Last House On The Left 2009 Rape Scene

Last House On The Left 2009 Rape Scene


Last House On The Left 2009 Rape Scene
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The explicit portrayal of rape in Last House on the Left (2009) is repugnant and coarsening and wrong. Director Dennis Iliadis dwells on the act long past the moment in which we get the point; long past when we have been emotionally affected. The scene quickly becomes exploitation.

This poison goes down smooth because Last House is creepy, frightening, and well-executed, as horror movies go. The movie looks as good as any other mid- to big-budget Hollywood picture. The acting is above-average for this kind of thing, the villains are creepy (though made oddly sympathetic at times), and the updates to the original story make the plot far more believable than it was in the amateurish, junk-pile original from 1972 .
But rape isn’t something to portray for kicks. It’s a valid element for a plot, but it ought to be handled with care. Unlike other extremes in movies–we see murders all the time, for instance–rape is freighted with cultural and psychological impact that deserves special respect, for both the victims and for ourselves as civilized people. Portray rape once like this and someone will do it again, and again, and then again, and each time we’ll notice and care a little less. That coarsening effect goes beyond entertainment. Ultimately, it makes it harder for us to get along with each other in a civilized society.
The first reaction by many is that “there oughta be a law,” but laws and regulations about this sort of thing are blunt instruments that always reach further than we intend. That’s why we have to take these responsibilities on ourselves.
The makers of Last House either didn’t think or didn’t care about any of this (or pretended their horror remake was performing some service to “art”). Or maybe they just overreached, seeing dailies day after day and losing sight of the impact. Whatever the reason, no matter–they ought to be ashamed to the core.
So, what do do about this kind of thing? Should we urge some kind of statutory action anyway?
The price of free speech is that sometimes, people will abuse it, and the result will be to coarsen society and injure the emotions of others. But that’s the price we must pay if the other choice is the introduction of speech police, no matter how clear-cut the issue seems to be. Such rules are the slipperiest of slippery slopes. Of course, we’ve already started downhill, especially on university campuses, where speaking or even holding the wrong opinion can lead to expulsion or firing .
When filmmakers abuse their rights as they’ve done in Last House , they give a little more ammunition to those who would “protect” us (or the culture, or the country, or “the children,” or someone’s conveniently delicate sensibilities) from offensive or so-called “hate” speech. Never forget that there are a whole lot of folks who are anxious to use your offense as a way in–as the first stroke toward harnessing the coercive power of government to control what you can say about that government–plus entertainment, politics, and everything else.
Left and Right once stood together on this: We may have disagreed with what someone said but we would, as Voltaire said, defend til death their right to say it. Now both Right and Left make room for speech cops: Many conservatives make personal morality a public issue, and just as many liberals draft lists of so-called “hate crimes” and verboten ideas in order to punish thought as much as action.
So what’s worse about Last House on the Left , its callous depiction of rape or its incremental assistance to those who would limit free speech? Call it a toss-up.
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© The Film Stage, L.L.C. (2008-2022)
Sometimes I watch movies and simply think, what is wrong with people? How can these images possibly exist on film? Who thought of this, and what type of actor would agree to do this?
In honor of Vincenzo Natali ‘s (sometimes shocking) horror flick Splice hitting theaters this week let’s take a look at five of the most horrifying and shocking scenes that I have ever witnessed. Many are well-known, but if you haven’t seen them you might want to think twice before watching any of these.
WARNING: Graphic images and spoilers below, proceed at your own risk.
Cannibal Holocaust : The Turtle Scene
A scene so horrific it has to be seen to be believed. The turtle scene in Cannibal Holocaust will linger in your mind long after it is over. Banned in fifty countries, and name one of the most controversial movie of all time by EW, Ruggero Deadato’s Cannibal Holocaust is truly an exercise in depravity.
There really isn’t anything that isn’t considered depraved and horrific in Cannibal Holocaust. Featuring extremely realistic blood and violence as well as sexual violence on a scale that I’ve never seen and six real animal killings on screen, the entire movie is sure to leave even the strongest of us unsettled.
The one scene that can’t seem to leave my mind is the turtle killing. In this scene, a fairly large turtle is captured in the water and dragged on shore. We are then treated to an incredibly gruesome and completely real scene where we see the actors decapitate the turtle. It doesn’t stop there either, the actors than rip the limbs off the turtle and than remove its shell. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they tear the insides out of the turtle and than finally cook and eat it.
All of the animal killings in Cannibal Holocaust are pretty tough to get through but this is by far the worst.

