new form of the neurodegenerative Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Twenty six cases of CJD declared a few days after a COVID-19 “vaccine” Jab

Dr.SHIVA 2024: The Climate Scam Visualized

(VIDEO) National Citizens Inquiry | Denis Rancourt | Virtual Testimony

FDA flooded the market with illegal drugs (Sasha Latypova)

No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines CAUSE dementia. There is NFW that you can have a 1,000X increase in event reports if the COVID vaccine isn't causing this. The CDC simply "forgot" to warn people about it. (Steve Kirsch)

Professor Ian Brighthope Raises Concerns Over Vaccine-Related Injuries and Fatalities at Senate Committee Hearing. "Other serious issues are the coercion to vaccinate, lack of informed consent, the attacks on doctors and healthcare workers who spoke out, the very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths" | Aussie17

Revisiting "deaths of despair" from Covid lockdowns, four years later. Anne Case and Angus Deaton owe an apology to me and everyone in America (Toby Rogers)

Los biocombustibles probablemente aumentan las emisiones de CO2 | Climaterra

Comparación de riesgos de efectos adversos entre Embarazadas vacunadas Vs. no vacunadas | CYSN

(VIDEO) Tratado Pandémico y modificaciones al Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (01-02-2024) | Akasha Comunidad | (Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse)

Covid-19 : tous les vaccinés invités à porter plainte pour tromperie sur les codages génétiques injectés | Nexus

(VIDEO y TEXTO) Más vacunas a los calendarios de vacunación para niños, embarazadas y mayoría de adultos

Didier Raoult exige un moratoire sur la vaccination Covid et un retour au traitement des patients | FranceSoir

‘The UK Has a Problem’: Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Excess Death Data in Children. Notably, this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.” | The Vigilant Fox

Are There Viruses? Was There a Pandemic? Tell Me, Traitor! (Tessa Lena)

Prof.Angus Dalgleish: The COVID Booster Cancer Time Bomb. "Recently the American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the US this last year of over 2 million, with many of these cases occurring in younger patients." (Bill Rice jR)

Dr. Yeadon Explains For First Time How The Covid Tests Can't Detect Proteins Like WHO Purports! Pandemic THEORY Is Wrong & We Will PROVE IT! Pandemics Do NOT Exist. WHO recommended those tests - because they are so wise we need to pay them MORE $ for more great tests... Time to cut off the pseudo science cabal. What a racket!

(VIDEO) Vax Mass Homicide (Steve Kirsch - Denis Rancourt)

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “Pandemics are Not a Thing.” | The Expose | (webarchive)

Big Pharma Is Double-Dipping by Manufacturing Meds to “Cure” Injuries Caused by Their Own Covid “Vaccines” – Discern Report

Feb 15, 2024 Court Ordered Deadline For CDC to Release Millions of Texts from V-Safe COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring System. tick tock... what HORRORS will we learn? Many.

WEF Calls For Free Speech Concentration Camps To Jail 'First Amendment Terrorists'

The "NO LIABILITY" aspect of the unlicensed, novel vaccine developed in 100 days is in-your-face in the WHO's proposed treaty (Meryl Nass)

Un australiano dañado por una vacuna de Pfizer gana una demanda "histórica" contra su empresa. Daniel Shepherd, que contrajo pericarditis después de que su empresa le obligara a tomar la dosis de refuerzo contra COVID-19 de Pfizer, llevó su caso ante un tribunal laboral, que ordenó a la empresa de Shepherd el pago de prestaciones de indemnización por accidente laboral y el reembolso de los gastos médicos. | Children's Health Defense


No lab leak, they fcuked us good, they bullshitted us royally, this was no global pandemic; yes, something showed up across the globe, yes, cooked up in labs in Ukraine, Canada, China etc., but not leaked, was placed there; & what we had was individual epidemics that ended fast; the deaths we saw (some elderly high-risk died as would for colds, immunoscensce) was from medical treatment (Paul Alexander)

Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’. But this bogus number ramped up the Fear Factor and made Americans compliant ‘sheeple.’ I also think ‘early spread’ - if proven - would detonate the all-important ‘deadly virus’ narrative. | The Vigilant Fox


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