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Confident selection of landscaping or park maintenance equipment for private- and professional user.

30 years ago, on 27th March 1992, our company Laski, s.r.o. was registered in the Companies Register in Brno. Laski factory have launched more than 17 thousands machines in order to improve environment in towns and cities worldwide. Our company Aiatäht OÜ congratulates! We have been happy to co-operate with the factory for a long time and to bring to the Estonian market / offer LASKI stump cutters, wood chippers, wood chippers, route cutters, etc. A technique that has proven itself and received good feedback from users. Laski devices are intended for demanding home users, but above all for service providers, landscapers, municipal companies, etc.

Stump removal is lately quite a topical issue . Whether to remove an old annoying stump from a lawn or preparing a home garden before installing a robotic lawnmower, etc. Thanks to our client Ramirent Eesti, who made this simple overview video tutorial on using a stump cutter. Rent yourself a bold "workman" stump cutter LASKI F 360. Fast work and a safe choice!

Cutting stumps above- and under-ground
Shredding plants and branches to small particles
Shredding twigs and wood to small particles
Collects leaves and grass by chopping them smaller
Trenching in soils for installation communications, electric cable, water pipes, etc.
Laski products are exported to 50 countries worldwide and have also gained Estonian customers approval. Laski products conform to all applicable environmental requirements, EU standards, regulations and directives.
Book your appointment at suitable service center in Tallinn, Saku or Tartu
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Shop: Aiatäht Saku Tehnika 7, Saku, Harjumaa 75501
Phone: (+372) 53 244 296 E-mail:
Shop: Tööriistakeskus Turu 45b, Tartu, Tartumaa 50106
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Finding aid created by: KM
Date: Dec 1988
English political scientist and socialist. Born in Manchester, Harold Joseph Laski
was educated at Manchester Grammar School and New College, Oxford, and lectured at
McGill University (1914-16), Harvard (1916-20), Amherst (1917) and Yale (1919-20,
1931). In 1920 he joined the staff of the London School of Economics, and in 1926
became Professor of Political Science. He was chairman of the Labour Party in 1945-46.
A brilliant speaker, as lecturer at the London School of Economics he had a great
influence over his students. His political philosophy was a modified Marxism. He had
a strong belief in individual freedom, but the downfall of the Labour government in
1931 forced him to feel that some revolution in Great Britain was necessary. His works
include Authority in the Modern State (1919), A Grammar of Politics (1925), Liberty in the Modern State (1930) and The American Presidency (1940).

[From Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997)
(c) Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd]

The Harold J. Laski Collection consists of Incoming correspondence , a few miscellaneous items of Memorabilia (two menus and a luncheon ticket), and Printed material (one book).

Correspondence is by far the largest segment of the collection. Among Laski's correspondents are
editors (Archibald Cary Coolidge, Herbert Croly, Wilbur Cross, C. P. Scott) and historians
(Carl Becker, Emile Cammaerts, Charles H. McIlwain) as well as jurists and legal scholars
(Hugo Black, Louis Brandeis, James Bryce, Benjamin Cardozo, Zechariah Chafee, Felix
Frankfurter, Manley Ottmer Hudson, Hermann Kantorowicz, Hans Kelsen, Christian Lange,
Roscoe Pound, Stanley Reed, Harlan F. Stone). Also included in the collection are
literary figures (Robert Bridges, E. M. Forster, Edmund Gosse, H. Rider Haggard, Thomas
Hardy, John Livingstone Lowes, Archibald MacLeish, Grace Norton, Siegfried Sassoon);
philosophers (Morris Cohen, John Dewey, Bertrand Russell); social reformers (Jane
Addams, Roger Baldwin, Upton Sinclair); and statesmen (Stanley Baldwin, Joseph Caillaux,
V. K. Wellington Koo, Harold Macmillan, Jan Masaryk).

Much of the correspondence (Roger Baldwin, Becker, Cardozo, Frankfurter) centers around
discussions of Laski's books, articles and other writings. After reading Laski's Introduction
to A Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants , Felix Frankfurter offers this criticism (30 Mar. 1924):

There is also considerable elaboration by many of the correspondents (Chafee, Cohen,
Mary Follett, Hall, Russell) concerning their own work and the progress of their social,
political, and legal thinking. Delivering a "plague" on both houses of extremism,
legal scholar Zechariah Chafee defends against Laski's charge of "intellectual disdain,"
while allowing that this attitude is not altogether "alien" to him:

And philosopher Morris Cohen writes (14 Sept. 1925) of the formulation of his beliefs
during the writing of Reason and Nature , a work which he describes as

With the majority of the correspondence generated during the 1920s and early '30s,
there are frequent observations about the world political climate in the interval
between the two wars. In a 1939 letter, Hugo Black laments:

The literary figures and journalists in the collection display a high regard for Laski's
writing skills and literary taste. Editor Herbert Croly expresses his satisfaction
with Laski's weekly book reviews in the New Republic , and Foreign Affairs editor Archibald Coolidge proposes that Laski write an article for the journal contrasting
Lenin with Mussolini. C. P. Scott of the Manchester Guardian offers his appreciation for Laski's rewriting of a portion of an article which had
been misplaced (9 July 1928):

Among the literary correspondence is an item from Siegfried Sassoon outlining his
plans for a poetry reading at Harvard:

Perhaps the most insightful evaluation of Harold Laski himself comes from Roscoe Pound,
Dean of the Law School of Harvard University (7 Nov. 1918):

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require
advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance
concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before
publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Addams, Jane, 1860-1935. Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945. Baldwin, Roger N. (Roger Nash), 1884-1981. Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, Earl, 1867-1947. Becker, Carl L. (Carl Lotus), 1873-1945. Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1886-1971. Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941. Bridges, Robert, 1844-1930. Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922. Caillaux, Joseph, 1863-1944. Cammaerts, Émile. Cardozo, Benjamin N. (Benjamin Nathan), 1870-1938. Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., 1885-1957. Cohen, Morris Raphael, 1880-1947. Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1866-1928. Cortot, Alfred, 1877-1962. Croly, Herbert David, 1869-1930. Dewey, John, 1859-1952. Follett, Mary Parker, 1868-1933. Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965. Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928. Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925. Hall, H. Duncan (Hessel Duncan), 1891- Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Hudson, Manley O. (Manley Ottmer), 1886-1960. Huysmans, Camille, 1871-1968. Kantorowicz, Hermann Ulrich, 1877-1940. Kelsen, Hans, 1881-1973. Koo, V. K. Wellington, 1888-1985. Lange, Christian L. (Christian Lous), 1869-1938. Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950. Leacock, Stephen, 1869-1944. Lowell, A. Lawrence (Abbott Lawrence), 1856-1943. Lowes, John Livingston, 1867-1945. MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982. Macmillan, Harold, 1894-1986. Masaryk, Jan, 1886-1948. McIlwain, Charles Howard, 1871-1968. Norton, Grace, 1834-1926. Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964. Reed, Stanley Forman, 1884-1980. Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970. Sassoon, Siegfried, 1886-1967. Scott, Charles Prestwich, 1846-1932. Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968. Stone, Harlan Fiske, 1872-1946. Thomas, Albert, 1878-1932.
Authors, American. Authors, English. Historians -- United States. Intellectual life -- 20th century. Intellectual life -- Books and reading. Law -- Political aspects. Lawyers. Political questions and judicial power. Political scientists -- United States. World politics -- 20th century.
Great Britain -- Intellectual life -- 20th century. United States -- Intellectual life -- 20th century.
Authors. Historians. Political scientists.
Preferred citation for this material is as follows:
Harold J. Laski Collection, Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Original collection, purchase, 1966.
Our Lady the Common Law: An Anglo-American Legal Community, 1870-1930 by Richard Cosgrove, gift of Richard Cosgrove , 1987.

Leonard Paris correspondence, gift of Judith Roth, 2002.
updated with Holmes letter; LCNAF updates (MRC)
Leonard Paris letters, added acqinfo (MRC)
Spanning 1918-1946, the Harold J. Laski Collection contains incoming letters, a few
miscellaneous items of memorabilia of the British political scientist and economist,
and a copy of a book in which Laski is mentioned.

Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Addams, Jane 1921
(1 letter)

Asquith, Margot undated
(1 letter)

Baldwin, Roger Nash undated
(1 letter)

Baldwin, Stanley 1925
(1 letter)

Becker, Carl undated
(1 letter)

Black, Hugo LaFayette 1939
(1 letter)

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz 1920, 1923
(2 letters)

Bridges, Robert Seymour undated
(1 letter)

Bryce, James Bryce 1920
(1 letter)

Caillaux, Joseph 1922
(1 letter)

Cammaerts, Emile 1928
(1 letter)

Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan 1928, 1930, 1933, 1936
(4 letters)

Chafee, Zechariah undated
(1 letter)

Cohen, Morris Raphael 1925
(1 letter)

Coolidge, Archibald Cary 1923
(2 letters)

Croly, Herbert David undated
(1 letter)

Cross, Wilbur Lucius 1924
(1 letter)

Follett, Mary Parker 1924
(1 letter)

Forster, Edward Morgan 1939
(1 postcard)

Frankfurter, Felix 1924, undated
(2 letters)

Gosse, Edmund 1924
(1 letter)

Haggard, Henry Rider 1921
(1 postcard)