Pink Flamingos : All of It
Let’s be honest, what part of Pink Flamingo’s isn’t absolutely depraved, twisted, abhorrent and just downright wrong? Many say John Waters ’ 1972 film was made simply to shock people. Waters simply wanted to see how far he can push people and how much he could shock them.
The film is notorious for the controversy it caused and was banned in several countries. Despite this, the film has gained a large cult following and has a large fan base. The film is essentially one shocking scene after another. By the end of the film you will be reaching down to pick your jaw up off the ground. You truly won’t believe that what you saw was actually filmed and that people actually participated in these acts.
Incest, rape, hermaphrodites, gay sex, killing of animals, bestiality etc. Nothing is off limits and nothing is censored. Every taboo is broken, nothing is held back, this movie is truly the most shocking set of images ever put on film.
Salo or 120 Days of Sodom: Eating Feces
Eating feces is just plain gross. It doesn’t matter in what context it’s shown. In Pink Flamingos it was disgusting but the character did it willingly and it was more for jokes than anything else. In Salo , this isn’t the case.
Salo , another film that is banned and always creates controversy when brought up, is a whole new exercise in dehumanization. The sex, torture and the violence is so depraved and dehumanizing it is almost impossible to think that anyone could have filmed this. The film is still forbidden in a large number of countries and it’s very hard to find a copy of it to watch.
The movie is absolutely revolting. People are peed on, forced to have sex with each other, mutilated, tortured and abused. The list goes on and the movie gets more and more shocking.
The single most disturbing scene in the movie though is the feces eating scene. It is something that is rarely seen in films which makes it that much harder to sit through and handle. It is gross, revolting and literally left me questioning what is wrong with humanity?
The Last House on The Left (2009) : Rape Scene
The original Last House on The Left is infamous in the film world. It created a lot of controversy when released and was widely banned. For its time (the 1970’s) it was one of the most brutal and shocking film. The film was remade in 2009 and although it didn’t cause as much uproar, it was still violent and disturbing. Personally, I like the 2009 version better than the original. There is one scene that got to me though in the remake. The rape scene really had me twisting in my seat. I’ve seen plenty of rape scenes in movies but for some reason this got under my skin. It wasn’t the most violent or graphic, but the way it was handled was incredibly damaging.
This scene didn’t shock me because of gore or violence seen in scenes above. What left me in shock and awe here was the twist ending.
The ending of the original Saw , is one of the most brilliant twists I’ve seen. From ‘I See Dead People’ to Aaron is Roy to the Tyler Durden twist and of course, everyone’s favorite, Keyser Soze, Saw ranks as one of the best.
In the final moments of the film, with sheer brilliance, the twist is revealed and I can promise you, if anyone claims they saw the twist coming, they lied. There is no way it could have been predicted. If you’ve seen the film you will know what I am talking about. As we come to the end, the classic score by Charlie Clouser kicks in and everything is revealed. The look of shock and horror on the main characters face evokes the exact same feeling in the audience. Smart, captivating, flawlessly executed and full of true suspense and terror, the ending will leave you in your seat for a long time after the credits roll.
There you have it, the top five and probably the only scenes that have ever really shocked me. If I could think of one runner up it would probably be the ending of Requiem for A Dream which was as harrowing as it was depressing. Nevertheless, the five scenes in this feature truly left me shocked.
What scenes have truly shocked you? Have you seen any of the films mentioned above?

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