Hall, Hessel Duncan 1921
(1 letter)

Hardy, Thomas 1926
(1 letter)

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1909 or 1919
(1 letter)

Hudson, Manley Ottmer 1918
(1 letter)

Huysmans, Camille 1944
(1 letter)

Kantorowicz, Hermann Ulrich 1924
(1 letter)

Kelsen, Hans 1929
(1 letter)

Koo, V. K. Wellington 1945
(1 letter)

Lange, Christian Lous 1928
(1 letter)

Leacock, Stephen undated
(1 letter)

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence 1927
(1 letter)

Lowes, John Livingstone 1927, 1928
(2 letters)

McIlwain, Charles Howard 1924
(1 letter)

MacLeish, Archibald 1939
(1 postcard)

Macmillan, Harold 1928
(1 letter)

Masaryk, Jan 1946
(1 letter)

Norton, Grace undated
(1 letter)

Paris, Leonard
- includes letter from donor, regarding the relationship between her father and Harold

Pound, Roscoe 1918
(1 letter)

Reed, Stanley Forman 1938
(1 letter)

Russell, Bertrand 1923
(1 letter)

Sassoon, Siegfried undated
(1 letter)

Scott, Charles Prestwich 1922, 1928
(2 letters)

Sinclair, Upton 1922
(1 letter)

Stone, Harlan Fiske 1941
(1 letter)

Thomas, Albert 1927, 1929
(2 letters)

Unidentified 1924, 1940
(2 letters)

Book: Cosgrove, Richard A. Our Lady the Common Law: an Anglo-American Legal Community, 1870-1930
- contains chapter about Laski

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Jump up to: a b c Deane, Herbert A. (2008). "Laski, Harold J." . International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences . Thomson Gale . Retrieved 4 May 2019 .

^ Lamb, Peter (2014). "Laski's Political Philosophy Today: Socialism for an Individualist Age" (PDF) . Retrieved 4 May 2019 .

^ Bill Jones (1977). The Russia Complex: The British Labour Party and the Soviet Union . Manchester University Press. p. 16. ISBN 9780719006968 .

^ Kenneth R. Hoover (2003). Economics As Ideology: Keynes, Laski, Hayek, and the Creation of Contemporary Politics . Rowman & Littlefield. p. 164. ISBN 9780742531130 .

^ Michael R. Gordon (1969). Conflict and Consensus in Labour's Foreign Policy, 1914–1965 . Stanford UP. p. 157. ISBN 9780804706865 .

^ Jump up to: a b Yosef Gorni, "The Jewishness and Zionism of Harold Laski," Midstream (1977) 23#9 pp 72–77.

^ UK, Naturalisation Certificates and Declarations, 1870–1916

^ 1871 England Census

^ Obituary: Anthony Blond ,, 1 March 2008

^ Jump up to: a b c Lamb, Peter (April 1999). "Harold Laski (1893–1950): Political Theorist of a World in Crisis". Review of International Studies . 25 (2): 329–342. doi : 10.1017/s0260210599003290 . JSTOR 20097600 .

^ Kramnick and Sheerman 1993, pp. 66–68.

^ "NSSR :: About Us :: Message from the Dean" . . Archived from the original on 26 September 2009 . Retrieved 14 January 2022 .

"About" . New School . Retrieved 16 February 2020 .

^ M. de Wolfe, ed., Holmes–Laski letters: the correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Harold J. Laski (2 vols. 1953)

^ Jump up to: a b c Schlesinger, 1993

^ Jump up to: a b c Mortimer, Molly (September 1993). "Harold Laski: A Political Biography. – book reviews" . Contemporary Review .

^ Martin Jay The Dialectical Imagination , Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972, p.30, 115

^ Franz Neumann Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933–1944 , Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2009, p. ix–x

^ Martin, Kingsley (1968). Editor: a second volume of autobiography, 1931–45 . Hutchinson. p. 94. ISBN 9780090860401 . Retrieved 22 April 2012 .

^ Newman, Michael (2002). Ralph Miliband and the politics of the New Left . Merlin Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-85036-513-9 . Retrieved 22 April 2012 .

^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Newman, Michael. "Laski, Harold Joseph (1893–1950)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004) online edn, Jan 2011 accessed 11 June 2013 doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/34412

^ Laski, The State in Theory and Practice (Transaction Publishers, 2009) p. 242

^ Jump up to: a b c Schlesinger, Jr, Arthur. "Harold Laski: A Life on the Left" . The Washington Monthly . Retrieved 16 January 2010 .

^ Angus Calder, The People's War: Britain, 1939–1945 (Panther Books, 1969) p. 733.

^ O'Connell, Jeffrey ; O'Connell, Thomas E. (1996). "The Rise and Fall (and Ri
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